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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 05:47:54 体裁作文



命题人:程忍 审批人:卓应春 时间:2011-10-26



There was a successful businessman, and he wanted his son to know the

value (价值) . One day he told him, "Today, you should earn (挣) something. If you can't, you won't have your meal tonight."

The son was afraid and cried before his . His mother gave him a gold coin. In the evening the father came back, the son showed him the gold coin. The father then him to throw it into a well (水井). The son did as he was asked.

The next day the father asked his son to earn something again. This time his his grandma.Then she him some money. When his father came back, he again asked him to throw it into the well. The son did it.

One day there was no one else at home. His father asked him to earn something. There was no one that could him, The son went to the market to find work. A shopkeeper asked him to carry things. He agreed. He tried his best and out, "Father! I worked hard and made the money, you are asking me to throw the money into the well." " The businessman was very happy..

( )1. A. meals B. money C. work D, books ( )2. A. mother B. grandma C. sister D. aunt ( )3. A. before B. when C. during D. until ( )4. A. let B. hoped C. made D. asked ( )5. A. for B. with C. before D. at

( )6. A. borrowed B. took C. lent D. gave ( )7. A. help B. care C. tell D. see ( )8. A. book B. money C. food D. clothes ( )9. A. laughed B. spoke C. cried D. looked ( )10. A. and B. because C. if D. but


My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The condition wasn’t wonderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets and food), and we were to be out of the city and in the fresh air.

morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with friends, Kevin and simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn't know. We came from different places and none of us the area.

We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the caving (钻洞) while the others went rockclimbing and then we changed after lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves (岩洞) first. Climbing out was than going in, but after a good deal of (泥), we were pleased and excited by what we'd done.

( )1. A. studying B. living C. working D. playing ( )2. A. bored B. sad C. worried D. pleased ( )3. A. Saturday B. Friday C. Monday D. Thurs day ( )4. A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )5. A. which B. what C. whom D. whose ( )6. A. liked B. knew C. realized D. understood ( )7. A. but B. so C. because D. and


( )8. A. evening B. afternoon C. night D. morning ( )9. A. better B. easier C. harder D. faster ( )10. A. covered B. come C. agreed D. caught


If you listen to her singing, you will be amazed at the voice that you hear. You it is the voice of an angel (天使). The beautiful sounds actually come from a 12-year-old girl Gab! Wilson.

Gabi is regarded as one of the most kids in America for her skills on the piano, the drum and the guitar -- especially she pretty well.

"When I was still in my mom's , I heard my dad and his band play music a lot," Gabi joked. It seemed that she had great interest in music even before she was .

Now, Gabi is famous in , She is always traveling around the country, to sing and perform. But this busy girl is also a great and does very well in her studies. "My friends aren't jealous (羡慕的) of my fame. They're really of me. They me a lot and go to my concerts. Sometimes they ask me to sing for them," Gabi said. ( )1. A. why B. whether C. what D. how ( )2. A, name B. names C. called D. calling

( )3. A. talented B. beautiful C. interesting D. important ( )4. A. speaks B. sings C. plays D. dances ( )5. A. home B. bed C. office D. body ( )6. A. born B. a baby C. a child D. a singer ( )7. A. world B. America C. China D. Canada ( )8. A. singer B. dancer C. student D. kid ( )9. A. strict B. pleased " C. pride D. proud

( )10. A. support B..offer C. afford D. hold


My sister, Kathy, has had a kind of serious disease since she was born. My parents decided to raise her just like their other children, the doctor told them that she might never walk, probably couldn' t talk, or even play like other children.

Kathy couldn't walk eighteen months old. She liked to play with other children, and especially she liked to listen to music and . If a song happened to be one that she liked, she would dance it.

When Kathy was three, my parents got her a set of . They tied (系) them to Kathy's ankles (脚脖) and told her to dance. Kathy was so happy that she the bells every day and danced.

