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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 07:22:37 字数作文

篇一:希望做某事hope to do sth

希望做某事hope to do sth. ★决定做某事decide to do sth ★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth. ★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth

★准备做某事get/be ready to do ★ 计划做某事plan to do sth. ★希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth.

★轮流做某事take one’s turns to do sth. ★拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.

★告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.★请某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.

★想要某人做某事want /would like sb. to do sth. ★不得不have to do

★同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth. ★教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.

★喜欢/想要某人做某事 like sb. to do sth.★encourage sb to do鼓励某人做

★帮助某人做某事help sb. to do sth/help sb.do

★It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 例:It your turn to clean the blackboard.

★It’s time(for sb.) to do sth.是某人做某事时候了 例:It’s time for me to go home.

★It’s +adj. for/of sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是……

例: It is easy for me to learn it well. It is very kind/foolish/nice of you to do so.

★It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某时间

例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike. 2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night. 3.It will tak

★too+adj./adv. to do sth. 太…..而不能 例: He was to angry to say a word.

★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事是… I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well.

★序数词+to do 第…..个做某事 例句:Who is the first to get there? ★我不知/忘记了怎么办。I didn't know/forgot what to do.


例句:Don’t forget/Remember to turn off the lights when you left the room

★be+adj+to do sth 例句:I am very sorry to hear that. I am ready to help others. I am happy / pleased / glad to meet you. 顺口溜:本领最多不定式,主表定补宾和状;样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢;大家千万要小心,有时它把句型改;作主语时用it,自己在后把身藏;七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前加for sb.;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。

e her two weeks to finish the work.


★ am let sb. do sth让某人做某事 ★ make do sth使得某人做某事

★ hear do sth do sth听见某人做某事 ★see do sth do sth看见某人做某事

★why not/why don’t you +动原?为什么不.?Why not/Why don’t you take a walk?

★ 某人+had better( not)do 某人最好(不)做某事

★情态动词can/may /must /should+ 动词原(包括情态动词的否定形式+动词原形)

★ 助动词do/does/did/will/would在构成疑问句或者构成否定句即don’t /doesn’t /didn’t /will not /would not+ 动词原形

★ be going to + 动词原形(表示“即将”“打算” 做某事)


1.在进行时态中。He is watching TV. They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.

2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.

3.在have fun/problems结构

4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for helping me. Are you good at playing basketball?

What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? I

interested in playing football.

5.在以下结构中 1. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事;

2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事; 3.feel like doing sth 想要做某事;

4. stop doing sth 停止做某事(原来的事) 5.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

6. go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);7.remember doing sth 记得做过某事

8. like doing sth 喜欢做某事; 9.find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做

10. try doing sth 试图做某事; 11. need doing sth 需要做某事;

12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事; 13.mind doing sth 介意做某事;

14. miss doing sth 错过做某事; 15.practice doing sth 练习做某事;

16. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事;17.can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事;

中。如:We have fun learning English this term.

They had problems g

18.waste time/money doing 浪费时间/钱做; 19.keep sb.doing 让…始终/一直做…

20. stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事

21. prefer doing A to doing B=like A better than B喜欢做B更喜欢做A

22. “do some +doing”短语 如:do some shopping/do some

washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking

篇二:希望做某事hope to do sth


★希望做某事hope to do sth. ★决定做某事decide to do sth

★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth.

★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth ★准备做某事get/be ready to do

★ 计划做某事plan to do sth. ★希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth.

★轮流做某事take one’s turns to do sth. ★拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.

★告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.★请某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.

★想要某人做某事want /would like sb. to do sth. ★不得不have to do

★同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth. ★教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.

★喜欢/想要某人做某事 like sb. to do sth.★encourage sb to do鼓励某人做

★帮助某人做某事help sb. to do sth/help sb.do

★It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 例:It your turn to clean the blackboard. ★It’s time(for sb.) to do sth.是某人做某事时候了 例:It’s time for me to go home. ★It’s +adj. for/of sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是??

例: It is easy for me to learn it well. It is very kind/foolish/nice of you to do so. ★It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某时间

例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike. 2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night.

3.It will take her two weeks to finish the work.

★too+adj./adv. to do sth. 太?..而不能 例: He was to angry to say a word.

★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事是? I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well.

★序数词+to do 第?..个做某事 例句:Who is the first to get there?

★我不知/忘记了怎么办。I didn't know/forgot what to do.


