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篇一:Unit6How long have you been collecting shells

新目标八年英语(下) Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells ? Section A 课堂练习

-- I have been living here for over ten years .

2. -- is Mr. Green coming back ?格林先生要过多久回来? -- He is coming back in half a month .他半个月后回来。

3. -- do you watch TV ?你多久看一次电视? -- I watch TV twice a week .我一周看两次。

4. -- have you been at this school?你来这个学校多久了? -- I have been here for two years .我来这里两年了。

5. --

do you water the plants ?

-- Twice a day .

2. My parents watch CCTV news at 7:00 .

3. Mr. Brown teaches us 布朗先生教我们日常英语。

4. Computers are very important in our life .

5. The little girl learns Japanese .

7. We go to see the old woman .

8. The old man wears clothes .

三. for与since区别 : 两者均是prep. , 引导时间状语从句,但用法不同

2. The boys have been watching the football match twenty minutes .

3. Tom’s young brother has been playing half an hour .

4. I have been drawing 9:30 .

5. I have known Miss White last month .

6. They have been living the city two years .

2. We want to money for the poor student .

3. The sun in the east .


4. The hill to a height of 500 feet above the sea level .

5. The old man a big family in the village .


2. has a big apple .每个人都有一个大苹果。

3. of them wants to try .他们每个人都想试一试。

4. student listens to the speech carefully .每个学生都认真听演讲。

5. They have many books about English .他们每个人都有许多关于英语的书。

2. He spent the day doing the job .他花了一整天时间做这项工作。

3. Mike spent the money on books .

4. My grandpa lived in the city of Beijing his life .

5. He travelled over the world .

6. My brother has been swimming for the two hours .

7. the students in our class are interested in the story .

新目标八年英语(下) Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells ? Section B课堂练习

一. because / since / as / for : 都可做conj.“因为,由于”,语气有强到 从属连词 并列连词

引导原因状语从句 连接两个并列句

弱依次为because→since → as→for。但because不与so连用;for引导的句子不位于句首;because of + n./pron.;since 引

2. everyone is here , let’s get on the bus .

3. it is late , I have to go home now .

4. I didn’t go to school yesterday , I was ill .

5. The room was dark , the light went out .

6. everyone makes mistakes in life , I’ll give you a chance again .

7. ’t know much English , he took out his dictionary .

8. Mr. Green didn’t give us lessons

of his illness .

2. of them has been to the zoo .

3. You may take of the apples .

改错) ( ) A B C

2. Mr . Black has been living in China over ten years .

3. Tom spent some time with his grandparents

September last year .

4. Children always fly kites spring .

5. Some of us went swimming the summer .

6. She wakes up twice or three times the night .

2. He interested in English after that .

对划线部分提问 )

Tom interested in football .

对划线部分提问 ) Mike

interested in .

2. (You are) to our school !

3. We are going to give them a warm .

篇二:6a 1-4练习

6A 期中复习资料整理 (Unit 1---- Unit4)

Name:____________ Classs:________________


1.在墙上 2.问一些问题

3.散步 4.捡起

5.keep off the grass 6.public signs

7.make noise 8.different things

9.read a book 10.look around

1.放学以后_____________________ 2. the 22nd of


3.一件生日礼物_________________ 4. the thirtieth of


5.5月9日______________________ 6. blow out the candles


7.4月1日______________________ 8. take off his coat


9.3月12日___________________ 10. have a birthday party


1. 刚才_______________________ 2. a roll of film


3. 所有的学生_________________ 4. watch the running race


5. 一部手机 __________________ 6. close the eyes


7. 在我的包里 8. pick them up


9. 在眼镜后面__________________ 10. Sports Day



1. Look, the old man (waters, is watering) the flowers in the

garden. 2. The sign (mean, means) “Do not touch”. 3. Liu Tao likes (play, playing) football very much. 4. These (watch, watches) are from his parents. 5. This is not (my, mine) bag. 6. Helen dances (beautiful, beautifully).

