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篇一:美国医药级Doctor's Best

美国医药级Doctor's Best 辅酶Q10超强吸收型100mg120粒


美国Doctor's Best 辅酶Q10超强吸收型100mg120粒

Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10

产 地:美国

产品规格:100mg120粒 (双重密封包装)

?Science-Based Nutrition科学为基础的营养

?Dietary Supplement膳食补充剂

?Supports Heart Function, Energy Production in Cells支持心脏功能,在细胞中产生能量

?With Bioperine USP/JP遵循Bioperine美国药典/日本

?Fermented Japanese CoQ10日本辅酶Q10发酵

?USP Pharmaceutical Grade. Fermented美国药典医药级发酵

?Not Suitable for Vegetarians不适合素食者

High Absorption CoQ10 contains pure, vegetarian coenzyme Q10, plus Bioperine and vitamin E, in an olive oil base. CoQ10 is a nutrient that supports heart function and promotes energy production in cells. Bioperine, an herbal extract derived from black pepper fruit, promotes absorption of nutrients in the GI tract. Preliminary studies have shown that Bioperine increases CoQ10 absorption. Vitamin E is added to ensure freshness and stability.

高吸收辅酶Q10包含纯素食辅酶Q10,加上Bioperine和以橄榄油基维生素E。辅酶Q10是一种支持心脏功能,促进细胞产生能量的营养。 Bioperine是来自黑胡椒果草药提取物,促进胃肠道中的营养物质的吸收。初步研究显示,Bioperine提高辅酶Q10的吸收。维生素E是补充,以确保新鲜度和稳定性。

【Suggested Use建议使用】

As a dietary supplement, take 1 softgel daily with food.


Other Ingredients其它成份

Olive oil (non-GMO), beeswax, lecithin, softgel capsule (gelatin, glycerin, purified water, annatto [natural plant-source coloring agent used as a light barrier]).


The black pepper fruit extract used in this product is Bioperine a patented standardized extract

containing 95% piperine from Sabinsa Corp.

产品使用黑胡椒果实提取物本就是胡椒碱公司从Sabinsa Bioperine专利标准化提取物含有95%

Contains nothing other than listed ingredients.







高吸收辅酶Q10包含纯,素食辅酶Q10,加上黑胡椒提取物。辅酶Q10是一种营养支持心脏功能,促进细胞能量的生产。 草药提取物来自黑胡椒果,促进胃肠道中的营养物质的吸收。初步研究显示,黑胡椒提取物提高辅酶Q10的吸收。


护心辅酶Co-Enzyme Q-10简称为CoQ10,是现在被列为健康食品行列中,最珍贵的心脏保健产品,盛行于欧美和日本等地,被誉为保护心脏的灵丹妙药,是日本医学界最广为使用的心脏保养剂。CoQ10可预防及控制心肌梗塞,心肌衰竭,心绞痛,心跳异常,因为其显著的保护心脏的作用,在许多国家CoQ10被列为药品而非食品。

Co Q10是存在于人体内的辅酶成分,最主要集中在心肌细胞,负责制造能量的粒腺体中。CoQ10可以帮助心肌细胞产生能量(ATP),显著提升心肌的带氧量,对心衰竭的病情有很好的改善效果,幷且可以延长心肌寿命。CoQ10也是一个抗氧化剂,可以抵制血液中自由基与低密度脂蛋白(LDL,是引起心肌梗塞及脑中风的元凶)的副作用, 预防动脉硬化。CoQ10还具有降血压的作用。



辅酶Q10不但内服可以起到抗衰老的作用,如果作为护肤品外用,也可以起到同样的作用。它从外部向肌肤输送能源,让每一个细胞都饱含能量,把日渐衰弱的细胞一个个激活起来,让每一个细胞饱满充盈,能将肌肤定格在青春红颜,维持肌肤年轻状态, 减缓细纹等老化现象对肌肤造成伤害, 研究指出:辅酶Q10卓越的抗氧化作用,在于抑制产生皱纹的活性氧的活性,促进肌肤细胞的新陈代谢,改善肌肤干燥粗糙的状态。因此在国外化妆品界备受瞩目,受到大多数女性的欢迎。











