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Jane Chen

Mr. King

Advanced Writing of Class Four

December 23, 2012

Chava and Patricia Graynamore

In the modern world, more and more women are tend to pursue their own

freedom and happiness. Among the films that we have watched before, Chava and Patricia are the typical of the modern females.

Chava and Patricia have a lot of similarities, compared with their differences. Their similarities exsit in many places in the films.

First, at the beginning of the two girls appears, their social personalities are

their father’ s daughters, and their elder sisters’ young sisters. Chava has two elder sisters and is the youngest daughter of Tevye. Patricia has one elder sister and is happening to be her father’s little daughter.

Second, they are different with other girls in the movies. Chava is willing to

accept the new ideas and likes to reading books. Patricia is the captain of his father’ s yacht and wants to have a yacht of herself. Both of these behaviors are different with the traditional girls.

Third, they come across their Mr. Right accidently. Chava meets her love on

the way home when there comes some bad men who are not polite to Chava , so the boy helps her and gives a book to her. Patricia meets Joe on the yacht and is

reluctantly to send him to the volcano.

Fourth, they loved the boys not at the first sight at all. Chava reads the books

he gives to her and listen classes he teaches. Patricia sends Joe to the valcano and on the way they happens to meet the typhoon. Patricia is injured and Joe takes good care

of her with great self-sacrifice. Both of them spend a period of time and finally become to love with each other.

Fifth, they get married without their families’ promise. Chava at first asks her father’s promise but Tevye doesn’t agree. In this situation, she has to leave her family alone and choose to stay with her love. Patricia, she goes with Joe all the way to the volcano and finally gets married with Joe before they jump. It seems that she doesn’ t need to tell his family about anything. Both of them just live together with each other happily from then on.

Sixth, they both experience a difficult time in their life. As the villagers are

forced to leave their hometown, Chava has no other choice that she and her hasband have to leave away. They experience some unhappy things and live a poor life. Patricia, when she stays with Joe, she experiences many kinds of danger.

Finally, in the characaters they play, they are both the young women who want to control their own life. To stay with her love, Chava leaves her own family without her father’ s agreement. For Patricia, she chooses to go with joe and is willing to jump with the man she loves so much. They know what they want in their life and is willing to break the tradition to make their dreams come true.

Of course, there are some obvious differences between Chava and Patricia. For example, their family backgrounds. Chava lives in a poor family while Patricia grew up in a rich family. Another difference is their different personalities. Chava should be a traditional woman in the country while Patricia should belong to the modern woman who cares much about her career which we can see from her attitude to the yacht when they run into the typhoon. What’ s more, they have a quite different father.

Chava is fobiddened to do something which her father thinks is not suitable. However, it seems that Patricia has a very enlightened father because she can always do what

she wants.

On the whole, we can see clearly that Chava and Patricia are both relatively independent women. They try their best to seek for their happiness and future. They should be a good example for the women all over the world.



Professor Mark King

Advanced Writing

25 November 2012

Comparison and Contrast between Whit Carver and ?Your Honor?

Whit Carver is an FBI and he is also the leading role Michael Faraday?s friend and

Michael?s deceased wife?s colleague. Your Honor is a constable in Russia and a friend of the leading role Tevye. They have something in common because of their occupation and social status. They are different because of their background and personalities.

Although Whit Carver and Your Honor seem similar because both of them are police officer and have a high social status, they actually are different because of their background and personalities. The most important difference is the role they played in the film.

Just as I mentioned above, Whit is an FBI and Your Honor is a constable in Russia,

both of them have a high social status, both of them are the leading role?s friends in the film. Though both of them appeared a short time in the film, we can still find out that they have a high social position. In the film “Fiddler on the Roof” all the people in the small village respect ?Your Honor?. After Tevye and Lazar Wolf shake hands and call it a match, Tevye

encounter Your Honor, Tevye bows to Your Honor, from this detail we can conclude that Your Honor has a high position in the village. Whit has his own office and he can give orders to the entrance guard to make sure that nobody dangerous enters the building, so we can conclude that Whit also has a high position in the FBI.

