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篇一:the most evolved

篇二:The Most

Comment on Most

2010级英语翻译5班 侯沅君 201006130537

I hate to say this I can not adapt to the art expression of foreign films very well, because I have seen too many Chinese films. Maybe we could call it micro film in today’s popular trend. In fact, I could not understand the deep connotation. The film is short but there are many characters. It seems that everyone has his own story and moral. I have seen four or five times, but cannot understand everyone well. I think that maybe I am such idiot on film art.

At the start of the film, I was absorbed in the childish smile of the son, Lado. The father, the red-hat girl, the lovelorn man are all affected by the smile. He smiles, they smile. I always recall the scene of father and son having tea together. No once know it is the last time of them. The amusing words make the father forget his troubles, and they are happy again. Lado asked the father to go to work with him, the father agreed. As we know, his father never thought the happiness would end after the night.

Happy fishing at the last moment, then the boy find the train coming, and go to make the bridge down to save all the people. But he never know that he is too smile to make the bridge down, and he drop in the interlayer of the bridge. I keep suppose that what the boy will think after he drop in the interlayer. Does he know his farther to meet a choice? Does he ask his father for help? Maybe he has known that he will not be saved. The father’s anxiety, worries, and his sorrow when he holds the joy stick. His heart has broken when he make the bridge down. He run out, cry to the running train. He is helpless, resentful and regrets that why he took the boy here, why he did not hear his son’s calling, and why the train ran the red light. Nothing could be changed. The boy left the world. Seeing the smiles of the people in the train, he can only cry.

I do not want to comment the action of the father. No words could evaluate it exactly. Certainly, many people think the father is so great, but I suppose the wise people will not say the great action. To the father, it is a scar forever. Because is he, who close the door of life to his son, his only son.

The most gratifying is the red-hat girl finds something from the father’s expression of pain. Of course I do not know that the thing is what, but there is no doubt she get the hope of new life. The father takes the boy leave along the railway, and the red-hat girl walk to the new life along the railway too.

The later meeting in the street, the red-hat girl has her baby. The baby’s smile looks like Lado smile again. It makes the dim and dark eyes of the father to burn again. The father smiles again. It is the new life.

Writing here, I have already confused. But until here, I finally relieved. The red-hat girl’s new life, the baby’s new birth, and the father’s new smile are the happy ends.

篇三:the most

Deeply feeling of The Most


The Most, similar to the Poland films I watched is full of different people and all kinds of phenomena in Poland. It brought me in to the fog at the first sight. I didn’t know what would it tell us and what was the theme of it. But gradually, it caught my sight.

When I saw the two girls, I felt the friendship. They cared about each other and wanted to seek their future together. But facing the reality, they broke up. And when I saw the man, I felt love, the romance though the two people had no happy ending.

When I saw the father and son, I felt the affection. Although there was no wife or mother in their lives, they were happy. I could feel that deep emotion between the father and son from some small things such as the jokes and dependence between them. Whenever there came other’s figures, I strongly hoped to know how the father and son were. But on the other hand, I was afraid to see their happin(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:the,most,evolved)ess for I had a terrible premonition which told me that happiness was just the brief sunny. When the father permitted his son to come the bridge with him, the bad feeling that they would lose their each other came to my mind. So they went to the bridge with the hot coffee and full happiness together, my heartbeats began to be irregular even faster.

Eventually, terrible thing occurred. At that time, I only wanted to ask that why the train’s arrival was ahead of regular time? Why the father was out of that small room? And why the son was so lovely that he should have the thought to rescue others instead of considering himself?! I saw the crazy, helpless and the reluctant father. Only if he didn’t put down the bridge, his son would be rescued, but at the last moment, in order to guarantee lives in the train, the father put down the bridge. I thought the jokes, the sleeping hug, the laugh, and the hot coffee, I swept. Not only I, but most of my classmates swept. In front of the father and son, all kinds of sceneries were tiny.

At that time, I thought thousands of times, if I were that father, what would I do? Maybe I would choose my son. I know that is a lot selfish. But I am not the hero and I don’t want to be the hero. I thought at that moment, I firmly want to be a father, just a

father, though that kind of father was a little man with a little heart. If only I would die for it, I won’t regret.

From The Most, I saw the affection, love and friendship. In front of the affection, love and friendship mean nothing. At the very least, it was that in my mind. I thought the affection was above everything else. Nevertheless, The Most told us that in front of the humanity and belief, sometimes, we have to give up affection.

篇四:The most embarrassing brithday

The most embarrassing brithday

The story happened in a sunny afternoon, my grandparents came to visiting us. Since they didn’t come so often, mom decided to stew some delicious soups for them. While she was cooking, I was playing the gun that brought by my grandpa outside the kitchen.

