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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:23:57 字数作文

篇一:客户亲人去世 英文哀悼句子

I was deeply saddened to hear about the grieved news.

I know how difficult this must be for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I encourage you to draw on your strength and the strength of your family.

May God bless you and your family during this time and always,

Hearty condolence to you may you have strength to bear this great affliction.

I was deeply saddened when I learned about xxx's passing.

My heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow.

Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your (grandfather).

Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.




?? 【北京燕园博思 个人成长咨询案例】:

?? 老师您好,我妈妈因病突然去世,现在已经有一个多月过去了,但是我和爸爸始终不能接受现实,每天都陷在在痛苦和自责之中。白天晚上脑子里不停的出现妈妈生前的样子,睡觉也总是梦到妈妈。现在我对生活和今后日子失去了兴趣,感觉干什么都都没有动力。原来喜爱的东西现在也不喜欢了,感觉每天都过得十分漫长。请您指导指导,怎么样才能从这种痛苦中走出来啊?

?? 燕园博思朝阳心理咨询中心 个人成长咨询师 解读:

?? 你好,妈妈的突然离去让全家都陷入到痛苦之中,你和父亲陷入在痛苦和自责中,非常能够理解,妈妈在你和爸爸心中的地位,经常有人讲母亲离世相当于家里的山倒塌了,可见母亲在人心中的地位。妈妈的离世太突然了,让你和爸爸心理没有任何准备,仿佛这一切都不是真的,是没有发生过的,多么希望看到母亲能够推门进来,就像之前一家人团圆的样子。心里对母亲的想念是如此的强烈,一闭眼妈妈的形象就会浮现在脑海中,就会出现在梦中。通常人在面对亲人离世后,人会经历一个悲伤期,丧葬仪式现实的意义是对将陪伴亲人走完生命的最后一段路途,内在意义是让人在心中知道,亲人已经故去了,所以在丧葬期间将所有思念和痛苦充分表达,让自己在现实中与死者分离解脱。但内在的分离通常要经历更长的时间,从三个月到数年甚至更长的时间。从你描述的情况来看,对生活失去兴趣,做事没有动力,对原来喜欢的事情不喜欢,每天度日如年,感觉有些抑郁的情绪,可以求助心理咨询师,在这个艰难的阶段有个人陪你共渡一程。

?? 燕园博思心理咨询中心结语:死亡是人类的永恒话题,因为没有人知道死后我们将通往哪里。死亡的各种仪式就是人类在面对死亡留下来的智慧,让逝者安然的离去,让生者坚强的活下去。





有人说这个世界是有轮回的,生生世世皆因果。死者则入土为安,生的人定是有着深深怀念。给死者送上一份哀思,为生者寄托一份祝福。惟愿离去的人安心走好。 没有你我一度不知道路要如何继续,但是我知道你不愿意看到这样的我,反以我擦干眼泪,重拾信心,让你可以在天国一样看到积极向上的我。同样祝你一路好走。 没有你我一度不知道路要如何继续,但是我知道你不愿意看到这样的我,反以我擦干眼泪,重拾信心,让你可以在天国一样看到积极向上的。同样祝你一路好走。 您是我黑暗中的指路明灯,您是我人生航程中的导航仪,您是我茁壮成长的阳光和水,老师您的恩惠我无以为报,只能更好的做好自己的工作,让您在天国为我祝福。 心儿啊,你为何让我这样地悲伤;泪儿啊,你为何断断续续地流淌;人儿啊,你为何孤独在远方彷徨;风儿啊,带去我们对你崇敬荣光;逝去的人儿啊,愿你一路走好! 再也听不见那温馨的叮咛,再也看不见那亲切的身影,任凭伤心的泪眼盈盈,任凭思念的心绪飘零,惊闻噩信,痛心难平。敬请节哀!


篇四:9A Unit 1-6短语归纳

1有许多吃的和喝的(东西)have lots to eat and drink

2有许多值得庆祝的(事情)have a lot to celebrate

3为……担心worry about …= be worried about.

4某事使某人担心sth. worry sb.

5某人对熟悉sb. be familiar with sth. (记住with后跟物)……

6对…熟悉….be familiar to (sb.)

7西方文化Western culture

8对…有信心be confident of = have confidence in….

9学生会students’ union

10被划分为12个星座be divided into 12 star signs

11有时at times = sometimes = from time to time

12一个勤奋的人a hard-working person

13共同享有相似的特征share similar characteristics

14担心太多worry too much

15注意… pay attention to…

16(关于某事)与某人争论argue with sb. (about sth.)

