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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 05:26:32 字数作文


1. 进入全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段 We have entered the decisive stage of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects(与establish a?society比较,使用building 更具有时间上的延续性和“任重道远,前途无限”的感觉,因而也与“阶段性”语义上更加相应;另一方面,building 却不像establish 那样本身就含有“建成”的意味,所以需要添加completing).

2. 凝聚力量,攻坚克难pool our strength to overcome all difficulties (如果查阅一般词典上“凝聚”的释义,可以想象必然找到一个物理或物理化学的专有词,使用pool 表面上不对应但是实际上更能表现“把多方力量汇聚到一起”的实际涵义)

3. 世情、国情、党情 global, national and Party conditions (“世情”在这里是世界情况的简化,但不使用world 而用global 就与national的语言形式取得一致,从而更具有文体风格的统一)

4. 前所未有的机遇和挑战 unprecedented opportunities and challenges unknown before(注意英文不同搭配:opportunities 涵义中具有时间性指向,意味时机适宜,因此采用unprecedented 这一涵义也时间指向的词搭配;challenge 则自然指向“能否接受、应对”这个问题,所以用unknown 搭配)

5. 更加奋发有为,兢兢业业地工作aim higher and work harder (“奋发有为”必然是为明确的目标努力,因此“更加”可以理解成“aim higher”;“有为”与后面的“工作”相通,因此只简单、连贯地翻译一次。另外,汉语常通过四字结构追求修辞上的节凑,这英语属不同类别的语言,没有这一追求。前面例2中“攻坚克难”的翻译也是如此。)

6. 作出全面部署(总体布局)adopt a comprehensive/an overall plan (此处值得注意的是adopt的使用:虽然一般做计划都可以是make a plan,但adopt a plan 更为周全,原因是:make a plan 并不意味着立即事实计划,而adopt a plan 却明显意味着立即实施。)

7. 作出总体安排adopt general implementation/implementing steps(“安排”没有翻译为 arrangements,就是因为这种“安排”应该是具体的“steps”,而且这种安排就是在实施,所以直接翻译具体意思就是以最准确的语言抓住关键)

8. 关系全局的重大问题 issues of underlying importance/of overriding importance(比较:issues that have a bearing on the overall situation, 其中的“have a bearing on”和“related”一样只是说明有关联,但是意味不够强。根据语境可以不用situation)

9. 新形势下党的建设 party building in a new environment/under new conditions(比 “under new circumstances/situation”更好,因为"conditions" 的意味更加具体,同时隐含着面临着问题)

10. 综合国力大幅提高 China’s overall strength has grown considerably. (“国力”就是指中国的国力,对外直接翻译China;这里的“综合”有“整体上”的意思,与隐含“全面包括”的comprehensive 意思相比更加合适。considerably 是英语中表达程度大的一个习惯用法,词典上不一定对应,但实际中应该掌握)

11. 生态文明建设扎实展开 Solid steps have been taken to promote ecological progress/raise ecological awareness. (“扎实展开”根据《英汉互译原理与实践》中阐述的英译汉“化静为动”,汉译英“化动为静”的思维转换原则把动词译为名词,而原修饰动词的副词自然转换为形容词)

12. 宏观调控体系 system of macro-regulation (control) (阅读官方英文翻译,可以发现经常有同时使用regulation 和control两个次的情况,但我个人认为,此处control 完全可以不用,因为具有一定概括或抽象意义的英语名词具有可延展、伸缩解释的特点,regulation 本身不仅有“调节”的意思,也有“控制”的意思。英语名词词尾-tion表明它的意思具有范畴的特点,可以延展。这个具体实例说明,性质、状态等在汉语中置于词尾的属性、范畴性词语一般都可以不译,只要找到对应的英语名字即可。)

13. 居民收入较快增长 Individual/personal(people’s) income has grown rapidly/has registered fast growth. (“居民”还是具体的个人组成的,这与“all” 和“every” 之间一样可以互通. 但是如果用居民则造成使用复数的必要,而使用复数后出现了一个平均还是不平均的问题,所以不用)。

14. 衣食住行用条件明显改善 People’s need for daily necessities such as clothing, food, housing and transport is better met. (理解衣食住行是基本需要,而在这方面的改善就是更好满足需要 meet the needs, 但此处似乎把is better met 直接置于necessities 之后再加一逗号更好,这样也适合同声传译的原理,不怕后面具体的东西更多,反正不需要记忆、颠倒语序了。 )

15. 农村扶贫标准大幅度提高 Rural poverty line was raised by a big margin ("标准"其实经常可以用line 表示,而“扶贫”不必翻译的原因是一旦确定标准,那么扶贫是自然需要,顺理成章,而且是全社会的责任)

16. 政治体制改革 reform of the political structure/political structural reform(不使用 political system 的原因是system 太概括笼统,给人感觉什么都要彻底改变,这显然不对)

17.实行城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表 Urban and rural deputies to people’s congresses are now elected on the basis of the same population ratio.(按照《英汉互译原理与实践教程》中所述原则,改成被动的目的是从事物或事情本身出发,追求客观性感觉,而不仅仅是主动与被动的形式转换。另外,原文在中文中可以讲得通,但直接翻译显得不严谨:“实行”显然是对一个方针政策或办法而言的,应该有一个这类名词。使用被动形式在达到了客观的基础上也避免了这个搭配选择问题)

