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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:18:25 体裁作文















1, 老师阅卷是将试卷扫描成电子版,在电子版上阅卷,所以不能写出界,否则扫描不上

2, 小作文和大作文可以有重复的句子出现。因小作文和大作文是不同老师流水线改卷。











2.1 书信通用要求:标准格式,142阵形



1, 称呼顶格:个人:Dear Sir/Madam/Judy/Jack,(用逗号)

机构:Dear Sir or Madam, /To whom it may concern, / To those concerned,

专业:Dear Mr. Wang, / Dear Professor Wang, / Dear Editor Wang,

2, 正文缩进4字.通常分三段,句子数量:1,4,2,或1,5,2内容为:




3, 落款在右边:

Yours truly, / Yours faithfully,/ Yours sincerely,


2.2求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter



Para1, S1, writing the letter, purpose, applying for a position

Para2,S1,my qualifications, meet your requirements

S2,In the first place, major, in line with this job

S2,In the second, previous work experience, help lay a solid foundation

S3,Inaddition, a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn

S4,refer to my resume attached, for more details.

Para3,S1,would appreciate it a lot, schedule an interview

S2,Looking forward, to your reply, at your earliest con-ven-ien-ce.

3, Example 1:application letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing this letter for the purpose of applying for the position [as posted in the newspaper].

My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirements. In the first place, my major, English, is perfectly in line with this job. In the second, my previous work experience [as a middle-school English teacher] has helped lay a solid foundation for the work here. In addition, I am a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. Please refer to my resume attached for more details.

I would appreciate it a lot if you could schedule an interview for me. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

Key words:

Application 申请;Apply 申请;Position 职位;Post 职位;Qualifications资质; Background: bachelor Master Doctor; work experience: solid foundation(良好的基础);team player, self-motivated, eager to learn(渴望学习)

4, Example 2: applying letter

To whom it may concern,

I’m writing the letter for the purpose of applying to be a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirements. In the first place, my specialty, English, is perfectly in agreement with the job. In the second, my previous work experiences as a social volunteer has helped lay a solid foundation for the work here. Moreover, I am a good team player, self-motivated, eager to learn.

I would appreciate it a lot if you could schedule an interview for me. Looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

2.3推荐信recommendation letter

1, outline


Para1,S1,recommend to you

S2, seek employment as a sales manager

Para2,s1,amply meet your requirements

S2, rich experiences, help lay a solid foundation

S3,good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn

S4, certain, deserve your consideration

Para3,s1, pay due attention, s2, look forward, your reply, at your earliest con-ven-ien-ce

2, example

Dear Judy,

I’m writing the letter for the purpose of recommending to your Li Ming, one of my best collages. He is seeking employment as a sales manager in your company.

As far as I know, his qualifications amply meet your requirements. In the first place, his rich experiences as a sales manager has helped lay a solid foundation for the work here. In the second, he is a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. Accordingly, I’m certain that he deserves your consideration.

Thanks a lot for paying due attention to the letter. I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

2.4辞职信resignation letter

1, Outline:


Para1, S1, resign from my current position

Para2,S1,After several months of work, find it in-appro-priate, take the position,following reasons

S2,expected the job to, be both challenging and rewards, turn out to be the opposite

S3,salary, has proved to be a lot lower, you originally promised

S4, As a result, make up my mind, to quit, after much de-libera-tion

Para3,S1,having offered me, the golden oppor-tunity to work, with the outstanding staff here

S2,I am sorry, for any in-con-ven-ience caused.

2, Example:

Dear Mr. Jack,

I’m writing the letter for the purpose of resigning from my current position.

After several months of work, I find it inappropriate for me to take the position [as an editor] for the following reasons. In the first place, I ever expected the job to be both challenging and rewards which has turned out to be the opposite. In the second, the salary has proved to be a lot lower than you originally promised and I have a large family to support. As a result, I’ve made up my mind to quit the job after much deliberation.

Thanks a lot for having offered me the golden opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here. I sincerely hope you will approve of my resignation. I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

Key words:

Resignation 辞职,position 职位, inappropriate 不适合的; challenging 挑战的; offer 提供; golden opportunity 绝佳机会. After much deliberation 深思熟虑

2.5建议信suggestion letter/advice letter

1, outline:


Para1, S1, convey my deepest concern,

Para2,S1, must be pointed out, current situation, is going from bad to worse.

S2, accordingly, it’s urgent, take effective measures.