17有许多精力have lots of energy

18保守秘密keep secrets

19因为某事而宽恕某人forgive sb. for sth.

20(富)有幽默感have a (good) sense of humour

21到不同的地方去旅行travel to different places

22关心……care about …

23轻易放弃give up easily

24放弃某事(代词放中间)give sth. up

25放弃做某事give up doing sth.

26与某人交朋友make friends with sb.

27讲(不同的)笑话tell (different) jokes

28各种各样的……all kinds of…

29向某人解释某事.explain sth. to sb

30炫耀;卖弄show off

31梦到;梦见dream about ….

32梦到;梦见;梦想;渴望dream of…

33弄得这么乱make such a mess

34一直;总是at all times

35尽可能多的信息as much information as possible

36做某事遇到了难题/麻烦have problems/trouble/difficulty with sth/

have problems/trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.

37在学习或工作中取得成功have success at school or work

38最后finally = at last = in the end

39为了(获得)更多的细节for more details

40好运和厄运have good luck and bad luck

41开心地做某事have (lots of) fun doing sth=have a good time doing sth.

= enjoy oneself doing sth.

42提出;想到;拿出(新的主意)come up with(new ideas)

42A和B相似A be similar to B

43推荐某人担….职务recommend sb. as +

44职务推荐某人获….奖recommend sb. for+

45得到满分get full marks

46作演讲make/give a speech

47变得更加有条理/效率get more organized

48个人的才能(品质)personal qualities

49反对/介意(某人)做某事mind (one’s) doing sth. = mind ( sb.) doing sth.

50接受这份工作take this job

51记得做某事(还没做)remember to do sth.=don’t forget to do sth.

52记得做过某事(已做过) remember doing sth.

53暑假的剩余部分the rest of the summer holiday

54适合于…….be suitable for ….

55.得病get sick

56大约在这个月中旬around the middle of the month

57对某物感到好奇be curious about sth.

1宁愿(不)做某事would rather (not) do sth.

2宁愿做事情1而不愿做事情2would rather do sth.1 than do sth.2

3更愿意prefer = like better

4宁愿(不)做某事prefer( not) to do sth.

5宁愿某人(不)做某事prefer sb. (not) to do sth

6喜欢A,而不喜欢B(注意A和B的要求)prefer A to B = like A better than


8使某人想起某事remind sb. of sth.

9提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do sth.

10一个充满色彩的世界a world full of colour

11被漆成蓝色be painted blue

12产生和谐感create the feeling/sense of harmony

13纯洁/智慧的颜色the colour of purity/wisdom

14感到焦虑不安/疲劳/放松feel stressed/tired/relaxed

15让某人高兴起来 (代词放中间)cheer sb. up

16对……..感到满意be satisfied/pleased/happy with….

17对精神和身体(身心)有好处be good for the mind and body

18给你带来成功bring you success

19感到有一点点焦虑不安feel a little bit stressed

20做某事有困难have difficulty (in) doing sth. = have difficulty with sth.

21采取行动(做某事).take action to do sth

22决定(做某事).make a decision(to do sth

23为考试学习study for exams

24把油擦在人们的头上rub oil into people’s heads

25最能代表best represent

26在测试中取得高分get good marks in the tests

27 多虑worry a lot

28有很强的个性have a strong personality

29平静下来calm down

30保证你成功promise you success

31 答应某人某事promise sb. sth.

32答应…做某事promise (sb.) to do sth/promise + that宾从

33在试衣室in the fitting room

34离…..很远be far (away) from…..

35有一个秘密的朋友have a secret friend

36心情很好/差be in a good/bad mood

37举动正常act normally

38想不到任何(能够交谈的)人can’t think of anyone (to talk to )

39把卡片涂成桔黄色colour the card orange

40颜色疗法colour therapy

41色彩的力量the power of color

42将某物取回来(代词放中间)get sth. back

43大学毕业leave college

44穿在某人身上很好看look good on sb.

45穿红色很好看look good in red

46黑色/苍白皮肤的人people with dark/pale skin

47金发blonde hair

48给你快乐和满足感give you a happy and satisfied feeling

49寄/送给某人一张电子卡片send sb. an e-card=send an e-card to sb.

50(生活在寒冷气候地区的)人们people(who live in cold climates)

51打电话给某人telephone/phone/ring/call sb.= ring/call sb.up =give sb. a call/ring= make phone calls to sb.

52给某人建议give advice to sb.=give sb. advice

53向某人征求意见ask sb. for advice

54整个下午ask sb. for advice

55穿着….衣服wear… = be in… = get/be dressed in…=have on…

56去买衣服go shopping for clothes

57确保;务必(做某事)make sure + that

宾从 / make sure (to do sth.)

