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练习题汇总 牛津let's go 3

天维美语Let's go试题册




Study well and make success everyday



1 ( )

2 ( )

3 ( ) 4. (

二.Write the words(将下列数字从小到大排序)

twenty twelve thirty thirteen fifteen fifty eight nineteen five eleven

三 1.Write the words.(写出下列单词)

十 三十 五十 二十 七十 九十

四十 六十 八十 一百 在….上面

在…..下面 在….里面 在….前面 在….后面 和..紧挨着 和…对着

2.Write the words.(写出下列动词的现在分词)

do go wash watch want

sing study take play like

三.Choose the best answers.(选择)

1.---____apples are there? ---Ten.

---____are they ? ---Eight yuan.

A. How many \How much B. How much\How many C. How

many\ How many

2.---___are the students doing in the classroom?

---They are speaking English.

A.Where B. What C. Who

3.My brother can ____.Now he is____the piano.

A.play the piano\ playing B.play \play C.sing \play

4.---What __your mother ___?---A teacher.

A.do do B. does do C. is reading

5.---Where is John?---He ____his toys in his bedroom.

A.is wash B.is playing C.play

6.---Can you play with me now?--- No,____.

A.I am B.I can’t C.I can

7. After school David _____his homework. A.do B.does C.is

8. ---Does she study English at school? ---Yes,______.

A.he does B.she does C.she doesn’t

四.Fill in the blanks.(选词填空,不许重复)

bedroom lunchroom classroom gym music room kitchen

1.I go to piano class in the ________. 2.I have lunch in the


3.I go to sleep in the ____________. 4.I play soccer in the


5.I go to math class in the________. 6.I eat my dinner in the



behind under paper sad hot circle square

rabbit bird library boys?room ribbon


4.dog____________5.chalk________________________6. rectangle___________


1.-Can she ______(make) a cake ? –Yes, she _________.(can)

2. Let?s_____go to the garden.

3. –What _____(be) they _________(do)? –They_____ -______(sing) in the room.

4. –Whose dogs __________(be) these?-They?re Peter?s.

5. –What can you _________(see)? I can see a butterfly.

6.-What are _________(that)? ________________balls.

7. –Who?s he ? ___________(he) Mis Wilson.

8. Where________(do) you live? I live _______Hillsdale.

9. Where?s the bed? It?s ________the bedroom.

10. There are ______(lamp) behind the sofa.

III. 按要求写单词

纸 剪子 毛线 颜料 丝线

胶水 粉笔 胶带 正方形 角

盘子 吹 教师 图书馆

女卫生间 音乐室 体育馆 书 门 窗户 拼图 风筝 跳绳


1.____________________(谁的风筝) is that?

2. ____________________(有多少) eggs do you have/?

3.Put the books ________________(在桌子上).

4. The classroom is _____________________(在办公室对面).

5. The ruler is not long. It?s __________________(短的)

6. He has __________________(一些) paper.


1.These are _____balls. They are big.

A. him B . he C. his

2. -_____________your glue?- It is in my bag.

A What B Where?s C. Where

3.- How many ________are there in the livingroom? -There is one.

A. lamp B. lamps C. /

4. Is there a sofa in the bedroom? No, ____________.

A. isn?t B. there is C. there isn?t

5. -________watch is this ? –It?s Eddie?s.


篇二:LET'S GO 2 家长指导


Let’s Go 2家长指南


方式1、每册书发放课程指南。内容包括每一课的教学目标、语法要点、课文按页进行翻译及练习册的翻译,学员在学习时如有不懂请家长参照家长指南予以指导。 方式2、当面讲授、书信通知、学生成绩单情况和学生评价表。在每次家长会外教将继续向您介绍学生的学习情况,我校将在每次家长会前电话通知各位家长按时参加家长会,对于重点学员外教将根据情况与您进行书信联系以解决学员在学习中出现的问题,每次家长会后将发放学生成绩单。每单元学习后我们将对学员进行评价,评价表将张贴于各教室内,分别对每单元学习情况(包括歌曲对话、单词、语法、发音和句型),作业情况、上机情况(上机次数和上机表现)、课堂纪律进行评估。 方式3、每次家庭作业我校将打一张便条贴于练习册的封面,请家长认真监督学员按时完成作业。





Unit 1 第1单元

教学目标:掌握名词的单复数。掌握字母组合at, an,ap 的发音和单词。


What are these/those? They’re …

老师和家长需要向学生解释these这些/those那些表示一个以上的东西。 第2页

Let’s Talk 让我们说一说

Hi, Scott. How are you? 嗨,Scott. 你好吗?