At the age of ten, my parents sent her to a dance .There she danced With three other girls had the same disease in the same class. They worked hard and were at the year-end show. Everyone loved them. Since then they danced for schools and other shows. She has realized she is , but when it comes to dancing, she simply dances with her heart. ( )1. A. so B. although C. however D. but ( )2. A. until B. before C. though D. if ( )3. A. sing B. play C. read D. dance ( )4. A. at B. on C) to D. with ( )5. A. bells B. keys C. cards D. dolls ( )6. A. wore B. took C. made D. stood ( )7. A. club B. school C. party D. show ( )8. A. what B. which C. why D. who

( )9. A. disappointed B. successful C. bored D. relaxed


( )10. A. famous B. great C. different D. the best 二.短文填空


It was sunny last weekend. I went on a trip with my friends in the countryside. Green trees and flowers were here and there. After playing for a .while, we had a there. The food was simple, but we enjoyed it. In the afternoon, we had fun swimming in the river. At about four o'clock, we began to come back. On our way home, we found a mobile phone on the ground. We didn't know who it. But we thought the person who lost it would come back to look for it. So we decided to stand there and wait for the . Finally, a man came over. He looked , so we went up to ask what was wrong. He said his mobile phone was missing. When we returned the mobile phone to him, he was very happy and thanked a lot. Then we rode home happily.


6.____________7.____________8.___________9.____________10.___________ (二)用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空.使短文意思通顺、完整。每个单词只能使用1次。有两个多余选项。

One day, I talked with a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was from Chicago, he told me that one of his good friends lived there and if I happened to (碰巧) know him. At , I wanted to say that Chicago was a very

big city, but I didn't.

He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player, and that he even had his tennis court (球场). He that he knew a lot of people who had swimming pools, but that he only knew people in the country who had their own tennis courts. And his friend in Chicago was one of knew several people that. For example, my brother and my next-door neighbor. I told him that my brother was a doctor and he had a tennis court. I said that my next-door-neighbor went to Sacramento last summer. lived in the house next to my brother's. For a moment, we looked at each other, but we did not say .


your friend's name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?" I asked finally. He laughed and said; "Would your name happen to be Ray Hunter?" It was my turn to laugh.

1.____________2.____________3.___________4.____________5.____________ 6.____________7.____________8.___________9.____________10.___________


Niagara Falls are a powerful waterfall in North America. They are found on the Niagara River. This river is the border (界线) It connects two lakes, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. The falls into being . The two countries Niagara Falls. There are different falls on each country's land. Lots of people come to visit the beautiful can also visit Bridal Veil Falls. They are on the American side. People can also visit Horseshoe Falls. They are on the Canadian side. The falls a lot of water energy


for them. The energy is shared by both countries.

People have always been by the energy on the river. Many factories were built by the the energy from the falls. Lots of people were worried and they that this would destroy the beauty.

1.____________2.____________3.___________4.____________5.____________ 6.____________7.____________8.___________9.____________10.___________ (四)用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。每个单词只能使用1次。有两个多余选项。

Last year, I bought a flower pot. But I didn't use it. Last week, I went to buy seeds (种子). I planted the seeds in the flower pot. For a few days, nothing I went on the seeds. On the tenth day, I saw green sprouts (芽). I was so excited, I knew that I could make something grow!

Growing like growing happiness. Our lives are sometimes like the empty pots. Our days are filled with lots of different . However, we usually don' t do many things just because they are of little . We feel that something is missing (丢失的). The missing things in my flower pot were seeds. The things we may be missing in life are seeds of hope, love and dreams. I planted, many flower seeds that day because I knew that the things that would come out are exactly what I have planted. This is the same planting things in life. Everything that is planted inside heart will grow. If I plant negative (消极的) thoughts inside my heart, I will only become sadder and sadder with each passing day. If I plant seeds of hope, I can expect wonderful things.


6.____________7.____________8.___________9.____________10.___________ (五)用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。每个单词只能使用1次。有两个多余选项。

Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. But winter never gave me the gift of snow on my birthday. Snow always my birthday.

I asked my grandmother why it didn't snow on my birthday. She laughed and said I asked too many questions. But one day, she promised (答应) that make it snow on my next birthday. I thanked her.

That year. before my birthday, my grandmother died of . I was sad because she had promised me to make it snow. On the day of my sixth birthday, I up and ran to the window. to see snow, but there was no snow. I cried all day because my grandmother let me down.

By my sixteenth birthday, l had lost all hope of my snow. even though I still wished for it. I was outside with a friend when she asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was having the best time ever. Just then I saw the white snow all around. I was so . I thought it must be my grandmother who made it snow.

