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? My Mother's Birthday


? March 19th Saturday Rainy

3月19日 星期六 有雨

? Today is mother's birthday, but I didn't know what to by for her.A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy.Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon.A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didn't like it.


? Then father thought a good idea.He said, "Why don't we make a wonderful dinner for her?That will show our love for her!"Oh, that was good.Love is the most expensive present in the world.


? I will never forget the smile on mother's face when we were having supper together.




No. 01

假若今天是你的生日,你的父母给你100元钱购买生日礼物。而作为一名英语爱好者,却没有一本好的英语词典,所以就想用100元钱去买一本你心仪已久的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(Oxford Advanced Learners’ English-Chinese Dictionary)。但刚好今天老师在课堂上给你们读了一篇有关灾区(disaster area)受灾的报道,并鼓励大家为灾区人民献爱心??为此,你的心情很复杂??



Today is my birthday. I’m glad my parents gave me 100 yuan to buy a present. I like English very much, but I don’t have a good English dictionary. So I wanted to use the money to buy a copy of “Oxford Advanced Learners’ English-Chinese Dictionary”, which I have been longing to have for a long a time. But in the last class our teacher read us an article about the disaster area and asked us to do something we can for the people in the disaster area. Hearing this, I felt very sad. What could I do with the 100 yuan? If I donated it, I wouldn’t be able to buy the dictionary. But if I bought the dictionary, I felt that I was too selfish. After a hard struggle in my mind, I decided to donate the money, because I can wait to buy a dictionary, but can’t wait to help the people in the disaster area.

No. 02




Recently a survey was made on 100 students in our school about the question “Do you remember the birthday of…”. The result shows that only three out of the 100 students

answered yes to the question “Do you remember your parents’ birthdays?” But 62 of the 100 students can remember their best friends’ birthdays and everyone remembers his or her own birthday. When asked whether they remember their grandfather’s and grandmother’s birthdays, none of them say yes. I’m surprised at the result. But if I were one of the 100 students and were asked these questions, what would my answers be? I don’t know. I really feel very shame about this.

No. 03



Everyone has his or her own way to celebrate his or her own birthday. Some of my classmates celebrate their birthdays like this—buying some birthday presents, having a birthday party, eating a birthday cake. Of course I can’t say that there isn’t anything wrong with such things, but I think there must be some other ways more interesting and more special than those. For example, we can help our parents to do some housework, which will show that we are one year older and have known more, or we can plant an evergreen tree, which can show that our youth is as green as growing tree.

To celebrate a birthday, I think its content is much more important than its form, do you agree with me?

No. 04



Today is my birthday. On this special day I received a special present—a very fine notebook from one of my classmates with whom I had had a big quarrel. On the first page of the notebook, he wrote, “Let’s forget the past and be friends again. Happy birthda

y.” Seeing this, I was very much moved. And I decided to find a chance to have a good talk with him. I think our talk might be like this: First I will thank him for his fine present, then I’ll tell him that I want very much to have a chance to make it up with him and that I will cherish our friendship more than ever.



My name is Jim Green. I’m 13 (years old) .Jim is my first name , and Green is my last name. I am a happy boy, I am a middle school student I am in class 4 , grade 7. My phone number is 651-9628.



参考词汇:a red pencil box, big, pencil, ruler, in the reading room, 8432-5899 Found

Is this red pencil box yours? I found it in the reading room. It is big . A pencil and a ruler are in it. Please call me at 84325899.

Jack (2)根据所提供的信息写一则寻物启示:

Name:Alex Lost:computer game E-mail:Alex@163.com Lost

I lost my computer game this morning. I must find it. Please E-mail me at . Thanks. Alex


Look! This is my room,it is small but nice.My jacket is on the bed. And my shoes are under the bed. My clock is on the wall. Where are my books? Look!They are in my bookcase. And my computer and some CDs are on my desk.



Mike ,Dave and Tom are classmates. They like sports. Mike likes baseball, but he doesn’t like

ping-pong. He thinks it’s boring. Dave likes soccer. He plays soccer with his friends after class. He doesn’t like baseball. It is difficult for him. Tom likes tennis. It’s fun. He doesn’t like volleyball, because he thinks it is not interesting. 作文:

Helen和Tony 是你的朋友,他们有着不同的饮食习惯。请根据表格提示,写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍他们的饮食情况。开始以给出。

bread and milk.Tony usually eats eggs and two bananas. For lunch, Hele(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:介绍家人生日英语作文)n has vegetables and rice.Tony eats hamburgers and chicken. Helen doesn’t want to be fat, so for dinner, she only eats fruit. She eats an apple and two oranges. Tonny eats bread and chicken. After dinner, he eats ice-cream. 作文:

王丽的妈妈在民生街(Mingsheng Street)的“贝贝服装店”今天开业了。里面的T恤、男款毛衣、女士裙子都在特价销售。假如你是王丽,请你替妈妈写一则广告。(50词)

Hi, friends!Come and buy your clothes at Beibei Clothes Store. We sell all clothes at very good prices. We have blue,white and red T-shirts for 25 yuan. For boys, we have sweaters in black,white,yellow and green for 30 yuan. For girls, we have red,orange ,white and purple skirts for 45 yuan. Please come to our store now. Our store is on Minsheng Street. 作文:


My name is Tina. I’m thirteen years old. My birthday is on October 25th. There are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother, my sister and I. My parents are teachers. My father’s birthday is on April 13th and my mother’s birthday is on July 10th.. . My sister is ten years old , and her birthday is on August 14th.

When is your birthday? Please let me know.


My favorite subjects We have six subjects at school. My favorite subjects are P.E. and English. I like P.E.,because I can play football .I think it is fun. I like English, too, because I think it is interesting. But I don’t like math, because I think it is boring.




????Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways. But the most common way is to have fun by drinking, singing and dancing. On the birthday, one usually receives nice gifts and good wishes from friends and parents. Sometimes, parents will prepare a special dinner or a cake to show their love for their children. Since birthday celebration is one of the important activities in one's life. It can be done in more

meaningful ways. For example, we can buy some flowers or cook a delicious meal for our mothers on that day. In this way, we express thanks to our parents in return for their love.


篇五:小学英语作文-妈妈的生日(My mother's birthday)

小学英语作文:妈妈的生日(My mother's birthday)

妈妈的生日(My mother's birthday)

My mother's birthday is in winter. Its February 25th.Our family was happy. My brother and I went to birthday cake store and bought a big birthday cake for her. My aunt gave flowers to her. She's very happy. At night we all went to a five stars restaurant. The food was very good. After dinner we gave the cake to mother. She's very happy. We said "happy birthday" to my mother. Collected By

I love my mother.
