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篇一:healthy life 课件



篇二:unit3 a healthy life 语言点

Book6 Unit 3 A healthy life语言点学案

1.due to

1 ) 由于,因为;归因(功)于(常作表语、状语或定语) This accident _________________ his careless driving.(作表语) 这次车祸是由于他开车疏忽大意造成的。

He arrived late due to the storm.由于暴风雨他来晚了。(作状语) He failed ____________________________(主要由于他的粗心). =His failure was largely due to the fact that he was careless.

His success was largely due tohis hard work.他的成功主要归功于他的勤奋。(作表语) Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.(作定语) 由疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。

2) …due to sb. (报酬/尊敬/感谢) 应支付给/ 给予某人;某人应得… Have you been paid the moneythat is due to you?你得到应得的钱了吗?

Treat him with respectdue to a world champion. 要以一个世界冠军应享有的尊重对待他。 Our thanks ________________the whole team.我们要向全队致谢。

辨析:due to/owing to/ because of / thanks to 这几个词都表示“由于”,常可以互换,但使用时应注意以下区别:

①due to在句中作表语、状语和定语,作表语和状语时可与owing to互换。但作状语时,due to 一般不位于句首,也不能逗号与主句隔开,owing to 既可位于句中又可位于句首。owing to一般不用作定语。 This accident was due to/owing to his careless driving.He arrived late due to / owing to the storm. He arrived late due to, owing to the storm.Owing to the storm,he arrived late. ②because of 可位于句首、句中,常作状语,一般不作表语。 He arrived late due to / owing to/because of the storm. Owing to/because of the storm, he arrived late.

③thanks to 也可表示原因外,但最常用意思为“幸亏,多亏"多用于表达正面意思,相当于感谢;可位于句首、句中,常作状语,一般不作表语。

Thanks to your help, we were successful.多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功。

1) The old man said the accident ________ careless driving, and therefore a lot of money_________ be paid

by the driver.

A. was due to; was due to B. due to; was due to C. is due to;was due to D. is due to; hasdued to 2) Most of your unhappiness in life is ________ the fact that you are listening to yourself rather than talking to yourself.

A. due to B. thanks to C. owing to D. A and C 3) He doesn?treceive the respect __________ a champion. A. is due to B. due to C. is owing to D. owing to

4) The sports meeting, originally________ be held last Friday, was finallydelayed because of the bad weather A. due to B. thanks to C. owing to D.according to

对( 做)…上瘾;沉醉于(做)…;嗜好(做)… addict oneself to (doing) sth使某人自己对…上瘾

It doesn?ttake long to __________________________. (对毒品上瘾) My children have become hopelessly addicted to television. (翻译)

____________________________________________________________________________ 1) ①The parents felt helpless when they found their son had _________ love stories for long.

A. addicted B. addicted to C.addicted himself D. been addicted to ②The parents felt helpless when they found their son had _________ to love stories for long.

A. addicted B. addicted to C. addicted himself D. been addicted to

2) The new survey shows that the number of students ________computer games is________ in recent years. A.addicted;increased B.addicting; increasing C.addicted to; increasingD. addicted; increase 3)_________ to drugs for years, hehas brokenaway from hisfilmy.

A. Addicted B. Beingaddicted C. AddictingD. Having addicted

4)Nowadays, more and more people are addicted _______ online shopping, ________a challenge to traditional department stores.

A. to doing; becoming B. to do; to become C. doing; having become D. to dong; becomes

3.习惯于/适应于(做)… accustomsb/oneself to (doing) sth使某人/自己习惯于/适应于(做)?

I_________________________________________ (不习惯早起) to do morning exercise. Children are quick to ___________ themselves ________ (适应于)new surroundings. 1) —They are quiet, aren't they?—Yes. They are accustomed________while watching TV. A. to talk B. to not talkC. to talking D. to not talking 2) Don?t worry. She is accustomed to _________ like that.

A. be spoken B. being spoken C. speak D. being spoken to

3) It is uncommon that she is a person ___________ four hours? sleep a night. A. accustomed to havingB.was accustomed to having

C. accustom to have D. accustomed having

4) On the way to the west they were accustomed to _______ their animals ______ from heat, thirst, and starvation.

A. seeing; to suffer B. see; to suffer C. seeing; suffering D. saw; suffered 5) They have lived there fortwo years and ________ to the cold weather.