S3,enhance the public’s awareness of gravity of it.

S4, appeal to, relevant department, set up stick regulations, against it

S5, mass media, help devise ways, easing the bad trend

Para3,S1,pay due attention

S2, looking forward, see some new changes

2, Example 1: 宏观大建议

To whom it may concern,

I am writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my deepest concern about the “White paper”.

It must be pointed out that the current situation is going from bad to worse. Accordingly, it’s urgent for us to take effective measures. In the first place, we should enhance the public’s awareness of the gravity of it. In the second, we should appeal to the relevant department to set up strict regulations against it. [For example, changing more on the plastic bags]. In addition, mass media should help devise ways of easing the bad trend.

Thanks a lot for paying due attention to the letter. Looking forward to seeing some new changes in the society soon.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

Key words:

Deepest concern 最深切的关注;convey 表达;suggestion 建议; going bad to worse 变得更坏;effective

measure 有效手段; enhance 加强; awareness 意识; help devise ways 想方设法; deteriorating 恶化

3, Example 2: 具体事件小建议

To Sir or Madam,

I’m a student from the Department of Foreign Languages and I am writing the letter for the purpose of making some suggestions about the library’s service.

It must be pointed out that the present situation is going from bad to worse. Accordingly, it’s imperative for us to take effective measures. To begin with, why not set up an inquiry desk at the circulation hall? In addition, the students should have access to the latest issues of foreign magazines. Finally, you’d better maintain strict order in the reading room.

Thanks a lot for pay due attention to the letter. Looking forward to seeing some new changes in our library room.

Yours truly,

Li Ming.

2.6感谢信thanks letter[2010 年真题,今年不太可能再考]

1, Outline

Para1, S1, 写信目的:感谢,thanks

Para2,S1,原因1:友好热情 S2,原因2:慷慨帮助 S3,原因3:友谊 S4,内容:感谢方式

Para3,S1,再次感谢 S2,祝福

Key words:Generous 慷慨的;

2, Example

Dear Judy,

I’m writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my thanks for your warm reception [during my recent visit to your country].

Your friendly warmth made it possible that I have a pleasant time in America. And it was your generous help that allowed me the chance to know the American culture better. In addition, I consider in an honor for me to make a friends of you. I hope that you would visit our country in due course so that I could enjoy the opportunity to repay your kindness and refresh our friendship.

Please accept my sincere thanks. Wish you all the best.

Yours truly,

2.7祝贺信congratulation letter

1, Outline: Li Ming


Para1,S1,convey my sincere con-gratu-lations

Para2,S1,how hard you’ve worked, to attain this goal.

S2,imagine your excitement, realize such an ambition.

S3, more deserving than you

S4, real encouragement, to see your pains rewarded.

Para3,S1, accept my sincere congratulations.

S2, wish you still further success

Key words:

Excitement 激动; attain 取得; ambition 追求; deserve 值得

2, example

Dear Judy,

I’m writing the letter for the purpose of expressing my sincere congratulations on [your promotion to general manager of the company].

I know how hard you’ve worked to attain this goal. Therefore, I can imagine your excitement when you realized such an ambition. Indeed, no one could have been more deserving than you. On the other hand, for me, it would be a real encouragement to see your pains rewarded. [ In short, I take great pride in your achievements].

Please accept my sincere congratulations. I wish you still further success.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

2.8道歉信apology letter

1, outline


Para1,S1,make a sincere apology, for my carelessness


S2, fell awfully sorry

S3, try my best , as soon as possible

Para3,s1, accept my heartfelt apology,

S2, hope you can forgive, for my carelessness

2, example

Dear Judy,

I’m writing the letter for the purpose of making a sincere apology to you for my carelessness.

When I arrived home, I found I had forgotten to return the music CD that you lent me. I fell awfully sorry for this. As I understand this CD is one of your favorites, I’ll try my best to send it back as soon as possible.

Please accept my heartfelt apology. I genuinely hope you can forgive me for my ca(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:哇魔力英语作文模板)relessness.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

2.9投诉信complaint letter

1, outline


Para1,S1,make a sincere apology, for my carelessness



1. 现象阐述型作文模板


At no moment in history has the issue of ________ been a more common occurrence than now.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. One is that, ______. Another important reason lies in ______.

