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[ 标签:芭比,所有动画片,名字 ]

回答:2 人气:7 解决时间:2008-10-02 20:33























芭比的处女作《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》 (Barbie in the Nutcracker) 《芭比之长发公主》 (Barbie as Rapunzel)

《芭比之天鹅湖》(Barbie of Swan Lake)

《芭比之奇幻日记》 (Barbie the diaries)

《芭比之真假公主》 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper) 《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》 (Barbie In the 12 Dancing princesses) 《芭比之魔幻飞马之旅》 (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)

《芭比之梦幻仙境-彩虹仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia)

《芭比之梦幻仙境2--人鱼仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia--Mermaidia)

《芭比之梦幻仙境3--魔法彩虹》 (Barbie FairyTopia --Magic of the Rainbow) 《芭比之森林公主》(Barbie as the Island princess)

*《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(Barbie Mariposa

芭比之圣诞颂歌(Barbie In A Christmas Carol)

芭比之拇指姑娘(Barbie Thumbelina)

芭比之睡美人(Barbie As The Sleeping Beauty)

《芭比梦幻仙境—穿越时空》(Barbie Fairytopia: Magical Twist of Time) 詳細http://baike.baidu.com/view/6817.htm


芭比娃娃简介 芭比娃娃其实没有分类,但她有朋友家人:芭比娃娃有五个妹妹,SkipperÒ(思奇 帕)1964 年出现 ,Tutti(图迪)双胞胎姐妹出现在 1966 年, Stacie(思坦茜)在 1992 年, Kelly(凯莉)在 1995 年以及 Krissy(克莱丝)在 1999 年。 1961 芭比的男朋友肯(Ken)在芭比面世的两年后出现,即年 1967 年第一个加入芭比家族的名人是时装模特 Twiggy (特姬)。 1991 年加入的是 M. C. Hammer doll (麦.思.哈玛 娃娃)。芭比娃娃最好的朋友 MidgeÒ(米楚)在 1963 年出现,1988 年出现了加利福尼亚的 MidgeÒ(米 楚)。 1999 年是第一年芭比娃娃的家庭成员“Kelly”(凯莉)加入毛绒玩具种类引入”Cuddly SoftTM Kelly” (抱抱凯莉)。如果你是问芭比娃娃的样子的分类,就有很多种了, 如果按珍藏标签来分,就有粉标签,银标签,金标签,白金标签,但你若是说衣服的样子,就更 多了 ,例:Happy Holidays Barbie,复刻版 三十五周年庆芭比,皇家女王系列,城市季节系列,土 著精灵系列等.你可以去 {http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%B0%C5%B1%C8%CD%DE%CD%DE&frs=yqtb 了解.} 芭比的男友: 芭比的朋友: Ken Midge、 Christie、 Stacy、 Jamie 、 Tracy、 Whitney、 芭比的宠物: 马、猫、矮种马、狗 、 Miko、Steven、Teresa、Tara Lynn…… 小北极熊 芭比家族:1964 年 妹妹--Skipper 1966-76 表亲--Francie 1966-71 双 胞弟妹--Tutti & Todd 1989 年 表妹--Jazzie 1992 年 小妹妹--Stacie 1995 年 小小妹妹--Kelly Barbie's boyfriend: Ken Barbie's friends: Midge, Christie, Stacy, Jamie, Tracy, Whitney, Miko, Steven, Teresa, Tara Lynn ... ... Barbie's pets: horses, cats, ponies, dogs, little polar bear Barbie family: In 1964 his sister - Skipper 1966-76 cousin - Francie 1966-71 twin siblings - Tutti & Todd 1989 年 cousin - Jazzie 1992 年 sister - Stacie 1995 首部电影 in Small little sister - Kelly 《Barbie in the Nutcracker;芭比与胡桃夹子梦幻之旅》2001<


