
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:33:13


As per our telecom this morning, we think that business condition this year have a greater change comparing with last year. And goods gross value have increased from 10 m last year to 20 m this year, however, the freight have decreased from ¥6K last year to ¥5K this year. What’s the reason for this? In our opinion, the current gross value and freight is not matching the risk, is against our company’s regulation if other condition is the same. So we’re afraid that would not renewal the contract this year. pls understand.

According to this morning's tele-comunications,we see the great differences between these two years,that is , the total prices of thegoods increased from 10 million last year,to 20 million this year,w...


According to this morning's tele-comunications,we see the great differences between these two years,that is , the total prices of thegoods increased from 10 million last year,to 20 million this year,while the freight charges decreased from 6000 to 5000yuan .
Although we don't know the reason, based on the total prices and freight charges ,ceteris paribus,we think thee risks are not acceptable, it doesn't conform to our rules. So we are afraid that we can;t continue the contract with you


According to the telephone in the morning, we think that the condition of this business has changed a great deal comparing to that of last year, in which the total price of the goods has amount to 20 ...


According to the telephone in the morning, we think that the condition of this business has changed a great deal comparing to that of last year, in which the total price of the goods has amount to 20 million from last year’s 10 million, but the transfer fee has dropped from last year’s 6000 to 5000 this year. What is the reason of this change? If other conditions remain the same, considering the current price and fee, we don’t think the risk is match, and it is not allowed by our company’s policy. Therefore, we are afraid we couldn’t renew the contract this year. We hope you understand.


According to the morning of telephone communication, we believe that the business conditions this year compared with last year's change is too large, in which the goods total from last year's 10 milli...


According to the morning of telephone communication, we believe that the business conditions this year compared with last year's change is too large, in which the goods total from last year's 10 million to 20 million this year, while the rate has dropped from 6,000 last year, dropped to 5,000 thousand dollars. Do not know What is the reason for the change? If other conditions remain unchanged, while the current total price and cost point of view, we believe that the risks do not match, it is not in line with our company policy, so this year we probably no way to renew the contract. Want to understand your company.


英语翻译根据上午电话沟通,我们认为该业务今年条件较去年变化过大,其中,货物总价从去年的1000万提高到今年的2000万,而运费却由去年的6000千元降到5000元.不知道变化的原因是什么?如果其他 英语翻译如刚才电话沟通,我公司同意以去年该业务的合同条件继续参与该笔业务,参与比例仍为100%.附件是去年该笔业务的合同供您参考,请帮忙依此修改今年的合同后发给我,我司将尽快确认. 英语翻译如昨天我们电话沟通,我们公司还是需要贵司确认该产品截止到目前为止无损失. 一段汉译英请高手帮忙(翻译机免)根据刚才电话沟通,针对提述业务的货款问题,由于中国财务监管规定,两笔款项不能抵消处理,因此我司无法将贵司汇入的款项从银行收回,该笔汇款已经被 英语翻译邮件内容是:邮件收悉,非常感谢您的邀请.针对该业务,经与我们后台部门沟通,我们自己可以留下15%的比例,其余85%的比例仍然回分(返回)给你们.我们还需要XXX等文件,请尽快提供. 我们一直要求该部门密切与你方联系、沟通,希望尽快有结果 英语翻译 英语翻译:我们有国内业务和国外业务 我们该如何与父母沟通? 什么是IP电话业务? 英语翻译,今天早上我和客户电话沟通,客户说报价单是由你们发给他的,并不是我们发,请问这消息正确吗 英语翻译十分愉快刚刚与你的电话沟通,我们非常希望能够参与明年的竞标,还请麻烦告知HP总部的联系人或联系方式, 建议我们应该和父母沟通.英语翻译 金融英语翻译(续)在中国银行实习 参与推广住房按揭贷款业务,协助沟通 英语翻译职位类型:全职1.英语六级,口语,笔译佳.2.工作积极,吃苦耐劳,容易沟通.待遇:月底薪电话议(或者面议),百分之五业务提成.3.可提供食宿.工作时间晚上,主要用MSN,E-mail,电话和国外客 英语翻译本周五上午十点,我们香港的人事XXX会通过电话给大家开一个会议,会议内容是:XXXX.请大家按时到达. 我们公司的业务都参加广交会了,如果老外来电话怎么说 英语翻译非常抱歉给您的回复晚了.经过我们核实,该业务我们已经在09年5月将正式合同寄往贵司,但一直没有收到贵司返回给我们签字确认的合同.根据我司财务管理要求,还请贵司先将签字的 如何与老外电话沟通