1.__________2.____________3._____________4.____________5.___________ 6.___________7.____________8._____________9._____________10.__________


篇二:初中三年级英语阅读 阅读理解及答案解析

初中三年级英语阅读 阅读理解及答案解析(十一)

My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn't wonderful,but we had everything we needed (beds,blankets,food),and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.

On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends,Kevin and Simon,while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn't know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.

We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors,but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud,we were pleased and excited by what we'd done.


1. The writer spent the Saturday morning _____.

A. rock-climbing

B. sleeping

C. meeting friends

D. caving

2. There were _____ members in all in the writer's group.

A. 6 B. 8 C. l0 D. 12

3. We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. some of the group had been there before

B. the group had done rock-climbing many times

C. some of the group already knew each other

D. group all came from the same city

4. The write thought her weekend was _____.

A. interesting B. relaxing

C. frightening D. unpleasant

5. This passage mainly talks about ____.

A. the writer's friends at the Activity Centre

B. the writer's experience at the Activity Centre

C. outdoor sports at the Activity Centre

D. how to go rock-climbing and caving


1. 选D,根据文中说明Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first.可以判断出应该选择D。

2. 选D,Matt and I 还有the other ten members。

3. 选C,A. B. D.均可以从文中找到证据证明其是不正确的。我们知道Cameron had come along with two friends,可以知道C项是正确的。

4. 选A。

5. 选B,总揽全文,可以知道B项为最佳答案。



1. 讲究阅读方法



My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn’t wonderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets, food ), and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air。

On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn’t know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area。

We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves (岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud, we were pleased and excited by what we’d done。

This passage mainly talks about ______________。

A. the writer’s friends at the Activity Center

B. the writer’s experience at the Activity Center

C. outdoor sports at the Activity Center

D. how to go rock-climbing and caving

[参考答案B] 上述这段短文的中心是说明“the writer’s experience at the Activity Center。”。作者以及作者的朋友,还有组上的其他一些成员一起在活动中心度周末的一些活动以及感受。

(2) 掌握具体事实和重要细节:阅读文章时,要求学生养成辨认和记忆具体事实、重要细节的习惯。因为具体事实、重要细节是主题句的扩展、补充、说明或例证,是用来支持和说明中心思想的,而且是阅读理解测试的重要组成部分。

如:If someone asks me: “Do you like music?” I’m sure I will answer him or her: “Of course, I do。” because I think music is an important part of our lives。

Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because it’s so exciting. And my favorite rock band, the “Foxy Ladies” (酷妹) is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. I also like pop music. My classmate LiLan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz music (爵士乐). She thinks jazz is really cool。 “I like dance music and rock very much。” says my brother, “because they are amazing。” But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing (轻松的) music,” she says. That’s why she likes country music, I think。

①The writer likes music because he thinks ____________。

A. it’s an exciting part of our lives

B. it’s an amazing part of our lives

C. it’s an important part of our lives

②What kind of music does the writer like?

A. Rock and pop music. B. Rock and dance music. C. Jazz and country music。

③Who likes dancing?

A. The writer. B. Li Lan. C. Jane。

④The writer’s mother thinks that country music is __________。

A. amazing B. boring C. relaxing

⑤ How many people’s ideas about music are talked about in this passage (短文)?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.

这是几道重要事实和细节的辨认题,全是围绕短文的主题句“Different people have different ideas about music”来展开说明的,起补充举例作用。答案分别为 ① C ② A ③ B ④ C ⑤ B。

(3) 运用构词法、语境线索等帮助来推测关键词义:在阅读文章的过程中,常常会遇到一些生词,如果不懂得这些词义就会妨碍理解,但大部分生词的词义是可以根据上下文,结合构词法、借助文章中的语境线索帮助在理解基础上猜测其词义,这有助于加快阅读速度,提高阅读理解能力。如:

Water is all around us. Water is in the ocean. Water is in the lakes and rivers. Water is in the air. There is more water than land on the earth. All living things must have it. We must have it, too. We cannot live without drinking water. Sometimes, we do not have all the water that we need. The land will dry up without water. Sometimes, there can be too much water in the land. If it rains very, very hard, the rain water will run down the hill. It takes some of the land with it when it runs down the hills. It is called erosion when the water takes the land away。