004 年)《芭比彩虹仙子之人鱼公主》 ; (2006 年) Barbie FairyTopia;芭比梦幻仙境之人鱼公主】 ; 《芭比彩虹仙子之魔法彩虹》 (2007 年) 【芭比之魔法彩虹】 《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》 (2008 年) 《芭比之花仙子》 (2009 年) 《芭比之仙子 的秘密》 (2011 年) 现代系列 《芭比之奇幻日记》 (2006 年) 《芭比之时尚奇迹》 (2010 年) 节日系列 《Barbie in A Christmas Carol ;芭比之圣诞颂歌》 (2008 年) 《芭比之完美圣诞 节》 (2011 年) 1 Barbie has 80 kinds of business - from rock stars to archaeologists, the presidential candidate. (2) Barbie doll's first career was as a young fashion models. 3.1964 years, Barbie dolls into the university. 4 Uniform Barbie appeared in 1992, she was recruited into Operation Desert Storm trainee Sgt. 5.1975-year Olympic athlete Barbie debut, she participated in the 2000 Olympic swimming competition. 6.80 years there has been head of government of the Barbie doll, she attended a memorial meeting of the US-Soviet Cold War. 7.1992 Barbie presidential candidate, standing on the podium for the women, higher education and animal rights campaign. 8 Barbie image of the armed forces, Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, the Pentagon has been affirmed, thereby maximizing the authenticity of the clothing. 9 Astronaut Barbie in 1965, 1986 and 1994. 10.1997 years, Smile?, Becky? Is Mattel (Matt children) the first time the image of dolls in wheelchairs. 1.芭比娃娃拥有 80 多种事业——从摇滚歌星到考古学家、到总统候选人。 2.芭比娃娃的第一项事业就是作为少年服装的模特。 3.1964 年芭比娃娃入大学。 4.军装芭比娃娃在 1992 年出现,她是应征加入沙漠风暴行动的见习军士。 5.1975 年奥林匹克运动员芭比首次亮相,她参加了 2000 年奥运会游泳比赛。 6.80 年代出现了政府首脑的芭比娃娃,她出席了纪念苏美冷战结束的会议。 7.1992 年总统候选人芭比,站在讲台上,为妇女、高等教育以及动物权利而竞选。 8.芭比系列军队形象,陆军、空军、海军及海军陆战队,得到了五角大楼的肯定,从而最大 限度加强了服饰的真实性。 9.芭比宇航员出现在 1965 年、1986 年和 1994 年。 10.1997 年, Smile?、Becky?是 Mattel(麦特儿)公司首次以轮椅形象出现的洋娃娃。 11 Barbie sports collection series, including clothing and sports-related series of dolls by Mattel (Matt children) launched in 1998, a move to the girls every day to meet the desire for movement. This is a global village ... ... 12 Barbie dolls in 1961 went to Europe. . 13 dolls in the world Collection, Italian representative of the first Barbie doll is a nationality. 14 Mother Teresa convent doll girl in Mexico in 1994 to celebrate the festival. 15 Barbie dolls more than 150 countries throughout the world market. . 16 Since 1959, whole

sale of Barbie dolls and their combined number of family members than the number of laps around the earth 7 even more. 17 Barbie dolls every two seconds somewhere in the world sold. 18 recent nationality Barbie doll is a Spaniard, available in 2000, she wore clothes shining ancient matador. 19 Barbie has 45 different nationality status. 20 The first black Barbie in 1980, Spain. 11.芭比运动收藏系列, 包括服装系列和与运动相关的洋娃娃, Mattel(麦特儿)公司在 1998 由 年推出,此举是给女孩子们每天都能满足对运动的渴望。 这是地球村的…… 12.芭比娃娃在 1961 年去到欧洲。. 13.在世界洋娃娃收藏集中,意大利籍是芭比娃娃代表的第一个国籍。 14.特蕾莎修道院的修女洋娃娃出现在 1994 年墨西哥少女节的庆祝上。 15.芭比娃娃遍及了全世界 150 多个国家的市场。. 16.自 1959 年以来,出售整套芭比娃娃及其家庭成员的数量加起来,比绕地球 7 圈的数量还 要多。 17.每一秒钟就有两个芭比娃娃在世界的某个地方售出。 18.最近一个国籍的芭比娃娃是西班牙籍,2000 年面世,她穿着闪闪古代斗牛士服。 19.芭比娃娃有 45 个不同国籍的身份。 20.第一个黑人西班牙芭比出现在 1980 年。 21 Goodwill Ambassador in 1990, Barbie commemorating overthrow of the Berlin Wall. Barbie lives in a family ... ... 22 Barbie has more than 43 kinds of pets, 21 dogs, 12 horses, 3 ponies, 6 cats, a parrot, a small chimpanzee, a panda, a lion, a giraffe and a zebra. 23 in previous sales, the best-selling Barbie doll is the Barbie hair, her hair has been long from head to toe. Barbie's full name is "Barbie.Millicent.Roberts" (Barbie? Millicent? Robert), born in Wisconsin Willows (Weilao Si) City, and attended Willows (Weilao Si) secondary schools. 24 Barbie has five sisters, Skipperò (Siqi Pa) appeared in 1964, Tutti (Figure Di) twin sisters in 1966, Stacie (Sitan Xi) in 1992, Kelly (Kelly) in 1995 and Krissy (Kelai Si) in 1999. . 25 Barbie's boyfriend Ken (Ken) available in the two years after Barbie, that is 1961. 26.Kenò (Ken) is the name of the Mattel (Matt children) founder Ruth (Ruth) and Elliot Handler (Iliad? Chinese Chandler) is named after a son was born. . 27.1967 in the first celebrity to join the Barbie family was fashion model Twiggy (especially JI). Joined in 1991, is the MC Hammer doll (wheat. Thinking. Hammamet doll). 28 Barbie's first pet was a called "dancers" horse. . 29 Barbie's best friend Midgeò (m Chu) appeared in 1963, appeared in 1988, California Midgeò (m Chu). 30 The customer can now use computers and the Internet through the "My Design" (1998 listing) to customize their friend Barbie. Website is www.Barbie.com. 21.友好大使芭比出现在 1990 年纪念推翻柏林墙。 生活中的芭比一族…… 22.芭比娃娃有超过 43 种宠物,21 只狗、12 匹马、3 匹矮种马、6 只猫、一只鹦鹉、一只小 黑猩猩、