Fine, thank you. 好,谢谢。

Good bye, Scott. 再见,Scott。

See you later. 一会儿见。


Let’s Sing 让我们唱一唱

The Hi Song 你好歌

Hi, Scott. How are you? I’m fine .Thank you. 嗨,Scott。你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 Hi, Jenny. How are you? I’m fine .Thank you. 嗨,Jenny。你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 Hi, John. How are you? I’m fine .Thank you. 嗨,John。你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 Hi, Lisa. How are you? I’m fine. 嗨,Lisa。 你好吗?我很好。 The Good-bye Song 再见歌

Good-bye, Scott. See you later, alligator! 再见, Scott .一会儿见,鳄鱼!

Good-bye, Kate. See you later, alligator! 再见, Kate . 一会儿见,鳄鱼! Good-bye, Andy. See you later, alligator! 再见, Andy.一会儿见,鳄鱼!

See – you later. See you later. 一会儿见, 一会儿见。

Good – bye, Scott. 再见, Scott。


Let’s Learn 让我们学一学

What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a bag. 它是一个袋子。

What’s that? 那是什么? It’s a pencil case. 它是一个铅笔盒。

Ask and answer. 问并回答。 What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a pencil case. 它是一个铅笔盒。 What is = What’s What is可缩写为What’s

It is =It’s It is可缩写为It’s

1. a pencil case 一个铅笔盒 2. a book 一本书

3. a bag 一个袋子 4. a desk 一张书桌

5. a door 一扇门 6. a window 一扇窗

7. a table 一张桌子 8. a chair 一把椅子


- 2 -

Yes or no? 是还是不是?

Is this /that a ruler? 这/那是一把尺子吗?

Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 No, it isn’t. 不,它不是。

1. a ruler 一把格尺 2. a book 一本书

3. a cassette 一本磁带 4. a notebook 一本笔记簿

5. a crayon 一支蜡笔 6. a marker 一支麦克笔 7. a pen 一支钢笔 8. an eraser 一块橡皮

is not =isn’t is not可缩写为isn’t


Let’s Learn Some More 让我们再学一些

What are these? 这些是什么? They’re balls. 它们是球。 What are those? 那些是什么? They’re jump ropes. 它们是跳绳。Ask and answer. 问并回答。

What are these/those? 这些/那些是什么?

They’re yo-yos. 它们是溜溜球。

1. yo-yos 很多溜溜球 2. puzzles 很多拼图

3. cars 很多小汽车 4. balls 很多球

5. kites 很多风筝 6. bats 很多球棒

7. bicycles 很多脚踏车 8. jump ropes 很多跳绳

They are = They’re They are 可缩写为They’re


Yes or no? 是或不是?

Are these /those cats? 这些/那些是猫吗?

Yes,they are. 是的,它们是。 No, they aren’t.不,它们不是。

1. dogs 很多只狗 2. rabbits 很多只兔子

3.cats 很多只猫 4. frogs 很多只青蛙

5. birds 很多只鸟 6. trees 很多棵树

7. flowers 很多朵花 8. spiders 很多只蜘蛛

are not =aren’t are not可缩写为 aren’t


Let’s Read 让我们读一读

Word Families 相关字群

-at cat 猫 fat 胖胖的 hat 帽子

-an can 罐子 fan 风扇 van 厢型车

-ap cap 软帽 lap 大腿 map 地图

Can you read? 你会读吗?

The fat cat is in the hat. 胖猫在帽子里。

The can and the fan are on the van. 罐子和风扇在厢型车上。

The cap and the map are on my lap. 软帽和地图在我的大腿上。


Let’s Listen 让我们听一听

- 3 -

Unit 1 练习册


第3页: 照虚线描写并将对话写完整。

第4页: A.照虚线描写并根据例句将句子写完整。

第5页: B.照虚线描写,在正确的答案上作标记,并根据例句将句子写完整。 第6页: A.照虚线描写并根据例句将句子写完整。

第7页: B.照虚线描写,在正确的答案上作标记,并根据例句将句子写完整。 第8页: A.照虚线描写出与例子字母组合发音相同的单词。


第9页: A.把正确的答案圈起来。


Unit 2 第2单元

教学目标:询问身体状况以及职业。掌握字母组合ed, en, et的发音和单词。 语法要点:名词的复数。复数表示两个或两个以上的东西,一般在名词后加S。名词



Let’s Talk 让我们说一说

Hi, John! 嗨,John!