“Erosion” in the passage means ____________。

A. 地震 B. 雪崩 C. 侵蚀 D. 霜冻

根据前面的语句If it rains very, very hard, the rain water will run down the hills. It takes some of the land with it when it runs down the hills。解释可以推知erosion是一种自然地理现象,即“侵蚀”,答案为C。

2. 训练阅读速度

在阅读中,我们或多或少会碰到一些生词和不熟悉的短语,这些生词和短语会妨碍我们对文章中心的理解,但我们总是查阅词典也会影响阅读的速度。为了不查词典又能破解生词词义,并理解好文章的中心,要求考生根据构词法判断词义。如:This material is unreadable。中 unreadable是生词。学生可以根据词根 read ,知道 un和 able分别为前缀和后缀,那么 unreadable的意义就不难猜测了;还可以培养学生根据生词与上下文的关系来猜测其意义。生词所在的句子、段落会提供很多的暗示和线索,依据这些暗示和线索就可以理解生词的词义了。如:同义词反义词线索;解释性线索;例证性线索;标点符号线索等。如:

A. The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year。

定语从句中的 looks after sheep 就解释了 herdsman的词义为“牧人”。

B. Like her younger sister who is gregarious, Alice also likes to make friends。句首的 like(像)这个语境线索说明:句中的gregarious与 likes to make friends意义相近。 通过这些方式可以帮助学生加快阅读速度,进一步提高阅读正确率。

3. 改进阅读方式




One day Mrs Wison went shopping with Tracy and Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping center。

“Why do you buy things here?” Tracy wanted to know. “Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home,” Mrs. Wilson said. “Help me check the prices, please。” The Wilsons were not rich and Mrs. Wilson was always careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, “We don’t think you saved money by going to the supermarket。” “Of course I did,” Mrs. Wilson said “Everything was cheaper there。”

“We know,” the children said, “but we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The taxi fare was more than the money that you saved !”

Mrs Wilson added everything up. Her children were right。

“Well done,” she said. “Next time we’ll do the shopping nearby。”

①The things at the corner store were ____ than those in the supermarket。

A. cheaper B. nicer C. more expensive D. Better

② Mrs. Wilson _________ in the end。

A. spent more money B. paid less money

C. lost some money D. saved a little money

这两个问题都是细节性问题,但又不能直接从文章中得出答案,要经过分析和计算间接地获得事实细节。①选C。由 Mrs. Wilson 的话“Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home. ”分析可知the things at the corner store were more expensive.②选A。 Mrs. Wilson 在超级市场买的东西是便宜的,但返回时由于东西多结果打的士回家将打的士的费用摊进去就高于节省的费用了,因此可以知道:Mrs. Wilson spent more money in the end。




26.—Excuse me, could you tell me ______ a book about music?

—Sure. They are on the second floor.

A. where can I buy B. where I can buy

C. when I can buy D when I can buy

27. could you please ______ us Mary’s telephone number?

A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving

28. — I don’t have a partner to practice English______.

— Why not ________ an English language club?

A. to; join B. with; to join C. with; join D. from; join

29. We can deal ____ our problems by ______them as challenges.

A. with; regard B. with; regarding

C. for; thinking D. for; think

30. My hometown has changed a lot. It is _____longer what it used _______.

A. not; to. B. not; to be C. no; to be

31. What ______ you do if you ______ me?

A. would; were B. will; were C. would; are D. will; are

32. Singing the song will help you_____ when you feel stressed out.

A. set up B. cheer up C. put up D. think up

33. Salt ______ in East and South China.

A. produce B. is produce C. is produced

34. — What ____ your bike yesterday?

— It didn’t work.

A. was happened in B. happened in

C. was happened to D. happened to

35. By the time I got to school, I realized that I __my pen at home.

A. have forgotten B. have left C. had forgotten D. had left

36. I was late today because alarm clock didn’t _____ . D. produced D. no, to

A. run off B. go off C. give out D. give up

37.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people _____, so they spend more time _______their meals.

A. relax; eat

D. relaxing; eating

38. — Can you come and play football with me?

—____. I have a lot of homework to do.

A. Excuse me B. I’d like to C. I’m afraid not D. It’s a pleasure

39. I _______ riding my bike______ taking buses to school.

A. prefer; to B. prefer; rather than C. would like; to D. would rather; than

40.The earth will become worse and worse ______ we do something to stop her from being polluted.

