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篇一:我有两只手 英文歌词 Microsoft Office Word 文档 (4)

I have two hands


I have two hands

I have two hands

here they are

here they are

do you see my two hands

do you see my two hands

one and two

ond and two









I have two hands

I have two hands

here they are

here they are

do you see my two hands

do you see my two hands

one and two

ond and two









I have two hands

I have two hands

here they are

here they are

do you see my two hands

do you see my two hands

one and two

ond and two









I have two hands I have two hands here they are here they are

do you see my two hands do you see my two hands one and two

ond and two






你看到了吗 两只手 两只手 收起




第一首:Happy new year

Happy new year, happy new year

双手拇指和小指打开,其余指头蜷曲于手心,小指放在嘴角两旁,拇指向外打开,做Happy 状。

Happy new year to you all

双手做Happy 状,然后打开双臂并逐渐伸向身体两侧的远方。

We are singing, we are dancing


Happy new year to you all

双手做Happy 状,然后打开双臂并逐渐伸向身体两侧的远方。

第二首:I caught a fish alive

1-2-3-4-5 右手出相应的手指表示数字。

I caught a fish alive

I:右手放于胸前,caught:双手手指弯曲,抓向一个东西,做出抓状。a fish alive:双手合十,做鱼游泳状。

6-7-8-9-10 双手出相应的手指表示数字。

I let him go again I:右手放于胸前, let him go again:左手食指和拇指,做捏着一条鱼的状态,右手做“放走”状。

Why do you let him go? Why:小臂向上弯曲,双手手掌向上摊开。you:右手指向前方。 go:后右手向右伸展开。

Because he bit my finger so ouch! 双手重拍一下,并做咬手指状。 第三首:I like coffee

I like coffee, I like tea .

右手指向自己,双手做成心型并放在左侧胸前,然后指向coffee, tea(实物) I like the boys and the boys like me.

右手指向自己,双手做成心型并放在左侧胸前,然后指向男孩和自己。 Yes, no, maybe so


第四首:London Bridges.

London bridges falling down


Falling down, falling down左右手分别向左下方和右下方甩开。

London bridges falling down


My fair lady 右手指自己放在胸前,双手食指从头两侧向下向外划弧线。 第五首:Old MacDonald.

Old MacDonald had a farm, EIEIO


And on his farm he had some chicks


With a chick chick here, a chick chick there

拇指捏住四指,并一张一合,作小鸡状,打开拇指向下指,打开小指向远方指。 Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick-chick

拇指捏住四指,并一张一合,作小鸡状,双臂打开,掌心向下,舞动指头。 如同以上五首,配上动作后,孩子们学习英语如鱼得水,简单易学,充满乐趣



◆ 歌曲《If your're happy》中文名字叫《如果感到幸福你就拍拍手》 If your're happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍两下手) If your're happy and you know it, clap your hands

If your're happy and you know it, (双手在胸前交叉摆动)

And your face will surely show it (伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做微笑状) If your're happy and you know it, clap your hands

将clap your hands改成stomp your feet(跺脚)成一段,改成shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成do all three(把拍手、跺脚、欢呼连起来做一遍)。这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完clap your hands才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围的人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐!

◆歌曲《one little finger》

One little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指)

One little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)

Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板)

Put it on your head. (放在脑袋上)


◆洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《One little flower》

One little flower(伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状)

One little bee(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞)

One little blue bird, high in the tree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中)

One little brown deer, smiling at me.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微笑)


◆洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《Ten little fingers》


Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指)

And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾)

Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子)

One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵)

Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。)

◆歌曲《Finger family》

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起来)

Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一边弯曲它做鞠躬状) Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同样Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger夸张地画上红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger头上画一个发结;至于baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do来问候你了。

◆《The finger family》

Daddy finger, daddy finger (把拇指藏在拳头中间)

Here I am, here I am. (伸出拇指)

How are you today? (一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬)

Very well I thank you. (另一个拇指鞠躬还礼)

Run away , run way. (两只拇指一起消失)

◆歌曲《clap your hands》

Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can.


Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can


这里的clap your hands 可以依次改成shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)。

◆Hello hello hello,how are you?

I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too.


◆歌曲《Twinkle little star》

Twinkle twinkle little star, (两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在眨眼睛) How I wonder what you are, (两个食指放在太阳穴旁边做思索状) Up above the world so high (双手举到空中随着音乐节奏摇晃)

Like a diamond in the sky. (两手的食指和大拇指分别伸出来放在一起,做成一个钻石形状)

Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are.