What’s the matter? 你怎么了?

I’m sick. 我生病了。

That’s too bad. 真是太糟糕了。

Get better soon. 祝你早日康复。 Thanks. 谢谢。

What is =What’s What is可缩写为What’s

- 4 -

I am = I’m I am可缩写为I’m

That is = That’s That is可缩写为That’s


Let’s Sing 让我们唱一唱

What’s the matter? 你怎么了? What’s the matter? 你怎么了? What’s the matter? 你怎么了? I am sick. 我生病了. What’s the matter? 你怎么了? Are you OK? 你还好吗? I am sick today. 我今天生病了。 Oh, no! Oh ,不!

sad 伤心的 hot 热的 tired累的 cold 冷的 第12页

Let’s Learn 让我们学一学

Who’s she? 她是谁?

She’s Miss Wilson. 她是Wilson小姐。

She’s a shopkeeper. 她是一位商店老板。

Practice. 练习。 He/She’s a cook. 他/她是一位厨师。

He is = He’s He is可缩写为He’s

She is = She’s She is可缩写为She’s

1. a cook 一位厨师 2. a taxi driver 一位计程车司机

3. a nurse 一位护士 4. a farmer 一位农民

5. a shopkeeper 一位商店老板 6. a student 一位学生

7. a teacher 一位老师 8. a police officer 一位警察 第13页

Yes or no? 是还是不是?

Is he/she a teacher? 他/她是一位老师吗?

Yes, he is.是的,他/她是。 No, he isn’t.不,他/她不是。

is not = isn’t is not可缩写为isn’t

What about you? 你呢?

I am a ____ . 我是一位_____。


Let’s Learn Some More 让我们再学一些

Who are they? 他们是谁? They’re Mr. and Mrs. Long. 他们是Long先生和Long太太。 They’re teachers. 他们是老师。

Practice. 练习。

They are = They’reThey are可以缩写为 They’re

They’re students. 他们是学生。

1. students 学生 2. shopkeepers 商店老板 3. nurses 护士 第15页

Yes or no? 是还是不是?

Are they cooks? 他们是厨师吗?

Yes, they are.是的,他们是。 No, they aren’t.不,他们不是。

are not=aren’t are not 可缩写为aren’t


Let’s Read 让我们读一读

Word Families 相关字群

- 5 -


Let's go 4

Study well and make progress everyday


一.listen and circle the word

1. A. the big balloon B. the bigger balloon

2.A. the blue balloon B. the green book

3.A. the younger boy B.the younger girl

4.A. the shorter boy B. the taller girl

5. A. Yes, she is . B. No , she isn’t.

二.fill in the blanks(写出比较级)

tall_________ young_________ big_________ long_______

short ________ old _________ small __________

三.Choose the right answer

1.Where do you live? I ______ Rosewood.

A. is living in B. living in C. live in

2.How old are you? I’m eight _________.

A. old years B. years old C. year old

3.I have ______ brother and ______ sisters.

A. two / one B. one / two C. one / two

4. I don’t have ______ brothers ______ sisters.

A. any / or B. some/ or C.any / and

5. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

A. Yes, I am. B. No , I don’t. C. Yes ,I have.

6. The purple balloon is big. The red ______blue balloon is _______

A. or / big B. and/ biger C. and / bigger

7. ______ one is shorter ? The car is shorter.

A. What B.Which C. Where

8. Is the dog smaller? No, it isn’t. It’s _______.

A. bigger B. biger C. big

9. I have a brown and white dog. Do you have a dog,______?

A. two B. too C. to

四.Write the words as required

1.I’m eight _________________.

2.I ______________ Oak Grove.(住在)

3. I _________________ .(我有一个哥哥和两个妹妹。)

4.He doesn’t have any _________________.(他没有任何兄弟姐妹。)

5. The red and blue balloon is ______________.(红蓝相兼的气球是比较大的。)

五.Translate the sentences into English.



3. 我有两个哥哥和两个妹妹。

4. 她高,她的妈妈更高。


一.Write the words

1.花匠_________2. 售货员_____________3.秘书__________________




二.Write the phrases



三.Choose the right answers

1.What do you do ? I’m _______.