1. June is the __________ month of the year. (sixth, seventh)

2. _________ is the first day of the week. (Sunday, Monday)

3. What ________ is it today? It’s Saturday. (date, day)

4. Would you like an animal stamp _______ a birthday present? (of, as)

5. A: ________ is your birthday? (When, What time)

B: It’s ________ the 5th of November. (on, in)

6. He __________ runs to his mother. (quick, quickly)

7. I know ________ about public signs. (a lot, a lot of)

8. It’s time ________ some cake. (to, for)

1. The _______________ (child, children) are very excited.

2. Jane is ______________ (reading, read) a newspaper.

3. My cousin ______________ (have, has) a CD Walkman.

4. Where are the _______________? (glass, glasses)

5. It means we should ______________ ( keep, keeps) quiet.

6. My father likes _______________ (listen, listening) to the radio.

7. Helen often __________________ (does, do) housework at the weekends.

8. It ________________ (was, were ) there a moment ago.


1. Mrs Black is ____________ (take) a walk in the park now.

2. Do you like _____________ (make) kites?

3. We must _____________ (do) our homework now.

4. Wang Bin often ______________(go) to school by bike.

5. She can ______________ (play) the piano.

6. Listen! Helen _________________(sing).

7. — What __________ Mike __________(have)?

— He ____________(have) some storybooks.

1. You shouldn’t _____________ (walk) on the grass.

2. We ____________ (be) in Beijing a week ago.

3. The sign ____________ (mean) you can’t litter here.

4. Many children like ____________ (play) basketball after school.

5. — Which is the ________ (two) month(月) of a year?

— February.

6. — Is she a Japanese girl?

— No, she’s a ___________ (China) girl.

7. — Do you want to play chess this afternoon?

— No, I want to watch a ___________ (run) race in our school.

9. — Would you like ___________ (play) table tennis with me now?

— Yes, I’d love to.


1. Li Ming can sing an English song. (改为一般疑问句) Li Ming an English song?

2. We should be quiet in the reading room. (改为同义句) We noise in the reading room.

3. It means “No littering”. (对画线部分提问)

it mean?

4. The children are flying kites in the playground. (改为否定句) The children kites in the playground.

5. That’s an apple. (改为复数句) apples.

6. means, walk, on, shouldn’t, the, we, it, grass. (连词成句) .

1. I’d like a yo-yo as a present. (对划线部分提问)

________ would _________like as a present?

2. He usually does exercise on Sundays? (一般疑问句)

________ he usually ________ exercise on Sundays?

3. Ben is visiting Jim. (改为否定句) Ben _________ __________ Jim.

4. It’s the 15th of September. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________

is it?

5. Do you usually have supper at home? (作肯定回答) Yes, ________


1. They’re having an English lesson. (改为否定句 )

They ___________ _____________ an English lesson. 2. The doctors and nurses are in the hospital. (对画线部分提问)

___________ __________the doctors and nurses?

3. Tom usually goes shopping on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ Tom usually _______ shopping on Sundays?

4. It’s Friday today. (对画线部分提问) ________ _________ is it


5. wants, take, to, He, to, photos, some (连词成句)


6. Were they in your bag just now?(作否定回答) _________, they



1.Mr Smith正在公园里散步。 Mr Smith in the park.

2.他们正在干什么?他们正在打扫教室。 they ? They the



It’s too _____________. I ___________ go home now.

1. 他们正在讨论本的生日。 They birthday.

2. 迈克,今天星期几? 今天星期五。 What today, Mike? Friday.

3. 你想来参加我的生日派对吗? you to come to my birthday party?

1. --你的眼镜在哪?--在台灯后面。--现在不在那。--刚才在那的。--哦,我找

到了。瞧, 他们在桌子底下。 ---Where are your ? ---They’re the lamp. ---They there now. ---They there . ---Oh, I find them now. Look! the desk..