辅酶Q10 是人体自行合成的营养素。其合成量会在我们年届20岁之后便持续降减。到了50岁时,我们体内的辅酶Q10数量会比20岁时减少50%,年届70岁时则减少60%!人体的辅酶Q10产量会因为以下种种不利因素而进一步衰减:

——精神压力 - 身体在承受精神压力下,会消耗更多的辅酶Q10。

——环境污染和毒素侵害 - 导致辅酶Q10的消耗速度加快。

——精神压力 - 身体在承受精神压力下,会消耗更多的辅酶Q10。

——环境污染和毒素侵害 - 导致辅酶Q10的消耗速度加快。

——吸烟 - 即使是二手烟也会造成体内的辅酶Q10快速耗尽。

——运动 – 常做运动能使身体保持良好状况,但同时身体也会产生自由基。所以我们的身体需要抗氧化剂如辅酶Q10,来抑制自由基的侵害。













辅酶Q10 是一种强效的抗氧化剂,能抗防LDL“不良”胆固醇的氧化,使人体内的胆固醇保持于健康水平。LDL 的氧化会造成不良胆固醇更易粘附在血管壁,导致血管阻塞。这就是为何没有高胆固醇的人士也会出现血管阻塞之故。辅酶Q10的抗氧化作用比维他命E更胜一筹。更妙的是,辅酶Q10还能为体内“用过的”维他命E再充电,好让维他命E恢复十足劲力。维他命E与辅酶Q10能结合一股超强防护力量,预防心血管疾病。




辅酶Q10 能增强人体免疫细胞,使它们更有活力,更能抵抗疾病之侵。免疫细胞一旦获得更多能量,就能更强力地保护人体及清除微生物,毒素和致病的突变细胞。辅酶Q10 也能增加免疫细胞数量,为人体提供更周全保护。


氧化所带来的破坏力是导致皮肤老化迹象的罪魁祸首,也是引发种种皮肤炎(包括皮肤发疹和湿疹)的祸根。自由基侵袭皮肤内的胶原蛋白和弹性纤维,造成皮肤失去弹性,随之变得松弛及出现皱纹。自由基也导致肌肤出现色素斑和色泽不均匀。辅酶Q10 是一种强效抗氧化剂,能抑制自由基侵害,使肌肤更显光泽,容光焕发及青春常驻。

辅酶Q10 的其它功效

帮助糖尿病患者调节血糖量,并且有助于预防最常见于糖尿病患者的多种心脏问题。减轻牙周问题,例如牙龈退缩,牙齿松动,牙龈肿胀。 舒解气短和心悸问题。


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doctor s best



Doctor's Best, Best L-Carnitine Fumarate, 855 mg, 180 Veggie Caps

Doctor's Best的左旋肉碱富马酸,看这个产品的用户评价,可以有效地燃烧脂肪,削减胃口,无任何毒副作用!

Jarrow Formulas, L-Carnitine 500, 500 mg, 100 Veggie Caps

Jarrow Formulas的左旋肉碱,每天1-2颗,100粒装。

Now Foods, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, 500 mg, 100 Vcaps

Now Foods的左旋肉碱,每天1-3颗,100粒装。


Doctor's Best, Best Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl, 588 mg, 120 Capsules




Nutrex Research Labs, Lipo 6 Black, 120 Black-Caps


Now Foods, 7-KETO, DHEA Metabolite, 100 mg, 60 Vcaps

Now Foods 7 -脱氢表雄酮代谢物,控制体重,减肥效果非常明显,好评如潮。

Now Foods, Chitosan, 500 mg, 240 Capsules

Now Foods 甲壳素 据说可以减少脂肪在小肠里的吸收。

Natrol, Carb Intercept with Phase 2 Carb Controller, White Bean Extract, 120 Capsules