/make sure of

1擅长于…. be good at… = do well in…

在….方面弱be weak in…

对…….有好处be good for…

对……有用…be useful to

2吃得太多eat too much

担心太多worry too much

3怎样处理how … deal with / what… do with…

4有have got (英) = have(美)

5变胖get fat

6青少年的问题teenage problems / teenagers’ problems

7得到足够的睡眠get enough sleep

8(灯、电视等)开着、亮着be on

9与某人争吵某事quarrel with sb about sth.

10整天all day

11一个9级级学生a Grade 9 student

12目前at the moment = at present = now

13把精力集中于focus on …. = give special attention to …

14别在意……pay no attention to…

15如何在两者之间获得平衡How to get a balance between the two

16对…..很着迷be crazy about…

17呆在外面很迟stay out late

18有时,不时地from time to time/ at times / sometimes

19提供某物给某人offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb.

20收到某人来信hear from sb.(短)= get/receive a letter from sb.(短)=have a letter from sb.(延) 21成功做某事succeed in doing sth. = be successful in doing sth.

22列一个…..清单make a list of…

23算出…..(代词放中间)work …..out

24这条建议this piece of advice

25忘记某事forget about sth.

26上交我的作业,代词放中间)hand in (my homework )

分发(代词放中间)hand out

27按时;准时on time

28得到低/高分get/receive low/high marks

29复习迎考revise for tests

30休息一会儿have a rest for a while

31怎样解决问题how to solve this problem

32批阅试卷mark the tests

33和某人分享某物share sth. with sb.

34为…感到骄傲be proud of = take pride in…

35轮流做某事take turns to do sth.

36回复,回答(我的电子邮件)reply to (my e-mails) = answer (my e-mails)

37解决压力方法the solution(s) to stress

38为…腾出时间make enough time for…

39压力的主要原因one major cause of stress

40对….感到糟糕feel bad about…

41将担忧留给自己keep your worries to oneself

42放弃某事(代词放中间)give sth. up放弃做某事give up doing sth.

43忍受…..痛苦suffer from….

1现场直播cover live

被现场直播be covered live

2考虑有关…..;回想….. think about….

考虑, 想起, 想象, 有...的看法think of…..

3赢得一个大奖win a great prize

4无事可做have nothing to do

5小睡一会have a little sleep

6一个电视台a TV station

7一份电视节目表a TV guide

8即将来临的这个星期六this coming Saturday

9(通过无线电或电视)发送节目send out programmes (on radio or TV) 10体育世界Sports World

11两千个歌迷two thousand fans

12在线为….投票vote online for…

13发送文本信息到1396send text messages to 1396

14自杀kill oneself

15解谜;揭开谜底solve mysteries

16(容易)受惊吓get scared (easily)

17一个小时长的纪录片a one-hour documentary

18近距离地看一看take a close look at…

19整个早晨the whole morning = all the morning

20准备某事prepare sth.为某事做准备prepare for sth.准备做某事prepare to do sth. 21为某事做好准备get ready for sth.准备做某事get ready to do sth.

22公众the public/公开地in public

23介意做某事mind (sb./sb’s) doing sth.

24自然生活环境(栖息地) natural habitat

25如此有趣的故事such interesting stories

令人兴奋的一天such an exciting day=so exciting a day

26从….到…..from …. to …..在…..和…..两者之间between …. and ….. 27电视系列片;电视连续剧drama series

28(在电视上)播放/放映be on (TV)

29走过walk past

30天气预报weather report

一周新闻综述a weekly (news) round-up

31把…..收起来/放好(代词放中间)put …away

32在赛跑中in the race

33晚上的剩余时间the rest of the evening

34与…..玩;玩弄…. play with……

35观看电视的习惯television viewing habits

36….的一个成员a member of…

37一直all the time

38陈先生一家人the Chen family = the Chens

39关于某事与某人争吵argue with sb. about sth.

40与某人意见不一致disagree with sb. about sth

41一个双胞胎女儿和一个双胞胎儿子a twin daughter and a twin son 42生某人的气be/get angry with sb.