A. a cooker B. a cooking C. a cook

2.Where do you work ? I work _________the kitchen.

A. on B. in C.to

3.Do you like your job? Yes, I _______. It’s a lot of _____.

A.do / fun B. does / fun C. do / fan

4. What ______ you do ? I’m a doctor.

A. does B.do C.doing

5. What _____ she _____? She’s a dentist.

A. do / do B. does / does C. does / do

6. A florist sells ______.

A.flowers B. bread C. candy

7. A doctor works in a ________.

A. flower shop B. clinic C. bakery

8. What does a dentist usually do? _____________

A. A dentist types letters. B. A dentist catches fish. C.A dentist fixes teeth.

四.fill the blanks as required

1. What do you do ? I’m ___________________.(一名厨师)

2. She is a _______________________________.(售货员)

3.Is he __________________________________?(一名邮递员)

4.A doctor _______________________________.(帮助病人)

5. A florish works _________________________.(在花店)

6.A dentist _______________________________.(修牙)

7. He’s a _________________________________.(技术工人)

8.He works in a ____________________________.(加油站)

9. He wears a ______________________________.(制服)

10. He sells________________________________.(摩托车)

五.Translate the sentences into English.


2.医生帮助生病的人。 3.面包师烤面包。



剑桥优培教育牛津少儿英语Let’s go 2 期末考试




一.听音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填入括号中.(10分) ( )1. A hat B book C .fat ( ) 2. A yellow B ten C . pet ( ) 3 A cake B table C .snake ( ) 4. A cassette B window C table ( ) 5 A kites B bats C. bicycles ( ) 6.A spiders B rabbits C frogs ( ) 7.A hot B tall C .cold ( ) 8.A teacher Bmother C. shop ( ) 9.A stove B telephone C. Fat ( )10.A me B him C. her

二.听音,选出听到的单词或句子(每题2分,共10分) 1. A. What are these? B.What are those? 2. A. I can swim. B. I can dance. 3. A.What’s the matter ? B. What’s wrong ?

4. A. I have a banana in my bag. B. I have a hot dog in my hand. 5. A.Don’t watch TV B.Don’t sit down

三. 听音,选出正确的答句 (每题1分,共5分)

1. A. Yes, it is. B. It's a cat

2. A. It's blue. B. It's five o’clock. 3. A. I am combing my hair.. B. She’s my mother 4. A. No, I don’t. B. No, I can’t. 5. A. One B. Two


desk purple crayon notebook sister ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) grangfather short tall car flower ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


一、请将单词前的序号写在对应图下的括号里。(20分) 1. frog 2. table 3. house 4. notebook 5. tree 6. robot 7. grandmother 8. cake 9. fish 10. bicycle

二.选择填空。(10分) ( ) 1. What’s this? It’s _________

A. ruler B. a ruler ( ) 2. Is this a notebook? Yes,_________

A. it is B. is it ( ) 3.Do you want chicken? No_______

A. I do B. I don’t ( ) 4.Are they cooks ? No,______________.

A. they aren’t B .it isn’t ( ) 5. What’s your __________number? It’s 789-6543.

A . telephone B. food

C. rulers C. it isn’t C. I can’t C. he isn’t C. live

( )6.can you drink_________?

A. fish B .rice C .juice ( ) 7.Look at___________!

A. he B.I C .me ( ) 8.What _______is it?It’s purple.

A .color B. play C.magic ( ) 9.Do you want hamburger? Yes,________

A. thank you B .please C.I do ( )10.What ________he want?

A. is B. do C.does ( )11.She ________an orange.

A.wants B. want C.like ( )12..What’s this? _______ .

A.It’s a bag B. ok C.wow ( )13._________?It’s windy

A.How old B. How are you C.How the weather ( )14. ________cats next to the table?

A.Is there B. Are there C.There are ( )15.What are these? They are________

A. balls B. A ball C.ball


1. he a teacher Is?

2. your What’s name ?

3. It cat is a .

4. books How many ?

5. is This friend my.


五. 按提示要求写出单词的正确形式 (每题1分,共10分)

1. I am___________(缩写) 2. is not ___________(缩写) 3. do not __________ (缩写) 4.where is ___________(缩写) 5. What’s this?=_______ ____ ______ 6. What is___________(缩写 7. He is__________(缩写) 8. watch_________(变复数) 9.They are _______(缩写) 10.It is______-(缩写) 五.交际用语搭配选择(每题1分,共5分)

1.Good morning A. I am fine. 2.What's your name? B.She is Helen 3.Who is she? C.My name is Jack 4.What's Bobby doing? D.He is reading books 5.How are you? E.Good morning. 六.短文阅读 判断正误 (5分)

I am Amy .Today I am going to Beihai Park with Sam . In the park , Sam is riding his bike .And I am flying a kite. And we can eat some hot dogs . W are happy.