Natrol, Tonalin CLA, 1200 mg, 90 Softgels


Jarrow Formulas, CLA, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, 90 Softgels

Jarrow Formulas的共轭亚油酸

Hollywood Diet, Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet, 32 fl oz (947 ml)



Bragg, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with The 'Mother', Raw-Unfiltered, 32 fl oz


Natural Factors, Apple Cider Vinegar, 500 mg, 180 Capsules

Natural Factors的苹果醋胶囊

Natrol, AcaiBerry Diet, Acai & Green Tea Super Foods, 60 Fast Capsules


Natrol, Carb Intercept with Phase 2 Carb Controller, White Bean Extract, 120 Capsules Natrol第二代淀粉中和剂,白豆精华,帮助控制碳水化合物,控制脂肪。

21st Century Health Care, Herbal Slimming Tea, Cranraspberry, Caffeine Free, 24 Tea Bags, 1.6 oz (45 g)

21st Century Health Care 的中药减肥茶,不含咖啡因,24包。






我买保健品原则要么选择好的牌子,如我最喜欢的country life,要么选择最好的原料,如日本的NSK纳豆...以下是我买过的一些保健品以供大家参考。



前列腺 country life的锯棕榈





咽喉炎 YS蜂胶喷剂


country life 鱼油


Now 向日葵卵磷脂



胆碱肌醇复合胶囊 Solgar /Solgar-Choline-Inositol-500mg-500-mg-100-Veggie-Caps/15507?at=0 NSK纳豆激酶/Source-Naturals-NSK-SD-Nattokinase-100-mg-30-Capsules/4603?at=0?at=0&rcode=DIH504&l=zh

country life 综合维生素 /Country-Life-Gluten-Free-Daily-Total-One-With-Maxi-Sorb-Delivery-System-With-Iron-60-Veggie-Caps/10308?at=0

doctor's best R-硫辛酸(多功能抗氧化剂,糖尿病控制血糖)



doctor's best 的FloraGlo原料的叶黄素(护眼)


Natural factors的越橘(护眼)


country life 的葡萄籽(美容,抗衰老)


篇四:Go to the doctor

Go To The Doctor

Take a deep breath. Stick out your tongue.

Come see Doctor Grizzly while you are young.

“Tomorrow,” said Mama Bear as she help the cubs get ready for bed, “you’ll be going to the doctor for a checkup.”

“Doctor?” said Brother Bear. “We’re not sick!”

“And what’s a checkup?” asked Sister Bear, a little worried.

“It’s just what it sounds like,” said Mama. “Dr. Grizzly will check to see if you are growing the way healthy cubs should.”

“Will it hurt?” asked Sister, pulling the covers up close.

“Now, now,” said Papa Bear as he kissed her good night. “You just settle down. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

But Sister wasn’t so sure.

The next morning, after a good breakfast, the family got into their red roadster and were on their way.

“Do you ever get checkups, Mama?” Sister asked as they drove along the dusty dirt road.

“Yes, I do,” answered Mama.

“I don’t need checkups anymore,” bragged Papa. “Because I…I… never get sick.”

“That was quite a sneeze,” said Mama.

“It’s this dusty road,” said Papa, turning onto the main highway into Beartown.

They pulled to a stop in front of the doctor’s office.

“Come, cubs!” said Mama. “We don’t want to be late for our appointment.”

But Brother held back. He remembered something.

“Are we going to get shots?” he asked.

“That’s up to…to…to… the doctor,” said Papa, sneezing an even bigger sneeze than before.

“Bless you!” said Mama.

“It’s just this bright sunlight,” said Papa. “I never get sick.”

The doctor’s waiting room was a busy, cheerful place with pictures on the walls, books to look at, and puzzles to do. Brother started a puzzle. Sister took a book, but didn’t really look at it. Other bears were coming in –and she looked around the room at them. There were cubs of all ages with their parents.

