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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:20:33 高中作文

篇一:Children's Eating

Children's Eating

Raising children can be a challenging job. It can also be rewarding. When it comes to eating, the more caregivers know about children's natural eating patterns, the easier and more rewarding the job of feeding children can be.

Like many other behaviors, children's eating patterns are largely learned. Starting from infancy (婴儿期), a child learns what can be eaten and what cannot, what is appropriate within the culture and the family regarding food manners, what types of food are liked and disliked, and what cues are important in controlling the amount of food eaten. Children's eating patterns move through predictable

stages of development that present challenges and opportunities for learning and mastering proper eating patterns. Early feeding

interactions influence the set of skills and behaviors children possess as their eating moves from completely depending on their caregivers to relying more on themselves.

Inborn (天生的) Abilities, Preferences, and Transitions (转变) Because a newborn spends about 50% of his waking time eating, the feeding interaction is perhaps an infant's most important experience. Feeding not only supplies energy for growth, it also establishes his bond with his mother, provides a sense of security and pleasure for the infant, and presents repeated opportunities for learning and social exchange.

A child's transition to solid food is a dynamic (不断增长的) period of growth and learning. Eating patterns change more during this period than during any other time of life. This transition requires rapid learning about flavors, food, manners, and social exchange.

An often unrecognized milestone (里程碑) in young children's eating behavior is dealing with a fear of new food.Young children are inclined to be afraid of new food when they are between 18-24 months of age. Children previously judged as "good eaters" often begin to reject new food and refuse formerly accepted, familiar items. Children's acceptance of new food does not happen right away. It requires repeated experience with new food to overcome fears and enhance acceptance.

The Family Eating Environment

Parents and caregivers greatly influence the eating environment in which children's preferences and eating patterns develop. Caregivers determine which foods are available to the child and what composes a child's diet. They also provide a model of eating behavior and guide a child's eating through feeding practices. By selecting the food that comes into the home, parents have direct control over the food children repeatedly eat.

At any point in development, large differences may exist among parents in the extent to which they allow a child to control eating, including the timing of meals, as well as what and how much is eaten. Feeding practices that are too controlling are not effective, but rather may work against promoting healthy eating patterns. The use of pressure and restriction in child feeding seems to have an opposite effect on children's preferences. Another unintended consequence of using pressure in child feeding is that it may cause eating to be influenced by factors other than a child's own hunger and fullness. The Contemporary Eating Environment

While the family is the most important environment in which

children's eating develops, cultural and physical environments also play a role. Environmental factors affect a parent's ability to promote healthy eating patterns. Such factors include increased time demands in family life, loss of the family meal, increased television viewing during meals, increased dining-out (外出就餐) occasions, and

increased use of childcare. Parents also struggle with the broader health and eating concerns of our society. This climate includes poor diet quality and an ever-increasing number of overweight parents and children. At the same time, society places an enormous emphasis on dieting and thinness.

Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors

A worthy goal for parents and caregivers is to create feeding

environments that promote healthy eating behaviors and support healthy weight and growth. There are several important feeding issues for most children.

Young children eat small amounts of food frequently; three meals and three snacks (点心) is a normal eating pattern until well into the school years.

? The appearance of irregular eating patterns is not necessarily

evidence of poor eating habits. Parents should consider the ?

amount of food eaten across the day and beyond, rather than focus on "getting a child to eat" at a particular eating occasion. ? Young children require fewer energy and smaller portion sizes.

Because increasing portion sizes may increase energy intakes, be careful about routinely (习惯性地) offering adult-size servings of drinks and snacks. Keeping these issues and the following ten tips in mind will help parents and caregivers develop healthy eating behaviors in the children they care for.

Ten Tips for Putting Information into Action

1. Children benefit from eating routines (常规) and structure in the same way that they benefit from bedtime routines! Be sure to offer three meals and two to three snacks across the course of the day. In between, avoid feeding the child by adopting a "closed kitchen" policy.

2. What does hunger have to do with it? Everything. Direct children towards internal cues like hunger and fullness. Speak plainly to children about hunger and fullness during mealtime and snacks.

3. Avoid focusing on the amounts consumed. Instead, offer healthy choices and learn about appropriate portion sizes for children.

4. Offer healthy snacks and routinely remind children that fruits and vegetables are available for snacking.

5. Don't give up! Children need repeated experiences with new food before they learn to like them.

6. Be conscious of low nutrient, high-energy drinks and food consumption.

7. Be active! Turn off the television (limit of 2 hours per day) and encourage free play by GOING OUTSIDE!

8. Make family meals a priority whenever possible. Try for at least three family dinners a week. Limit eating out to twice a week and try to choose restaurants with surroundings that permit conversation.

9. Develop children's conversational styles and their sense of importance by eliminating distractions like television and music during family meals.

10. Promote healthy eating—not dieting—in word and in deed. Adopt a moderate approach that includes all food in age-appropriate amounts.

Read the passage quickly and answer the questions. For Questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For Questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

1. What can make feeding children more rewarding for caregivers?

A. Knowing more about children's natural eating patterns.

B. Challenging children as they are being raised.

C. Starting to feed them from the time they are in infancy.

D. Teaching them about what is appropriate.

2. What is influenced by early feeding interactions?

A. Opportunities for learning.

B. Stages of development.

C. Skills and behavior later.

D. Caregivers relying on themselves.

3. Children's eating patterns change most during __________.

A. the time between 18-24 months

B. his bonding period with his mother

C. the time before he is an infant

D. his transition to solid food

4. How do parents influence children's preferences and intake


A. By telling the child to overcome fear.

B. By choosing the food that comes home.

C. By feeding the child directly.

D. By planning a child's diet.

5. _______________ is not effective in promoting healthy eating


A. Providing a model

B. Allowing the child to control food

C. Controlling food too much

D. Selecting the food that comes home

6. The most important environment in developing a child's eating is


A. physical

B. hunger and fullness

C. the culture

D. the family

A. the increasing number of thin people

B. the growing number of fat people

C. the amount of care given to children

D. the many children who eat little food 7. One of the eating concerns of our society is ______________.


张晴周一34: Quiz details

A. To reduce the size of the head office.

B. To help the company make more money.

C. To try new Japanese techniques.

D. To learn from Japanese companies.

Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog. 3.

A. The things the man has learned.

B. The success the man has found.

C. The ways the man has changed his life.

D. The attitude of learning the man has adopted.

Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage or dialog. 4.

A. The man can't make his own interviews.

B. The man hasn't ever worked in business.

C. The man doesn't teach kids about business.

D. The man doesn't want a new job.

Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog. 5.

A. He only had something to talk about.

B. He missed his home country too much.

C. He only went to one country—


篇三:Children's nightwear

Product Safety

A mandatory standard guide

Children?s nightwear

(& limited daywear)

The Trade Practices Act 1974 provides for the introduction of consumer product safety standards where such standards are reasonably necessary to prevent risk of injury.

Children‘s nightwear and specific items of daywear are subject to a consumer product safety standard. The current safety standard for these garments took effect on 1 November 1999. Compliance with consumer product safety standards is mandatory. All suppliers — including manufacturers, distributors, importers and retailers of new and used clothing — must ensure their product complies with the mandatory requirements.

(Interim guide)

The consumer product safety standard (mandatory standard)

The mandatory standard is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard, AS/NZS 1249:1999, Children’s

nightwear and limited daywear having reduced fire hazard.

To aid compliance, suppliers are

advised to read the current mandatory standard notice (available from ACCC offices) in conjunction with AS/NZS 1249:1999. The Australian Standard is available for purchase from Standards Australia on free call 1300 65 46 46 or website: Since the publication of AS/NZS 1249:1999, the Standards Australia technical committee has met to discuss a number of issues for clarification. Where a matter has been informally settled by the committee, notes have been included in this guide and marked with an asterisk (*). Such matters

should be included in an amendment to the standard in due course.