A. accustomed B. accustoming C. being accustomed D.are accustomed 4.effect n.影响;结果;作用;效力 affect vt.影响

The amount of rain will _______________________________(影响) the growth of crops They are discussing ___________________________ (电视对儿童的影响) The new law will come into effect /take effectnext mouth.

=The new law will___________________________________ next month. The new medicine quickly ___________________(奏效).

1) The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _______ the wildlife in the area. A. in B. on C. at D. with

2)The conference has been held to discuss the _________ of global warming on people?s lives all over the world.

A. importance B. effects C. protection

D. attitudes 3) The new regulation does not _______ until the first of March.

A. take into effectB. come into effect C. put into effectD. bring into effect 4) It was nearly an hour _______ the sleeping pill _________ effect.

A. before; came intoB. when; took C. when; had D. before; took

5)According to recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily ______ and effect. A. reason B. impact C. fact D. cause

6) The drug did not ________ his health, infact, it seemed to have no _________. A. effect; effectB. effect; affect C. affect; effect D. affect; affect 5. feel like

1) feel likesth/doing sth想要某物/ 想要做某事

Do you feel like (having) a cup of coffee?你想来一杯咖啡吗? He feels like ______________________ (去散步).

You can talk to me whenever you feel like it. 你什么时候想和我谈谈都可以。

She 她今天不想去上学。= She feels like not going to school today. 注意:①feel like doing sth的否定式为:don’t /doesn’t /didn’tfeel like doing sth或feel like notdoing sth He t like going to work. =He felt like going to work.

②would like/want 也可表示想要(做)某事,但“表示想做某事”,要用: would like to do/want to do 如:----I ________to go for a walk. -------But I________ going shopping.

A. would like; feel like B. feel like; feel like C. feel like; would like D would like; would like ③ feel (like) oneself 感觉身体舒服;在状态,心情好

Sorry, I?m not feeling (like) myself today. 抱歉,我今天觉得有点不舒服。 2) feel like sth感觉像/摸起来像…

I was only there two days but it felt like a week. 我在那里只有两天,但感觉想过了一星期。 The plasticfeels like glass. 那块塑料摸起来想玻璃一样。 They made me feel like one of the family.他们使我觉得像他们家里的一员。 1) It?s so hot today. I _____________________________(想去游泳).

2) (2011?四川) Lydia doesn't feel like _________ abroad. Her parents are old. A. study C. studied B. studying D. to study

3) --- What would you like _________? ---- Well, I feel like ________ a nice cool glass of lemonade. A. to drink; having B. to drink; to have C. drinking; having D. drinking; to have 4) We?ll go for a walk if you feel like ________

A. that B. it D. one D. yourself 5) I?m just starting to feel like _______ after I had surgery.

A. it B. that C. myself D.me

6)Even though he knew he would put his own life _______, he still felt __________the new medicine to find out what it would __________.

A. at a risk; like to try; feel like B. at risks; like trying; feel

C. at risk; like to try; feel as D. at risk; like trying; feel like 6.riskv.冒险n.风险;危险

1) v.冒险 risk sth冒着…的风险(危险);拿…冒险/ risk doing sth冒险做….; 冒着做...的风险 He risked his life to save the drowning boy.他冒着生命危险救了那个溺水儿童。 = He risked losing his lifeto save the drowning boy.

When children start smoking, they don?t realize that they?re _________________. (拿着他们的健康去冒险) The young man risked ______________________ (knock down)to take the child on the busy road to safety. 2) n.风险;危险 If you are considering starting a business, thinkcarefully about the risksinvolved. 如果你在考虑创办公司,要认真地仔细想想所涉及的各种风险。

Idon?t want to _______________/____________________/__________________ (冒失去这份工作的风险). He saved her ___________________________ (冒着生命危险)

If we go to war, manylives will ____________________ (处于危险之中) 1) He would not allow him _________ across the enemy line

A. to risk going B. risking going C. for risk to go D. risk going 2) He left without an umbrella, ___________ in a rain.

A. risked getting caught B. risking getting caught C. to risk to get caught D. risking to get caught 3) The fuel tank (燃料罐) could blow up, but that?s a risk we ?ll have to__________. A. take B. put C. make D. get

4) If you dare to take _________riskof not wearing a safetybelt, you are at_________ risk. A. the;/ B. /; / C. /; the D.the; the

5) The brave soldier, ________, jumped into the cold river to save the girl who wanted to kill herself.