Some of the smallest cubs looked a little worried. Sister smiled at them so they wouldn’t be afraid.

There was a big cub with a cast on his leg. It had names and funny drawings all over it.

He let Brother write his name on it for luck, and Sister drew a picture. There was even a little baby cub only a few weeks old.

“Next!” called Dr. Grizzly. It was Brother’s and Sister’s turn.

Dr. Grizzly was friendly, but she got right down to work. She had a lot of bears to take care of and not much time to waste.

First, she weighed and measured the cubs.

“Fine!” she said. “You’ve both gained weight nicely, and grown taller.” She listened to their chest with a stethoscope.

And poked them all over to check on everything inside.

Then, Dr. Grizzly took each cub’s temperature to see if it was normal…

-ninety –eight point six.

She checked their throats.

Then, she looked at their eyes,


And noses with a special little light.

Next, she tested their hearing by whispering very softly.

Then came the eye test. Brother read every letter except the very smallest. Sister didn’t know all the letters yet, so she read a special chart that looked like this:

“Very good!” said the doctor, as she studied some paper in a folder. Sister whispered to Brother,” so far, it hasn’t hurt at all!”

“Well, that pretty much takes care of it,” said Dr. Grizzly, looking through her eyeglasses at the papers, “except for one thing. I see it’s time for your booster shots.”

“I knew it!” said Brother.

“Why do we have to have shots when we’re not even sick?” asked Sister.

“Now, Sister,” said Papa, “the doc…doc…doc..AH-CHOO!...doctor knows best!”

“Bless you,” said Dr. Grizzly. “And that’s a very good question, Sister…”

As she got the shots ready, she called out into the waiting room, “I’ve got a brave little cub in here who’s going to show you all how to take a shot!”

“Getting back to your question, Sister,” said Dr. Grizzly. “You see, there are some kinds of medicine that you take after you get sick, and those are very useful. But this kind of shot is a special medicine that keeps you from getting sick.”

“Will it hurt?” asked Sister.

“Not nearly as much as biting your tongue or bumping your skin,” the doctor explained. “There! All done!”

Dr. Grizzly was right! And it happened so fast that Sister didn’t even have time to say ouch!

The little cubs who were watching were very impressed.

So was Brother.

After Brother’s shot, Papa said, “Well, Doctor, we’ll be go…go…go… -going now.”

“Just a minute, Papa Bear,” said Dr. Grizzly. “Let me have a look at you.”

“But, I never get sick…” Papa started to say.

“Hmmm…temperature above normal.

“Hmmm…throat red.

“Hmmm…nose all stuffed.”

篇五:Abortion Survivor Finds Doctor Who Aborted Her Twin Brother

Abortion Survivor Finds Doctor Who Aborted Her Twin Brother – You Won’t Believe What Happened James Gleason, Associated Press

To the average observer, Claire Culwell is a beautiful, vibrant young mother who is full of life. But she carries deep down inside her an unimaginable heartache. She is an abortion survivor, who survived the same abortion that took the life of her twin brother. She very nearly did not survive, and has had a number of health complications from the abortion.

Recently, Claire discovered the identity of the doctor who performed her mother’s abortion, Dr. Nareshkumar “Naresh” Patel. He was in the news. Again. According to LifeSite News, and documents from the Oklahoma county county clerk’s office, Dr. Patel has faced numerous charges in the past, from dumping and burning aborted fetuses in a field, raping and sodomizing abortion patients, and malpractice for abortions gone horribly wrong at his hands.(第二段攻 司法漏洞 )

It is against this backdrop of horror stories that abortion survivor Claire Culwell wrote the most incredible letter to her abortionist Dr. Patel, mailing it where it should have been received by Monday, April 28, 2014.

As of yet, there has been no response.

The letter may leave you speechless: Dear Dr. Patel,

I am writing with a heavy heart. I recently discovered you in the news due to the violations your abortion clinic has made. I found that I have a closer connection to you than I thought.