18. 基层民主不断发展Community-level democracy has steadily developed. ("基层"这个词过去一般总是翻译成 grass roots level,但近些年开始变化,原因是感觉这个词带有一定的轻视或贬义,对应的正是所谓“草根”,所以采用了community-level 这个新的表达法。 不过以我的感觉,其实“基层”完全可以直译为“base level”,现在不用这个直译的原因很值得分析,完全是一种“规避”心理影响的结果。这种规避的做法,在应用语言学研究中称之为avoidence,就是由于担心不地道或不正确而回避根据母语直译首先找到的词语。与此相反的是“沉溺”,即overindulgence,就是过度使用外语中比较地道的词语。这两种情况在我国官方翻译中其实都有表现,比如正式文件中经常使用的“adopt”就是一例。“规避”是因为在语言体系完全不同的两种语言中发现字字对应总让人觉得不那么靠谱。查阅美国网站,我发现base level的确是一个完全可以采用的、不走样的翻译,所以我建议大胆使用。)

19. 文化建设迈上新台阶Development of the cultural sector has reached a new stage.(不直接翻译为cultural construction 是因为文化本身的发展有其自然的规律,往往不以人的意志改变,所以不是一个建设不建设的问题。实际上建设


20. 文化体制改革全面推进Comprehensive progress has been made in the reform of the cultural system;(这是一个“客观句”,即从客观事物,所谈论的对象本身出发进行描写或陈述,这样往往构成语法上的被动句---虽然有些时候不一定是被动。使用了被动句时,句子的形式主语选择就成了关键。这里直接选择把汉语动词“推进”翻译成progress 做名词主语,那么原来修饰动词的副词也自然转换成修饰名词的形容词comprehensive;从另一个角度讲,把汉语动词性短语翻译成英语的名词性短语也是一个从汉语“动态”到英语“静态”的系统转换。有关“主观与客观”、“动态与静态”的转换原理在《英汉互译原理与实践教程》中有专门两章分别阐述,建议参照。

21. 人民精神文化生活更加丰富多彩。People have richer intellectual pursuit and cultural entertainment. (“精神”不翻译为 spiritual pursuit, 原因是西方英语世界大部分为基督教国家,大多数人信教,因此对它们来说spiritual有较强的宗教联想;中国虽然也有各种宗教,但势力和影响远远不及西方,人们说到“精神”时往往想到的是“思想”和“智慧”,联想完全不同)

22. 基本公共服务均等化程度明显提高Access to basic public services has become much more equitable.(此句翻译涉及到翻译中的“显化”与“隐化”的问题:应该理解把隐含在中文里的“享受服务的可及途径”access 显化翻译出来,不是随意添加,而是从英语注重逻辑性、客观性和具体性的角度考虑做细化的翻译。“明显”翻译成much more说明,语言词汇的字面意义与语用意义(因不同搭配而产生的意义)有所不同,因此需要变通。既然是“程度”问题,那么高低或多少才是更符合逻辑的搭配,所以选择much more 是很灵活的自然转换(此外还可以选择considerably,remarkably)。

23. 免费义务教育全面实现Free compulsory education is now available across the country. (“实现”翻译成 is now available,“全面”翻译成across the country 也是遵循应该注重词语实际语用意义的原则。此外,以现在的结果和现状涵盖过程,也是英语的习惯,比如“他来了”在英语中更倾向于翻译成He is now here, 而不是He has come. 除了 is now available 之外,这里还可以选择 is now brought into effect/is now in effect/is now in practice.“全面”在这里对全国之面,所以也正是across the country)

24. 开创两岸关系和平发展新局面 usher in a new stage of peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations【翻译这个包含较长定语的句子时,一般很容易首先想到使用定语从句,翻译成“create a new situation in which /which ?”。但这里不用定语从句显得更加简洁、干脆,更符合英语倾向整合式表达的习惯。由此可知,定语从句一般不是首选。中国英语学习者应该注意不“沉溺”(indulgence)于其中。】

25. 在国际事务中的代表性和话语权进一步增强 We have secured more representation and a greater say for China in international affairs.【“代表性”和“话语权”中的“权”和“性”不翻译,原因与简注(3)中的12例相同,即英语名词意义往往可大可小,具有可延伸的范畴,representation 和 say 可以具体理解为行为或情况,也可以理解为“权”和“性”。所以,找到准确的名词其实是翻译的一个重点。另外,此处的 say 也可以换做voice】

26. 党的思想理论建设成效明显 Notable progress has been made in

strengthening the Party theoretically【“思想”不翻译为thoughts 或 ideology,原因是 thought(s) 对个人而言比较得当,对党显然不很适用,而当代英语中ideology 含有(灌输的)僵化性、教条性等贬义性联想。另外,“建设成效明显”都不是选择词典第一义项翻译的原因也是根据语义搭配的需要,说明要做好翻译不能依靠词典(相反,词典编撰应该从翻译实践中得到丰富与改善)】

27. 加强党的干部队伍 strengthen the ranks of Party officials 【“干部”不翻译 成 cadres,因为这个词是前苏联俄式英语,并没有在英美国家被广泛接受。“队伍”在这里实际上是team 或 organization 的意思,我个人认为可以不用rank 和 official 两个词,建议整句翻译为 “strenthen the leadership organization of the Party (仅供参考)】

28. 发展中不平衡、不协调、不持续问题仍然突出。Unbalance(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:make,a,plan翻译)d, uncoordinated and unsustainable development remains a big/major/serious/acute/prominent problem.