◆歌曲《Let everyone clap hands》

Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手)

Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手)

Come on and join into the game (双手垂直身体平伸出去,手掌往里弯曲做come on状)

You’ll find that it’s always the same. (双手交叉放在胸前摇晃身子)

这里clap hands可改成laugh(嘿嘿笑)、cry(boo-hoo哭)、sneeze(a-choo发出打喷嚏的声音)。这首歌跟《If you’re happy》有异曲同工之妙,也是训练孩子的音乐节奏感,除了第一、二句的动作以外,其它的都可以省掉了。

◆The elephant goes like this, like that. (四肢着地,慢慢地像大象一样走) He's terribly big, (站起来,把手举高)

And he's terribly fat. (双臂向两边伸开)

He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指)

He has no toes, (摇动脚趾)

But goodness gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情)

What a nose! (指鼻子)


◆《Five little ms》

Five little ms jumping on the bed(一只手的五个手指放在另一只手掌上) One fell off and bumped his head (收起一只手指,然后作抱头状) Mama called the doctor and the doctor said: (手拿电话,在空中作拨号状) "No more little ms jumping on that bed." (表情严肃地摇动手指)


◆FLASH儿歌《Walking, Walking》(三只老虎曲调)

Walking, walking, walking, walking,

(把食指和中指放在另一只手背上,象走路一样地一前一后移动两个手指) Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,


Running, running, running,


Running, running, running,

Now, let's stop, (停住不动)

Up and down. (两只手指指天空,再指指地面)




London Bridge falling down'falling down'falling down.


London Bridge falling down'My fat lady!



The more we get together'together'together.


The more we get together'the happier will be.


Cause your song is my song.


And my song is your song.


old macdonald had a farm


old macdonald had a farm


and on the farm he had some cats


with a miaomiao here

and miaomiao there

here miao there miao

everywhere miaomiao

old macdonald had a farm


old macdonald had a farm


and on the farm he had some dogs


with a wan wan here

and wan wan there

here wan there wan

everywhere owow

old macdonald had a farm


old macdonald had a farm


and on the farm he had some ducks


with a quark quark here

and quarkquark there

here quark there quark

everywhere quarkquark

old macdonald had a farm

yi- a- yi-a-o

old macdonald had a farm


and on the farm he had some cows


with a mu mu here

and mu mu there

here mu there mu

everywhere mumu

old macdonald had a farm


歌名:table and chair


i have a table in my little bedroom

my little table has a little chair

i like to write on my little table

i like to sit on my little chair

i can sing a rainbow



red and yellow and pink and green!

purple and orange and blue!

i can sing a rainbow

sing a rainbow

sing a rainbow too

listen with your eyes

listen with your ears,

and sing everything you see

i can sing a rainbow

sing a rainbow

sing along with me


i have two hands


i have two hands, the left and the right

hold them up high, so clean and bright

clap them softly

one, two, three

clean little hands are good to see

my face is bright, my teeth all white

my dress is clean and all of me

so dear playmates follow me

so that our mother will be happy

twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星

twinkle, twinkle, little star how i wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky when the blazing sun is gone when he nothing shines upon then you show your little light twinkle, twinkle, all the night then the traveller in the dark thanks you for your tiny spark he could not see which way to go if you did not twinkle so in the dark blue sky you keep and often through my curtains peep for you never shut your eye till the sun is in the sky as your bright and tiny spark lights the traveller in the dark though i know not what you are、 twinkle, twinkle, little star twinkle, twinkle, little star how i wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle, twinkle, little star how i wonder what you are how i wonder what you


50 首最好听的英文歌曲 1.You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 2.Free loop 管不住的音符 3.Trouble is a friend 麻烦是朋友 4.Yesterday once more 昨日重现 5.Angel 天使 6.a little love 一点爱 7.bye bye 再见 8.just one last dance 最后一支舞 9.Big big world 大大世界 10.God is a girl 上帝是女孩11.Pretty Boy 漂亮男孩 12.Lemon Tree 柠檬树 13.Rhythm of The Rain 雨中的旋律 14.Do-re-mi 哆来咪 15.Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 此情不移 16.she 她 17.When a man loves a woman 当男人爱上女人 18.As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我就好 19.I Love you forever 我爱你们,直到永远 20.The Day You Went Away 你离开的那一天21.Loud and Clear 响亮而清晰 22.Venus 孙燕姿的维纳斯 23.If a song could get me you 若有首歌能够留住你 24.Life is Wonderful 生活真美好 25.I could be the one 倾我所有 26.Baby 超人气童星 Justin Bieber 单曲 27.Summer Whisper 夏日密语 28.Missing You 想念你 29.I Still Believe In Love 我仍然相信爱 30.I'm just a kid 我不过是个小孩31.Sitting down here 坐在这儿 32.One Voice 一种心声 33.Chyna Girl Super Star 英文版34.That Should Be Me 那个人应该是我 35.My Love 我的爱人 36.Love to be loved by you 爱你胜过爱自己 37.I Believe I Can Fly 我心飞翔 38.Tell me why 39.Dream On 告诉我为什么继续做着梦40.Proud of you 《挥着翅膀的女孩》英文版41.La Isla Bon 热带小岛 夏日狂欢 42.He Doesn't See Me 他没看见我 43.Earth Song 地球之歌 44.Tisket,A-Tasket 丢手绢 45.The girl next door 对面的女孩看过来英文版 46.Happy Birthday 生日快乐 47.sweetest surprise 你是我最甜蜜的惊喜 48.Heavy in Your Arms 暮光之城 3:月蚀黑暗风格插曲 49.Two butterfly 两只蝴蝶英文版 性感流行公主 Kylie Minogue 经典冠军曲50.Can't Get You Out Of My Head