All of a sudden, mom got a call from her boss and she had to go to the office right now. But the problem was that the soups were still stewing on the fire. In order to help mom, I offered to undertake the rest things-------to get the soups out after 10 minutes then put some sugar in the Rock Sugar White Tree Fungus Lotus Seed soup and some salt in the chicken soup.

I made a promise to her that I would finish the rest as her told to me perfectly. And she went out. Several minutes later, I poured out the soups into two big bowls. It was the time to put the sugar and salt into the soups. I took out the sugar and salt, but to my

disappointment, I couldn’t distinguish them.(I was to young to know about them.) I put them into the soups. As a careless boy, I didn’t taste the flavor.

Half an hour later, mom came back with a big cake and we began to eat lunch. They sang the happy

birthday song for me and gave me some presents. Mom praised me for my help and she said I did a good job. Then it came to the embarrassing moment, they tasted the soups and spurted it out. They looked at me very strangely as if I had something dirty on my face. The truth was that I mix up the sugar and salt, and put them wrongly into the soup. At that time, I was extremely embarrassed and wanted to dig a hole to hide in. They laughed out when they knew the truth.

After that thing, the very sight of soup reminded me of the embarrassing moment. I shall never forget it.

篇五:The most intensive

The most intensive(强烈的) study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello,where it is impossible to avoid them.Torcello is a minute island in the Venetian lagoon(泻湖);here among vineyards and wild flowers,some thirty cottages surround a great cathedral(大教堂) which was being built when William the Conqueror came to England.


A canal and a path lead from the lagoon to the village;the vineyards are intersected (分隔的)by canals ;red and yellow sails (帆船)glide slowly through the vines.Bells from the campanile (钟塔)ring out reproaches three time a day ("cloches,cloches,divins reproches")joined by a chorus from the surrouonding islands.


There is an inn(hotle ) where I lived one summer,writing my book and observing the

tourists .Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice.Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it,off the regular steamers,off chartered motor-boats,and off yachts,all day they amble up the

towpath,looking for what?



The cathedral is decorated(装饰) with early mosaics-scences from hell,much restored,and a great sad ,austere(严峻的) Madonna;Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it.


They wander into the church and look round aimlessly.They come out on to the village green and photograph each other in a stone armchair said to be the throne (王座)of

Attila.They relentlessly tear at the wild roses which one has seen in bud and longed to see in bloom and which ,for a day have scented the whole island.


As soon as they are picked the roses fade and are thrown into the canal .The Americans visit the inn to eat or drink something.The English declare that they can't afford to do

this .They take food which they have brought with them into the vineyard and I am sorry to say leave the devil of a mess behind them.


Every Thursday Germans come up the towpath,marching as to war,with a Leader .There is a standing order for fifty luncheons at the inn;while they eat the Leader lectures them

through a megaphone .


After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture.They ,at

least,know what they are seeing .Then they march back to their boat.They are tidy;they leave no litter.


More interesting,however,than the behaviour of the tourists is that of the islanders.As they are obliged,whether they like it or not,to live in public during the whole summer,they very naturally try to extract some financial benefit from this state of affairs.


The Italian is a born actor;between the first boat from Venice ,at 11a.m. and the last on which the ordinary tourist leaves at 6p.m.,the island is turned into a stage with all the natives playing a part.


Young men from Burano,the next island,dress up as gondoliers and ferry tourists from the steamer to the village in sandolos.One of them brings a dreadful little brother called Erin who pesters everybody to buy the dead bodies of sea-horses,painted gold.


"Buona fortuna",he chants.I got very fond of Eric.Sweet-faced old women sit at the cottage doors selling postcards and trinkets and apparently making point de Venise lace.


They have really got it ,on sale or return,from relations in Burano ,where it is made by young girls.Old women ,with toil-worn hands,cannot do such fine work.


It is supposed that the tourists are more likely to buy if they think they see the lace being made,but hardly any of them seem to appreciate its marvellous quality.Babies toddle about offering four-leafed clovers and hoping for a tip.


More cries of "Buona fortuna ".The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of the steamer.And so the play goes on.


The tourists are almost incredibly mean,they hardly leave anything on the island except empty cigarette boxes and flapping Daily Mails .The lace is expensive,but they might buy

a few postcards or shell necklaces and give the children some pennies;they seem to have hearts of stone.


As soon as the last boat has gone,down comes the curtain .The "gondoliers" shed their white linen jackets and silly straw hats and go back to Burano,taking Eric highly dissatisfied with his earnings and saying if this goes on he will die of hunger.


The sweet old women let the smiles fade from their faces,put away their lace-making pillows, and turn to ordinary activities of village life such as drowning kittens.


The father of the clover babies creeps about on his knees finding four-leafed clovers for the next day.The evening reproaches ring out ,the moon comes up ,the flapping Daily Mails blow into the lagoon.Torcello is itself again.