Both of them are the leading role?s friend, are kind and helpful. Your Honor tells

Tevye something bad will happen to Jew. He isn?t willing to carry out the orders, at the wedding he stops the others destroying, and says “Orders are orders”. So we can conclude Your Honor is a kind and helpful man. Although Whit says he can?t help Michael run the name of Oliver Lang, but when he meet Michael in the square he tells something he checked about Oliver Lang. So we can say he is a kind and helpful man.

Though they have something in common, they are two quite different people. Firstly their backgrounds are different. Your Honor lives in Russia in 19 century, while Whit lives in America in 1990s. Second, their personalities are different, though both of them are kind and helpful. Your Honor is solemn, though he smiles several times in the film, but his smiles are quite unnatural. At other times his facial expression is quite solemn, especially when he tells Tevye the bad news and transmits the order which force the Jews into leaving their home in three days to the Jews. On the contrary, Whit is humorous. When he meets Michael at

Arlington National Cemetery, he doesn?t directly ask how is Michael doing, he says “How is his (Michael?s son) dad doing?” When Michael requires him to run the name of Oliver Lang, he says if Michael asked his wife Leah to do that, she will refuse as well. And he says “I love you baby, but that, I cannot do.” In a feminine way as if he was Leah.

As far as I am concerned the biggest difference between them is the roles they played in the film. Both of them have a dual-identity, a police officer and friend of the leading role. But their functions are quite different in the film. Your Honor is just a messenger; the orders are not drawn up by him, he must carry out the orders to force the Jew into leaving their

home although he isn?t willing to do that. He can?t change the Jew?s fate, because his power is limited. While Whit is a very important role in the film, if he doesn?t know Michael, the

explosion will not occur. Because he is Michael?s friend, after Michael knows Oliver Lang wants to destroy the office building of FBI, Michael comes to the building wants to stop the explosion. But Michael was set up by Oliver Lang, so the explosion happens. Because of the roles they played in the film are different, they also have different endings. Your Honor is still a constable in Russia, but Whit died in the explosion.

From those above we can find out that Whit and Your Honor have something in

common. As the old saying “There is no two leaves exactly the same” said Whit and Your Honor are quite different in personality and the role they played in the film.







《南国野兽》/ Beasts of the Southern Wild 《乌云背后的幸福线》/ Silver Linings Playbook 《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo

《少年派的奇幻漂流》/ Life of Pi

《猎杀本·拉登》/ Zero Dark Thirty

《林肯》/ Lincoln

《被解放的姜戈》/ Django Unchained

《悲惨世界》/ Les Misérables





《后裔》The Descendants,福斯探照灯

《咫尺浩劫》Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,华纳兄弟

《相助》The Help,迪士尼梦工厂


《午夜巴黎》Midnight in Paris,索尼经典 《点球成金》Moneyball,索尼哥伦比亚 《生命之树》TheTree of Life,福斯探照灯 《战马》War Horse,迪士尼梦工厂




《黑天鹅》Black Swan

《斗士》The Fighter


《孩子们都很好》The Kids Are All Right 《国王的演讲》The King's Speech

《127小时》127 Hours

《社交网络》The Social Network

《玩具总动员3》Toy Story 3

《冬天的骨头》Winter's Bone




拆弹部队(The Hurt Locker)

无耻混蛋(Inglourious Basterds)

直上云霄(Up in the Air)

珍爱(Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire)


第九区(District 9)


成长教育(An Education)

正经人(A Serious Man)

弱点(The Blind Side)




《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button),派拉蒙

《福斯特对话尼克松》(Frost/Nixon),环球 《米尔克》(Milk),焦点

《朗读者》(The Reader),韦恩斯坦

《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire),福克斯探照灯



《老无所依》 (No Country for Old Men)