Obviously, ______ incur a lot of disturbing effects. Undoubtedly your purse will suffer if you come across ______. Accordingly, it is a waste of ______. What’s worse, you can easily find numerous cases of the harmfulness of ______. Therefore it is high time that we took some actions to fight against ______. As for the government, they should enforce ______ laws. Meanwhile, we ______ should obtain the sense of ______ and also join the campaign.

In brief, a healthy ______ environment depends on everyone’s effort and in turn, everyone will benefit from it.


In recent years there has been an experienced growing tendency in ___________(提出现象). For that, I think it is not an occasional phenomenon.

A number of factors might contribute to (account for) the phenomenon. Parts of the explanations for it is that __________(原因1)__________. For example, __________(原因2)__________ is also responsible for the problem, such a case as __________.

The significance of ________ is far-reaching; it might exert a profound influence on __________(结论)__________.


nowadays, we often hear that _____________________(提出一种要探讨的现象). This phenomenon is not accidental, and there are social and individual background.

Why cannot ________________?

For one thing, ____________________(现象产生的原因1)__________. For another, ________________(举例说明)_________________. For instance, ____________(现象产生原因2)______________. Form that we _____________. As far as I am concerned, I agree that ________________. I think that ____________(作者本人的观点)_____________________. (四)

When asked about ________, a vast majority (a sizable percentage) of people claim (answer) that ___________(提出一种看法)________.

Contrary to the widely-held belief, I prefer __________(自己的看法)________________.

There are several reasons for my preference. ________________________ First, _____________________(原因1)______________. A good example of this can be provided (cited, offered) by _____________(举例说明)_________.

Second, ___________________(原因2)__________________.

Personal experience shows (demonstrates) that ___________(例子2)___. Finally, _________________(原因3)_________________.

For all these reasons, it comes as no surprise that ____________________. (五)

Why have I chosen to _____________(提出问题)____________? --- a question I have put to myself many times in the past two years. But the answer is always the same: __________________(总体上给出原因)__________.

There are many reasons for my choosing to _______________________. The main one is ___________(原因1)_______________. I decided to ________ not only because ________ but also _____________(原因1进一步说明)_____. It helps me to __________________. Of course I must admit that I __________ also because ________________(原因2)_____________. For in today’s world _____________

For these reasons, I ______________(总结)___________________. (六)

In recent years A has become ___________________(提出现象,总结说明其有利有弊). However, there are both positive and negative points associated with it.

As is often ( frequently ) pointed out that ______________, it certainly helps people to solve ( benefit ) __________________(有利面1)_________. For all the advantages, it also brings others content that __________________(有利面2)_________________. However, it still has some drawbacks. For one thing, ____________________(不利面1)_____________________.

For another, ________________(不利面2)_____________________.

Whether it is positive or negative, in my opinion, one thing is clear ______________(结论)___________________.


Like most people who _______________, I have been considering ________. Although there are some disadvantages of __________________, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. (提出现象,总结说明)

Generally, three advantages can be overwhelming. Firstly, _____________ because _________________(有利面1)________________. Besides, __________(有利面2)_________________________. Moreover, ____________(有利面3)

________________________, for example, ______________(举例说明)_____.

As in most thing we do, there are no gains without pains, so I think that __________________(结论)_______________________.


A now plays such an important part in so many people’s lives that _____________________(提出现象,说明存在利弊)______________. Obviously,

A has both advantages and disadvantages.

As is often pointed out, A makes us know ____________________ so that ____________(有利面1)______________________. In addition, ___________(有利面2). Yet here again, there is a danger: The main problem with it is that ______________(不利面1)______________. It is criticized on the grounds that it contributes (leads to ) rise in _________(不利面2)_________________.

In any case ,whether the ultimate of A is good or not, one thing is certain that ______________(结论)_____________________.


Title _____________________

Nowadays, wherever you go, you will hear people talk / complain about _________________. In / On ______________________, people are talking about ________________; in/on ___________________, the ______________ are concerned with / considering ____________________; and in ______________ areas, ___________________________ are interested in / worrying about ______________. In a word, there is ________________ in every walk of our life. Why do ____________________/ What has brought about the _____________.

There are many reasons/ factors, I think, that underline the change / phenomenon/ development. The primary reason/ factor is, clearly, ___________ Besides, _____________ And a third reason is probably that ________________.

Obviously, with the development of ____________________ ( and with more and more _______________________), I believe that ________________ So I am sure that ______________________ in the long run.

2. 正反观点对比型作文模板


When asked about ______________, people may find it hard to come to consensus due to their different experience and conflict values.