例句:Don’t forget/Remember to turn off the lights when you left the room

★be+adj+to do sth 例句:I am very sorry to hear that. I am ready to help others. I am happy / pleased / glad to meet you.

本领最多不定式,主表定补宾和状;样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢;大家千万要小心,有时它把句型改;作主语时用it,自己在后把身藏;七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前加for sb.;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。


★ am let sb. do sth让某人做某事 ★ make do sth使得某人做某事

★ hear do sth do sth听见某人做某事 ★see do sth do sth看见某人做某事

★why not/why don’t you +动原?为什么不.?Why not/Why don’t you take a walk?

★ 某人+had better( not)do 某人最好(不)做某事

★情态动词can/may /must /should+ 动词原(包括情态动词的否定形式+动词原形)

★ 助动词do/does/did/will/would在构成疑问句或者构成否定句即don’t /doesn’t /didn’t /will not /would not+ 动词原形

★ be going to + 动词原形(表示“即将”“打算” 做某事)


1.在进行时态中。He is watching TV. They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.

2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.

3.在have fun/problems结构

4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for helping me. Are you good at playing basketball?

What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? I interested in playing football.

5.在以下结构中 1. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事;

2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事; 3.feel like doing sth 想要做某事;

4. stop doing sth 停止做某事(原来的事) 5.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

6. go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);7.remember doing sth 记得做过某事

8. like doing sth 喜欢做某事; 9.find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做

10. try doing sth 试图做某事; 11. need doing sth 需要做某事;

12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事; 13.mind doing sth 介意做某事;

14. miss doing sth 错过做某事; 15.practice doing sth 练习做某事;

16. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事;17.can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事;

中。如:We have fun learning English this term.

They had problems g

18.waste time/money doing 浪费时间/钱做; 19.keep sb.doing 让?始终/一直做?

20. stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事

21. prefer doing A to doing B=like A better than B喜欢做B更喜欢做A

22. “do some +doing”短语 如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking

23.“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /

etting to the top of the mountain.

篇三:Ask sb to do要求某人做某事

Ask sb to do要求某人做某事

Ask sb not to do要求某人不要做某事

Ask for要求

Ask about sth问关于某事

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:希望某人做某事)

Tell sb to do告诉某人做某事

Tell sb not to do告诉某人不要做某事

Tell stories讲故事

Tell jokes讲笑话

Tell the truth说实话

Help sb (to) do帮助某人做某事

Help sb with sth在某事上帮助某人

Want to do想要做某事

Make sb do使某人做某事

Like doing喜欢做某事

Like to do喜欢做某事

Let sb do让某人做某事

Give up doing放弃做

Mind doing介意做

Miss doing错过做

Enjoy doing喜欢做

worth doing值得做

Consider doing考虑做

Practice doing联系做

Keep doing保持做

Favor doing宠爱做

Fancy doing想象做

Finish doing完成做

Feel like doing喜欢做

Have difficulty doing做...有困难

Have fun doing玩的开心

Have a good time doing玩的开心

Hope sb do希望某人做某事

Be busy doing忙于做某事

Be busy with sth忙于某事

Play with sth/sb与某人、某事玩

Agree to do同意做某事

Agree with sb同意某人

Agreee to sth同意某事

Decide to do决定做某事

Decide on sth决定某事

Be determined to do决定做某事

Determine to do决定做某事

Dislike to do不喜欢做某事

Dislike doing不喜欢做某事

Love to do喜欢做某事(从心里)

Be interested in sth对某事感兴趣

Discuss with sb与某人讨论

Discuss about sth讨论某事

Teach sb to do sth教某人做某事

Give sb sth给某人某物

Give sth to sb个某人某物

Learn from sb/sth从某人/某事学到

Listen to听

Wait for sb等某人

Find sb doing找到...正在做

Feel sb doing感觉到...正在做

Listen to ... Doing听到...正在做

Hear doing听到...正在做

See doing看到...正在做

Watch doing看到...正在做

Look at ... doing看到...正在做

Feel do感觉...做

Listen to sb do听到...做

Hear do听到...做

See do看到...做

Watch do看到...做

Look at ... do看到...做

Stop to do停止去做

Stop doing停止做

Start to do开始做

Start doing开始做

Begin to do开始做

Begin doing开始做

Try to do努力做

Try doing尝试做

Forget to do忘记做

Forget doing忘记做过

R>Remember to do记住做

Remember doing记住做过

Work as作为...工作

Work for为...工作

Work in在...工作(大地点)

Work at在...工作(小地点)

Be good at擅长

Be good for有利于

Be good with对...好

Be bad at不擅长

Be bad for不利于

Be bad with对...不好

Be friendly to对...友好

Be unfriendly to对...不友好

Fight with sb与某人打架

Die of死于

Have no right to do没有权利做

There be sb/sth doing有某人/某物正在做

Need to do需要做

Have to do不得不做

Should do应该做

Do some doing最一些...