43把 …….扔到…….上面throw … onto…

44掉到….上上fall onto…


Unit 4 (来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:对死去亲人的哀悼短语)TV programmes 词组

1.far too busy to go shopping 太忙而不能购物 2.have a little sleep 小睡一会儿

3.send out programmes on radio or TV 通过电台或电视发送 4.control a machine 控制一台机器 5.from a distance 6.remote control 7.music videos 8.a TV guide

从远处 遥控器


一个电视指南 一周概要

9.a weekly round-up

10.what is happening in sports 体育方面正发生的事情

11.lots of up-to-date information=lots of the latest information 许多最新信息

12.cover/include different sports 包含不同的运动类型 13.a number of interviews 14.Beijing Music Awards

若干个采访 北京音乐奖

15.will be covered live 将会现场直播

16.The presentation will be held in Beijing颁奖仪式将会在北京举行 17.this coming Saturday 即将到来的星期六 18.attend=take part in=join in 19.recent work

参加 近期的工作

20.vote online for sb=vote for sb on the internet在网上为…投票 21.announce the results

宣布结果 22.send text messages to 1396 发送文本信息到1396 23.a horror film directed by sb 由…导演的恐怖片 24.a doctor is found dead in his house一个医生被发现死在家里 25.kill oneself 自杀 26.be full of horror and mystery 27.enjoy solving mysteries 28.get scared easily 29. a one-hour documentary 30.take a close look at…

充满了恐怖和悬疑 喜欢解谜 容易受惊吓

一部一小时的纪录片 近距离观察、密切关注

31.how much danger these tigers face这些老虎面临着多么大的危险

32.they are disappearing faster than pandas他们消失的速度比熊猫更快 33.be killed for their skin and bones 由于皮毛和骨头而被杀 34.might be a bit disturbed 可能有点心烦意乱 35.be filmed in India 36.natural habitat 37.scenes of India

在印度拍摄 自然生存环境 印度的景色

38.win an award for its amazing photography由于出色的摄影而获奖 39.tell sth to the public 将某事向大众公布 40..find……a bit funny 41. I don’t mind felling scared

觉得…有趣 不介意害怕

42.drama series 电视剧 43.real-life events真实生活

Unit 5 重点词组

1. 空前最伟大的女演员之一 2. 在世界上其它地区 3. 获奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 4. 多次受到奖励 5. 宁愿做导演 6. 把某人的大部分精力放在… 7. 进入电影业 8. 吸引某人的注意力 9. 扮演主角 10. 标志她成功事业的开始 11. 不久之后 12. 在某人的一生中 13. 最后一次露面 14. 在她演艺生涯中 15. 把……献给慈善事业 16. 超越… 17. 与周杰伦密切合作 18. 安详去世 19. 生命的最后几年 20. 而是上芭蕾课 21. 最后一次散步 22. 在很小的时候 23. 哀悼一个杰出科学家的损失 24. 停止做白日梦 25. 不但…而且… 26. 颁发给某人 27. 发现这个好莱坞巨星文雅的 28. 坚持独自去那里 29. 被改编成一部电影 30. 自然美 31. 由于她的努力 32. 电影类型 33. 得癌症 34. 提醒我们… 35. 挣钱 36. 以…为依据 37. 恐怖电影 38. 使他人觉得害怕 39. 讲述美丽的爱情故事的电影 40. 使用图片或模型代替真人的电影

______________________________________________________________________________ 1. one of all-time greatest actresses 3. win an Oscar for Best Actress 5. would rather be a director 7. enter the film industry 9. play the lead role

2. in other parts of the world

4. be honored with a number of award6. put most of one’s effort into … 8. attract one’s attention

10. mark the beginning of her successful career 12. during one’s lifetime 14. throughout her acting years 16. go beyond … 18. pass away peacefully 22. at a very young age 24. stop daydreaming 26. present sb with … 30. the beauty of nature 32. the types of the films 34. remind us of sth/that 从句 36. base on …

38. make other feel scared

11. shortly after 13. make one’s final appearance 15. devote … to charity 17. work closely with Jay Chou 19. the few years of one’s life

20. take ballet lessons instead

21. take one’s last walk 23. mourn the loss of a great scientist 25. not only… but also… 29. be made into a movie 31. because of her effort 33. have cancer

35. earn/make money 37. horror films

27. find the Hollywood superstar elegant 28. insist on going there alone

39. a film telling(=which tells) beautiful love story

40. a film using(=which uses) pictures or models in stead of real people

Unit One 短语

1. 看你的星相 read your stars

2. 有许多吃的喝的 have lots

3. 担心没早饭吃 worry about not having breakfast 4. 被分成… be divided into

5. 出生于同一星座下的人们 people born

6. 有相似的性格特征 share similar characteristics 7. 有时候 8. 轻易放弃 9. 照顾其他人 10. 太担心 11. 注重细节 12. 和…争论 13. 幽默 14. 梦想一切 15. 只关心自己 16. 平等对待每个