《赎罪》 (Atonement)

《朱诺》 (Juno)

《英雄不问出处》 (Michael Clayton)

《老无所依》 (No Country for Old Men) 《血色黑金》 (There Will Be Blood)



The Departed(2006)无间道风云


《阳光小美女》(Little Miss Sunshine) 《硫磺岛家书》(Letters from Iwo Jima) 《女王》(The Queen)




《冲撞》 Crash


《断背山》Brokeback Mountain


奥斯卡影片.txt机会就像秃子头上一根毛,你抓住就抓住了,抓不住就没了。我和你说了10分钟的话,但却没有和你产生任何争论。那么,我们之间一定有个人变得虚伪无比!过错是短暂的遗憾,错过是永远的遗憾。相遇是缘,相知是份,相爱是约定,相守才是真爱。2009 第81届(2008年度)奥斯卡最佳影片奖







无间道风云 (The Departed)











the Load of the Rings: the Return of the King指环王3:王者回归


Lost in Translation迷失东京

Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World怒海争锋

Mystic River神秘河




Chicago (2002) 芝加哥


Pianist, The (2002) 钢琴师

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) 魔戒二部曲—双城奇谋

Hours, The (2002) 时时刻刻

Gangs of New York (2002) 纽约风云



Beautiful Mind, A (2001) 美丽心灵


Moulin Rouge! (2001) 红磨坊

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身 In the Bedroom (2001) 意外边缘

Gosford Park (2001) 谜雾庄园



Gladiator (2000) 角斗士


Wo hu cang long (2000) 卧虎藏龙

Traffic (2000) 毒网

Erin Brockovich (2000) 永不妥协

Chocolat (2000) 浓情巧克力



American Beauty (1999) 美国丽人


Sixth Sense, The (1999) 灵异第六感

Insider, The (1999) 局内人

Green Mile, The (1999) 绿色奇迹

Cider House Rules, The (1999) 总有骄阳



Shakespeare in Love (1998) 恋爱中的莎士比亚 提名

Vita è bella, La (1997) 美丽人生

Thin Red Line, The (1998) 红色警戒

Saving Private Ryan (1998) 拯救大兵瑞恩

Elizabeth (1998) 伊莉莎白



Titanic (1997) 泰坦尼克


L.A. Confidential (1997) 幕后嫌疑犯

Good Will Hunting (1997) 骄阳似我

Full Monty, The (1997) 一脱到底

As Good As It Gets (1997) 猫屎先生



English Patient, The (1996) 英国病人


Shine (1996) 闪亮的风采

Secrets & Lies (1996) 秘密与谎言

Jerry Maguire (1996) 甜心先生

Fargo (1996) 冰雪暴



Braveheart (1995) 勇敢的心


Sense and Sensibility (1995) 理智与情感

Postino, Il (1994) 事先张扬的求爱事件

Babe (1995) 小猪宝贝

Apollo 13 (1995) 阿波罗13号



Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘正传


Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) 消香克的救赎 Quiz Show (1994) 机智问答