【此句翻译变化很大,涉及到从汉语“主题突出”到英语“主语突出的语言思维系统性转换。具体有两点:一是汉语中“发展(中)+ 不平衡、不协调、不持续”和“问题+仍然突出”都是“主题+述题”的结构,都转换成 英语“修饰词+名词”的名词性词组,分别为adjective + development 和 adjective + problem。这种系统性转换必然涉及传统语法概念中的“主谓宾、定状补”成份的重新安排 (前面简注10中的26例“...成效明显”也是此类)。二是在这个系统转换的前提下把汉语“突出”所表现的动态感由英语“remain”这个具有静态感的系动词表达。关于这两方面的转换在《英汉互译原理与实践教程》中有两章分述,建议参考。】

29. 产业结构不合理 The industrial structure is unbalanced 【“不合理”不翻译为irrational 原因是irrational为抽象用法,实际意思与理性思辨相关,可以翻译为“非理性”。这里根据搭配看实际上不是一个理性思辨问题。这又是一个词语翻译取决于搭配中产生的实际语用意义的一个例子。另外,值得注意的是,如果这个句子出现在更长的句子中间作为其一部分,那么也可以按照前面所讲到的“主题结构”与“主语结构”思维转换]翻译成 unbalanced industrial structure.】

30. 农业基础依然薄弱 The agricultural infrastructure(foundation) remains weak.

【“农业基础”不翻译为agricultural base, 原因不是base 不可用,而是感觉词义有些大而无当,不够具体、专业。“依然”不翻译“is still”因为remain 本身就是系动词,而且表达了“依然”的意思,简注(10)中的“仍然”翻译也是同样道理。另外,“依然薄弱”也可以翻译为“remains relatively weak”,这样就明确了是“农业基础”和其它方面相对而言薄弱的意思,我感觉应该更好一些。】

31. 资源环境约束加剧 Resources and environmental constraints have become more serious. 【如果查阅词典,“加剧”的释义一般是exacerbate, aggravate, intensify 等,但从语义搭配上看这些词典释义在这里并不很合适:exacerbate稍有生僻感、不够通俗,aggravate 和intensify 一般搭配的应该是一个很明显带有否定意思的词(比如,illness, poverty),而constraints 本身否定意味不明显,所以采用have become more serious来翻译。不过,这个译法口语文体比较明显,所以我建议采纳 is increasingly serious 来翻译(不一定非用完成时态) 】

32. 制约科学发展的机制障碍较多 Many systemic barriers stand in the way of promoting development in a scientific way.【此句也是一个客观句,即从事务本身出发开始描写或陈述,所以直接以Many systemic barriers 做主语。既然是“发展”中碰到的障碍,而“发展”是一个过程,有其轨迹或路线,所以用stand in the way就合情合理,是把自然包含的意思做“显化”的翻译。不过,因为“发展”

是个过程,可以是一个由主观促进的过程也可以看作一个客观过程,所以我认为不需要使用“promoting”这个词。另外,development in a scientific way 显然不如 scientific development 简洁、干脆。建议全句翻译为:Many systemic barriers stand in the way of scientific development 。

33. 社会矛盾明显增多。 Social problems have increased markedly.【“矛盾”不按词典释义翻译为contradictions,原因是这个词指抽象意义上的对立状态,尤其是涉及言语、观点、意见等方面的自相矛盾;也不翻译为conflicts, 因为它的意思过重,一般较难化解。相比之下,有problems 还是可以解决的。至于“明显增多”中的“明显”,在中文里实际上常常用作说明程度的词,并非真正与“隐蔽”、“不明显”相对的意思。另外,这个词用来说程度一般倾向于说中性或不良事件,如果是肯定性的意思,比如,“社会福利明显改善”,则用remarkably: Social welfare has improved remarkably.】

33. 化解矛盾 solve social problems/tensions/conflicts 【如简注(12)第33条所述,“矛盾”翻译不用contradictions 是因为虽然词典对其注释一般都用这个词,但实际上contradiction 的意思是与言论、观点、意见等方面的矛盾相关,而这里搭配的动词是“化解”而不是“解决”,显然是实际上存在的较大的矛盾和冲突。所以用conflicts 或tension。原文中没有说“社会”但根据大的语境可以推知是“social problems”。这个译例虽然只是一个词语搭配和选择的问题,但足以说明做翻译需要思考,常常有“似是而非”的翻译和必要的增删,仅仅依靠词典是难以做翻译的。