2. ---吉姆,你在干什么?---我在找我的耳机。我想听音乐。 ---在你的卧室


--- What are you doing, Jim?

--- I’m ________ _______ my earphones. I _______ to _______to music.

--- _________ on the desk in your ____________.

Unit 1 Public signs

一. 单词过关.

1. 总是 2.问题 3. 问 4. 意指

5. 必须, 6. 拾 7.keep(名词) 8. 应当

9.smoke(现在分词) 10.should not(缩写)


1.散步 2.问一些问题 3.拾起

4.环顾 5..发出喧闹声 6. come up 7.stay away from 8.public signs 9.Be quiet.

10.在公园里 11.只有四岁 12.在墙上

13.on the birds’ cage 14.Keep off the grass 15.a ten-yuan note 16.no one nearby 17.Fine 10 yuan 18.No eating or drinking. 19.No littering. 20.No parking. 21.No smoking. 22.Do not touch. 23.Danger! 24.a park keeper 25.his cousin 26.在草地上走










5.我可以看电视了吗? 不,你不能. 你现在应该做回家作业.




Unit 2 Ben’s birthday

一. 单词过关.

1.生日 2.日期 3.何时 4.第一


5.第二(的) 6.第三(的) 7.第四(的) 8.三月 9 .四月 10.五月 11. 六月


13.twelve(序数词) 14.twenty(序数词)


16.when’s(完整形式) 17.let’s(完整形式)

18 .nine(序数词

二 词组过关

1 脱下 2 回家 3 吹灭 4 祝你生日快乐。 5 Let’s wait and see. 6 Ben’s birthday 7 talk about 8 在本的班里 9 在大卫的生日聚会上 10 举办一个生日聚会 11作为一个生日礼物 12 Japanese cartoons 13 on the 16th of October 14 三月一日 15 四月五日 16 在六月二日 17 在五月三日 18 许多孩子 19 开门 20 on the phone 21 take off her shoes 22 a cake with lots of grapes 23 make a birthday card


1 今天几号?


2 你的生日在何时?





班级___________ 姓名_____________得分___________



( )1. A. October B. December C. November

( )2. A. fifth B. fifteenth C. fiftieth

( )3. A. phone B. earphone C. telephone

( )4. A. diary B. library C. February

( )5. A. blow B. grow C. brown

( )6. A. is B. as C. us

( )7. A. 1月13日 B. 2月14日 C. 2月13日

( )8. A. near the ball B. in your bag C. under the bed

( )9. A. They are on the ground.

B. Are they on the ground? C. They aren’t on the ground.

( )10. A. The phone is on the sofa now.

B. The phone was on the desk just now.

C. The phone is on the desk now.


( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, he doesn’t.

( )2. A. Yes, there aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. C. Yes, there is.

( )3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.

( )4. A. It was there. B. They were there. C. It isn’t there now.

( )5. A. They were in the desk. B. It was on the desk. C. It’s under the desk.


( )1. Where is the English book?

A. In the bag. B. In the desk. C. On the desk.

( )2. What does this sign mean?

A. It means you shouldn’t make noise here.

B. It means you shouldn’t put your bike here.

C. It means you should keep off the grass.

( )3. What day is it today?

A. Monday. B. Sunday. C. Saturday.

( )4. What time is it?

A. 9:00. B. 9:30. C. 8:00.

( )5. Where was Mike just now?

A. In the teachers’ office. B. In the classroom. C. In the library.



1. It ____________ here a ___________ ago, where is it now ?

2. All the _____________ are very _____________.

3. Su Hai wants to ____________ some __________.

4. She is _____________ ____________ her camera.

5. They ____________ there _____________ now.


一、判断下列画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. — What’s in the garden?

— There ________ a lot of flowers.

A. was B. were C. is D. are

( )2. My socks are on the floor. Please _______for me.