In 1988, my 13-year-old birth mother placed herself in your care to perform her abortion … her 20-week abortion. She was assured that the abortion would fix her problem and that her life would return to normal, but it didn’t. When she returned to see you, she was informed that the abortion had been successful, in part, but she was still pregnant as she had actually been pregnant with twins but had been misinformed. She was also told that during the abortion the amniotic sac had been ruptured, thus leaking fluid for weeks. This proposed many complications for my birth mother. Due to the botched abortion, I was born 2.5 months premature with many lifelong complications. As I read your medical practice history, I found my testimony consistent with many of your other former patients. My birth mother was 13. She was young and na?ve; she would be easy to manipulate and lie to. She didn’t know any better. Due to the abortion that was botched, my birth mother has suffered 26 years of hardship and regret. I can only imagine the things that may have happened that she feels like she can’t speak

about… things that other women are confessing that you did to them while in your care.

However, she was not the only one affected by the failed abortion. My life, my family’s life, and my children’s lives would all eventually be affected by one “mistake” or one “botched abortion” that was performed so long ago. Not only was I born 2.5 months premature, but I was born with complications including dislocated hips, club feet, and was on life support in the hospital. I went through multiple casts on my feet, a harness on my hips to prepare for surgery and body casts in order to correct what the abortion had done to my body. In fact, I still have hip and foot complications today due to the abortion. The unfortunate part is that I am not alone. Hundreds of other survivors of abortions are speaking up, letting the world know that we ARE children, we DO deserve a chance at life and that abortion is, clearly, NOT SAFE. I spent 21 years of my life wondering if I had a sibling that was missing. I felt it in my heart. My birth mother confirmed my questions when she told me about her abortion when I met her. Realizing that you have lived your entire life without your twin is a harsh reality. However, the hardest part for me is realizing that you took my daddy’s only son from him. His life would have been even more full and joyful had he had his son who would carry on his family name and do the things he loves with him—hunt and fish. Because of the selfishness that abortion has brought

to us today, our family will remain incomplete and I mourn the amazing adventures my daddy is missing with my brother.

In February of 2013, another miracle happened … My daughter was born! I can’t help but think about how she wouldn’t be here if the abortion had been successful on my life. She has only been here for a short time, but she has touched so many lives with her fun-loving personality. I can’t help but wonder how many children are missing because their mothers were misinformed by you and told that the best decision, or even the only decision, was abortion.

Dr. Patel, I write not only to shed light on the reality of the severe aftermath that can happen when abortions are performed, but to also express my forgiveness to you for what happened. I have lived a full life and been well loved in my 26 years of life despite my circumstances. I was adopted into an incredible home that gave more grace and forgiveness than I ever could have asked for. In the same way I have been forgiven by God for many things, I choose to forgive you. I forgive you for performing the abortion in 1988 and for the enormous impact it has had on my birth mother and me.

I also pray for you. I pray that you are able to see past the medicine, the

money and your usual way of life … and that you will remember my face (and my daughter’s who would not be here had the abortion been successful) as you go to perform abortions. I pray that as you remember my face that you will be moved in such a way to walk away from the abortion practice and use your gifts outside of the industry. I assure you that many of us, myself included, would help you leave the industry and be encouragers and supporters to you. I would welcome you with open arms because I fully believe your life and what you do with your life is just as valuable as every single unborn child that I advocate for. I will continue to pray for you and your past and former patients. Sincerely,

Claire Culwell

Forgiveness – the survivor of the abortion freely offers forgiveness and compassion to the abortionist who caused her so much pain. Forgiveness and redemption are also themes of the movie October Baby, a groundbreaking film about a fictitious abortion survivor, inspired by the true story of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen. Gianna also beautifully portrays forgiveness.

Claire currently works for pro-life leader Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Clinic director. Abby is the founder of And Then There Were None, a ministry that provides help and support for those in the abortion industry who want to leave.