一只熊猫、一只小狮子、一头长颈鹿和一头斑马。 23.在以往的销售中,销量最好的芭比娃娃是长发芭比,她的头发从头顶一直长到脚趾。芭 比娃娃的全称是”Barbie.Millicent.Roberts “(芭比?米利森特?罗伯特) ,出生在威斯康星州 的 Willows(威劳斯)市,并就读 Willows(威劳斯)中学。 24.芭比娃娃有五个妹妹, Skipperò (思奇帕)1964 年出现, Tutti(图迪)双胞胎姐妹出现在 1966 年,Stacie(思坦茜)在 1992 年,Kelly(凯莉)在 1995 年以及 Krissy(克莱丝)在 1999 年。. 25.芭比的男朋友肯(Ken)在芭比面世的两年后出现,即 1961 年。 26.Kenò(肯)的名字是在 Mattel(麦特儿)公司创始人 Ruth(鲁思)和 Elliot Handler(伊利亚特? 汉得勒)的儿子出生之后命名的。. 27.1967 年第一个加入芭比家族的名人是时装模特 Twiggy (特姬)。1991 年加入的是 M. C. Hammer doll (麦.思.哈玛 娃娃)。 28.芭比娃娃的第一个宠物是一匹名叫“舞者”的马。. 29.芭比娃娃最好的朋友 Midgeò(米楚)在 1963 年出现,1988 年出现了加利福尼亚的 Midge ò(米楚)。 30.顾客现在可以使用电脑和互联网通过“我的设计”(1998 年上市)来定制他们的朋友芭比 娃娃。网址是 www.Barbie.com. 31.1999 Barbie was the first year of family members "Kelly" (Kelly) by adding plush toy type introduce "Cuddly SoftTM Kelly" (hug Kelly). 32 most popular collections in the United States, the toy collection second only to stamp, in second place, - young and old Barbie doll in the world which are able to collection. 33 Barbie is a quick Polaroid camera, which allows girls to play out the postage stamp-sized instant pasting pictures. Barbie clothing review - but Barbie is a dazzling historical 32 Since 1959, Barbie and friends for the production of clothing close to 10 million units. 33 Barbie dolls for the production of apparel fabrics and their friends more than 100 million 5 one million, making Mattel (Matt children) the company has become the world's largest manufacturer of garment. . 34 Barbie dolls over one billion pairs of shoes, her wardrobe each year more than 100 pieces of clothes. . 35 Barbie dolls of the color is Barbie pink. 36.1996 years during the holiday season, Barbie doll, "Barbie Fashion Designer" CD is the best-selling software. 37 Barbie clothing collection includes the Givenchy, Versace, Dolce & Gabana, Vera Wang and Gucci designer clothes. 38 Barbie has the most popular children's woven wear, shorts pants, backpacks, pajamas and accessories. Grand debut 39 Barbie 1959 times appeared, dressed in black and white striped swimsuit prevalent at the time, wearing a ponytail. 40 Barbie is the founder Ruth Handler (Lusi Han Adler), Mattel (Matt children) one of the founders, she was in her daughter's name Barbara (Barbara) named this doll. 31.1999 年是第一年芭比娃娃的家庭成员“Kelly”(凯莉)加入毛绒玩具种类引入”Cud