Disagree to do不同意做

Disagree to sth不同意某事

Disagree with sb不同意某人

A waste of sth浪费某物

Thanks for doing谢谢做...

Thanks to sb谢谢某人

No doing不要做


Unit 1 Lesson 1

1. 你知道这些单词吗?请你用汉语写出来。

1.related_________________ 2.athlete____________________3.century_________________

4.participate______________ 5.championship______________6.female _________________

7.province_______________ 8. disadvantage ______________9.overcome_______________

10.attitude_______________ 11.successful_______________12.crossed________________

A. 短语翻译

1.与…相关的be related to

2.参加(3种)participate in = take part in = join in

3.建议某人做某事(2种)advise sb to do sth = suggest one’s doing sth.

4.祝某人幸运wish sb. luck

5.出国学习study abroad

6.进行足球决赛have the final soccer match

7.祈求好运I’ll keep my fingers crossed !

8.期末考试失败fail the final exam

9.告诉你原因tell you the reason

10.脱口秀主持人a talk show host


1.related adj.相关的→ v.relate 联系 → n. relation 关系,联系,交往,亲戚

1)be related to sb /sth. 与…相关的2)relate to sb/sth 涉及;谈到;与…相关3)have relations with sb 与某人有关系

2.participate v. 参加(活动)participate in = take part in

join v.加入 参加 连接

1)join the + 组织 加入…

Eg: 入党 _________________ 参军 ______________________

2)Join sb 和某人在一起

Eg: 我们想要去植树,你愿意和我们一起去吗?

We want to plant trees, _______ you like _______ _________ _________?

3)join sb in doing sth 和某人一起做某事

Eg: 你愿意和我一起去购物吗

Would you like to _______ _____ _______ shopping?

3.feel – felt -felt 感觉

关于感官动词:包括smell 闻起来, sound 听起来 ,look 看上去, taste 尝起来,feel 感觉等。※感官动词不能用于被动语态 ,没有进行时

1)感官动词+adj 2)感官动词+like +n./doing sth 译为:?起来像做某事(sound/look/smell/taste like ? 听起来/看上去/闻起来/尝起来像?)3)特例:feel like doing sth =want to do sth =would like to do sth 想要做某事4)对感官动词后的adj划线提问,用how.

※其中look 看?,smell 闻?taste 品尝? 等还有行为动词词性。Sound还是名词“声音” Eg: The girl is _____ a flower. A. smell B. smelling C. smelled Eg:光比声音传播得快 Light ______faster than _____

※look at sth =have a look at sth 看?

4. overcome 克服,战胜 →overcame → overcome

Eg.In the final football match ,Sweden easily overcame France.

5. success → succeed → successful → successfully

n. 成功 v. 取得成功 adj. 成功的 adv.成功地 圆满地 The plan might not succeed.该计划可能不会成功

Failure is the path to success.失败是通往成功的道路。

He is a successful businessman他是一个成功的商人

Will the play go ahead successfully?这个戏剧会成功地走下去吗?

※ 主语 + succeed in +doing sth= 主语 + be successful in + doing sth = 主语 + have success in + doing sth = 主语 + do sth successfully 主语成功地做某事

6.advise v. 建议→ n. advice 不可数名词

1)advise doing sth.建议做某事 2)advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事

7. wish n. v. 希望

1)wish to do sth 希望做某事

2)wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

3)主语+ wish that +从句

※从句用虚拟语气 How I wish I could fly like a bird 假如我像鸟一样的飞该多好。


4)wish for sth.

5) wish sb + 间接宾语+直接宾语 祝,颂,

Wish sb a pleasant journey 祝某人旅途愉快

※wish n. 祝愿,预祝

1)with best wishes (信末结束语) 祝好

2)give / send one’s best wishes to sb. 向某人致意

8. keep 保持,坚持,继续,保管

1)keep doing sth = keep on doing sth = go on doing sth 不停地做某事

邓亚萍屡战屡胜 Deng Yaping kept playing and kept winning .

2) keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事

我不能让他一直等 I can`t ______ him _______ for me

3)keep sb from doing sth = stop sb (from )doing sth =prevent sb. (from) doing sth.


没有什么能够阻止他努力学习的 Nothing can _______ him ________ ________ hard

4) keep sb + adj 保持某物…

我们必须保持地面干净 we must ______ the ground ________

5) keep sb away from … 使某人远离….

9.fail vi. 失败,不及格,不成功→ n.failure

1)fail to do sth.(表否定)不能,没有2)never /not fail to do sth 必定,一定做某事3)fail in health 健康衰退

eg.He failed his driving test 。 他驾驶执照考试不及格。

She failed to get into art college .她未能进入艺术学院.

She never fails to e-mail every week . 每周她必定发电子邮件。

10.reason n.理由,原因 1)the reason for 2)the cause of

※在定语从句中出现reason 引导词可用(why ,that , for which )

Eg. The reason ______he refused the invitation is not clear .

A. for what B. for which C. in which

I know the reason ____ he explained at the meeting .

A. for what B.that C. in which

11. century =100 years

This is the 21st century .

※ 1)in the + 序数词 + century 在…世纪 Eg: 在21世纪in the 21st century

2) in the 1980s = in the 1980’s 在二十世纪八十年代3) in 1984

4)on September 10th = on the tenth of September 12. too ? to? 太? 而不能? (引导目的和结果状语从句)

太 而不能

※句子结构:主语 + be + too + 形容词 + to +do sth “主语太…而不能做某事” Eg: The shopping center is ______crowded for us ____ go forward.

A. too, to B. enough, to C. such, that

※ 含有“too…..to… ”的句型可以转换成下列句型:“ so ……that + 句子”

太 而不能 如此 以至于

※ 结构:主语 + be + too + 形容词 + to +do sth = 主语 +be + so +adj+enough+ that +句


Eg: I was too shy to talk to anyone = I was ____ shy _____ I ______ talk to anyone.

※ 主语 + be too + adj + to do sth = 主语 + be + not + adj的反义词 + to do sth 译为: “主语太?而不能?”

Eg:水太热了,不能喝。 The water is _______ ______ ______ drink = The water ______ _______ ______ ______ drink

13.invent → invention → inventor

v. 发明、创造 n. 发明、创造 n. 发明者

※ be invented by sb 由某人发明或创造

※ invent = make an invention

三. Listening

Mike: What do you want to do _______ you finish school, Zhang Wei?

Zhang Wei: I want to be an actress. But I don’t think I’m pretty ________. Mike: I don’t think so. Let me tell you about an actress who was very short. Zhang Wei: Who?

Mike: Her name is Helen Hayes. _______ she was a young actress, people told her she was ______ short.

Zhang Wei: Really? _______ what did she do, Mike?

Mike: She tried to stand ________and act tall. Later, she became a very

successful actress.

Zhang Wei: Wow. I guess I should _______ my attitude.________I can be successful,


Mike: I’ ll keep my fingers __________________.

Unit1 lesson 2

1.despite________ 2.train_____________ 3.national __________4.gold__________

5.medal ________6. give up __________


1. 1、最好的女运动员之一 one of the best female athletes

2、又赢得了一枚金牌 win another gold medal

3、在电视上观看颁奖典礼 watch the awards ceremony on television

4、荣获冠军 win the championship

5、和…交朋友 make friends with…

6、技艺高超 have a lot of skill

7、多次夺冠 win a lot of championships

8、某人首次夺冠 win one`s first championship

9、在21世纪 in the twenty-first century

10、属于… be a part of …

11、根据…命名 be named after…

12、改变某人做某事的主意 change one`s mind about doing sth

13、每四年 every four years= every fourth year

14、为了…努力训练 train hard for…

15、根据新闻报道 according to the news

16、全世界 (all) around the world= all over the world = throughout the world = in the world

