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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:40:07 体裁作文

篇一:The wolf and the horse 狼和马

A wolf on his rambles1 came to a field of oats, but, but being able to eat them. He was passing on his way when a horse came along. "Look," said the Wolf, "here's fine field of oats. For your sake I have left it untouched, and I shall greatly enjoy the sound of your teeth munching2 the ripe grain." But the horse replied, "If wolves could eat oats. my fine friend, you would hardly have indulged your ears at the cost of your belly3."

There is no virtue4 in giving to others what is useless to oneself.



1 rambles

(无目的地)漫游( ramble的第三人称单数 ); (喻)漫谈; 扯淡; 长篇大论 参考例句:

He rambles in his talk. 他谈话时漫无中心。

You will have such nice rambles on the moors. 你可以在旷野里好好地溜达溜达。 2 munching

v.用力咀嚼(某物),大嚼( munch的现在分词 )


He was munching an apple. 他在津津有味地嚼着苹果。 来自《简明英汉词典》 Munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements. 他虽然啃着苹果,但却很留神地监视着她的每一个动作。 来自辞典例句

3 belly



The boss has a large belly.老板大腹便便。

His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。

4 virtue



He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范。 You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。


篇二:The Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse is from Latin Equns Trojanus. It is an international idiom and is used in the world's major languages, such as Chinese vocabulary. On Contradictions, Mao Zedong said that Song Jiang used the "Trojan horse" to attack Zhu Jiazhuang in the "Water Mar

the horse手表


This idiom comes from Homer's Epic Odyssey. The Greeks and Trojans had been warring constantly for ten years and the outcome was pending. Finally, Odysseus, the famous Greek hero, came up with the Trojan horse, it was that used wood to make a giant horse and put it on the outside of Troy. All the Greek soldiers disguised to retreat and took a boat to hide in the nearby bay, Odysseus led 20 warriors to hid into the Trojan's belly. Trojans thought that Greeks already lost. So they opened the gate, saw the outside of the great Trojan, thought it was the Greeks worship god, they regarded it as a trophy and dragged it to the town to celebrate the victory. In the middle night, Trojan was sleeping and was no alert, the Greek heroes that in the Trojan climbed out and opened the gate, gave a sign, and with the returned of the Greek army at bay destroyed the city of Troy.

As a result, The Mauritius Horse referenced constantly to become a widespread idiom, used to metaphor “the hidden danger”; “the covert wreckers (mole)”;“ to engage in underhand activities”etc.

篇三:The Rocking-Horse Winner 全文翻译







































篇四:The night of the horse



Steve Walker

I thought it was a mouse at first, and wasn't bothered. Living in a place like this, one must expect the odd mouse. True: it whinnied in the night and woke me up more than once. I climbed out of bed, pulled back the curtains and looked through sleepy eyes at the closed warehouse over the road. I thought the whinnies came from there. True, also: it clip-clopped behind the skirting-board, just like a horse would if horses were small. But I didn't think of that. I took it to be a heavy-footed rodent.

I first saw it one Sunday tea-time— the most miserable time of the week for me; I turn off the TV to avoid the religious programmes and, left with nothing to do, I become miserable: always do. I was buttering some bread when I heard horses' noises. I glanced. Wow! There it was, hoofing the lino by the larder door. A small horse ! No larger, indeed, than an underfed mouse— ribs showing, eyes popping. I watched it carefully, stood still with bread in one hand and knife with a scoop of butter on it in the other. Yes, it was certainly, most definitely, a horse, a small horse.

I must say, I've always been the same, ever since I passed twenty. I used to be a songwriter then, or thought I was, but all my songs had been turned down and I was at breaking point. Nothing whatsoever had gone

right for me. I'd recently started my present job, and told a salesman I worked with about my problem.

“Give it up, ” he jeered at me. “You've got a good job here. Give it up. You'll never make it.”

What he really meant was: You're an ordinary bloke, like me. You've no business thinking you're a songwriter. People like us aren't songwriters.