Those who advocate the idea of ___________ believe that you are less likely to ____ if you don’t _________, since the competition is fierce today. For one thing, __________ while __________. For another, it can corrupt ____________ and even cause __________. Therefore, _________ can never be overlooked.

Nevertheless, those who insist on _____________ hold that people can

_________ and ______________ by _________________.

First of all, one should always go after __________. Furthermore, only by ______________, can one _______________. Most important of all, _________.

On balance, I think we should __________ both __________ and _________. That is because the significance of __________ cannot be overvalued as well as that of ________________.


As two main solutions for ______________, _______________ and ________ draw more attention of the public than ever before. Some place more stress on the former while others attach heavier weigh to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the two forces, I would not hesitate to choose the latter over the former.

There is no need to deny that _____________(先承认所反对的事物有优点)______________, but it seems ____________(所反对事物存在的缺点)______. Just consider the situation in which ___________(详述反对理由1)_______. Moreover, __________________(反对理由2)____________. By contrast, ________ enables us to feel ________________(所赞成的事物的优点). In fact, as __________________, nothing brings more benefit that _____________(详述优点1)_________. And what is more, ___________(详述优点2)_________.

As can be concluded from analyses above, when you judge between both on the basis of their nature, don’t you think that _____________? Therefore, _________(作出结论,说明选择后者是一种正确的决定)______________.


With the advent of __________(提出一种现象)_____________, ________ plays an important role in our daily life. While it is commonly believed that A ___________(A观点)____________, I believe B ___________(B观点)____.

It is true that A _________(A的优点)__________. But the chief faults are ________(A的缺点)____________. Researches demonstrate that _________(举例说明)___________. On the contrary, the advantages of B __________ far outweigh advantages of A ___________________.

For one thing, B ______________(原因1)____________. For another, B also _____________(原因2)_____________. Although B fails to _________(B的缺点)___________, few things can be compared with B in terms of _______.

Therefore, in my opinion, _____________(自己的观点)__________. The result depends on the balance between their advantages and disadvantages.


To most people, __________ are two common means to ___________.

There are both strengths and weaknesses to the two systems. __________


The most important advantage of A is ____________(A的优势1)______. Another point in favor of A is ____________(A的优势2)________. On the other hand, A has its disadvantages. Perhaps the most obvious is _________(A的不利面)___________. Compared with A ____________, B can ____________(B的有利面)_________. However, B, just like anything else, has its negative side as well, it has also given rise to a series of problems. For example, ________(B的不利面并举例说明)________________.

Anyhow both the ways have their merits ( strengths) and their faults (imperfections), a combination of their merits might be a step in the right direction. _______________(作者的平衡观点)________________.


A and B are two important means of ___________(A与B当前所处的地位)___________. Although in recent years more and more A are being put in service, B has not declined, instead it has grown steadily.

People prefer B to A for several reasons. First, it is convenient to ________, because with it you can _______________(B的优点1)____________. Second,

B is regarded, especially, by those ___________ as an ___________(B的优点2)___________. Most people, however, choose B mainly to _________________.

Because of these unique advantages offered by B over A, B has remained and will still be a very popular means of ___________(结论进一步说明作者支持B)________________________.


直入主题,表明对某事人们Different people have different 开门见山,

各有不同看法 views on ______________.

Some people prefer __________. 表明一部分人的看法

另一部分人的看法 Others tend to ___________.

As to me, I agree with/ to 作者的看法


承认自己所不赞同的看法有一定合理性 Of course, _______________.

举例说明 For example, ______________.

转折指出这种观点的不足 But ___________________.

过渡到下段具体阐述自己所支The following reasons can 启下句,

持的观点的理由 account for my preference ________.

The main reason is ____________. 支持观点的理由一

A good example to illustrate is 举例说明理由一


理由二 For another, _______________.

From the foregoing, ___________. 总结全文:从长远看来……





1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2. 分析并举例使其更充实.



1. 问题现状, 2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)

In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally, --------------(解决方法三).

Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).

more and more 越来越... better and better 越来越好 形容词比较级 and 比较级 表示越来越...



1. 说明事物现状,2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)

3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法

Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ----------------(A的优点之一). Besides -------------------(A的优点之


But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点)A的第二个缺点).划线句子也可以改为 The worse is/was 更糟糕的是...

Through the above analysis(这句话的意思是通过上面的分析,看图作文在开头也能用), I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法).

(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way(只有通过这种方式), ---------------(对前景的预测).)

Between A(名词或动作) and B(名词或动作) 在A、B两者之间


(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )

There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that(我们大家都知道的是) the opinion concerning this hot topic

varies from person to person. A majority of people think that (大部分的人认为)_ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude

as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____.

People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.

Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______. On the other hand, ____原因二_____. Therefore, there is no

doubt that ___观点二______.

As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一

或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more

_______, the more ________.


Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive

aspects as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____.

Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To

begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______.

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same

time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.

( 3 ) 答题性议论文

Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.

As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving

problem is ___途径二_____.

Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am

concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say,


( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文

It is well know to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also

in our study. It means ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically )

A case in point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____.

With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use

to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job..


as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goes up/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.

There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________. In addition, ________ is responsible

for _______. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.

As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.


Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________, it is true that__________.

There what are is many reasons explaining__________________________. The main reason a is____________________. more_________________________.thirdly__________________________.As result_______________.

Considering all there,________________________. For one thing_____________________, for another________

____.In Conclusion____________________.




A能成为公众关注的焦点,主要是由于它对个人、集体乃至整个世界都有着不容忽视的不良影响。 认真分析后我们可以看到,A对社会/世界 /健康的不利有很多。首先,从最直观的角度来看,A的出现直接损害了(这里加入一句针对性的话,如人类的身体健康和环境的平衡) 。(举例)。其次,从更深一层次上讲,它为人类的精神文明蒙上了一层阴影。更可怕的是,由于A所产生微小利益,却促成了许多可悲的人们为其忘乎所以,破坏 了人类生存的法则和空间。

事实上,A的出现是社会发展和人类进步的产物,A所带来的危害是人类进化过程中付出的代价。同时,A的产生来源于部 分人们的自私和趋利性,他们看到的是肤浅和片面的利益,而从未从整个全局和人类整体的利益出发去认识和分析它。这使得A始终挥之不去。对此,我奉劝他们, 跳出狭小的角落,用长远和全局的眼光去重新审视A。




Currently, XX has been the order of the day .This does demonstrate ,the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX .It is clear that ( 1 ). If you ( 2 ), as a result ,your dreams will come true . On the contrary, if you ( 3 ).Failure will be following with you .It turns out that all your plan falls through . No one can deny another fact that ( 4 ) .You don't have to look very far to find out the truth , in respect that we all know ( 5 ) .It will exert a profound influence upon ( 6 ).With reference to my standpoint ,I think ( 7 ).

1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。

1.有一些人认为…… 2.另一些人认为……3.我的看法……

The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is heir favorite. They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover,④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理

由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点

Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing,⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 附 易犯错误一:模板中的句型套用不正确,不完整。

比如:我们在书信结尾的时候会说I am looking forward to hearing from you.而学生却把这句话写成了I am looked forward to hear from you。这种现象非常普遍,可见,学生的写作态度并不是很端正,很认真。 易犯错误二:模板中的句型和实际写作内容不匹配。










我们在初练写作的时候套用模板是正常的事情,也是一个必经的过程,只有先试用别人的东西,才能学习和积累写作素材。。模板要活学活用,不要一字不差的照抄无误,而是要根据自己所要表达的内容进行更改。写作不一定要字字句句都是难词,长句,而是要学会运用一些常见词的常见短语去表达,这样才能真正显示写作的水平。这就要求学生在平时的学习中注意积累常用的短语或者词组,以备写作之用。 另外,关于写作素材,不仅仅指写作常用的词汇,句型或者语法结构,还要包括所用的事例。比如:2001年的写作真题,要求写“爱心”,第二?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我笥檬道っ髦魈狻S械目忌饩托础拔铱际悦媪俸艽蟮难沽Γ业呐笥咽侨绾伟镏遗沤庋沽Φ摹保庀匀痪褪撬夭钠斗υ斐傻暮蠊L饽恐械摹鞍摹笔侵浮按蟀保吧嘶グ锘ブ男奶H绻础般氪ǖ卣穑Mこ獭闭饫嗍吕匀环浅7咸饽恳螅沂吕止阄酥刃础芭笥讶绾伟镏摇备兴捣ΑR虼耍谄匠5牧废爸幸⒁獯釉亩林谢鬯夭模鄞示洌灰鼋鼍窒抻谀0逯小? 4 作文写字一定要清楚,中间空格字太小,可以空两格,千万别太挤,会让阅卷老师心里不舒服的






1. 描述现象/描述问题/描述图片

2. 分析原因/分析影响(意义)/分析利弊

3. 总结+提出建议


1. 描述争议

2. 陈述两派观点

3. 总结+陈述自己的观点+提出建议

(1) 描述现象/问题/图片

? 描述现象In recent years, there has been a prevailing phenomenon that an growing number of college students are...