A. risked drowning B. risking drowning C. risked to be drowned D. risking to be drowned

7. in spite of (= despite ) (介词短语) 尽管;不管,无视,不顾

这是一短语为介词短语,其后只能接名词(短语)、代词或动名词短语,其后不能直接跟句子。 如:We went out in spite of/despitethe rain.


In spite of /Despiteall his efforts, he failed. 尽管已经竭尽全力,他还是失败了。

She can?t see very well in spite of /despite her glasses. 尽管带着眼镜,她还是看不清。

In spite of /Despitefeeling tired, we decided to go out. 尽管很累,我们还是决定出去。

In spite of /Despiteapplying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. 尽管他申请了数百个工作,他仍然在失业中。 He went out in spite of his father?s orders. 他无视父亲的命令,径自出去了。

辨析:in spite of/ despite 与although/though 区别:


A.in spite of B.despite of

C. because of D. due to

2)He always did well at school________having to do part-time jobs every now and then. A. in spite of B. regardless of C. on account of D.in case of 3) The Chinese economy is still doing well________the current financial crisis. A. on behalf of B. in spite of C. in terms of D. in consequence of

4) ________the fact that there was great prejudice against women entering men?s profession

then, she succeeded as a manager of a big company.


B. In spite of C.Despite of D. As


本句中,第二个as为关系代词,引导限定性定语从句,并在从句中作宾语,先行词为life. 拓展:as 引导的限定性定语从句的用法 辨析:such/so… as…结构与such/so…that…结构 1) Tom is ______ good a student ________ is often praised by the teacher.

A. such; as B.so; as C. such; that D. so; that 2) Actually, stress isn?t such a bad thing ________ it is often supposed to be.

A. which B. that C. as D. what

3) We should keep to the basic knowledge. I don?t think it proper to give us so difficult a problem ______ no one can work out.

A. that B. which C. while D. as 4) ① The plan was such a good one ______ we all agreed to put it into effect.

A. so B. which C. as D. that ②The plan was such a good one ______ we all agreed to putinto effect.

A. so B. which C. as D. that

篇三:2014-2015选修六Unit 3 A healthy life课件及强化练习题7份-unit 3 Section 3

Unit 3 Section Ⅲ


1.The old man is a (幸存者)________ of the past age.

2.3.I realized that they wanted to be alone so I felt ________ (尴尬的). 4.5.6.Things can easily go wrong when people are under ______ (压力). 7.8.I'm always an ________ (笨手笨脚的) dancer.

答案:1.survivor 2.prejudice 3.embarrassed 4.judgement 5.spreads 6.stress 7.risk 8.awkward

Ⅱ.选用方框内合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空新 课 标 第 一 网

2.I ran all the way to the theater and was ____________________. 3.I am a teacher __________________ and a writer in the next place. 4.I have many facts to think about before I __________________. 5.In order to lose weight, the fat boy had to ____________________. 6.Young people are willing to __________________ and try new things.

7.The boy has ______________________ the habit of washing his hands before meals. 答案:1.In spite of 2.out of breath 3.in the first place 4.make up my mind 5.go on a diet 6.take risks 7.got into



The disease is spreading, and all young children are________ ________. 2.这里有些方法能让你登山时保证安全。

Here are a few ways to________ ________when you hike in the mountains. 3.与布兰达第一次邂逅相遇时,她让我帮她拿一下眼镜。

________ ________ ________I saw Brenda, she asked me to hold her glasses. 4.当我凑近细看那表时,才发觉到它是何等奇特。

It is________ ________I see the watch at close quarter________ ________ ________how unusual it is.


I'm________ ________either of them will not________ ________this arrangement. 6.大部分现代文学也同样的不值地批评。

________ ________ ________ ________, most of modern literature is not worth criticizing. 答案:1.at risk 2.stay safe 3.The first time

4.only when; that I realize 5.afraid that; agree to 6.For the same reason Ⅳ.完形填空

Many years ago when the world was a simpler place there lived a shoemaker. He used silk and soft leather to make the greatest shoes. Colorful shoes lined the shelves of his One little girl, Rachel, often looked through the into the store. One day while Rachel was looking again, at her side. “Well, dear, which shoes would you take?”he said, smiling.

Rachel was as she hadn't noticed the little man. “Oh! I...I was only ,”Rachel said. “I can't afford them and I would never take anything that doesn't __ me.”