He was correct, of course. I followed his advice, but note now that ever since, it seems to me, I've avoided people and things that could be judged as being out of the ordinary. So what was I to do when confronted with the crisis of having a small horse infesting my flat? I needed advice, but only knew ordinary people. I told one or two and they said: “Come on, man — stop pulling our leg.” And they proceeded to avoid me for the next few days.

I told Mr. Ducksbury, my sales—manager. He reacted the same, then started showing me new photos of his grandchildren.

“No. No. Really. I'm serious, ” I said.

“Oh, yeah. A small horse ? There's no such thing.”

“But there is—I've seen one.”

“Then why's no one else ever seen one? What makes you so special?”

There was a young man who'd worked part-time in the packing

department for a bit. I'd avoided talking to him at the time, even when I needed to check on a stock- level, because someone had said he was a painter — oils and all that. I looked up his address in the files. It was near one of my calls— I went there that very day.

“Excuse me.”


“You may remember me from Hollis's. Can I come in for a moment?”

He let me in.

There were two naked girls seated back to back on a dais thing. He was painting them, all in orange. I was highly embarrassed. One put on a dressing-gown and went to make a pot of tea, but the other just sat there scratching herself. I never got the tea, and didn't gabble through much of my story to the young man, either. He grew sarcastic very quickly and asked me to leave. The girls started laughing as he prodded me out.

When I got back home the horse was drinking from a saucer of milk I'd left out for it. I poured some breakfast cereal into my hand and offered it for the thing to eat. It stood thinking, but wouldn't dare come. I got bored of crouching there, so went off to watch TV.

But I tried to get it to eat from my hand every time I saw it and, at last, a fortnight later, midmorning—I hadn't bothered to go to work —it trotted up and ate contentedly from my hand. I was thrilled to see it close

up. With my feeding, it had put on some weight. What a perfect little thing it was! But, being the way I am, I couldn't tolerate its mystery, its extraordinariness. I decided to kill it, to put poison down and be rid of it.

As soon as this thought entered my mind, the horse gave me a quick look, reared, and galloped away. I pulled off my shoe and threw it after. But my aim was bad; the horse disappeared unharmed through the hole where the plug used to be when I had the old fridge.

A few nights later, I woke up scared. A dream, I thought, already forgotten—or was the horse in my bedroom? I was suddenly petrified of it, as if it were a spider. I searched the bedsheets, looked under the furniture, checked the skirting board for cracks, new or old. Nothing. Once again I pulled back the curtains to look at that closed warehouse over the road. I'd always had my suspicions about it, and this time it could be tiny lights shining behind the filthy grilled windows at pavement level.

I got dressed at once, put a torch in my pocket and hurried over. I stood right in front of the grilled windows—but they were too filthy; I couldn't see anything through them.

There was an old door there, on crusty hinges. I kicked it open, two kicks. I switched on my torch and went inside. I was in a foreman's office: cabinets, desk and such still there. A twelve-year-old calendar was on the wall.

I listened. Yes—a mouse-like scratching. This was surely where my small horse had come from, and maybe, I figured, there'd be a whole herd in the warehouse somewhere.

In the light from my torch nothing had any colour. I walked on battered floor- boards towards the main storeroom. A tall, wooden sliding door barred my way. I could find no handle and my pushing and coaxing wouldn't budge the thing. I gave it a kick but it was thick and solid and didn't feel it.

What else could I do? I gave up and turned to go. But after only a few steps, I heard the sliding door open behind me. I jumped in fright. Had I pressed a button without realizing it? Was there someone there?

I shone my torch. It flitted across a huge ceiling, showing smashed skylights with the night above. Then I waved it around the warehouse floor.

There were horses, yes, quite a few, just like the one in my flat. But also, every- where, as if assembled to witness some spectacular event, were people, tiny people. Thousands and thousands of them—all just as tall as a little finger. Most were naked, some wore paper hats and carried spears of broken glass. Lots of them were huddled around little fires they'd made. They stood still in my torchlight, but where my torch couldn't catch, some were running.

I'm home now, in bed with the light on. I'm going to sit up all night