根据短文,判断对错 ( X V)

( )1. In the park , Amy is reading the book. ( )2. Sam is riding a bike .

( )3. They can eat some hamburgers . ( )4. They are cold..

( )5. Sam and Amy are going to Beihai Park

篇五:牛津英语第二课堂 let's go3同步习题



练习题汇总 牛津let's go 3

天维美语Let's go试题册




Study well and make success everyday


- 1 -


1 ( )

2 ( )

3 ( ) 4. (

5. ( 二.Write the words(将下列数字从小到大排序)

twenty twelve thirty thirteen fifteen fifty eight nineteen five eleven

三 1.Write the words.(写出下列单词)

十 三十 五十 二十 七十 九十

四十 六十 八十 一百 在….上面

在…..下面 在….里面 在….前面

在….后面 和..紧挨着 和…对着

2.Write the words.(写出下列动词的现在分词)

do go wash watch want

sing study take play like

三.Choose the best answers.(选择)

1.---____apples are there? ---Ten.

---____are they ? ---Eight yuan.

A. How many \How much B. How much\How many C. How many\ How many

- 2 -

2.---___are the students doing in the classroom?

---They are speaking English.

A.Where B. What C. Who

3.My brother can ____.Now he is____the piano.

A.play the piano\ play B.play \play C.sing \play

4.---What __your mother ___?---A teacher.

A.do do B. does do C. is reading

5.---Where is John?---He ____his toys in his bedroom.

A.is wash B.is playing C.play

6.---Can you play with me now?--- No,____.

A.I am B.I can?t C.I can

7. After school David _____his homework. A.do B.does C.is

8. ---Does she study English at school? ---Yes,______.

A.he does B.she does C.she doesn?t

四.Fill in the blanks.(选词填空,不许重复)

bedroom lunchroom classroom gym music room kitchen

1.I go to piano class in the ________. 2.I have lunch in the ____________.

3.I go to sleep in the ____________. 4.I play soccer in the _________.

5.I go to math class in the________. 6.I eat my dinner in the _________.

- 3 -


behind under paper sad hot circle square

rabbit bird library boys?room ribbon


4.dog____________5.chalk________________________6. rectangle___________


1.-Can she ______(make) a cake ? –Yes, she _________.(can)

2. Let?s_____go to the garden.

3. –What _____(be) they _________(do)? –They_____ -______(sing) in the room.

4. –Whose dogs __________(be) these?-They?re Peter?s.

5. –What can you _________(see)? I can see a butterfly.

6.-What are _________(that)? ________________balls.

7. –Who?s he ? ___________(he) Mis Wilson.

8. Where________(do) you live? I live _______Hillsdale.

9. Where?s the bed? It?s ________the bedroom.

10. There are ______(lamp) behind the sofa.

III. 按要求写单词

纸 剪子 毛线 颜料 丝线

胶水 粉笔 胶带 正方形 角

盘子 吹 教师 图书馆

女卫生间 音乐室 体育馆 书 门 窗户 拼图 风筝 跳绳 溜溜球 - 4 -


1.____________________(谁的风筝) is that?

2. ____________________(有多少) eggs do you have/?

3.Put the books ________________(在桌子上).

4. The classroom is _____________________(在办公室对面).

5. The ruler is not long. It?s __________________(短的)

6. He has __________________(一些) paper.

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:let,s,go,sadayuki)


1.These are _____balls. They are big.

A. him B . he C. his

2. -_____________your glue?- It is in my bag.

A What B Where?s C. Where

3.- How many ________are there in the livingroom? -There is one.

A. lamp B. lamps C. /

4. Is there a sofa in the bedroom? No, ____________.

A. isn?t B. there is C. there isn?t

5. -________watch is this ? –It?s Eddie?s.

A. Who?s B. Whose C. Who

6. What are you doing? I _________________.

A. am washing my face B. am a student C. wash my face

7. Where is he ? He?s __________.

A. in the park B. at the park C. in the home

8. Look at __________. A. her B. he C. his - 5 -