A. pick them up

A. looking B. pick it up B. watching C. pick up them C. seeing

D. pick up it D. getting D. to playing D. aren’t ( )3. The boys and girls are _______ the running race in the playground. ( ) 4 . Su Hai wants _________ football. A . playing B . to play C . play ( ) 5 . It here now . A . wasn’t B . weren’t C . isn’t

( )6. — Where are your ________?

— They _________ on the bookcase a moment ago.

A. CDs; are B. CDs; were C. CD; were

( )7. New Year’s Day is _______ the first of January.

A. on B. at C. in

( )8 . It was there .

A . now(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:japanese,girl,tube,6) B . a moment ago C . moment ago

( )9 . Grandpa ________ waters flowers at weekends.

A. quickly B. suddenly C. lovely

( )10. It’s time some water .

A. to have B. have C. has D. having


1. 刚才_______________________ 2. a roll of film _______________________

3. 所有的学生_________________ 4. watch the running race _______________

2 D. CD; are D. with D. just D. usually

5. 一部手机 __________________ 6. close the eyes ______________________

7. 在我的包里 8. pick them up _______________________

9. 在眼镜后面__________________ 10. Sports Day ________________________


1. The _______________ (child, children) are very excited.

2. Jane is ______________ (reading, read) a newspaper.

3. My cousin ______________ (have, has) a CD Walkman.

4. Where are the _______________? (glass, glasses)

5. It means we should ______________ ( keep, keeps) quiet.

6. My father likes _______________ (listen, listening) to the radio.

7. Helen often __________________ (does, do) housework at the weekends.

8. It ________________ (was, were ) there a moment ago.


1. They’re having an English lesson. (改为否定句 )

They ___________ _____________ an English lesson. 对画线部分提问)

___________ __________the doctors and nurses?

3. Tom usually goes shopping on Sundays.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ Tom usually _______ shopping on Sundays?

4. It’s 对画线部分提问) ________ _________ is it today?

5. wants, take, to, He, to, photos, some (连词成句)


6. Were they in your bag just now?(作否定回答) _________, they _________.

六、完成对话 (5分)

A: Where’s my camera?

B: ____________________.

A: Let me see. No! It isn’t here.

B: ___________________________ Where is it now? A: Is it in your bag?

B: Let me see. Oh, yes, it is.

A: _______________________

B: _______________________

A: Can I have them, please?

B: Oh, no! They aren’t in my bag._______________________


1. --你的眼镜在哪?--在台灯后面。--现在不在那。--刚才在那的。--哦,我找到了。瞧, 他们在桌子底下。

---Where are your ? ---They’re the lamp.

there now. ---They there . ---Oh, I find them now. Look! the desk..


2. ---吉姆,你在干什么?---我在找我的耳机。我想听音乐。 ---在你的卧室的书桌上。

--- What are you doing, Jim?

--- I’m ________ _______ my earphones. I _______ to _______to music.

--- _________ on the desk in your ____________.



Come and see my sitting room, please. There are a lot of things in it. Look!This is a pair of glasses. They’re on the chair now. They’re my grandpa’s. That’s my father’s mobile phone, it’s on the sofa now, but it was in his bag just now. And the CD Walkman beside the mobile phone is very beautiful. My mother likes it very much. Because(因为)she likes listening to music. There are some CDs beside it. Oh, where’s my diary? Ah, it’s on the floor now. I must go and pick it up .


( )1. This is a bedroom.

( )2. My grandmother’s glasses are on the chair.

( )3. The mobile phone is in the bag now.

( )4. There is a CD Walkman . My mother likes it very much.

( )5. My diary is on the floor. I should pick it up.


It is the 8th of September. Lily is very excited because it is her ten-year-old birthday. She’ll have a birthday party at home. Look! She is now in a new blouse. She looks so pretty today. There is a big birthday cake on the table. Many of her friends are coming. There are lots of birthday presents on the sofa. Ann gives her some American stamps and French stamps. They are very beautiful. Yang Ling gives her a rubber. It’s a triangle. Look at that red purse. It’s from nancy. How nice! Lily likes her presents very much!

( )1. When’s Lily’s birthday?

A. It’s in August. B. It’s on the 8th of September.

C. It’s on the 10th of July.

( )2. How does Lily feel today?

A. She feels very excited. B. She feels very hungry. C. She feels very tired.

( )3. Where does she have her birthday party?

A. At school. B. At home. C. In the classroom.

( )4. What does Ann give Lily as her birthday present?

A. Some American stamps. B. Some French stamps. C. A and B.

( )5. What shape is the rubber?

A. It’s a triangle. B. It’s a star. C. It’s a circle.




1. You shouldn’t _____________ (walk) on the grass.

2. We ____________ (be) in Beijing a week ago.

3. The sign ____________ (mean) you can’t litter here.

4. Many children like ____________ (play) basketball after school.

5. — Which is the ________ (two) month(月) of a year?

— February.

6. — Is she a Japanese girl?

— No, she’s a ___________ (China) girl.

7. — Do you want to play chess this afternoon?

— No, I want to watch a ___________ (run) race in our school.

9. — Would you like ___________ (play) table tennis with me now?

— Yes, I’d love to.



1. October 2. fiftieth 3. earphone 4. diary 5. brown 6. as

7. the thirteenth of January 8. in your bag

9. They aren’t on the ground. 10. The phone was on the desk just now.


1. Does he often play football after school?

2. Are there any computers in the library?

3. Can you swim?

4. Where were your glasses?

5. Where’s my doll?


1. A: Where is my English book? B: Look. It’s on the desk.

2. A: What does this sign mean? B: It means “Be quiet”.

3. A: Tomorrow is Sunday. It’s my birthday.

B: Happy birthday.

4. A: Can I have an ice-cream?

B: No, you can’t. It’s half past nine. It’s time to go to bed.

5. A: Were you in the teachers’ office just now, Mike?

B: No, I wasn’t. I was in the library.

四、听录音,完成句子。(每小题读三遍) 5

篇四:六年级下英语module 3 unit 6 Steve Jobs广州新版

Unit 6 Steve Jobs


Do you love playing with an iPad or watching wonderful cartoon movies like Toy Story? If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs, too. He made these things come true.

Steve was born in America on February 24th, 1995. When he finished school, he worked as a computer game-maker. But he quickly got bored. So in 1976 he and his friend started to build computers in their home. They called their company Apple Computers. People loved their computers and Steve made a lot of money.

But Steve left Apple in 1985 and started making cartoon movies. Once again he was very successful. In 1998 Steve sold his movie company and returned to Apple. After he returned, he turned Apple into the world?s biggest company. They first made the iPad, then the iPhone and later the iPad. People love these things very much.

When Steve Jobs died in2011, the world lost a great man.


平板电脑_______________ 或许_______________ 出售_______________ 真的_______________ 公司_______________ 完成_______________ 一次_______________ 成功的_______________ 回到_______________

失去_______________ 制造游戏的人_______________ 出售过去式_______________


1. 请选择

1) He _________ won?t come.

A. sell B. probably C. company D. once

2) He _________ many cars last year, so this year he stops _________ and has a holiday.

A. sold; sell B. sell, sold C. sold; selling D. sold; to sell

3) Is it _________ that animals are our friends?

A. sell B. turn C. true D. lose

4) My father work in a big _________.

A. once B. come C. company D. game-maker

5) Do you want to be a _________ one day?

A. sold B. return C. game-maker D. successful

6) ---I drink water _________ a day. ---Oh, you should drink more water.

A. true B. probably C. finish D. once

7) Work hard and you will be _________.

A. come B. probably C. game-maker D. successful

8) When I _________ home, mom is cooking dinner for me every day.

A. true B. sell C. finish D. return

9) He feels sad because he _________ the game.

A. sell B. come C. lose D. iPad

10) Can I go out with my friends after I _________ my homework?

A. true B. finish C. true D. once

11) _________ here. I want to see your face.