? 描述图片或漫画 As illustrated vividly in the picture/chart, we can clearly see that... An important message conveyed by the picture/chart is that...

? 描述争议In recent years, there/it has been a heatedly debated issue whether people should do...or not. People from different background hold different views on this matter.


? It is undoubtedly of great significance to us in more than one way. For one thing, it is conducive to the improvement/progress /enhancing/cultivating/development of...For another, it is of great help in that it enables us to do...Furthermore and more importantly...

? 积极影响

1. It is conducive to our personal progress toward a better member of society.

2. It is of great help in that it enables us to become more civilized citizens.

3. It is beneficial to the overall development and advancement of the society.

4. Without this/is, the society and individuals would not be wholesome in terms of economic development and quality of living.

? 消极影响

1. It is undoubtedly of great negative influence /impact to us in more than way one. For one thing , it may lead to the worsening /destruction /weakening/disappearing of the ability of... For another, it is of great harm in that we may become unable to do... Furthermore and more importantly...

2. It may lead to the worsening of people’s ability to work or study efficiently.

3. It is of great harm in that we are liable to fall behind.

4. The economic development of our society is likely to slow down.


? There are a variety of good reasons that can explain this

situation/phenomenon. Most importantly, it is due to the fact that...Another vital cause for this is that...

? It is due to the fact that the science and technology develops so

fast that dramatic changes have taken place in our life and society. ? Another vital cause for this is that people’s needs nowadays

become more and more diversified.


? Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a

conclusion that...and it is my suggestion that it is advisable for sb. to do sth.

? Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a

conclusion that it has both advantages and disadvantages and it is my suggestion that we should make the most of its merits and reduce the negative impacts to the least extent.


? It is widely believed by some people that...They believe that...

However, on the other hand, others voice out their opposition, claiming that...(他们声称...)They argue that...

? To conclude, my personal view on this matter is that...and my

suggestion is that...


类型一 The Returning of Traditional Chinese Culture

1. 近年来社会上出现了国学热

2. 国学回归的意义

3. 我们应该怎么做

In recent years, there has been a prevailing phenomenon that an growing number of Chinese people are learning traditional Chinese culture.

It is undoubtedly of great significance to us in more than one way. For one thing, it is conducive to the improvement/progress/enhancing/cultivating/development of national literacy. Thanks to the returning of traditional Chinese culture, many people learn more about our own history. For another, it is also of great help in that it enables us to become better member of society (to become more civilized).For example, traditional culture teaches us to be polite and kind to each other.

Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that it is valuable for us to gain insights into traditional culture. So it is my suggestion that schools and governments should encourage students to spend more time in learning the traditional culture.


1. 描述争议

2. 陈述两派观点

3. 总结+陈述自己的观点+提出建议

In recent years, there has been a prevailing phenomenon that an growing number of college students are... It has been a heatedly debated issue whether people should do...or not. People from different background hold different views on this matter.

It is widely believed by some people that...They believe that... However, on the other hand, others voice out their opposition, claiming that...They argue that...

Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that...and it is my suggestion that it is advisable for sb. to do sth.

(Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that it has both advantages and disadvantages and it is my suggestion that we should make the most of its merits and reduce the negative impacts to the least extent.)


As illustrated vividly in the picture/chart, we can clearly see that an increasing percentage of graduates are holding jobs that are irrelevant to their majors or continuing their study instead of finding a jobs while a declining percentage of them hold relevant jobs. An important message conveyed by the picture/chart is that in the past years great changes have undertaken in college students’ choices after graduation (what college students have learned proves impractical or irrelevant to what the job market needs).

There are a variety of good reasons that can explain this situation. Most importantly, it is due to the fact that the science and technology develops so fast that dramatic changes have taken place in our life and society, and the higher education fails to keep up with the time. Another vital cause for this is that the competition become more and more fierce.

Based on what has been discussed above. We may safely draw a conclusion that it is advisable for universities to improve/update their courses.