17. 对自己的能力很有把握

18. 向…解释 19. 炫耀 20. 一直,总是 21. 做实验 22. 出生于羊年 23. …有问题 24. 学业有成 25. 能够很好地组织事情 26. 提出新观点 27. 还有谁 28. 得满分 29. 作演讲 30. 变得更有条理 31. 推荐大卫当新主席 32. 介意多做事 33. 具备当一个好主席的所有品质 34. 足够自信做这份工作 35. 最合适的人选 at times= from time to time give up easily take care of others

worry too much

details argue with…

have a sense of humor dream about everything

care only about oneself

treat everyone equally人

feel sure about one’s own ability

explain… show at all do

be born in the year of Goat

have problems be success at school

be able to organize things well come up with new ideas who else

get full marks make a speech

get more organized

mind have all the to be a good chairperson be confident enough to take the job

the most suitable person

Unit2 短语

1. would rather do … than do … 宁可……也不…… 2. colours of the rainbow 彩虹的颜色

3. look good on sb. 穿在某人身上很好看 4. affect/change moods 影响/改变情绪 5. make us feel happy 使我们感到高兴 6. make us feel calm and peaceful 使我们感到平静祥和 7. walk into a room 走进一个房间 8. a little bit stressed 有一点儿焦虑不安 9. be painted blue 被漆成蓝色

10. be good for the mind and body 对精神和身体有好处 / 对身心有益 11. create the feeling of harmony 产生和谐感 12. feel blue / sad / 感到悲伤/难过

13. feel stressed 感到有压力的

14. the colour of purity / wisdom / nature 纯洁/智慧/自然的颜色 15. feel stressed/tired/relaxed 感到不安/疲劳/放松 16. prefer to wear jeans 宁愿穿牛仔裤 17. prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth. 宁愿(做)。。。而不(做)。。。 18. bring you success 带给你成功 19. cheer you up 让你振作起来

20. give one’s home a warm and comfortable feel 给某人的家(带来)一种温暖而舒适的感觉 21. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事 22. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 23. take action 采取行动 24. have difficulty doing sth. 做某事有困难 25. make a decision = decide 做决定

26. represent new life and growth 代表新生命和成长 27. need physical strength 需要体能力量 28. calm down 平静下来 29. have a strong personality 有很强的个性 30. be in a bad / good mood 心情很差/好 31. keep doing sth. 一直做某事 32. make sure 务必,确保 33. promise you success 保证你成功

34. leave college = finish college 大学毕业 35. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

36. give advice to sb.=give sb. advice 给某人建议

37. offer sb. some suggestions / advice 提供某人建议 suggestion 可数,advice 不可数。advice 是名词,advise 是动词

38. give sb. a call/ring

39. all the afternoon = the whole afternoon 整个下午

Unit 3 短语 1、感到孤独 2、与某人争吵 3、做足够的锻炼 4、有亲密的朋友

feel lonely

quarrel with sb do enough exercise

have close friends

5、开着、进行着 be on

6、处理 deal with / do with 7、收到某人的来信 hear from sb.

8.放弃做某事 give up doing sth

9. 准时上交它 10. 我不高兴 11、感觉……不好 12、在…和…之间获得平衡 13、对……很着迷 14. 主动愿意做某事 15、对某人严格 16、制作……的清单 17.到达某地 18.尽某人最大的努力(做某事) 19.嘲笑某人/某物 20.不关注…… 21. 遭受…….之苦 22 .回答 23.感谢某人做某事 24.向某人征询意见 25.先某人求助 26.让某人做某事 27.你为什么不做某事呢? 28.对某人大喊 29.选择优选用做某事 30.为某事/某人而担忧 31..保持安静 32.与某人同年龄的 33.变得更糟糕 34.产生压力的原因 35.感觉你的体重不佳 36. 除了做…别无选择 37.熬夜 38. 值得做某事 39.对我有很大的价值 40. 对…疯狂 41. 许多 42. 把担忧留给自己

hand it in on time make me unhappy feel bad about achieve a balance between… be crazy about offer to do sth.

be strict with sb make a list of get to sp / arrive in/at sp try one’s best (to do sth) laugh at sb/sth pay no attention to

suffer from sth

reply to … Thank sb for doing sth

ask sb for advice

ask sb for help

make/ let have sb do sth Why don’t you do sth?/ Why not do sth? shout at sb

choose to do sth be worried about sth/sb keep quiet of one’s age get worse

cause of stress

feel bad about your weight have no choice but to do… stay up late

be worth doing sth.

be of great value to me = be valuable to sb. be crazy about

plenty of

keep worries to themselves