A. company B. return C. finish D. come

2. 请翻译

1) If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs.

2) He made these things come true.

3) Who is the actor in that movie?

4) When he finished school, he worked as a computer game-maker.

5) Once again he was very successful.

3. 请填空

1) 我可能要卖掉公司,回归家庭了。

I will _________ _________ the company and _________ home.

2) 汤姆再一次失去了机会

Tom _________ the chance _________ again.

3) 别忘了饭后洗手。

Don?t forget to wash your hand when you _________ eating.

4. 填词游戏

1 7


1. go back

2. people who make game

3. make a success

4. a place where many people work in

5. asked people to buy

6. ask people to buy

7. end the job

8. change

9. it is the fact


变成现实__________________ 热爱做__________________

出生于__________________ 毕业__________________

再一次____________________ 感到厌倦__________________




love doing the second time

finish school learn all the lessons

once again become the fact

get bored come into this world

turn…into like doing very much

come true feel sth. boring

be born in change…into

2. 精讲精练

1)come true


我的梦想成真。My dream ______________________

2)be born in

意思是_______________ in后面加时间还是地点?


3)finish school

意思是_______________ finish work意思是_______________


4)once again

意思是_______________ again意思是_______________


5)get bored

意思是_______________ get tired意思是_______________



一. 翻译句子

1. 如果你回答是,你很可能热爱乔布斯。


2. 他让这些事成为现实


3. 他毕业之后,做了一个游戏制造者。



1. If you answer yes, you probably love Steve Jobs, too.

if 意思是__________, probably 意思是__________

if 引导的句子的经典名言是____________________

probably 和maybe 比较哪一个更可能呢?


__________you cannot wake up, you will __________be late for school.

__________mom doesn?t cook dinner for me, I will __________ die!

2. He made these things come true.

made 的意思是__________,是__________的过去式

these的意思是__________ ,它的单数形式是__________。

come true 意思是__________。


音乐使生活更美好了。Music__________ life __________.



3. He made a lot of money

made 的意思是__________ 这句话的意思是______________________________

4. he worked as a computer game-maker

请翻译______________________________ as 的意思__________


The actor act _______ a lion.

5. return to

返回____________ 近义词组______________


结束学业后它回国了。He ______________ his country after finishing school.

火力太大,坏蛋撤回了银行。 The fire is strong, so the bad men ______________to the bank.

6. first…then…and later…



He______ eat, ______ watch TV,______ go to bed.

7. lost a great man.

lost意思是____________, 它的原形是____________


请说出句子中lose 的意思

He lost the game.

He lost his way.


怎样回答Yes or No?









1)Are you in Class 2, Grade 6? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

2)Is this a box? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

3)Is Mike your brother? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

4)Are they ducks? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

5)Is that a teacher ?s desk? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

6) Is there a forest in the park? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

1)Can you use a computer? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

2)Can Lily speak Chinese? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

1) Does your brother like playing football? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

2) Did your uncle read books? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________.

3) Do they go to see him? Yes,________ ________. No, ________ ________


1. 在有be动词(am, is, are; was, were)的肯定句里,

只要把这个be动词直接放到主语(名词)前面。 bingo!

eg. Mary is a Japanese girl.

Is Mary a Japanese girl?

eg. 2. 在有情态动词(can, may, will, must, should…)的疑问句里,

只要把这个情态动词直接放到主语(名词)前面。 bingo!

3. 如果疑问句里既没有be 动词也没有情态动词,(而是有一个实际的动作词),

1) 回答时用助动词(do, does, did)。

2) 还是把助动词放在主语前面。

3) 调整助动词的形式正确。(时态对应了没?人称对应了没?)

4) 调整句子原有的实际动作词的形式正确(总是改为原形) bingo!

eg. I like English.

第一步:我们发现没有be动词(am, is, are…)和情态动词(can…)。所以决定用助动词啦。


Do you like English?