Pulp Fiction (1994) 低俗小说

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) 四个婚礼一个葬礼 1994


Schindler's List (1993) 辛德勒的名单


Remains of the Day, The (1993) 告别有情天

Piano, The (1993) 钢琴别恋

In the Name of the Father (1993) 因父之名

Fugitive, The (1993) 亡命天涯



Unforgiven (1992) 不可饶恕 DVDRip


Scent of a Woman (1992) 闻香识女人

Howards End (1992) 此情可问天

Few Good Men, A (1992) 义海雄风 DVDRip

Crying Game, The (1992) 哭泣游戏



Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 沉默的羔羊 提名

Prince of Tides, The (1991) 潮浪王子


JFK (1991) 惊天大刺杀

Bugsy (1991) 一代情枭毕斯

Beauty and the Beast (1991) 美女与野兽



Dances with Wolves (1990) 与狼共舞


Goodfellas (1990) 好家伙 DVDRip

Godfather: Part III, The (1990) 教父第三集 Ghost (1990) 人鬼情未了

Awakenings (1990) 无语问苍天



Driving Miss Daisy (1989) 为戴茜小姐开车 提名

My Left Foot (1989) 我的左脚

Field of Dreams (1989) 梦幻之地

Dead Poets Society (1989) 春风化雨

Born on the Fourth of July (1989) 生于七月四日 1989


Rain Man (1988) 雨人


Working Girl (1988) 上班女郎

Mississippi Burning (1988) 烈血暴潮

Dangerous Liaisons (1988) 危险关系

Accidental Tourist, The (1988) 意外的旅客 1988


Last Emperor, The (1987) 末代皇帝


Moonstruck (1987) 月色撩人

Hope and Glory (1987) 希望与荣耀

Fatal Attraction (1987) 致命的吸引力

Broadcast News (1987) 收播新闻



Platoon (1986) 野战排


Room with a View, A (1986) 看得见风景的房间 Mission, The (1986) 教会

Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) 汉娜姐妹

Children of a Lesser God (1986) 悲怜上帝的女儿 1986


Out of Africa (1985) 走出非洲


Witness (1985) 证人

Prizzi's Honor (1985) 普里兹家族的荣誉

Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) 蜘蛛女之吻 Color Purple, The (1985) 紫色



Amadeus (1984) 莫扎特传


Soldier's Story, A (1984) 大兵

Places in the Heart (1984) 我心深处 Passage to India, A (1984) 印度之行 Killing Fields, The (1984) 战火屠城 1984

第56届(1983年度)奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖 Terms of Endearment (1983) 母女情深 提名

Tender Mercies (1983) 温柔的怜悯

Right Stuff, The (1983) 征空先锋

Dresser, The (1983) 近身

Big Chill, The (1983) 山水又相逢


第55届(1982年度)奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖 Gandhi (1982) 甘地传


Verdict, The (1982) 大审判

Tootsie (1982) 窈窕淑男

Missing (1982) 失踪

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 外星人E.T. 1982

第54届(1981年度)奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖 Chariots of Fire (1981) 火的战车


Reds (1981) 烽火赤焰万里情

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 夺宝奇兵 On Golden Pond (1981) 金色池塘

Atlantic City (1980) 大西洋城


第53届(1980年度)奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖 Ordinary People (1980) 普通人


Tess (1979) 苔丝

Raging Bull (1980) 愤怒的公牛

Elephant Man, The (1980) 象人

Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) 矿工的女儿 1980

第52届(1979年度)奥斯卡奖最佳影片奖 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) 克莱墨夫妇 提名

Norma Rae (1979) 诺玛蕊

Breaking Away (1979) 突破

Apocalypse Now (1979) 现代启示录

All That Jazz (1979) 浮生若梦





惠威试音天碟Ⅱ-惠威综合试音1 惠威试音天碟Ⅲ-惠威综合试音2

专辑曲目: 01. 蔡琴 - 月光小夜曲 02. 黄红英 - 初次尝到寂寞 03. Friends Of Carlotta How Deep Is Your Love 04. Mary Black - Ellis Island

05. 沈丹 - 情人的眼泪 06. 区瑞强 - 相思河畔 (粤,国)

07. 王菲 - 天空

08. 藤田惠美 - 漫步在莎莉花园 (Down By The Salley Gardens) 09. Sarah Brightman - Scarborough Fair


1. 郭峰 - 雪花飞扬 (电子乐) 02. Fried & Fellow - This Love 03. Shania Twain - You've Got A Way

04. 蔡琴 - 渡口 05. 八只眼 - 达坂城的姑娘 06. Eagles - Hotel California 07. 阎学敏 - 鼓诗 (打击乐) 08. 郭公芳 - 红灯记 (样板戏)