A. if B. even if C. when D. unless



Long long ago,there was a swan(天鹅)with golden feathers(金羽毛).She lived in a lake.A woman lived in a small lake with her two lived a hard life and sometimes they even didn’t have enough_to see that.She said to herself, “I’ll give one of my__to them each day,then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.”That evening,she _to the poor woman’s house and left a golden and gave them a feather.The woman was very happy because their life was than before.

But day after day,the woman became greedy(贪婪)” feathers shen she comes next time.” B. relaxed; ate C.relaxed;eating

“Oh,no,Mom!”cried the daughters, “This will _51 _the swan.She helps us a lot !”But the mother wouldn’t listen.When the _caught her and took all her feathers.But suddenly,the golden feathers _chicken feathers.

Then ,the Golden Swan said, “Poor Mother,I came to you wanted to kill me.Now,I am leaving and will _come back.Never be greedy!”With these words,the swan flew away.



B.over B.but B.time C.near C.so D.under D.or D.energy D.scared





D.daughters 43.A.money 44.A.happy C.room C.sad B.surprised 45.A.presents 46.A.flew B.golden coins C.feathers B.ran C.climbed 47.A.something 48.A.duller B.everything B.better B.sisters



C.nothing C.busier 49.A.brothers 50.A.his C.sons C.their D.our D.refuse D.swan

D.came from

D.invite 51.A.hurt 52.A.woman C.protect B.daughter C.chicken 53.A.heard of 54.A.trouble B.changed into C.looked for B.help

C.teach 55.A.sometimes B.always C.usually D.never




In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited . About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way . Someone shouted at

them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed (窘迫的 . No one had told them about the British custom (习惯)of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus . Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn't agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding (点头) your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty .

In that country, you shake your head to mean 'yes'— a nod means 'no' . At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up . If you think that you have had enough , you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.

In Europe it quite usual to cross your legs when you are sitting talking to someone even at an important meeting. Doing this in Thailand, however, could bring about trouble . Also, you should try to avoid (避免)touching the head of an adult (成人) ——it's just not done in Thailand .

56 The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _________ .

A. were foreigners

C. made a loud noise

B. didn't have tickets D(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:my,friend,matt,and,i). didn't line up for the bus

57. According to the article, if you want to have a pleasant journey in a foreign country, you should _________.

A. learn the language of the country

B. understand the manners and customs of the country C. have enough time and money D. make friends with the people there

58 In India it is considered impolite ___________.

A. to use the right hand for passing food at table. B. to pass food with the left hand. C. to eat food with your hands. D. to help yourself at table.

59. To cross one's legs at an important meeting in Europe is _______.

A. a common (平常的) habit

B. an important manner

C. a serious (严重的) trouble

D. a bad manner

60. The best title (题目) for this article is ________.

A. People's Everyday Life

B. Mind Your Manners C. Shaking and Nodding Head

D. Taking a Bus in England


Britain’s smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to

The newspaper said the six-year-old girl’s parents were unhappy with a teacher who just got the new job to teach the only pupil.

The school had been closed for the last nine months after its former (前任的) teacher retired(退休)and the only other pupil moved on to a secondary school. The new teacher, Ms Puckey, was to start teaching the girl and reopen the school.

But the girl’s mother is keeping her daughter at home.



1. 讲究阅读方法



My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn’t wonderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets, food ), and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.

On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn’t know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.

We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves (岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud, we were pleased and excited by what we’d done. This passage mainly talks about ______________.

A. the writer’s friends at the Activity Center

B. the writer’s experience at the Activity Center

C. outdoor sports at the Activity Center

D. how to go rock-climbing and caving

[参考答案B] 上述这段短文的中心是说明“the writer’s experience at the Activity Center.”。作者以及作者的朋友,还有组上的其他一些成员一起在活动中心度周末的一些活动以及感受。

(2) 掌握具体事实和重要细节:阅读文章时,要求学生养成辨认和记忆具体事实、重要细节的习惯。因为具体事实、重要细节是主题句的扩展、补充、说明或例证,是用来支持和说明中心思想的,而且是阅读理解测试的重要组成部分。

如:If someone asks me: “Do you like music?” I’m sure I will answer him or her: “Of course, I do.” because I think music is an important part of our lives. Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because it’s so exciting. And my favorite rock band, the “Foxy Ladies” (酷妹) is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. I also like pop music. My classmate LiLan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz music (爵士乐). She thinks jazz is really cool.