The shoemaker said, “I meant to give you a pair as a(n) __”Rachel stared at the shoemaker. A small pointed (尖的)ear could be seen underneath his hat. The guy Rachel's curious gaze(凝视)and fixed his hat tightly over his ear “Why don't you wear a pair of your own beautiful shoes?”Rachel questioned him,smiling.

“I am always working and have no need of __11__ shoes,”he explained.

Rachel's smile “I have no need of good shoes, either, ”Rachel said in a sad voice and limped (一瘸一拐地走)away.

into the shop. Looking , Rachel said,“You have every color of the rainbow in here.”

The shoemaker said, “They are the colors of the rainbow, Rachel.” __ a drawer he took out the most beautiful pair of shoes Rachel had ever seen. The shoemaker placed the shoes onto her feet. “Take a ,Rachel,”he said.

“I... I can't, ”Rachel said with a tear.

“Yes,Rachel,you can,”the shoemaker __17__.

Rachel stood up straight. Deliberately she took a

“I can do it. I can do it,”she said,walking __19__ across the floor,not limping at all.

The shoemaker laughed and said,“I told you they were magic shoes...” 文章大意:一个跛脚的小女孩经常通过鞋店的橱窗看里面的鞋子,鞋匠送给她一双神奇的鞋子让她恢复了健康。

1. A. wonderful C. personal

B. professional D. natural

答案:A 从这句话里的“make the greatest shoes”可知鞋匠用的料子应该是很好的。 2. A. study C. store

B. bank D. office

答案:C 鞋应该是排列在鞋店里的架子上。 3. A. floor C. wall

B. window D. corner

答案:B 小女孩应该是透过窗户向店里看。 4. A. quit C. fell

B. appeared D. hid

答案:B 根据后面鞋匠跟小女孩说起了话可知鞋匠此时出现在小女孩身边。 5. A. excited C. interested

B. confused D. surprised

答案:D 从后面的“she hadn't noticed the little man”可知小女孩应该感到“惊奇”。 6. A. searching C. waving

B. moving D. looking

答案:D 小女孩被店主询问想要哪双鞋,根据后面的话知道小女孩不想买鞋,应该是说明自己只是看看。

7. A. consist of C. belong to

B. focus on D. agree with

答案:C 从前面的“I can't afford them”可知小女孩买不起店里的鞋,所以她说不想拿不属于自己的东西。

8. A. collection C. solution

B. present D. exchange

答案:B 鞋匠解释说他是想送小女孩一双鞋作为礼物。 9. A. noticed C. remembered

B. guided D. accepted

答案:A 鞋匠发现了小女孩的眼神才会采取后面的措施。 10. A. exactly C. happily

B. quickly D. kindly

答案:B 鞋匠不慎被看到了尖耳朵,应该赶紧把它盖住。

11. A. clean C. new

B. large D. fine

答案:D 鞋匠解释说“I am always working”,所以不需要穿漂亮的鞋子。 12. A. disappeared C. advanced

B. wondered D. improved

答案:A 从后面的“Rachel said in a sad voice”可知小女孩想起了难过的事,笑容消失了。 13. A. what C. when

B. if D. unless

答案:C 小女孩正路过鞋店,“这时”鞋匠招呼她进去。 14. A. down C. around

B. out D. back

答案:C 小女孩进店后应该是四处看了看才得出结论:You have every color of the rainbow in here。

15. A. Repairing C. Designing

B. Making D. Opening

答案:D 鞋匠应该是打开抽屉,从里面拿出了一双鞋。 16. A. rest C. bath

B. breath D. walk

答案:D 鞋匠给小女孩穿上新鞋子后应该是让她走走试试。 17. A. complained C. encouraged

B. questioned D. required

答案:C 小女孩的腿有残疾,她认为自己走不好,此时鞋匠应该是用话鼓励她。 18. A. step C. risk

B. smile D. seat

答案:A 在鞋匠的鼓励下,小女孩站起来,走出一步又一步。 19. A. easily C. strangely

B. safely D. politely

答案:A 从小女孩说的话“I can do it”和“not limping at all”可知她走动的结果与自己预想的不一样,现在她可以很容易地走动了。

20. A. carefully C. directly

B. heartily D. quietly

答案:B 鞋匠的礼物让小女孩很高兴,于是他应该从内心里为她感到高兴,发自真心地笑出来。


Overweight people may respond more to a piping hot pizza, but they don't necessarily eat

more of it in a single sitting,according to a new study.