34. 关系群众切身利益的问题 problems affecting people’s immediate interests 【这里的“关系”作为动词实际上是“影响”的意思,但是中国学生在翻译“影响”时很有可能首先想到用influence。实际上,influence 是一个中性词,它所表达的影响可以好也可以坏,而且是比较表面化的影响;affect 所表达的影响一般则是不好的,而且涉及实质性的,所以在这里更加合适。 “群众”不翻译为 masses 是因为中文这个词政治色彩太重,而且在西方有些层次低、无组织等贬义性联想。根据当代英语的使用情况,除了直接翻译people 外还可以选择citizens。】

36. 一些领域道德失范,诚信缺失。There is lack of ethics and integrity in some fields of endeavor.【此处的“领域”如果只翻译成fields 就感觉因大而无当而显得空泛、不实在、不具体,因此加上了限定性的 of endeavor。不过,这种添加也是选择之一,我本人感觉用of social activities可能更好一些,原因是 endeavor 这个词有肯定性意味(如“努力奋斗”、“为之奋斗的事业”),对于“道德失范、缺乏诚信”的人来说用这个好词有点便宜了他们。既然“道德失范、缺乏诚信”两个词组里都有“缺、失”,所以用一个“lack”整合翻译。不过,如果用“loss”直接翻译会显得更好,因为“缺失”不等于“缺乏”,这种现象并非始终存在,而是改革、过渡过程中因“向前(钱)看”而出现的阶段性问题。】

37. 理想信念动摇,宗旨意识淡薄 waver in their ideal and conviction and are not fully aware of the mission of the Party【“理想信念”和“宗旨意识”在此处都是汉语的主题(传统语法中所谓“主语”),但这个主题在更大的主题系统中是“(一些/这些)人”下的次主题,waver是对人而言的(They waver),所以这八个字的词组不做句子主语。“淡薄”翻为 not fully aware 是变通地翻译实质性意思。不过,从文体一致、干脆果断这一点来说, 我建议使用与前面waver 词性一致的词,全句还可以翻译为:(They)waver in their ideal and conviction and lack



How to improve your study habits


Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily the case, however. You can receive better grades if you want to. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Here's how:


1.Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule or chart of your time. Fill in committed time such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classes, etc. Then decide on good, regular times for studying. Be sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignments.


Of course, studying shouldn't occupy all of the free time on the schedule. It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. This weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time. Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play.


2. Find a good place to study. Choose one place for your study area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it should not have distractions. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject.


3. Skim before you read. This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. As you preview the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is organized. Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improve your comprehension as well.



4. Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Sit where you can see and hear well. Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says.


5. Study regularly. Go over your notes as soon as you can after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about. Read about these points in your textbook.


If you know what the teacher will discuss the next day skim and read that material too. This will help you understand the next class. If you review your notes and textbook regularly, the material will become more meaningful and you will remember it longer. Regular review leads to improved performance on tests.


6. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't worry excessively about a single test. Texts provide grades, but they also let you know what you need to spend more time studying, and they help make your new knowledge permanent.


There are other techniques that might help you with your studying. Only a few have been mentioned here. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these. Talk with your classmates about their study techniques. Share with them some of the techniques you have found to be helpful. Improving your study habits will improve your grades.


At sixty-five Francis Chichester set out to sail single-handed round the world. This is the story of that adventure.


Sailing Round the World


Before he sailed round the world single-handed, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He had tried to fly round the world but failed. That was in 1931.


The years passed. He gave up flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly. Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race. His old dream of going round the world came back, but this time he would sail.


His friends and doctors did not think he could do it, as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determined to carry out his plan. In August 1966, at the age of nearly sixty-five, an age when many men retire, he began the greatest voyage of his life. Soon, he was away in his new 16-metre boat, Gipsy Moth.


Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships. But the clippers had had plenty of crew. Chichester did it all by himself, even after the main steering device had been damaged by gales.


Chichester covered 14100 miles before stopping in Sydney, Australia. This was more than twice the distance anyone had previously sailed alone. He arrived in Australia on 12 December, just 107 days out from England. He received a warm welcome from the Australians and from his family who had flown there to meet him. On shore, Chichester could not walk without help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done enough; he must not go any further. But he did not listen.


After resting in Sydney for a few weeks, Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends'

attempts to dissuade him. The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.


On 29 January he left Australia. The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. Food, clothes, and broken glass were all mixed together. Fortunately, the damage to the boat was not too serious. Chichester calmly got into bed and went to sleep.


When he woke up, the sea had become calm again. Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on and island 885 miles away.


After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent the following radio message to London: "I feel as if I had wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again."


Just before 9 o'clock on Sunday evening 28 May 1967, he arrived back in England, where a quarter of a million people were waiting to welcome him.


Queen Elizabeth II knighted him with the very sword that Queen Elizabeth I had used almost 400 years earlier to knight Sir Francis Drake after he had sailed round the world for the first time.


The whole voyage from England and back had covered 28,500 miles. It had taken him nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days. He had done what he wanted to accomplish.


Like many other adventurers, Chichester had experienced fear and conquered it. In doing so, he had undoubtedly learnt something about himself. Moreover, in the modern age when human beings depends so much on machines, he had given men throughout the world new pride.


3、The present

They say that blood is thicker than water, that our relatives are more important to us than others. Tveryone was so kind to the old lady on her birthday. Surely her daughter would make an even bigger effort to please her?.


The present


It was the old lady's birthday. She got up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street, and the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came.


Today she was sure there would be something. Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other times. Of course Myra was busy. Her husband had been made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged.


The old lady was proud of Myra, but Enid was the daughter she loved. Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner.


One evening, however, Enid said, "I've arranged for Mrs. Morrison to look after you for a few days, Mother. Tomorrow I've to go into hospital-Just a minor operation. I'll soon be home." 然而一天傍晚,伊妮德却说:“妈妈,我已安排让莫里森太太来照顾你几天。明天我要去住院-只是动个小手术。我很快会回家来的。”

In the morning she went, but never came back-she died on the operating table. Myra came to the funeral, and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast.


Two years ago that was, and since then Myra had been to see her mother three times, but her husband never. The old lady was eighty today. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps-perhaps Myra might come. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as you chose to look at it.


篇三:2014年六年级英语上册 课文翻译 Unit3 My weekend plan

2014年六年级英语上册课文翻译 Unit 3 My weekend plan Page 22

What are you going too do in the nature park?

I’m going to draw some pictures. What about you?

I’m going to look for some beautiful leaves.

Page 23

Mike is going to see a film. John is going to buy his favourite comic book. Hmm, what am I going to do this weekend?

Page 24

1. It’s Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike.

Can Mike go swimming today? (Yes, he can)( No, he can’t)

He has homework to do. He is fishing now.

2. What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. What are you going to do in your lesson? We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. Sounds great! I’m going to see a film tomorrow. Have a good time! You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Ok .Bye.

3. What is she going to do? She is going to go ice-skating.

What are they going to do? They are going to wash clothes.

He is going to draw pictures and make a snowman.

They are going to go for a picnic.

Page 25

What are you going to do today? I’m going to see a film tonight.

I’m going to visit my grandparents this morning.

I’m going to take a trip next week.

I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon.

Page 26

1. John is on his way home. He sees Amy. What is Amy going to do? Is the ice cream for John?

2. My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. That’s nice. Where are you going? We are going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film about space travel! Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going? Next Wednesday. Why not go on Tuesday? It’s half price then! Really? Thank you!

Page 27

1. Where are we going? To the bookstore. I’m going to buy a new comic book.

2. What are you going to buy, Sarah? I’m going to buy some word books.

3. Can I help you? Yes. Do you have comic books? Yes! Here they are.

Page 28

1. What are these holiday? What do your family do on these days? Tell your partner about another time when your family get together.

2. Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. My family are going to get tighter and have a big dinner. My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang’e. robin and I going to read a poem. This is our poem:

F is for family. We will all be tighter tonight.

A is for autumn. It is the autumn season.

M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.

I is for “ i”. I am so happy today.

L is for love. We love Mid- Autumn Festival.

Y is for you. You can be tighter with your family too!

Page 31

1. What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to learn how to swim. Ok. I’ll teach you.

2. Please don’t disturb me. I’m learning to swim. How can you learn to swim without going

to a pool?

3. Come on. Let’s go to the swimming pool. No! I’m afraid of water.

4. Just jump in! Catch this. Practice and you will learn. Help! Help!

5. Just try. This way…This way…Ok, now can you do it?

6. Oh, it’s easy. We should always remember “ Learn by doing.’

篇四:通用学术英语 翻译原文【U1text2】how to win a business plan competition


he Rice Business Plan Competition is underway in Houston, where 42 hopeful entrepreneurs are going head-to-head for $1.2 million in investments and startup cash. A few former winners have sold their companies for big sums: "I'd never seen so many zeros," joked Nicholas Seet, the 2005 winner whose company went to Adobe (ADBE) for more than $100 million. Seet and a few other former Rice contenders talked during the competition about what they learned while pitching at Rice, and how those lessons have applied to running an actual business. Here are a few of their tips:

Be prepared for everything to go wrong

Technology often fails just at the moment you need it most, but that shouldn't faze the seriously prepared presenter. Last year's winner, NuMat Technologies, used a lot of videos, which are particularly prone to technical difficulties during a presentation. To make sure it all went according to plan, NuMat CTO Chris Wilmer says he went around to all the practice rooms beforehand to test the video equipment. A Rice judge remembers seeing a presenter who took it a step further and actually brought a stack of poster boards along bearing makeshift PowerPoint slides just in case the projector failed.

Sometimes you need to ignore the judges

"Don't take anybody's advice instantly as you receive it," says Jenny Corbin, CEO of TNG Pharmaceuticals, the 2011 winning team. Just because one judge says it, "it doesn't necessarily mean that that's what the audience is looking for." Instead, she says, "look for trends and follow trends, not the oddity."

Sometimes, it's impossible to take all the direction you get: "Eventually, the advice will conflict [with] other people's advice," Seet says. "And that's when you know you're where you want to be." He added: "Half the judges liked the name Auditude and half the judges hated the name Auditude. That's when we knew we were just right."

Don't get too attached to that business plan

A plan that goes over well at Rice may not be perfectly suited for the marketplace. "Judges are one thing, and customers are totally different, and you gotta listen to the customers," says Seet, who radically changed his business model after his victory at Rice. "Everything was wrong!" he says. Seet says he switched directions more than once: "You can't be so stubbornly married to that


Business plans are notoriously subject to change between the classroom and the real world. "You might as well throw your business plan out the window," Corbin says. But, she adds, "Walking out of the door here as a winner, which is fantastic by the way, you've got the backing and the expertise to help you make that business a reality."

Connecting with judges and other teams is arguably the most important part of Rice's competition. "Winning isn't a guarantee of success and losing isn't a stamp of failure," says NuMat's Ben Hernandez. Just ask BlackLocus. The team didn't make the final round when they competed in 2011, but they picked up key investors at the competition and sold the business to Home Depot (HD) in 2012.Business plan competitions are hard, entrepreneurship is harder

You must be fanatically devoted to your startup. "I thought that after graduation, being able to focus full-time on the business, it was going to get easier," says BlackLocus's Rodrigo Carvalho. "No! It just gets harder from there."

Pitching a group of investors gets easier, Seet says, because you're used to working a big room. And there are some pretty great highs. Andrew Smith, CEO of AT Dynamics, remembers when his business went from having sold six models to logging a 3,500 order. "That was a fun day for me," he recalls. "The engineers went nuts, but I had fun."

Still, "for every amazing moment, there's a moment of 'Oh God, we're all gonna die,'" Seet says. "It takes a lot of chutzpah to continue and still be able to sleep at night and maintain the relationships that are technically more important than that big exit."

Choose your investors like you'd choose your spouse

Investing partners come in all shapes and sizes. Not all are created equal. "Just be very careful who you take money from," Seet says. "It's a relationship just like marriage." You should be in the same boat to either success or failure. "They need to be standing by your side," he says, "and that relationship doesn't happen with every investor."

Carvalho says he met two VCs at Rice who were pivotal to his company's success. "It's not just the money that you're getting," he says. "You should be looking for investors that can help you."

Some investors act like helicopter parents, while others allow more independence. "If you can find the angels that have built companies," Smith says, "and understand the volatility and the roller coaster [of entrepreneurship], those are phenomenal people to team up with."

赖斯商业计划大赛(Rice Business Plan Competition )正在如火如荼地进行,共有42名创业者们正在为120万美元的投资和启动资金而展开激烈竞争。往届的多位获胜者都将自己的公司卖出了高价:“我从没见到过这么多零,”2005年获胜者尼古拉斯?赛特开玩笑道。他的公司被Adobe公司以超过1亿美元的价格收购。赛特和其他几位往届竞赛的参赛者们,在大赛期间谈论了在参加比赛过程中学到了什么,以及他们如何将这些经验应用到真实创业



技术经常在你最需要它的时候出现故障,但只要经过精心准备,就不必为此惊慌失措。去年大赛的获胜者NuMat Technologies使用了大量视频,而这在演示过程中特别容易遇到技术上的困难。为了确保比赛按计划进行,NuMat首席技术官克里斯?威尔莫表示,他提前检查了所有练习室,对视频设备进行测试。一位评委记得,有一位参赛者做得更是彻底。这位参赛者带来了一堆广告板,上面是临时制作的PowerPoint幻灯片,以防投影仪出现故障。


2011年获胜团队TNG Pharmaceuticals的CEO珍妮?科尔宾说道:“对于别人给出的建议,不要立刻接受。”这是因为有一位评委说过:“这样的建议并不一定是观众们期望看到的。”相反,她说道:“应该找出趋势,并跟随趋势,而不是一些奇怪的东西。”





毫无疑问,与评委和其他团队的交流,才是赖斯商业计划书大赛中最重要的部分。NuMat公司的本?赫尔南德斯表示:“赢得比赛不能保证创业成功,而比赛中失利也不意味着创业就会失败。”问问BlackLocus就可以了。2011年,这支队伍并未进入最后一轮,但他们在比赛中选中了关键的投资人,2012年,他们将公司卖给了家得宝公司(Home Depot )。




面前展示自己;而且,这个过程会带给你许多惊喜和收获。拖挂汽车销售公司AT Dynamics的CEO安德鲁?史密斯仍记得,在公司业务从仅售六台拖车到获得3,500份订单的时候。他回忆道:“工程师们都激动得要疯了,对于我来说,那是开心的一天。”








1.在去书店以前,我喜欢把要买的书列出一张清单。(make a list)

I like to make a list of the books I want to buy before I go to the bookstore.


It didn?t occur to him that he had left the ticket at home until he got to the airport.


I don?t think there is any point in complaining to each other; what matters is that we should

make joint efforts.

4.新建的图书馆年底以前向师生开放。(be open to)

The newly-built library will be open to the public by the end of the year.

5.当人们遇到困境时,志愿人员就会立即去救助他们。(go to one’s rescue)

When people are in trouble, the volunteers will go to their rescue immediately.


There are all kinds of goods for customers to choose from in the supermarket.

7.在申博成功以后,上海市民必须提高自身素质。(win the bid for the 2010 Expo citizen) After Shanghai wins the bid for the 2010 Expo, the citizens of Shanghai must raise their


8.我们应该时刻把人民的利益放在心上。(at heart)

We should have the benefits/good/interests of the people at heart all the time.