17、四百万多人 more than 4 million people = over 4 million people

18、由…发明 be invited by…

19、太矮不适合打乒乓球 too short to play table tennis

20、省队 the province`s team

21、在…比赛中赢得了国家冠军 win the national championship in…

22、某事使某人失望 sth disappoint sb = sth make sb disappointed

23、一年以后 one year later = after one year

24、接纳某人为队员accept sb a member

25、参加世界锦标赛 play in the world championship

26、和..一起 together with sb

27、屡战屡胜 keep playing and keep winning

28、在接下来的十年期间 over the next ten years = during the next ten years

29、在奥运会上 at\in the Olympics

30、十佳运动员之一 one of the top ten athletes

31、六年以来 six years straight

32. 1.5米高1 meter 50 centimeters tall

33. 尽管despite this fact


1、The UK 大英帝国 :

包括 : England 英格兰 、 Ireland 爱尔兰、 Scotland 苏格兰、Wales 威尔士

2.despite prep. 尽管,任凭 despite this fact尽管

3、however = but 但是 (however后有逗号,but 后无逗号)

Some people thought she was too short.However , she never stopped training .

4、call 叫, 打电话

1)call sb sth 把某人叫做…2)call sb up = give sb a call = make a telephone call to sb = telephone sb 给某人打电话3)call on sb = make a call on sb 拜访某人4)call at sth 拜访某物

5、make v. ---made ----made


①make sb + adj (adj. 做宾语补足语)

Eg: 这没有使邓亚萍失望 This didn`t _______ Deng Yaping __________

②make sb +n. (n.做宾语补足语)

Eg: 国家队选邓亚萍当队长 The national team _______ Deng Yaping captain

③make sb do sth (v. 做宾语补足语)= sb be made to do sth 使某人做某事

※ make sb do sth = let sb do sth = have sb do sth = get sb to do sth 使某人做某事

④make it + adj + for sb to do sth 主语使某人做某事…

Eg: 这种方法使我们完成这项工作更加容易

The way makes ______ easy ______us to _______ the work.


① 主语 + be made of sth 主语是由…制作的 (看出原材料)

② 主语 + be made from sth 主语是由…制作的 (看不出原材料)

③ 主语 + be made in +地点 主语是在…制作的

④ 原材料 + be made into +成品 某物能够被制成…

⑤ 主语 + be made up of sth 主语是由…组成的


The medical team is _______ _________ _______ two doctors and three nurses

玻璃能被制成玻璃杯 _______ can _____ made ________ _________.

纸是由木材制造的 The paper _____ made _______ wood.

6、 段时间 + later = after + 段时间 …以后 (一般用于过去时)

In + 段时间 …以后 (一般用于将来时)

※ 如果对“In + 段时间 ”划线,特殊疑问词用 how soon

※ In three years = in three years` time 三年以后

7、name n. 名字 v. 命名 说出…的名字

※ be named after … 根据… 命名

※当named… 做后置定语时,可以换成“called…”或“with the name of …”

Eg: 我刚才看见了那位叫露西的女孩

I saw the girl ______ Lucy just now = I saw the girl ______ Lucy just now =I saw the girl ______ _____ ______ _____Lucy just now


She _____ _____ one of the top ten athlete in China for six years ____________.

8、straight adj. adv. 直接的,直接地 笔直的 笔直地 径直的 径直地

1)go straight home 直接回家

2)go straight along… 沿着…一直走

3)a straight line 一条直线

She was named one of the top ten athletes in China six years straight .

9、not do sth for anything 决不做某事 无论如何不做某事

Deng Yaping is only 1 meter 50 centimeters tall , but she never believed she was too short for anything

10、one of the +最高级 + 名复+ 动词单三 最…的某物之一

The + 序数词 + 最高级 + 名单 第几…的….

Deng Yaping is one of the greatest female athletes in China

She is one of the best table tennis players ever .

He is the fourth tallest boy in our class.

Lesson 3


篇五:人教版初三英语 unit 14 Section B


环 球 雅 思 教 育 学 科 教 师 讲 义

讲义编号: 副校长/组长签字: 签字日期:



Section B


1. What do you hope to do in the future? --I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.

? hope用法

hope to do sth. 希望做某事 I hope to see you again.

hope+that从句 希望... I hope you may succeed.

I hope so. 我希望如此. I hope not. 我希望不是这样.

注:不能说hope sb. to do sth., 但可以说wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事

? in the future 在将来,指将来的时间,含有与过去或现在对比的含义

in future 今后,从今以后,指从说话时开始的将来 I hope I’ll travel all over the world.

2. Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to...

? believe与believe in辨析

believe 后接名词、代词或从句,表示“相信,认为”;接sb.时,表示“相信某人的话”.

believe in 后接sth.时表示 “信仰或信奉(真理、宗教、原则、行为)Why didn’t you believe in your friend?

3. Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School.

? thank sb. for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事 Thank you for helping me with English.

? attend 出席,参加 attend the meeting graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

4. First of all, I’d like to congratulate all students who are here today.

But today I see a room full of talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.

I hope you’ll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.

? first of all = first 首先,第一 a room full of 一满屋的...

? congratulate用法

congratulate sb. 祝贺某人 I congratulate him.

congratulate sb. on sth. 就某事祝贺某人 She congratulated him on the birth of his son.

? 定语从句的用法


5. You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.

? be full of = be filled with 充满... be thirsty for 渴望... They are thirsty for a big house.

6. Some of you were a little difficult to deal with.

? 句型sb.+be+adj.+to to sth. 某人做某事是... I’m glad to meet you.

? deal with 处理,应对 I don’t know how to deal with it.

7. Never fail to be thankful to the people around you!

? fail用法

fail sth. 使...失败, 某事失败 She failed the exam.

fail to do sth. 没有做成某事 I got up late and failed to catch the first bus.

? be thankful to sb. 对...表示感谢 We should be thankful to our parents.

be grateful to sb./sth. 对某人或某事表示感激 I am very grateful to your help.

8. I don’t need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you.



need sth. 需要某物;need to do sth. 需要做某事;

中国教育培训领军品牌 I need a lot of money now. You need to take good care of your mother.

sth. need doing sth.= sth. needs to be done. 主动表被动,表示某事/物需要被做

The flowers need watering. = The flowers needs to be watered.


肯定句:need+动原;否定句:need not/needn’t +动原;一般疑问句:need+主语+动原+其它?

You need clean the floor. You needn’t clean the floor. Need I answer the questions?

回答must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to.

--Must I clean the floor now? --Yes, you must./No, you needn’t/don’t have to.

? life in senior high school will be harder与you have many difficult tasks ahead of you是由and连接的两个并列的宾 语从句,它们共同做tell的宾补.

? ahead of 在...前面 Be careful! There is a snake ahead of you.


9. You’ll make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up.

? make mistakes = make a mistake 犯错 by mistakes 错误地 mistake A for B把A误认为B

I made a mistakes this morning and I mistook Mr. Li for Mr. Lin by mistakes.

? along the way 一路上,一直 learn from 向某人学习;从... 中吸取教训

give up 放弃 give in 屈服 give up doing sth. 放弃做某事

Never give up, or you’ll be nobody. Even though it is not easy, never give up studying.

10. But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.

? along with 伴随着 Along with time going by, I have been here for three years.

? waiting for you 动宾短语作things的后置定语,因thing与wait之间是主动关系,故用-ing形式.

11. You have the ability to make your own choices.

? have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事 She has no the ability to read the whole text.

12. Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.

? be responsible for 对...负责 everyone should be responsible for their own actions.

13. As you set out on your new journey, you shouldn’t forget where you came from.

? set out 出发,启程,相当于set off

? where you came from作forget的宾语,应用陈述语序 I don’t know where I should go.


14. It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. ? 句型:It is+adj.+to不定式,表示做某事是...的 It is easy to learn English well.

? 此句型中的形容词若是描述事物特征的词,如easy, difficult, interesting, necessary, impossible等时,用It+be+adj+ for sb.+to do sth. 若是表示人物性格、品质等的词,如kind, nice, clever, foolish等时,用It+be+adj+of sb.+to do sth.

It’s dangerous for children to play with fire. It’s very kind of you to help me with my English.

? separate from 分离,把...和...分开 After graduate, we’ll have to separate from our classmates and teachers. separate 分开的,各自的 Lucy and Lily have their separate rooms.

? whom you have spent so much time with是定语从句,修饰前面的those那些人,关系词在从句中做with的宾语, 所以要用whom。值得注意的是,介词with不可省,可放句末,亦可放关系词前,及with whom.

Who is the girl with whom you were talking yesterday?

? spend/take/cost/pay 辨析

人+spend+时间/金钱+on sth./in doing sth. 某人花费时间金钱做某事

He spent three hours on his homework./in doing his homework.

物/it +take+sb.+时间/金钱+to do sth. 花费某人或物的时间金钱做某事

It takes me three hours to finish my homework. It takes me 300 yuan to buy that car model.

物+cost+sb.+时间/金钱 某物花费了某人多少钱 I bought a rose and it costs me 10 yuan.