篇五:6A Unit3综合练习试卷及答案

6A Unit Three

试卷及答案在后面 [词汇]

was (am,is的过去式) excited 激动的,兴奋的 moment 片刻,瞬间 ago 以前 were (are的过去式) just now 刚才 mobile phone 手机,手提电话 glasses 眼镜 sports day 体育运动节 running race 赛跑 camera 照相机 exciting 令人激动的,令人兴奋的 film 胶卷 ground 地面 earphone 耳机 diary 日记,日记簿 CD walkman 光盘随身听 roll卷,卷状物 remember 记住,记得 weren’t=were not [词组]

1. Sports Day 体育运动节 2. all the students 所有的学生 3. (sb) be excited 感到激动/兴奋 4. watch the running race 看赛跑 5. want to do sth. 想要做某事 6. take photos 照相 7. look for 寻找 8. (sth) be exciting 令人兴奋 9. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 10. a moment ago 刚才 11. Let me see. 让我看看。 12. just now 刚才 13. on the ground 在地上 14. pick it/them up for sb. 为某人捡起它(们) 15. a mobile phone 一只手机 16. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 17. a CD Walkman 一个光盘随身听 18. a roll of film 一卷胶卷 19. try to remember 努力记住 20. close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 [重难点分析]

1. All the students are very excited. 所有的学生都很兴奋。 It’s very exciting. 它很激动人心。 excited意为“兴奋的,激动的”,通常用来形容人们的心情。而exciting则是“令人激动的,刺激的”,通常用来形容某事物或事件。如:

I am excited to see my old friend again. 再次见到老朋友,我很激动。

He tells me an exciting story every day. 他每天给我讲一个令人激动的故事。 2. Su Hai wants to take some photos. 苏海想要拍些照片。 take photos 拍照片

want to do sth. 想要做某事。例如:

I want to play basketball with Jim. 我想要和Jim一起打篮球。

She wants to come to my birthday party. 她想要来参加我的生日聚会。 3. She is looking for her camera. 她正在寻找她的照相机。 “look for” 表示“寻找”,强调找的动作,不强调是否找到。 Find表示“找到”,强调结果,常与can, can not连用。例如:

I’m looking for my pen, but I can’t find it.我正在找我的钢笔,但是我没有找到。


4. It was there a moment ago. 刚才它还在那儿。They wer here just now. 他们刚在还在这儿的。

1) a moment 瞬间,一会儿工夫。a moment ago意为“刚才”,同义词组为just now。和moment连用的短语有:with a moment等一会儿;in a moment马上,立刻。例如: — It’s time to go to school. 该去上学了。 —Wait a moment. 等一会儿。 2) a moment ago和just now都要与一般过去时连用。

3) was 是am和is的过去式,are的过去式是were。Was和were都可以表示过去的状态。例如:

I was a little girl three years ago. 三年前我还是个小女孩。 You were my teacher at that time. 那个时候你是我的老师。 4) ago通常用在一段时间后,表示过去的时间。如: five days ago 五天前 long ago很久以前 5. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

类似的词组有:a pair of shoes一双鞋,a pair of trousers一条裤子,一般是看作单数。例如: There is a pair of trousers on the bed. 床上有一条裤子。 This pair of shoes looks nice. 这双鞋看上去很好看。 [课堂练习]


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 二、翻译词组。

1. 赛跑_______________________________ 2. 寻找_________________________ 3. 刚才_______________________________ 4. 在地上 ______________________ 5. 拍照 ______________________________ 6. Sports Day ____________________ 7. pick them up _________________________ 8. an exciting game ________________ 9. a roll of film _________________________ 10. a pair of glasses ________________ 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Let ____________ (I) see.

2. Jim is watching TV. ____________ (he) sister is _______________(do) her homework. 3. There _______________(be) a pair of _____________(glass) on the desk. 4. Would you like a ______________ (glass) of milk?