University of Bristol graduate student Danielle Ferriday and her faculty advisor, Dr. Jeffrey Brunstrom, wanted to know if overweight and lean people responded differently to “food cues(信号)”, and, if did, how the mind translated these different levels of “desire-to-eat”.

“We all need to eat and we all come across many foodrelated cues in our everyday lives,” Ferriday told Reuters Health.

Ferriday enroll(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:a,healthy,life课件)ed 52 normal weight and 52 overweight women in the study, exposed them to the sight and smell of pizza and measured how much they salivated(垂涎),as well as their psychological responses. 新|课 |标 |第 | 一| 网

While lean participants didn't salivate much more once they saw and smelled the pizza, the overweight participants salivated about a third more than usual once the pizza showed up. They also had more desire to eat,measured by a standard scale, than the lean study subjects.

However,the overweight participants didn't eat more, even after being told to eat as much as they'd like.

What that means, say the researchers, is that the overweight don't necessarily eat more when at the table,but,because of their heightened sensitivity to the cues, they may be called to the table more often.

“This is potentially important, because this sensitivity may encourage snacking and other bad eating habits that are associated with increased energy intake, overweight and weight gain,”the investigators write in the July issue of International Journal of Obesity.

The study couldn't answer way overweight people are more turned on by food. It is not clear,for example,whether they are born that way or do eating habits learned and developed over time cause a change?

“While all the subjects in this study were women, we suspect that the findings would apply to men too,”Ferriday noted.


1.What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A.Food cues.

B.The participants in the study. C.Overweight and lean people.

D.Danielle Ferriday and Dr. Jeffrey Brunstrom.

答案:C 代词指代题。根据画线词的前面内容“...overweight and lean people responded differently to food cues(信号)...”可以看出they代指overweight and lean people,而画线词后的did则代指responded differently to“food cues(信号)”。

篇四:a healthy life Warming up &Reading导学案

Unit 3 A healthy life Warming up &Reading导学案

Warming up :

1.Proverbs on health.

2. What person can be regarded as a healthy person ?

3. Can you tell which activity is healthy and which is unhealthy?

(do shadowboxing; drink alcohol; overeating; stress / pressure; take drug; smoke cigarettes)

Reading : (Advice from Grandpa)

Fast reading

James: I’ve become addicted to smoking cigarettes. How can I quit smoking?

1. How many parts does the reading text consist of?

_______. The first part is and the second part is .

2. Who wrote the letter to whom?

3. What is the purpose of the letter?


1. A.lives a healthy life B.is addicted to sitting in the garden

C.has nothing to do at home D.is tired when cycling 20 kilometers

2. A.never smoked B. likes smoking C. used to smoke heavily D. still smokes now

3. Summarize the main idea of each paragraph.

Para1: the writer tells about the _____ he is leading and the importance of ________ .

Para2: the writer is talking about James’ problem of __________ .

Para3: it introduces the _______ different ways of becoming addicted.

Para4: it is about the ___________________ of smoking. Para5: it is about the writer’s _______ for his grandson.

Careful reading

Thinking: What are other effects of smoking ?

2. What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?


Choose a day that is not _________ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the

__________ you will get from stopping smoking. ___________ all your cigarettes. _________ yourself you are a non-smoker when you feel like ________. Develop

some other habits to keep yourself_____. If you feel nervous or ________, try some ___________ exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a _______

or join a group. If necessary, ask a doctor or _________ for help. The most important

is to keep trying. Don’t feel _______ if you smoke again. Just ___ again.

Role play :

A: Someone who gets addicted to smoking.

B: One of A’s family members or friends or classmates, etc.

B tries to gives A some helpful advice and persuade him/her to give up smoking.

How to ask for advice :

What should I do? / Could you tell me what to do? / Can you give me some advise?

… …

How to give advice :

You’d better…/ I think you ought to../ Perhaps you should…/ I suggest that you…

… …

Discussion :

Here are some situations, each group chooses one to discuss , every member

should give at least one idea, the reporter writes down all the ideas, then some groups

will be asked to give a report. ( Use the second person. )

Situation 1: Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade your students to quit


Situation 2: Suppose you are a boss, how will you persuade your employees to quit


Situation 3: Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit

