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⑶每天取核桃壳10只左右,用水煎汤口服,一日3次, 连续3天,就可治愈口腔溃疡。


⑸将维生素C药片1~2片压碎,涂于溃疡面上,闭口片刻,每日2次。 ⑺选用全脂奶粉,每日2~3次,每次一汤匙,加少许白糖,开水冲服。晚间休息前冲服效果更佳。一般2天溃疡症状即可消失。






















Current Concepts in the Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis

A. Altenburg, MD; C. C. Zouboulis, MD

Departments of Dermatology, Venereology, Allergology and Immunology, Dessau Medical Center, Dessau, Germany

Idiopathic aphthae are the most frequently occurring inflammatory lesions of the oral mucous membrane. Nosologically, the condition is clearly defined, but the sores are often difficult to differentiate from heterogeneously similar aphthoid ulcerations and mucosal erosions. Episodic aphthous attacks are characterized by painful lesions that range from the size of a pinhead up to several centimeters. Fibrin covered ulcerations with a hyperemic halo are typically visible on the oral mucous membrane, but they rarely appear in the genital region. Spontaneous healing is possible after many years.

Common simple aphthae, with 3-6 attacks per year, heal rapidly, are not very painful, and are restricted to the oral mucosa. They can be differentiated from complex aphthae (less than 5% of aphthosis cases), which are recurrent, present with few to unusual multiple lesions, are extremely painful, heal slowly, and can also occur in the genital region.1 Complex aphthosis requires the accurate diagnosis of a possible causal or associated condition, such as anemia, cyclic neutropenia, folic acid or iron deficiency, ulcus vulvae acutum, aphthous-like ulcerations in HIV positive patients, gastrointestinal diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and Adamantiades-Beh?et Disease (ABD). In ABD, which represents a

malignant form of aphthosis, there is an increase in both the frequency of occurrence and severity of lesions. The diagnosis of ABD is based on several clinical criteria sets, of which the International Study Group Criteria2 are the most frequently used and the New International Criteria are the most recent.3

Dietary and General Measures Certain foods should be avoided as they appear to trigger the eruption of new aphthae and prolong the course of the lesions (e.g., foods that are hard, acidic, salty, or spicy, as well as nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits, and alcoholic or carbonated beverages). In addition, because surfactants and detergents can cause irritation, dental care products containing sodium lauryl sulphate should be avoided.4

Local Anesthetics Pain relief can be attained using topical lidocaine 2% gel or spray, polidocanol adhesive dental paste, or benzocaine lozenges. Available combination preparations include a pump spray with tetracaine and polidocanol, and a mouth rinse solution that uses benzocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride as the active ingredients. As well, anesthetic-containing solutions, e.g., a viscous lidocaine 2% solution, can be applied carefully on the lesions.

Antiseptic and Anti-inflammatory Therapies Mouth washes with ingredients known to mildly inhibit inflammation can be used, e.g.,

chamomile extract solution (Kamillosan?, MEDA Pharma). Research has shown that the use of chlorhexidine (CHX) mouth rinses on RAS may be particularly helpful.5 Other dosing forms of CHX include dental gels or throat sprays. Triclosan is a broad spectrum antibacterial agent that also exhibits antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. Available formulations include toothpastes and mouthrinses. A randomized, double-blind study that explored the topical application of diclofenac 3% in hyaluronan 2.5% reported a significant reduction in pain.6 For adjuvant therapy, dexpanthenol, which acts as an humectant, emollient, and

moisturizer, can be used in different application forms and is available without prescription. Local Cauterization Applications of hydrogen peroxide 0.5% solution, silver nitrate 1%-2% solution, or a silver nitrate caustic stick represent several older therapeutic methods that can reduce the duration of solitary aphthae. Cauterizing chemical treatments must be administered by a dentist or physician to avoid burning healthy tissues.

Tetracycline Localized therapy with tetracycline can effectively reduce the duration and pain of oral aphthae.7 To avoid difficulties related to the chemical stability of tetracycline when it is formulated in an aqueous solution, a prescription for compounding and preparation, as shown in Table 1, has been proposed.8 Due to acidic pH values, patients may experience a brief burning sensation, but contact sensitization has not been reported in the context of intra-oral topical tetracycline applications. Marked improvement has been described with the use of a dental paste containing chlortetracycline 3%.9

Sucralfate Topical sucralfate is effective in treating RAS ulcerations when administered at 5mL, 4

times/day. Sucralfate exerts a soothing effect on lesions by adhering to mucous membrane tissues and forming a protective barrier on the affected site. This drug is commonly used to treat peptic ulcers.

Tetracycline Mouth Wash 5%


? Propylene glycol 0.6gm

? Tetracycline hydrochloride 5.0gm

? Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 0.1gm

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:复发性口腔溃疡的治疗方法)

? Sodium citrate 6.5gm ? Sorbitol solution 70% (noncrystalizable) 65.5gm ? Traganth 0.5gm

? Purified water to 118.2gm


? Dissolve 4-methyl hydroxybenzoate in propylene glycol.

? Dissolve sodium citrate in purified water.

? Mix dry traganth and tetracycline hydrochloride. Mix with an equal part of sorbitol

solution and form a gel with the rest of the sorbitol solution.

? Add the sodium citrate solution in portions and stir.

? Add the propylene glycol together with the dissolved methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate

and stir.

Expiration: after 6 months

Instructions for Use:

Shake before each use. Apply 5mL of the suspension solution for 5 minutes in the mouth cavity up to 5 times daily. For intensive therapy, the same dose should be held for 10-15 minutes in the mouth.

Box 1: Preparation and use of chemically stable tetracycline suspension. Adapted from the New German Pharmacopoeia for compounded medication: Rezepturhinweise: Tetracyclinhydrochlorid in zahn?rztlichen Anwendungen und Mundspülungen.8

Topical Steroids

Topical steroids, such as triamcinolone acetonide and prednisolone (2 times/day), are

formulated as oral pastes, and are commonly used in the management of RAS. Additionally, therapeutic benefit can be derived from a mouthwash containing betamethasone. Of concern is the fact that the long-term use of steroids may predispose patients to developing local candidiasis. Combination therapy with a topical anesthetic during the day and a steroid paste at night is widely accepted as the optimal treatment regimen. An intralesional injection of triamcinolone (0.1-0.5mL per lesion) can be considered for painful single aphthae. For the treatment of genital aphthous ulcers, a combination of fluorinated steroids and antiseptics that are formulated in a cream base can be effective (e.g., dexamethasone 0.1% +

chlorhexidine 1% or flumetasone 0.02% + clioquinol 3%).

New Findings

Application of 5-aminosalicylic acid 5% cream (applying a small amount to cover the aphthae 3 times/day), or a toothpaste containing amyloglucosidase and glucose oxidase can reduce pain and lessen the duration of oral aphthae.10 A topical prostaglandin E2 gel prevented the appearance of new aphthae in a short-term study involving a small number of patients.11 According to the experience of several patients, raw egg white may partially soften oral pain in RAS. Interestingly, the number of aphthae and frequency of recurrence are reduced during phases of smoking compared with phases of abstinence; experimental data confirmed the anti-inflammatory effect of nicotine and biochanin A on keratinocytes.12,13 Also, a small study showed the remission of aphthosis during therapy with chewable nicotine tablets.14

Colchicine Colchicine has been shown to reduce the number and duration of lesions in up to 63% of patients with RAS.15 Treatment over 6 weeks, followed by long-term (years) therapy (1-2mg/day) is recommended. However, relapse following treatment discontinuation is common. Physicians must ensure that appropriate contraceptive methods are practiced by patients before initiating treatment. From our experience, combination therapy with

colchicine and pentoxifylline, benzathine penicillin, immunosuppressants, or interferon-alpha (IFN-á) is possible.

Pentoxifylline In uncontrolled studies, pentoxifylline (300mg, 1-3 times/day) was shown to be effective against orogenital aphthae. The response rates in children ranged between 36% and 63%.16 Corticosteroids Systemic corticosteroids are used as rescue treatment in patients with acute exacerbation and in those who inadequately responded to therapy with colchicine and pentoxifylline. Oral prednisolone, or its equivalent, at 10-30mg/day for up to 1 month can be administered

during an outbreak. From our experience, intravenous (IV) pulse therapy at 100mg/day for 3 days results in quick improvement for severe cases of RAS without the side-effects that are associated with long-term prednisolone use. Patient surveillance during therapy is advisable. Dapsone Dapsone (100mg/day) can be used for oral and genital aphthae, however, rapid relapses can occur after discontinuation of treatment. Intermittent administration of ascorbic acid and the reduction of smoking are useful in averting hematologic side-effects.17

Thalidomide Under standard (100-300mg/day) or low (50mg/day) dosing levels of thalidomide, a

dose-dependent effect against orogenital ulcerations emerges within 7-10 weeks following treatment. Due to teratogenicity and other potentially severe side-effects, therapy should be reserved for exceptional cases, such as in patients with persistent peripheral neuropathy. Antimetabolites (Azathioprine and Methotrexate)






溃疡属中医学“口疮”、“口疳”、“口糜”等范、畴。中医认为“脾开窍于口,其华在唇”、“心开窍于舌”,故口疮的发生与心脾关系极为密切。由于心脾蕴热、外感六淫、内伤七情、饮食不节、劳倦内伤,积热上熏于口舌而生疮。《素。问·气厥论》云:“膀胱移热于小肠,鬲肠不便,上为口糜。”《素问·至真要大论》云:“少阳之复,大热将至,火气内发,上为口糜。”《圣济总录》云:“口舌生疮者,心脾经蕴?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人乱病!薄?/p>

