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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 05:31:24 字数作文


Ⅰ.Translate the following terms and expressions.(10 points) labor productivity劳动生产率 positioning strategy 定价策略 breakeven point盈亏平衡点 target audience 目标受众 patronage buying motives惠顾购买动机 sales promotion销售促进

market penetration pricing市场渗透定价 intensive distribution密集分销 vertical marketing system垂直营销系统 societal marketing concept社会市场营销观念 Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences.(18 points) 1. During the introduction stage, sometimes called the pioneering stage, a product is launched into the market in a full-scale marketing program. 在整个介绍期有时也叫首创期是产品推出到市场的一个全面的营销计划 2. Most marketers adopt some form of market segmentation as a compromise between the extremes of a strategy that treats the market as an aggregate, undifferentiated whole, and a strategy that views each customer as a different market. 大多数营销人员采用某种形式的市场细分作为妥协的极端之间的战略,市场是一个聚合体,未分化,和战略,视每个客户为一个不同的市场 3. A broad group of products, intended for essentially similar uses and having similar physical characteristics, constitutes a product line.宽广组产品,用于基本类似用途和具有类似的物理特性,构成了产品线。 4. When assessing the market and demand, the company estimates the price elasticity of demand and the demand curve, which shows the probable quantity purchased per period at alternative price levels.在评估市场和需求时,公司会用需求的弹性价格和需求曲线来估1


5. They try to forge a distribution channel—a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user.他们试图建立一个分销渠道——一些列相互依存的组织,包括生产产品的过程,,提供服务给那些消费者或组织使用者使用和消费

6. The life cycle of a product consists of four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.产品生命周期包含四个阶段:引入期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。

Ⅲ. Choose the best answer. (20points)

1.The “marketing myopia”.

A. product B. selling C. marketing D. customer

2.Costs that differ depending on the level of production are called A. fixed B. variable C. average D. partial

3.Short-term incentives to buy are called A. advertising B. sales promotion C. public relations D. personal selling

4.The first stage of buyer readiness is A. awareness B. knowledge C. liking D. preference

5.You are launching a brand-new product with features that no other product in its class possesses. You best initial advertising choice is probably advertising.

A. informative B. comparison C. persuasive D. reminder


6.The simplest pricing method is —adding a standard markup to the cost of the product. A. going-rate B. sealed-bid C. target profit D. cost-plus includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services to those who are buying for the purpose of resale or for business use. A. Channel B. Jobber C. Retailing D. Wholesaling 8.A

A. brand name B. brand mark C. trademark D. brand equity 9. wrapper for a product. A. Branding B. Packaging C. Segmenting D. Positioning 10. as age, gender, family size, income, education, etc. A. Geographic B. Demographic C. Psychographic D. Behavioral Ⅳ. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list. You may change the tense, numbers, or form of the words to fit the context. Use each word only once. (22 points) 1. Most companies began to recognize the long-run importance of satisfying consumer wants, and concept emerged. 2. reach a mass, undifferentiated market. 3. A growing number of companies are building brand equity —the added value that a brand brings to a product. 3

company’ s ability to achieve its objectives.

marketing is the use of consumer-direct channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using middlemen.

6.In developing an advertising program, marketing managers can make the five major decisions, known as “the five Ms”What are the advertising objectives?(2)Money: How much can be spent? (3) Message. (4) Media. (5) 7. Advertising is directed to groups of people and is therefore in nature.

8. The are not served by larger wholesalers.

, response, and feedback.

10.The four major bases used for further segmenting the consumer market are geographic, , psychographic, and behavioral.




1. You're killing me with that damn tenderness of yours. 你那该死的温柔!

2. Post-operative complications may occur.


3. What are hours for meals?


4. The cake has gone stale.


5. Don't let your nervousness come through.


?come through 出来,到达;表现,体现;经历;获得成功

e.g. His ability did not come through when we were talking with him. 们和他交谈时,他的才能并没有显露出来。

6. Try to strike a happy medium.


?strike a happy medium 折衷,走中庸之道

7. I was completely mesmerized.


8. You certainly made short work of it.


?make short work of 很快地完成,迅速解决,除掉

9. This is our corporate responsibility.


?corporate responsibility 共同责任

10. I was on the verge of tears.


?on the verge of 接近于……,濒于……

e.g. The old man was on the verge of eighty. 那老人已年近八十。 我



1. You're killing me with that damn tenderness of yours. 你那该死的温柔!

2. Post-operative complications may occur.


3. What are hours for meals?


4. The cake has gone stale.



5. Don't let your nervousness come through.


?come through 出来,到达;表现,体现;经历;获得成功

e.g. His ability did not come through when we were talking with him. 们和他交谈时,他的才能并没有显露出来。

6. Try to strike a happy medium.


?strike a happy medium 折衷,走中庸之道

7. I was completely mesmerized.


8. You certainly made short work of it.


?make short work of 很快地完成,迅速解决,除掉

9. This is our corporate responsibility.


?corporate responsibility 共同责任

10. I was on the verge of tears.


?on the verge of 接近于……,濒于……

e.g. The old man was on the verge of eighty. 那老人已年近八十。 我



1. You're killing me with that damn tenderness of yours. 你那该死的温柔!

2. Post-operative complications may occur.


3. What are hours for meals?


4. The cake has gone stale.


5. Don't let your nervousness come through.


?come through 出来,到达;表现,体现;经历;获得成功

e.g. His ability did not come through when we were talking with him. 们和他交谈时,他的才能并没有显露出来。

6. Try to strike a happy medium.


?strike a happy medium 折衷,走中庸之道

7. I was completely mesmerized.


8. You certainly made short work of it.


?make short work of 很快地完成,迅速解决,除掉

9. This is our corporate responsibility.


?corporate responsibility 共同责任

10. I was on the verge of tears.


?on the verge of 接近于……,濒于……

e.g. The old man was on the verge of eighty. 那老人已年近八十。 我








- So what about it, Juarez? You and me, I mean, you know... - Sorry, Blaster. You know I've got my eye on someone else. - No. In fact, I didn't know. Who?

- Darwin.

- Why Darwin?

- Because he's so... so not interested in me.

- Copy that, Juarez.

- Oh, shoot!

- Keep the comm line clear.



- 你觉得如何,Juarez?我们俩,那个啥,你说……

- 不好意思,Blaster。你知道我看上的是别人。

- 不是吧。我还真不知道。是谁啊?

- 达尔文。

- 凭什么是达尔文啊?

- 因为他特别……特别对我不感兴趣。

- 收到了,Jurez。

- 哦,!

- 保持联系线路畅通。