9.我们愿意在互利(mutual benefits)的基础上同各国发展经济关系。(on the basis of) We are willing to develop economic relationships with different countries on the basis of

mutual benefits.


The pilot assured all the passengers that the plane would arrive in Beijing safely.


He thinks this is one of the best films that he has ever seen.


Students should be warned not to spend too much time playing video games.

13.在孩子们的脑海里,圣诞节总是同精美的食品和可爱的礼物联系在一起。(associate) In children?s minds, Christmas always associates with nice food and lovely presents.

14.2010年世博会将给上海一个独特的机会展示这座城市的巨变。(the 2010 world Expo) The 2010 world Expo will provide Shanghai with a unique opportunity to display its great


15. 许多至今还在使用的谚语是一代一代传下来的。(pass on)

Many of the proverbs that are in use today are passed on from generation to generation.

16. 既然你题目做厌了,为什么不听会儿音乐?(grow tired)

Now that you have grown tired of doing exercises, why not listen to music for a while?


As for us what matters is not to win or lose, but to take part.

18. 他想成为一名足球队员的梦想终有一天会实现。(his dream)

His dream of becoming a football player will come true some day.

19. 我借助于这本词典成功地把这本书译成英语。(with the help of)

I managed to translate this book into English with the help of the dictionary.

20. 你的计划一点不令人满意,所以要求你重新制定一份。(far from)

Your plan is far from satisfactory, so you are required to make another one.

21. 医生向病人保证这药治疗感冒非常有效。(assure)

The doctor assured his patients that the medicine was very effective against cold.

22. 所有生物的生长,不管它们是植物还是动物,都必须依靠阳光、空气和水。(whether) All living creatures/things, whether they are plants or animals, have to depend on sunshine, air

and water.

23.我认为他的话跟我们讨论的主题没什么关系。(have nothing to do)

I don?t think his words have anything to do with the subject that we are discussing.


After many failures, he managed to find the solution to the problem.


If you only concentrate on your work and neglect your family, you will invite trouble.

26. 正是他们的无私的帮助才使得我们能够在这么短的时间内完成这项任务。(make it


It was their selfish help that made it possible for us to complete the task within such a short


27. 没有人在古典音乐知识方面与这位学者相匹敌。(match)

No one can match this scholar in the knowledge of classic music.

28. 一个人应该多吃蔬菜和水果,它们里面含有大量的维生素E.(contain)

A person should eat more vegetables and fruit, which contain a lot of Vitamin E.

29. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家,也是古代文明发源地之一。(one of the origins) China is a country with a long history and one of the origins of ancient civilization.

30. 由巴金小说改编的这部电影获得极大成功。(adapt, a complete success)

The film that was adapted from Bajin?s novel was a complete success.

31. 昨天苏珊兜了很多商店给她父亲找一件合适的礼物。(search)

Yesterday Susan searched many shops for the suitable present for her father.

32.你必须在开动机器以前把说明书通读一遍。(read through)

You must read through the instructions/directions before you operate the machine.

33.如果你要保持健康,你必须积极参加体育活动。(keep fit)

If you want to keep fit, you must take an active part in physical exercise.


It is said that the unexpected fire caused more than 200 people to lose their homes.


To our delight/pleasure/joy, the teacher arranged for us to go to the Forest Park. The next



If everyone observes the traffic rules, many of the traffic accidents can avoided.


Although he failed many times, he was not a bit discouraged and continued his experiment.


Shanghai Stadium lies 20 miles east of the People?s Square.

39.听说李明下周要去美国读书,我准备去机场为他送行。(see off)

I hear LI Ming will go to study in America next week, I am going to see him off at the airport.


In Britain, any shop is not allowed to sell cigarettes to teenagers under 18.


Our country is much concerned about teachers and will spend a lot of money improving their living conditions.

42.一个外国人在像上海这样的大城市里走路是很容易迷路的。(get lost)

It is very easy for a foreigner to get lost in a big city like Shanghai (in such a big city as



It was fortunate that his father survived the plane crash.


1. 这位科学家由于在物理学方面的重大发现而被授予诺贝尔奖。(award)

The scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for his important discovery in physics.

2. 我每天早晨做的第一件事是打开收音机收听天气预报和当天的新闻。(turn)

The first thing that I do every morning is to turn on the radio and listen to the weather forecast and the news of the day.

3. 我宁可步行上学也不愿乘这么拥挤的公共汽车。(prefer)

I prefer to walk to school rather than take such a crowded bus.

4. 他到家才想起把伞忘在出租车里。(not…until…)

He didn?t remember that he had left his umbrella in the taxi until he got home.

5. 任何人不努力是无法获得成功的。(achieve)

No one can achieve success without hard work.

6. 毫无疑问,环境对孩子的成长有很大的影响。(doubt)

There is no doubt that environment has a great effect on the growth of children.

7. 由于兴趣相投,他们建立了真诚的友谊,成了终身的朋友。(similar)

As they have similar interests, they have set up true friendship and become lifetime friends.

8. 音乐在治疗某些精神疾病中是非常有价值的。(valuable)

Music is very valuable in treating some mental diseases.

