分析下面这个句子的各个成分 请详细一点.A would-be world which is armed to the teeth considers 'detente'as a means to expend its own influence

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:43:18

分析下面这个句子的各个成分 请详细一点.A would-be world which is armed to the teeth considers 'detente'as a means to expend its own influence
分析下面这个句子的各个成分 请详细一点.
A would-be world which is armed to the teeth considers 'detente'as a means to expend its own influence

分析下面这个句子的各个成分 请详细一点.A would-be world which is armed to the teeth considers 'detente'as a means to expend its own influence
A would-be world(主) which is armed to the teeth(定从) considers(谓) 'detente'(宾)as a means to expend its own influence(as的后面开始整个是宾补,其中to do的不定式做后置定语).

分析下面这个句子的各个成分 请详细一点.A would-be world which is armed to the teeth considers 'detente'as a means to expend its own influence The house the windows of which were damaged has now been repaired 这个句子应该怎么理解?请给出句子各个成分的分析与句子的翻译, I believe that the world is what you think it iswhat引导的是从句吗?我不明白这个句子的各个成分,请帮忙分析, 语法 请分析下下面句子中括号中的在句子中所作的成分 请帮忙分析一下句子的成分:she awoke to find herself locked in a room.尽量详细一点,特别是to find 后面的. She is a good student from who we should learn.请翻译一下这句话 还有请分析下句子的成分 详细一点的 谢谢哈 关于高中英语句子成分的问题能不能举几个长难句详细分析一下各个成分.还有,老师上课记下的词组都在句子中充当什么成分? 分析一下这个句子的各个成分.Did you ask Pan who would go to Beijing to attend the conference? 求大神分析这个句子的成分. 请大家帮我分析下这个句子,句子中的各个对应成分~A team that thinks it’s going to lose is going to lose. 英语语法,求详细分析这个句子的成分,指出语法结构, 分析一下这个句子请把我分析一下这个句子的成分,there was a slight trembling sound from below. 求高手分析这个句子的各个成分:you are what you say you are.到底what在这里做什么成分? 一个基础英语语法问题Uncertain about how to fix them,she stopped to think carefully.一句中为何不能在句首加上Being,请说出具体原因,最好再帮我分析一下这个句子的各个成分, 请帮我详细的分析分析,越细越好,我这个题直接一点都不会, I want you to tell me the truth.请分析这个句子的语法成分. It is just as you said .请大侠帮我分析下这个句子的成分.因为牵扯到几个语法成分,已经把我搞晕了,所以希望说的详细些.尤其是as, 求分析这个句子的成分 划横线那个句子