“I like dance music and rock very much.” says my brother, “because they are amazing.”

But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing (轻松的) music,” she says. That’s why she likes country music, I think.

①The writer likes music because he thinks ____________.

A. it’s an exciting part of our lives

B. it’s an amazing part of our lives

C. it’s an important part of our lives

②What kind of music does the writer like?

A. Rock and pop music. B. Rock and dance music. C. Jazz and country music. ③Who likes dancing?

A. The writer. B. Li Lan. C. Jane.

④The writer’s mother thinks that country music is __________.

A. amazing B. boring C. relaxing

⑤ How many people’s ideas about music are talked about in this passage (短文)?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.

这是几道重要事实和细节的辨认题,全是围绕短文的主题句“Different people have different ideas about music”来展开说明的,起补充举例作用。答案分别为 ① C ② A ③

B ④ C ⑤ B。

(3) 运用构词法、语境线索等帮助来推测关键词义:在阅读文章的过程中,常常会遇到一些生词,如果不懂得这些词义就会妨碍理解,但大部分生词的词义是可以根据上下文,结合构词法、借助文章中的语境线索帮助在理解基础上猜测其词义,这有助于加快阅读速度,提高阅读理解能力。如:

Water is all around us. Water is in the ocean. Water is in the lakes and rivers. Water is in the air. There is more water than land on the earth. All living things must have it. We must have it, too. We cannot live without drinking water. Sometimes, we do not have all the water that we need. The land will dry up without water. Sometimes, there can be too much water in the land. If it rains very, very hard, the rain water will run down the hill. It takes some of the land with it when it runs down the hills. It is called erosion when the water takes the land away.

“Erosion” in the passage means ____________.

A. 地震 B. 雪崩 C. 侵蚀 D. 霜冻

根据前面的语句If it rains very, very hard, the rain water will run down the hills. It takes some of the land with it when it runs down the hills.解释可以推知erosion是一种自然地理现象,即“侵蚀”,答案为C。

2. 训练阅读速度

在阅读中,我们或多或少会碰到一些生词和不熟悉的短语,这些生词和短语会妨碍我们对文章中心的理解,但我们总是查阅词典也会影响阅读的速度。为了不查词典又能破解生词词义,并理解好文章的中心,要求考生根据构词法判断词义。如:This material is unreadable.中 unreadable是生词。学生可以根据词根 read ,知道 un和 able分别为前缀和后缀,那么 unreadable的意义就不难猜测了;还可以培养学生根据生词与上下文的关系来猜测其意义。生词所在的句子、段落会提供很多的暗示和线索,依据这些暗示和线索就可以理解生词的词义了。如:同义词反义词线索;解释性线索;例证性线索;标点符号线索等。如:

A. The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. 定语从句中的 looks after sheep 就解释了 herdsman的词义为“牧人”。

B. Like her younger sister who is gregarious, Alice also likes to make friends.句首的 like(像)这个语境线索说明:句中的gregarious与 likes to make friends意义相



3. 改进阅读方式




One day Mrs Wison went shopping with Tracy and Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping center.

“Why do you buy things here?” Tracy wanted to know. “Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home,” Mrs. Wilson said. “Help me check the prices, please.”

The Wilsons were not rich and Mrs. Wilson was always careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, “We don’t think you saved money by going to the supermarket.” “Of course I did,” Mrs. Wilson said “Everything was cheaper there.”

“We know,” the children said, “but we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The taxi fare was more than the money that you saved !” Mrs Wilson added everything up. Her children were right.

“Well done,” she said. “Next time we’ll do the shopping nearby.” ①The things at the corner store were ____ than those in the supermarket.

A. cheaper B. nicer C. more expensive D. Better

② Mrs. Wilson _________ in the end.

A. spent more money B. paid less money

C. lost some money D. saved a little money

这两个问题都是细节性问题,但又不能直接从文章中得出答案,要经过分析和计算间接地获得事实细节。①选C。由 Mrs. Wilson 的话“Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near our home. ”分析可知the things at the corner store were more expensive.②选A。 Mrs. Wilson 在超级市场买的东西是便宜的,但返回时由于东西多结果打的士回家将打的士的费用摊进去就高于节省的费用了,因此可以知道:Mrs. Wilson spent more money in the end.