09. 蔡琴 - 张三的歌

10. Christian Gentet - Bass & Bass 11. 亨德尔 - 水上音乐序曲 (弦乐)


01. 库布里克 - 太空漫游 (交响乐)

02. 贝多芬 - 欢乐颂 (女声) 03. 筝乐团 - 步步高 (古筝) 04. 威莱 - 午夜梦回 (电吉他) 05. Hi-Vi Test - 普通一兵 (管弦乐) 06. Hi-Vi Test - 山丹丹花开红艳艳 (民乐)

07. 维瓦尔第 - 四季选段 (弦乐) 08. 比才 - 卡门序曲 (小号) 09. Hi-Vi Test - 送别 (童声) 10. 比才 - 卡门幻想曲 (打击乐) 11. 奥尔夫 - 布兰诗歌 (和声)

10. 鲁艺 - 心之寻 11. 恬恬 - 映山红 12. 八只眼 - 啊朋友再见 13. 黄婉婷 - 蓝莲花

12. 江建民 - 斯卡布罗集市 (吉他) 13. Hi-Vi Test - 琵琶对萨克斯 (管弦乐)

14. 腾格尔 - 黄河的水干了

15. Anne-Sophie Mutter - Violin Solo No.1 16. Anne-Sophie Mutter - Violin Solo No.4

17. Meav - One I Love 18. 黄莺莺 - 葬心

19. Hi-Vi Test - 高山流水 (古筝) 20. Hi-Vi Test - 梁祝 化蝶 (小提琴) 21. 穆索斯基 - 基辅大门 (交响乐) 22. Hi-Vi Test - 古琴对唢呐 (民乐) 23. 小施特劳斯 - 狩猎波尔卡 (管弦乐)

24. 区瑞强 - 偏偏喜欢你 (粤)

12. 威廉姆斯 - 屋顶上的小提琴手 (小提琴)

13. 街头月 (电子乐) 14. 贝多芬 - 热情奏鸣曲 (钢琴) 15. 普契尼 - 亲爱的父亲 (女高音) 16. 帕瓦罗蒂 - 今夜无人入睡 (男高音)

17. Hi-Vi Test - 兰花草 (女声) 18. 曼奇纳 - 生死时速 (交响乐) 19. Hi-Vi Test - 喷射战斗机 (音效) 20. Hi-Vi Test - 龙卷风暴 (音效) 21. Hi-Vi Test - 火箭升空 (音效)

惠威试音天碟Ⅳ-惠威综合试音3 惠威试音天碟Ⅴ-惠威综合试音4 2010新版惠威HiVi试音专用Ⅰ-CD01

专辑曲目: 01. 德德玛 - 牧人 02. Hi-Vi Test - 知音 (古筝) 03. Vocal Sampling - MiGuantanamera

04. 王菲 - 南海姑娘 05. 邓丽君 - 星星索 06. 鬼太鼓 - 大太鼓 (打击乐) 07. 大河舞团 - 大河之舞 (踢踏舞) 08. 帕格尼尼 - 热烈的快板 (弦乐) 09. 木村好夫 - 柳濑小镇 (吉他) 10. 黑鸭子 - 让我们荡起双桨 11. Emeriss - Hotel California 12. 伯恩斯坦 - 万宝路进行曲 (交响乐)


01. 鲁艺 - 陪你一起看草原

02. 腾格尔 - 天堂 03. 黄莺莺 - 哭砂

04. Steve Gibbons - The Waiting Game

05. 肯尼基 - 回家 (萨克斯)

06. 老施特劳斯 拉德茨基进行曲 (管弦乐) 07. Toni Braxton - Let It Flow 08. 区瑞强 - 月亮代表我的心 09. 蔡琴 - 恰似你的温柔 10. Hi-Vi Test - 阿瓦尔古丽 (女声) 11. Hi-Vi Test - 给我一个吻 (女中音)