第三步:每个句子: 1.句式结构的选择 2.词句的选择



示范一Social Practice 社会实践


(2)而有部分人强烈反对大学生社会实践 (3)你的观点



When it comes toOn the other hand, . What’s more, , For another,pay much attention to its side effect

示范二Campus Love 校园恋爱

(1).有人强烈反对在学校谈恋爱 (2). 有人坦然接受 (3). 我的观点 My view



When it comes to campus love, answers to this question vary greatly. Some people firmly believe that What’s more, , For another,

或者As far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides/love is a two-edged sword. When you get it, you will be happy;when you lose it, you will feel painful. Therefore, we should lay great emphasis on learning despite the popularity of campus love.

示范三Reading selectively or extensively? 应该是有选择的读书还是博览群书?

提纲1、有人认为读书应当选择2、有人认为应当博览群书 3、我的看法

正方理由 3

反方理由 3

When it comes answers to this question vary greatly. Some people firmly believe that However, others may not agree with them. Quite a few people argue that For another,As far as I am concerned, 或者In my opinion, we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as possible. In this way , we can derive the greatest benefit from reading.

示范四Spring Festival Gala on CCTV 春节联欢晚会


正方理由: 3


other hand, it can meet/satisfy the audiences’ demand with different ages because there are a number of What’s more, However, others may not agree with them. Quite a few people argue the gala does great harm to our , ____it is a waste of time and money when we hold ,the quality of the gala has been decreasing step by step owing to lacking

或者 In my opinion, every coin has two sides. On the one hand, it is the gala that can still entertain most of people although what people want is increasing. On the other hand, the problem mentioned above is arising. If we canceled it, most people couldn’t find pleasure in seeing it. Thus, I hope it will continue to appear after improving the gala itself.



示例一 Owning a private car 私家车

提纲:1、拥有汽车的好处 2、拥有汽车的坏处 3、你的观点

利: 3

弊: 3

With the improvement of the people’s living standard./With the development of modern society, are entering ordinary families. There are some advantages of To begin with,

However, there are some disadvantages of On the one hand, On the other hand, or What’s more,

Despite/In spite of all the disadvantages mentioned above, I still think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for the problem, I’m sure they will be settled by scientists in the future.

示例二 Keeping Pets


提纲:1养宠物的好处 2.养宠物的坏处 3.我的观点



With the improvement of living standard, are entering ordinary families. There are some advantages of To begin with, people can release pressure imposed on them working day and night. Then, Finally,

However, there are some disadvantages of On the one hand, On the other hand, What’s more,

Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above, I still think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for the problem, People can solve it by all means in the future.


Just as a popular saying goes, “every coin has two sides”,____title_____ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects.


To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of _____title____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of____title______.

示例三 Exercise 锻炼

提纲:1锻炼的好处 2.锻炼的坏处 3.我的观点

利: 3

弊: 3

With the improvement of living standard, are entering ordinary families. There are some advantages

there of some To begin with,___________3________________. of On the one Then, hand, Finally, However, are disadvantages

On the other hand, What’s more,

Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above, I still think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for the problem, People can solve it by all means in the future.


示例四 Internet — A Two-edged Sword 互联网—双刃剑

提纲:1.联网给我们生活带来的便利 2互联网的消极因素 3.我的看法



With the development of science and technology, are entering ordinary families. There are some advantages of To begin with,___________3________________. Then, Finally,

However, there are some disadvantages of On the one hand, On the one hand, What’s more,

Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above, I still think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for the problem, People can solve it by all means in the future.


示例五 Part-Time Job 做兼职

提纲:1.大学生做兼职的益处 2大学生做兼职的弊端 3.我的看法



With the development of science and technology, are entering ordinary families. There are some advantages of To begin with,___________3________________. Then, Finally,

However, there are some disadvantages of On the one hand, On the one hand, What’s more,

Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above, I still think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for the problem, People can solve it by all means in the future.



问题解决类又称社会问题或社会现象型,一般涉及的是当前或相当长一段时间内大众关注的热点问题 第一步:布局:












Global Shortage of Fresh Water 全球淡水短缺

提纲: 1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 (提示:雨水、河水、井水......)

2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的 (提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染......)

3. 我们应该怎么办



It is widely thought and accepted that the world’s supply of fresh water will never be run out of (used up) because it comes from such a variety of sources as rain ,river, well. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water.

However (As a matter of fact), the earth is short of fresh water. There are many causes for the shortage of it. First, the world’s population is growing at a dangerous rate. Second, the demand for water is