dly SoftTM Kelly” (抱抱凯莉)。 32.在美国最受欢迎的收藏品中,玩具收藏仅次于邮票,处于第二位,——芭比娃娃在全世 界的男女老幼当中都得以收藏。 33.宝丽来芭比是一种快速照相机,它可以让女孩子们即时玩出邮票大小的粘贴图片。 芭比服装回顾--但芭比的历史是耀眼的 32.自 1959 年以来,为芭比及其朋友生产的服装接近 10 亿套。 33.用于生产芭比娃娃及其朋友的服装的布料超过 1 亿 5 百万匹, 使得 Mattel(麦特儿)公司成 为了世界上最大的服装生产厂之一。. 34.芭比娃娃的鞋子超过 10 亿双,她的衣柜每年增加 100 多件新装。. 35.芭比娃娃的代表色是芭比粉红色。 36.1996 年节假日期间,芭比娃娃的“芭比时装设计师”光盘是销量最好的软件。 37.芭比娃娃的服装收藏包括有由 Givenchy, Versace, Dolce & Gabana, Vera Wang and Gucci 设计的服装。 38.芭比童装有最流行的编织装、短装裤、背包、睡衣和装饰品。 初次亮相的盛况 39.芭比娃娃 1959 年初次亮相,穿着当时流行的黑白条纹泳装,扎着马尾辫。 40.芭比娃娃的创始人是 Ruth Handler (鲁思·汉得勒),Mattel(麦特儿)的创办人之一,她以 她女儿的名字 Barbara(芭芭拉)命名此娃娃。 41 The first Barbie doll sold for $ 3. 42 In 1959, her first time this year, 351,000 Barbie dolls were sold. . 43.1959 years of Barbie doll prototype price up to $ 10,000. At this moment ... ... 44 Barbie dolls of the annual production value of 1.5 billion. 45 In 2000, the first time Barbie exposed belly mounted. 46.1999, the Barbie doll for the first time to walk independently; in 2000, her first time skating. 47.1999 year is the 40th anniversary of Barbie, the world's most popular doll in celebration. 48 Barbie made a CD of software for 1996-1999 best-selling children's theme. 49 The latest development of the Barbie software for girls is "Barbie Magic Genie Bottle and CD Rom" (Barbie Magic genes bottles and CD-ROM) for girls play 3D interactive adventure game. . 50.1999, Barbie to "e-secret" (E-era secret) into the electronic world industry. "Barbie's mother" is 鲁思汉德勒.鲁思汉德勒 manufacturing plastic dolls from the idea of her daughter. One day, Ruth saw her daughter playing with a doll made of paper, I think of the manufacture of plastic dolls to the children play. Her with her baby daughter's name to the name "Barbie." 11 inches tall Barbie doll in the United States was born. Barbie clothes are very fashionable. Soon, Barbie has become the most perfect girl in mind the idol. 1961, Barbie had a friend willing. Barbie's many friends from different countries. Christie was Barbie's first black friend, was born in 1968. Another Scottish Barbie, Eskimo Barbie, Japanese Barbie and more. Barbie There are many pets. Barbie now has 44 years of history. It is like Barbie dolls, Barbie dolls are sold around the world h























芭比的处女作《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》 (Barbie in the Nutcracker) 《芭比之长发公主》 (Barbie as Rapunzel)

《芭比之天鹅湖》(Barbie of Swan Lake)

《芭比之奇幻日记》 (Barbie the diaries)

《芭比之真假公主》 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)

《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》 (Barbie In the 12 Dancing princesses) 《芭比之魔幻飞马之旅》 (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)

《芭比之梦幻仙境-彩虹仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia)

《芭比之梦幻仙境2--人鱼仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia--Mermaidia) 《芭比之梦幻仙境3--魔法彩虹》 (Barbie FairyTopia --Magic of the Rainbow)

《芭比之森林公主》(Barbie as the Island princess)

*《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(Barbie Mariposa

芭比之圣诞颂歌(Barbie In A Christmas Carol)

芭比之拇指姑娘(Barbie Thumbelina)

芭比之睡美人(Barbie As The Sleeping Beauty)

《芭比梦幻仙境—穿越时空》(Barbie Fairytopia: Magical Twist of Time)



童话系列: 《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》(2001年) 《芭比之长发公主》(2002年) 《芭比之天鹅湖》(2003年) 《芭比之真假公主》(2004年) 《芭比与魔幻飞马之旅》(2005年) 《芭比之十二芭蕾舞公主》(2006年) 《芭比之森林公主》(2007年) 《芭比之钻石城堡》(2008年) 《芭比公主三剑客》(2009年) 仙子系列: 《芭比之彩虹仙子》(2005年) 《芭比之彩虹仙子2--人鱼公主》(2006年) 《芭比之彩虹仙子3--魔法彩虹》(2007年) 《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(2008年) 现代系列: 《芭比之奇幻日记》(2006年) 《芭比之花仙子》(2009年) 《芭比之美人鱼历险记》(2010年) 《芭比之时尚童话》 (2010年) 《芭比之仙子的秘密》(2010)未上映 假日系列: 《芭比之圣诞欢歌》(2008年)