5. The books ______________(be) not here, but they ____________(be) here a moment ago. 6. It _____________(be) there just now, but it isn’t there now. 7. All the students are _______________ (watch) a running race. 8. Su Hai ______________ (want) to find the films now. 四、选择框中的单词或短语填空。


1. I’d like to listen to music now. But I can’t find my _________________. 2. It’s ______________ today. The students are all in the playground now. 3. My diary was in the desk _____________.

4. The children are very _____________ to play games.

5. My camera and films ____________ in the bag. But they are not there now. 6. The running race is so ______________.

7. The boys were at school a moment ago. But they ___________ at home now. 五、根据情景,完成句子。


Su Hai _________ ___________ for ___________ new pen now. 2.你想告诉别人你的手机是妈妈给你的生日礼物,可以说:

The ___________ phone is a __________ present __________ my mother. 3.你想问刚才李老师在哪里,你可以说: Where __________ Miss Li a ___________ ago?

4.你想告诉别人学生们正在举行一次跑步比赛,可以说: The students are ___________ a __________ race.








班级___________ 姓名_____________得分___________


一、根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的选项。(每小题读两遍;5分) ( )1. A. October ( )2. A. fifth ( )3. A. phone ( )4. A. diary ( )5. A. blow ( )6. A. is

( )7. A. 1月13日 ( )8. A. near the ball

B. December B. fifteenth B. earphone B. library B. as

C. November C. fiftieth C. telephone C. February C. brown C. us C. 2月13日 C. under the bed

B. grow B. 2月14日 B. in your bag

( )9. A. They are on the ground.

B. Are they on the ground?

C. They aren’t on the ground.

( )10. A. The phone is on the sofa now. B. The phone was on the desk just now. C. The phone is on the desk now.

二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍;5分) ( )1. A. Yes, I can.

B. No, he can’t.

C. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, there is. C. Yes, I am. C. It isn’t there now. C. It’s under the desk.

( )2. A. Yes, there aren’t.

B. No, there aren’t.

( )3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Yes, I do.

( )4. A. It was there. B. They were there. ( )5. A. They were in the desk. B. It was on the desk. ( )1. Where is the English book? A. In the bag.

B. In the desk.


C. On the desk.

( )2. What does this sign mean?

A. It means you shouldn’t make noise here. B. It means you shouldn’t put your bike here. C. It means you should keep off the grass. ( )3. What day is it today? A. Monday. A. 9:00.

B. Sunday. B. 9:30.

C. Saturday. C. 8:00. C. In the library.

( )4. What time is it?

( )5. Where was Mike just now?

A. In the teachers’ office. B. In the classroom.



1. It ____________ here a ___________ ago, where is it now ? 2. All the _____________ are very _____________. 3. Su Hai wants to ____________ some __________. 4. She is _____________ ____________ her camera. 5. They ____________ there _____________ now.


一、找出下列每组划线部分的单词与其余三个不同的选项。 (6分) ( ( ( ( ( ( 二、选择题。(10分) ( )1. — What’s in the garden?

— There ________ a lot of flowers.

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are D. pick up it D. getting D. to playing D. aren’t

( )2. My socks are on the floor. Please _______for me. A. pick them up A. looking

B. pick it up B. watching

C. pick up them C. seeing C . play C . isn’t

( )3. The boys and girls are _______ the running race in the playground. ( ) 4 . Su Hai wants _________ football. A . playing B . to play ( ) 5 . It here now .

A . wasn’t B . weren’t ( )6. — Where are your ________?

— They _________ on the bookcase a moment ago.

A. CDs; are A. on

B. CDs; were B. at

C. CD; were C. in

D. CD; are D. with D. just D. usually D. excited

( )7. New Year’s Day is _______ the first of January. ( )8 . It was there .

A . now B . a moment ago A. quickly A. excite

B. suddenly B. to excite


C . moment ago C. lovely C. exciting

( )9 . Grandpa ________ waters flowers at weekends. ( )10. All the people are ________ at the party.