专辑曲目: 01. 罗海英 - 蒙古人 02. 蔡琴 - 渡口 03. 雷婷 - 挪威森林 04. 腾格尔 - 天堂 05. 蔡琴 - 月光小夜曲

06. 王菲 - 天空 07. 八只眼 - 达坂城姑娘

08. 龚玥 - 妻子 09. 何玉玲 - 泪海 10. 黑鸭子 - 让我们荡起双桨

11. 黄莺莺 - 哭砂 12. 京剧女声 - 红灯记

13. Hi-Vi Test - 高山流水



14. AlizeeJacotey - Abracadabra 15. 刘星 - 闲云孤鹤 (中阮) 16. Ray Lynch - Celestial Soda Pop 17. Sara K - Turned My Upside Down


12. Kari Bremnes - A Lover In Berlin 13. 择仙花 - 我只跳桑巴 (So Danco Samba)

14. 哈恰图良 - 马刀舞曲 (小提琴) 15. Allan Taylor - Colour To The Moon


13. 刘亮鹭 - 干杯,朋友 14. 区瑞强 - 相思河畔

15. 雪莉 - 三年 16. 杨小林 - 情人的眼泪 2010新版惠威HiVi试音专用Ⅱ-CD02


01. Girl - Hotel California

(加州旅馆 女声发烧版) 02. Meav - One I Love 03. Toni Braxton - Fairy Tale 04. Kari Bremnes - A Lover In Berlin 05. Joe Coker - Unchain My Heart


01. 腾格尔 - 黄河的水干了 02. 晓逍 - 走过咖啡屋 03. 男中音 - 迟到 04. 刘紫玲 - 牧羊曲 05. 刘亮鹭 - 往事如昔 06. 蔡琴 - 恰似你的温柔

专辑曲目: 01. 何训田 - 尘鼓

02. 柏林之声 - Live In America

03. Smile - 两千年等一次 04. 卡拉扬 - 拉德斯基进行曲 05. 比才 - 卡门序曲 (小号) 06. Hi-Vi Test - F-16战斗机

06. Lisa Lsvie - Find Me An Ange 07. Joss Stone - The Chokin' Kind 08. Kiki Dee - One And Only Love 09. Emi Fujita - Fields Of Gold 10. Fried & Fellow - This Love

11. Elena Heredia - O quetrago E.O quetrazes Singer

艾丽纳·埃雷迪亚 - 是谁在敲打我疲惫的心 12. Aaron Neville - Yes I Love You 13. Karan - I Will Always Love You

14. Mighty Mo Rodgers - Blues Is My Waillin' Wall 15. Vocal Quartet Relikt - Night in Moscow's Suburbs Singer (瑞力特三人合唱团 - 莫斯科郊外的晚上) 16. Eagles - Hotel

California (老鹰乐队 - 加州旅馆)

07. 黄红英 - 初次尝到寂寞

08. 黄莺莺 - 葬心 09. 朱哲琴 - 央金玛 10. 区瑞强 - 月亮代表我的心 11. 青燕子演唱组 - 映山红

12. 王菲 - 南海姑娘 13. 赵鹏 - 船歌 14. 林忆莲 - 伤痕 15. 区瑞强 - 偏偏喜欢你 16. 蔡琴 - 被遗忘的时光

07. Anne-Sophie Mutter - Violin Solo No.1 08. Anne-Sophie Mutter - Violin Solo No.1

09. 刘星 - 一意孤行

10. Hi-Vi Test - 低音王 (低音提琴) 11. 库布里克 - 2001太空漫游 (交响乐) 12. Hi-Vi Test - 高山流水 (古筝) 13. Hi-Vi Test - 知音 (古筝) 14. 木村好夫 - 柳濑小镇 (吉他) 15. 江建民 - 斯卡布罗集市 (吉他) 16. 萨拉萨蒂 - 流浪者之歌 (小提琴) 17. Hi-Vi Test - 梁祝 化蝶 (小提琴)

18. 肯尼基 - 回家 (萨克斯)