9. 我们只有从这件事故当中吸取教训,才能避免犯类似的错误。(Only by)

Only by learning a lesson from the accident can we avoid making similar mistakes.

10. 购物前列一张购物单,你就不会忘记该买什么了。(list)

Make a shopping list before going shopping, and you will not forget what to buy.

11. 在学习外语的过程中,我们应该注重提高阅读速度。(course)

In the course of learning a foreign language we should pay attention to raising the reading speed.

12. 你不用去买这本书,你可以在我们学校图书馆借到。(available)

You needn?t buy this book. It is available to you in the library of our school.

13. 在古典音乐的知识方面没人能同他相比。(match)

No one can match him in the knowledge of classic music.

14. 地球上许多物种正在面临灭绝的威胁。(threaten)

Many species on the earth are being threatened with extinction.

15. 正在建造的图书馆明年初向师生开放。(open)

The library being built now will be open to teachers and students at the beginning of next year.

16. 他不顾繁忙的研究工作,设法在业余时间保持一些爱好,比如看书和听音乐。(in

spite of)

In spite of his busy research work he managed to keep some hobbies in his spare time, such as reading books and listening to music.

17. 我们非常感激老师为我们推荐这么好的书。(recommend)

We are very thankful to the teacher for recommending such a good book to us.

18. 他无视交通信号灯,被一辆过路的车辆撞倒了。(ignore)

He ignored the traffic lights and was knocked down by a passing car.

19. 不同的人对失败有着不同的态度。(attitude)

Different people have different attitudes towards failure.

20. 问路的时候说声“劳驾”, 这是有礼貌的。(good manners)

It is good manners to say ? Excuse me? when you ask the way.

21. 既然人人都知道抽烟对健康有害,为什么还有这么多人不愿戒烟呢?(give up)

Since people know smoking is harmful to health, why are so many people unwilling to give it up?

22. 在会议开始的时候,他首先向在场的人作了自我介绍。(introduce)

At the beginning of the meeting he first introduced himself to the people present.

23. 我建议你做功课前先复习一下课文,这样可避免许多错误。(suggest)

I suggest you reviewing the text before you do your lessons so that you can avoid many mistakes.

24. 电脑的发明已经对科学的发展产生了很大的影响。(effect)

The invention of computer has produced a great effect on the development of science.

25. 被称为世界第八奇迹(wonder)的长城每天吸引着成千上万来自世界各地的游客。

The Great Wall called the eighth wonder attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every day.

26. 我们应该告诫青少年不要整天玩游戏。(warn)

We should warn teenagers not to play video games all day.

27. 不管遇到什么样的困难,我决不丧失信心。(Never…)

Never will I lose my confidence whatever difficulties I may meet with.

28. 他在实验中失败多次,但他相信失败是成功之母。(believe)

He failed many times in the experiments, but he believes that failure is the success of mother.

29. 所有在事故中受伤的人都被及时送往医院,在那里受到很好的照顾。(where)

All the people who were injured in the accident were taken to hospital in time, where they were looked after well.

30. 学会充分利用时间就意味着取得成功。(mean)

Learning to make full use of time means gaining success.


1. 非常感谢你为我推选这么好的一本书。(appreciate)

I quite appreciate your recommending such a good book to me.

2. 对我公司产品感兴趣的人可以拨打电话65562788与我们联系。(contact)

Those who are interested in our company?s products can contact us on the phone number


3. 与好朋友交谈可以使你在精神上感到放松。(relax)

Having a conversation with good friends can make you mentally relaxed.

4. 一支由3名医生与6名护士的医疗队将被派到山区里工作一年。(consist of)

A medical team consisting of 3 doctors and 6 nurses will be sent to the mountain area to work for one year.

5. 他把一生都奉献于为他人服务。(devote)

He devoted all his life to serving others.

6.他配得上作为一个著名画家这样的声誉。(reputation, deserve)

He deserves such reputation as a famous painter.


He fell asleep in the sofa before the football match began.


Nowadays, many people often take advantage of their holidays to go traveling.


It is said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to communicate with the native

speakers of it.


The local government will try hard to provide good education for the children who lost their


11. 污染对健康有害,所以我们要采取措施控制污染。(take measures)

Pollution is harmful to health, so we should take measures to control it.

12.我们要不惜一切代价防止这种疾病蔓延。(prevent, at all costs)

We will prevent the disease from spreading at all costs.


Hardly had he arrived home when it began to rain.


Since you are free today, you?d better help your mother to do some housework.

15.昨天他起得很早,为的是赶头班车。(so that)

Yesterday he got up very early so that he could catch the early bus.


He found himself faced with a quite difficult situation.


You must adapt yourself to the new environment here as soon as possible.

18.正是驾驶员的粗心酿成了这起可怕的车祸。( result in)

It was the driver?s carelessness that resulted in the terrible accident.


The young should go wherever they are most needed.

20.你学习越用功,取得的进步就越大。(The more…,the more…)

The harder you work, the more progress you will make.

21. 随着现代社会的发展,电脑在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。

(play a role in)

With the development of modern society, computers are playing a more and more important

role in people?s daily life.

22.根据学校规定,学生每周一必须穿校服。(regulation, be dressed in)