Concurrent mandatory standards

Suppliers should be aware that, while the revised mandatory requirements took effect on 1 November 1999, the earlier consumer product safety

standard for children‘s nightwear based on Australian Standard AS 1249:1990, Children’s nightclothes having reduced fire hazard, was able to be used until 1 September 2001. This was to allow manufacturers time to prepare and for old stock to be sold off.

As of 1 September 2001 all garments must comply with the 1999 edition only.

Suppliers? responsibility

This guide provides an overview of the mandatory requirements for children‘s nightwear based on AS/NZS 1249:1999 only.

The guide is of a general nature and there may be important qualifications or exceptions to the mandatory standard that it does not cover. Therefore suppliers should always seek

professional advice to ensure their product complies with the mandatory requirements.

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring their garments meet the safety requirements.

Coverage of the mandatory standard

Garments covered by the mandatory standard include:

? items styled and recognised as

nightwear garments such as pyjamas, pyjama-style overgarments,

nightdresses, nightshirts, dressing gowns, bathrobes and infant sleepbags; ? knitted all-in-ones in sizes 00 to 2

made from fabrics with a mass less than 280g/m2 irrespective of style (even if intended as daywear. These are covered in a new Category 3 in the standard); ? knitted all-in-ones above size 2 of a

style which identifies them as nightwear; ? woven all-in-ones in sizes 00 to 14

if they are of a style which identifies them as nightwear; and ? boxer shorts of a loose style. Unless otherwise stated the mandatory requirements apply to garments in sizes 00 to 14. Appendix C of AS/NZS 1249:1999 provides guidance in regard to the classification of garments other than Category 3 garments. The new garment category for knitted all-in-one garments (size 00-2) was created to remove the difficulty of distinguishing daywear from nightwear. For example, a size 4 knitted all-in-one with plastic soled feet and a hood may be classified as

daywear and need not comply with the

mandatory requirements, however a similar garment in size 2 must comply. Exclusions

Garments not covered by this standard include:

? predominantly knitted all-in-ones in

sizes 00 to 2 made from fabrics with a mass greater than 280g/m2**, ? woven all-in-ones in sizes 00 to 2

and all-in-ones above size 2**; ? boxer shorts in form fitting styles,

commonly worn as underwear**; and ? tee-shirts**.

** Unless they are sold as nightwear. For example, a t-shirt style nightie is nightwear.

Also excluded are headwear, leggings either with or without feet, footwear, handwear and swimwear. Styling Information

The ?Coverage of the Standard‘ section in this guide (above) indicates the types and styles of garments required to comply with the mandatory requirements.

With some garments, classification as to nightwear or daywear is unclear. If you are unsure about a garment, contact your supplier. Note that some daywear items are included in this mandatory standard irrespective of style. Labels such as ?designed for daywear‘ do not remove the garment from the requirements of the mandatory standard if the garment is meant to be covered by the standard.

Requirements of the mandatory standard

Garment Categories

The standard divides garments into four categories.

from fabric of low fire hazard. from more flammable fabric than those in category 1, however garments

complying with this category are styled to reduce fire danger, ie a form-fitting style such as pyjamas.

garments made predominantly from knitted fabrics with a mass less than 280g/m2 in sizes 00 to 2.

not comply with the requirements for categories 1, 2 or 3, but still meet some burning tests, composition and size requirements.

requirements of any category and therefore cannot comply with the mandatory standard.

Sections 1 to 4 of AS/NZS 1249:1999 detail the requirements for each

category. These requirements include ? burning behaviours and times; ? trims; ? fastening;

? attachments at neck openings; and ? labelling.

It is important for manufacturers and importers to accurately determine into which category their garments belong. Testing garments for compliance with the standard may be the only way to correctly determine this.

Appendix A, AS 1249:1999, provides suppliers with a guide for determining the correct category for garments (except sleepbags).

At the time of printing this guide two errors have been detected in AS 1249:1999. The errors are:

? In clause 4.5.2, sleepbags should

not be ―exempt from clause 4.2‖ as the 1999 edition reads. It should read that they are ―exempt from clauses 4.3 and 4.4‖. ? In the flow chart in Appendix A.

The diamond on the 2nd line that asks ―Mass OK?‖ should instead ask ―Mass >280gsm?‖ Standards Australia has been notified and will issue an official amendment. This amendment will itself need to be gazetted by the Minister to become mandatory under the legislation,

however no dispute is anticipated over the changes and suppliers should take note. Marking

Section 5 of AS/NZS 1249:1999 sets out the requirements for the labelling of children‘s nightwear.

The standard requires that nightwear shall be clearly and permanently marked with the following; ? manufacturer or supplier name or


? size (dimensions are optional*); ? fire hazard information; and ? care instructions for the preservation

of a fire retardant treatment where it has been applied to the fabric. Fire hazard information

Each piece of nightwear must be

marked with a permanent label (printed or woven*) identifying the fire hazard category of the garment.

The label must be clearly visible on the garment at the point of retail sale and if obscured when packaged, the same flammability warning must be

prominently displayed on the packaging (front or back*).

Under this standard there are only two categories of fire hazard.

Garments that comply with

requirements for Categories 1, 2 or 3 qualify to be classified as low fire danger and shall be labelled with the words ―LOW FIRE DANGER‖ Category 4 garments are considered a high fire risk and shall be labelled with the words ―WARNING(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:children,s,eating) HIGH FIRE DANGER KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE‖ and be accompanied by the flame symbol, as specified in AS/NZS 1249:1999.

There are no specific size, shape or

orientation limitations on the label itself, however the standard does require the following clauses of AS/NZS 1249:1999 are met:

Clause 5.3 –location of the label; Clause 5.4 - durability of the label; and

Clause 5.5 – label and word colour and letter and symbol size.

As the label has to be clearly visible, it must not be obscured, eg. by placing a brand label on top of it.

Retailer Information

Retailers have a responsibility to ensure that the goods they stock meet

mandatory safety standards. To aid compliance retailers should always: ? stipulate that the goods they order

meet the mandatory standard; and ? undertake visual checks to ensure

compliance with the more obvious requirements. The following information may assist with the visual assessments of nightwear.

Check list

Does the garment have:

? manufacturer or supplier name or

trademark; ? size;

? care instructions; ? fire hazard label either: - LOW FIRE DANGER (black on white label) ;

- WARNING HIGH FIRE DANGER KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE (black on red label including fire symbol).

Is the fire hazard warning: ? located inside the back neck of a

one piece garment or top; ? at the waist, waistband or top of

centre back seam on pants; ? on each piece of a multi piece set;

and ? visible at point of sale (if not, is the

warning on the packaging).

The ACCC?s role

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is responsible for enforcing mandatory consumer product safety and information standards.

Because injury prevention is better than cure, the ACCC attaches great

importance to promoting compliance with the safety provisions as well as to remedial enforcement action. It conducts random surveys of retail outlets throughout Australia to detect non-complying products, to assess the overall level of marketplace compliance and to liaise with suppliers. It also investigates allegations by consumers and suppliers about non-complying goods.

The ACCC frequently seeks the immediate withdrawal of defective

goods from sale and recall of the goods. Other remedies available to the ACCC include injunctions, damages, a

requirement for corrective advertising and various ancillary orders.


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Part 1 Compound Dictation

(每小题: 分)

Directions: In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are

required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage. People aren't completely certain how the character "Uncle

Sam" was created, or who (if anyone) he was named after.

The prevailing 1.named after Samuel Wilson. Wilson was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, on September 13, 1766. His 2.

he and his brother Ebenezer 3.York. During the War of 1812, Wilson was 4.

interactions influence the set of skills and behaviors children

possess as their eating moves from completely depending on their caregivers to relying more on themselves.

Inborn (天生的) Abilities, Preferences, and Transitions (转变)

Because a newborn spends about 50% of his waking time eating, the feeding interaction is perhaps an infant's most important experience. Feeding not only supplies energy for growth, it also establishes his bond with his mother, provides a sense of security and pleasure for the infant, and presents repeated opportunities for learning and social exchange.

A child's transition to solid food is a dynamic (不断增长的) period of growth and learning. Eating patterns change more during this period than during any other time of life. This transition requires rapid learning about flavors, food, manners, and social exchange. An often unrecognized milestone (里程碑) in young children's eating behavior is dealing with a fear of new food. Young children are inclined to be afraid of new food when they are between 18-24 months of age. Children previously judged as "good eaters" often begin to reject new food and refuse formerly accepted, familiar items. Children's acceptance of new food does not happen right away. It requires repeated experience with new food to overcome fears and enhance acceptance.

The Family Eating Environment

Parents and caregivers greatly influence the eating environment in which children's preferences and eating patterns develop.

Caregivers determine which foods are available to the child and what composes a child's diet. They also provide a model of eating behavior and guide a child's eating through feeding practices. By selecting the food that comes into the home, parents have direct control over the food children repeatedly eat.

At any point in development, large differences may exist among parents in the extent to which they allow a child to control eating, including the timing of meals, as well as what and how much is eaten. Feeding practices that are too controlling are not effective, but rather may work against promoting healthy eating patterns. The use of pressure and restriction in child feeding seems to have an

opposite effect on children's preferences. Another unintended

consequence of using pressure in child feeding is that it may cause eating to be influenced by factors other than a child's own hunger and fullness.

The Contemporary Eating Environment

While the family is the most important environment in which

children's eating develops, cultural and physical environments also play a role. Environmental factors affect a parent's ability to promote healthy eating patterns. Such factors include increased time demands in family life, loss of the family meal, increased television viewing during meals, increased dining-out (外出就餐) occasions, and increased use of childcare. Parents also struggle with the broader health and eating concerns of our society. This climate includes poor diet quality and an ever-increasing number of

overweight parents and children. At the same time, society places an enormous emphasis on dieting and thinness.

Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors

A worthy goal for parents and caregivers is to create feeding environments that promote healthy eating behaviors and support healthy weight and growth. There are several important feeding issues for most children:

1. Young children eat small amounts of food frequently; three meals and three snacks (点心) is a normal eating pattern until well into the school years.

2. The appearance of irregular eating patterns is not necessarily evidence of poor eating habits. Parents should consider the amount of food eaten across the day and beyond, rather than focus on "getting a child to eat" at a particular eating occasion.

3. Young children require fewer energy and smaller portion sizes. Because increasing portion sizes may increase energy intakes, be careful about routinely (习惯性地) offering adult-size servings of drinks and snacks.

Keeping these issues and the following ten tips in mind will help parents and caregivers develop healthy eating behaviors in the children they care for.

Ten Tips for Putting Information into Action

篇五:Unit 2单元测试题


21Keep on running every day and you will from it .

A.benefit;long before B.gain;before long C.benefit;before long D.gain;soon 22Susan is on a special to lose weight. A.food B.diet C.meal D.dinner 23He is always ready to help others.That’s one of his . A.strengths B.powers C.abilities


24I won’t let him that excuse.I know he is telling a lie!

A.get along with B.get down to C.get away with D.get around

25—Shall I go and buy some fruit for the party? A.ought to


—No,I have already bought 3 baskets.That be enough. C.may


26Your article is too long.You must to about 3,000 words.

A.cut it off B.cut it up C.cut it down D.cut it into

27—Why was Tom scolded by our teacher? A.tell a lie B.telling lies

—For . C.told lies D.telling lie

28—Anything new in the new rules? A.of great benefit B.harms

—They will be to us all. C.many good D.for the benefit 29All the materials for us to make products are from that country. A.green B.ripe C.raw


30She was to hear that he had died. A.amazing B.amazed C.amazement D.amaze

31I don’t think you should you are quite slim. A.put on weight B.lose weight C.put weight

D.lose fat

32Knowing his son was deep ,the old couple became worried.

A.in debt B.in debts C.for debt D.for debts

33In order to keep their trade ,they would have to buy less goods in the United States.

A.balanced B.balancing C.to balance D.being balanced 34If your knowledge can be in some way with my experience,we are sure to succeed.

A.joined B.united C.connected D.combined

35The boy on the bed to his friend that a cock laid an egg yesterday.

A.lay;lay B.lying;lay C.lying;lied D.lied;lying


Everything speeds up with people’s lives. People often eat fast foodnice meals cooked by their mother 38 cooked. They can take 39 from the shelf when they 40 their dollar and in ten minutes eat it and.People move a greatfrom city to city,their jobs.Airplanes gofrom airports.When people move 46 the cities,they leave their old friends 47 .They leave their old mother and father,their children,and leave their.People become without roots,without a placethey can really call “home”.This has veryeffects.One thing is that the old people often live so far from their children that,they become old,there is nobody to 52 them.Brothers and sisters move far away from each other.They telephone each other.become very scattered(分散的).Society does not have theways any more,the ones which kept people 55 together.Many people feel rather lonely today.

36A.without B.together with C.instead of D.as

37A.at school B.at home C.in the hotel D.in the restaurant

38A.already B.still C.not D.just

39A.them B.it C.everything D.little

40A.put B.get C.set D.pay

41A.finish B.cook C.fetch D.bring

42A.families B.children C.old people D.business

43A.many B.much C.deal D.far

44A.doing B.to do C.changing D.change

45A.usually B.immediately C.constantly D.fast

46A.out B.to C.in D.around

47A.behind B.away C.out D.off

48A.friends B.parents C.teachers D.students

49A.or B.and C.where D.that

50A.bad B.surprising C.exciting D.great

51A.if B.when C.since D.because

52A.see B.look after C.hear from D.telephone

53A.Families B.Societies C.Cities D.Towns


55A.close B.old C.easy D.same B.near C.strange D.friendly

四、阅读理解 (共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)


A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you.Eating the right kind of food is very

important.It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat. three groups are the meat and fish group,the fruit and vegetable group,and the bread and rice group.Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.With all these food together,you will be given enough energy during the day. It is easy to get into bad eating habits.You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time.Or you may not have time for a good lunch.It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time.But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.

Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong.It is also good to take some exercise.It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

56The underlined word “dairy” in the second paragraph means .

A.the food made out of cows such as milk and butter B.the shop that sells milk and butter

C.a farm where cows are kept D.a place where milk products are made

57Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

A.Eggs,tomatoes and chicken. B.Milk,bread,cabbages and beef.

C.Corn,fish,cream and pork. D.Rice,beancurd,apples,fish and chicken. 58In this passage the writer mainly tells us that .

A.every person needs food to grow well B.taking exercise can keep your body strong

C.right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy D.enough energy helps people think more quickly 59The best title for this passage is A.The Four Food Groups B.A Healthy Diet C.Your Body and Food D.The Key to Your Health


Recently,the UK Department of Health(DoH)says in one of its reports that measures taken to deal with the

advertising of rubbish food to children seem to be taking effect — at least in terms of television

advertising.According to DoH,a child-themed ad is an ad that has a connection with a children’s TV

programme,film,book,computer game or a licensed character,a new product or packaging designed to appeal to children.

The advertising of HFSS foods(high in fat,sugar and salt)has become something of a battleground between the industry and health defenders,with the former saying that efforts are being made to guarantee that children are targeted less,and the latter arguing that these efforts are inadequate(不适当的).

However,advertisers may be turning their attention to other media(媒体).In the press,money spent on general food and drink child-themed advertising between 2004 and 2009 increased.Annual child-themed ad spending on radio and the Internet also increased by 11 percent.

UK Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo responded to the report,“I am pleased that there are now fewer ads on TV that are making our children fall into bad eating habits — but we must keep an eye on other types of media.I hope that the industry will continue to play its part in reducing the exposure that children have to the advertising of food which is high in fat,salt or sugar.”

60We can learn from the text that DoH’s report .

A.shows the government’s attitude to ward rubbish food advertising

B.stresses the responsibilities taken by the advertising industry

C.covers the effects of HFSS foods on children’s health

D.concerns with children’s exposure to rubbish food advertising

61According to DoH,a child-themed ad .

A.plays a major role in children’s lives B.will influence children’s buying habits

C.is designed to target child customers D.will be banned by DoH

62What is the centre of the argument between the industry and health defenders?

A.The measures taken to fight against the rubbish food advertising.

B.The influence of advertisements for rubbish food on children.

C.The efforts made to reduce child-themed advertisements.

D.The efficiency of the advertising of HFSS foods to children.

63We can infer from Dawn Primarolo’s response to the report that .

A.the government should take further measures to solve the problem

B.TV advertising will greatly influence children’s eating habits

C.he is fairly confident of the solution to the problem in the end

D.it needs the efforts from the government and the industry to solve the problem


Meat and vegetables are measured in grams and kilograms.Milk and other liquid foods are measured in liters or milliliters.These units only measure quantity:they do not measure the value of the food to the body.The unit which measures the quality or value of food is the calorie,the amount of heat given off by food when it burns.This measurement tells how much energy a certain food has when it is completely used by the body.

Our bodies use various amount of calories.The more exercise we take,the more calories we burn.If we eat food which contains more calories than we use up,then it is possible that we would increase in weight.In order to avoid becoming overweight,it is advisable to eat a balanced diet and not to eat too many foods that have a high calorie

64A.How to measure the quality of food. B.Calories in foods.

C.The units of measurement. D.How to keep fit.

65How many slices of bacon equal the same number of calories as in a sausage roll?

A.7. B.6. C.5. D.8.

66To keep the calorie intake down,it is better to eat more .

A.chocolate B.meat pies C.fruit D.apple pies

67When do you need the most calories from your diet?

A.When we sleep. B.While working in the fields. C.While watching a play. D.After getting up. 六、书面表达(满分25分)




_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________


※主题:an experience about working at a KFC fast-food restaurant

※必备词汇:a KFC fast-food restaurant,cleaner,get up,so...that...,labour

※必备句型:I worked 7 hours a day...

I got up very early and...,which made me so tired that...

After all,I stuck to it...

I think it is really a successful experience.

21.解析:benefit from意为“从……中受益”;gain不与介词from搭配;long before意为“很久以前”,多用于过去的时态;before long意为“不久”,常用于一般将来时。 答案:C

22.解析:on a diet是固定短语,其含义为“节食”。答案:B


24.解析:get along with表示“进展,相处”;get down to表示“开始认真做某事”;get away with表示“做某事不受惩罚”;get around表示“传开”。由句意“我不会让他以那个借口逃避惩罚”可以得出答案。答案:C

25.解析:根据答句中的“我已经买了三篮”判断,此处用ought to(应该)表示说话人的一种主观看法。may强调潜在的、客观的可能性,can表示推测时用于否定句或疑问句。答案:A

26.解析:词组cut off表示“中断”;cut up表示“切碎”;cut down表示“削减,缩减”;cut into表示“切成……”。后句用cut it down表示“你必须把这篇文章的词数缩减到3,000词”。答案:C

27解析:由介词for可知,其后应接动名词,排除A项和C项。表示“说谎”应用tell lies或tell a lie。答案:B

28.解析:词组be of great benefit to sb.表示“对某人有好处”;如选择B项,应把harms改为harmful;be good for也可表示“对……有好处”。答案:A

29.解析:raw materials表示“原材料”。green表示“生的,不熟的”;ripe表示“成熟的”;nature表示“自然”。答案:C

30.解析:句意是“听到他的死讯她大吃一惊”。amazing“使人惊异的”,amazed“吃惊的”,amazement是名词,“惊奇”;amaze是动词,“使……吃惊”。此题中be amazed to do sth.是固定结构。答案:B

31.解析:根据空后的“你相当苗条”可知,“你”不应该“减肥”(lose weight)。put on weight表示“体重增加”。 答案:B

32解析:in debt是固定短语,含义是“欠债”。答案:A

33解析:balance作动词时,其含义是“平衡”。their trade与balance之间存在被动关系,应用过去分词作宾语补足语。being done一般不作补足语。答案:A

34解析:词组combine A with/and B的含义是“把A和B结合起来”。而join与connect表示“连接”,unite表示“团结,联合”。答案:D

35解析:lie“平躺,位于”,其过去式为lay;lie也有“撒谎”的含义,其过去式为lied。现在分词均为lying。第一个空用现在分词lying作定语,修饰The boy;第二个空用lied作谓语动词。句意为:躺在床上的男孩向他的朋友撒谎说昨天有只公鸡下了个蛋。答案:C

36解析:快餐和妈妈在家做的香喷喷的饭菜只能取其一,所以选instead of。together with在句中指两种都吃,without在句中指快餐中不含妈妈做的饭菜,as是指“和……一样”。都不合题意。答案:C

37解析:由首句可知,人们追求吃饭速度必然到饭店吃快餐,而不吃母亲在家里做的可口饭菜。at school“在学校”;at home“在家”;in the hotel“在旅馆”;in the restaurant“在餐馆”。答案:B



40解析:由下文的their dollar反推该空应填pay,指付钱。put “放”;get“得到”,set“安置”。答案:D



43解析:a great deal意为“许多”。many不能修饰动词;much和far不与a great连用。答案:C

44解析:人们频繁更换地点是由于更换工作。动词原形不能作状语,因此应用动词change的现在分词。答案:C 45解析:由下文“Every twenty-five seconds planes are taking off from airports.”反推该空应填constantly。答案:C 46解析:此句意为“他们搬到大城市”。搬到某个地方为 “move to”。答案:B

47解析:当人们搬迁到各个城市时,他们将老朋友留下,用leave...behind。leave out 意为“遗漏”;leave off 意为“停止”。答案:A

48解析:与人们关系密切的人除了父母、孩子之外就是朋友了。parents前面已提到,而teachers和students不 如friends与人们的关系密切。答案:A

49解析:that为关系代词,在句中引导定语从句,先行词a place 指物且在定语从句中作宾语。答案:D


51解析:根据题意,本题讲的是一般事实,没有假设意味,所以不能用A项,C、D项表示因果关系,在此意义不 符。答案:B


53解析:由上文的brothers and sisters搬得越来越远,说明家庭分散开了。family“家庭”;society“社会”;city“城市”;town“城镇”。答案:A


55解析:旧的生活方式曾使人们那么亲近。close可表示人们之间关系亲密,near只能表示距离近。strange“陌生的,奇怪的”;friendly “友好的”。答案:A

56解析:词义理解题。由该句中的milk,cheese and sour milk可推知dairy的含义是“用奶牛产出的像牛奶和黄油类的食物”。答案:A

57解析:细节理解题。从第二段前四句尤其是第四句“Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.”可以得出答案。答案:B

58解析:主旨大意题。文章最后一句是主题句,“Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.” 答案:C

59解析:主旨大意题。本文谈到了饮食类型和饮食习惯,还谈到了锻炼的作用,而这些都影响着人的身体健康。 答案:D



62解析:推理判断题。由第二段可知双方争论的焦点集中在为减少以孩子为主题的广告所做的努力上。答案:C 63解析:推理判断题。Dawn Primarolo作为英国的Public Health Minister,他的讲话代表了政府对此事的关注,他说的话中提到了“I hope that the industry will continue to play its part...”。这表明要解决这个问题,需要政府和企业两方面的努力。答案:D

64解析:主旨大意题。由文章第一段中的信息句“The unit which measures the quality or value of food is the calorie,the amount of heat given off by food when it burns.”可知本文主要讲述如何衡量食品的质量。


65解析:计算题。由“Slice of bacon 50,Sausage roll 350”,350÷50=7可知。答案:A
