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Theoretical basis of Qigong The human body is a complicated system. Gases form, food is digested, Qi and blood circulate, saliva secretes, waste material is discharged, the PH changes, and spiritual activity influences metabolisms, all happening continuously in response to the growth of life. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards such physiological changes as results of fluctuations and changes in the flow and function of Qi which circulate throughout the body through channels and collaterals. Qigong is a psychopneumatological exercise, drills posture, respiration and focus of the mind in order to unclog the channels and colla(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:太极拳英语作文)terals and re-establish body equilibrium. Benefits of practicing Qigong: Qigong can affect the complex mechanism of the human body in various ways. Qigong experts and doctors in the past have done much research and established many theories. Contemporary research has further proven that Qigong is a holistic exercise, which requires little of the environment but produces a positive effect on the functions of all body organs and systems or tracts.

Effects on the Respiration System The effect of Qigong is very obvious on the respiratory system. Most people can deepen, prolong, invigorate and slow down their breathing after from 10-20 times

per minute to 4-5 times or even fewer. When Qigong practice is effective, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide decrease. This indicates that Qigong increases alveolar ventilation by activating gas exchange. Reduction in the number of respiration does not cause shortage of oxygen but saves much bio-physiological energy which otherwise would be consumed in more respiratory movement.

Effects on the Digestive System Qigong exercise invigorates and regulates digestion. Studies have shown that the up-and-down movements of the diaphragm muscles in the Qigong-practicing group of patients were much larger on scale than in a comparison group that did not practice Qigong. The stomach fundus of a Qigong practitioner was also found to be six times higher than that of a non-practitioner. These Qigong-related changes prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and premature aging. Effects on the Blood Function Qigong can dramatically change the peripheral blood picture. Measuring Qigong effects on blood shows white cells increase 13 to 23 percent on average. The phagocytic index of white cells may also increase from 40 percent to over 90 percent after Qigong practice.

Effects on Cardiovascular Function Static Qigong (also known as Quiescent Exercise) is particularly effective in slowing the

rate of heartbeat. Qigong can significantly reduce pulmonary pressure, of which the effect is better than intravenous injection. After Qigong practice, the systolic pressure dropped 18 millimeters and the diastolic dropped 16 millimeters.

Effects on Metabolism It has been proved that a practitioner抯 gas metabolism is reduced when one enters the quiescent state of Qigong, but change in the quantity of oxygen while doing Qigong exercise can reduce gas metabolism to the minimum level required by the human body ordinarily, which is lower than simply lying. Effects on the Nervous System Function Practicing Qigong can produce beneficial effects on the function of the nervous system, especially the cerebral cortex.

Taiji ( Tai Chi)

Taiji originated from ancient China. Nowadays, it is practiced as an exercise for health. It……

- is suitable for almost anyone

- is easy to learn for health improvement

- has gentle and circular movements

- integrates the body and mind

- has many different forms

- is enjoyable to practice

- is known in China for centuries to be effective for arthritis

Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid, graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives.

Tai Chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. It is especially different from western types of sports such as rugby where the harder and quicker the better. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within.


Taiji is one of the Chinese Traditional martial ['mɑ:??l] arts. Long long ago, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand,et cetera.

Especially push-hand is well known for its tactic ['t?ktik] and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent [?'p?un?nt] being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive

[ik'spl?usiv] power. As a typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.

太极拳是中国传统武术之一, 是很久以前作为一种独特而高深的自卫方法诞生的。作为一种古老的功夫,太极包括拳、剑、刀、枪、推手等。尤其是推手,素以技巧闻名,强大有力的对手被小而巧妙的攻击或突然的爆发力所击败。作为典型的技巧类的中国功夫,推手备受弱小者的青睐.

Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid['flu(:)id], graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation[,ri:l?k'sei??n] and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives.


Tai Chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve[k?:v] is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. It is especially different from western types of sports such as rugby['r?ɡbi] where the harder and quicker the better. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within.

太极是一项非同寻常的武术运动,它由内而外强健我们的身体和心灵 。在这项运动中,柔比刚更强,缠绕比直线运动更好,化力比正面冲突更有效。 和西方那些追求更快更强的运动如橄榄球不同,


No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak, slim or plump[pl?mp], you all can choose Taijiquan as your ideal physical exercise. When practicing it quietly and slowly, you can sense the existing of air and fully enjoy the aerobic[,ei?'r?ubik] bath, meanwhile you can also feel all the movements like the rhythmically['riemikli]

uninterrupted waves. Taiji--- the world of Yin and Yang, the world of the nature and relaxation[,ri:l?k'sei??n], will become your wholenew life style in the future.



Taiji is one of the Chinese Traditional martial['mɑ:??l] arts. Long long ago, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand,et cetera. Especially the push-hand is well known for its

tactic['t?ktik]and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent[?'p?un?nt] being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive[ik'spl?usiv] power. As an typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.


Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid['flu(:)id], graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation[,ri:l?k'sei??n] and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives.

Tai Chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve[k?:v] is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. It is especially different from western types of sports such as rugby['r?ɡbi] where the harder and quicker the better. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within.把注意力集中在正确的姿势和呼吸控制、太极的动作是动态的,优雅,酒体平衡,促进全面和谐的身体和心灵。太极提供精神放松与身体健康很关键stress-filled在我们的现代生活。


No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak, slim or plump[pl?mp], you all can choose Taijiquan as your ideal physical exercise. When practicing it quietly and slowly, you can sense the existing of air and fully enjoy the aerobic[,ei?'r?ubik] bath, meanwhile you can also feel all the movements like the rhythmically['riemikli]

uninterrupted waves. Taiji--- the world of Yin and Yang, the world of the nature and relaxation[,ri:l?k'sei??n], will become your a whole-new life style in the future.

不管你是年轻或年老、男性或女性,无论强弱、纤细的或丰满,你都可以选择太极拳当作你的理想的身体锻炼。练习时,它静静地,慢慢地,你能感知到现有的空气和充分享受沐浴的有氧运动,同时你也能感觉所有的动作都喜欢节奏不间断的波浪。太极- - - - - -世界的阴和阳,世界的性质和放松,将成为你的一个崭新的生活方式在未来。



—the Chinese Traditional martial arts


Taijiquan is one of the Chinese Traditional martial arts. Initially, it functioned as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand, etc. Especially the push-hand is well known for its tactic and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive power. As an typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.

History and styles


Taijiquan has its origin in Chenjiagou Village, Henan Province. Chen Wang Ting devised the Chen family-style of t‘ai chi .It is nearly 400 years so far.


There are five major styles of t'ai chi ch'uan, each named after the Chinese family from which it originated. The major family styles share much underlying theory, but differ in their approaches to training.The five major styles of t'ai chi ch'uan are Chen-style of Chen Wangting (1580–1660), Yang-style of Yang Lu-ch'an (1799–1872), Wu- or Wu/Hao-style of Wu Yu-hsiang (1812–1880) ,Wu-style of Wu Ch'uan-yu (1834–1902) and his son Wu Chien-ch'uan (1870–1942), Sun-style of Sun Lu-t'ang (1861–1932) 。

Yang family-style is the most popular and widely practised style in the world today and the second in terms of seniority among the primary five family styles of t'ai chi ch'uan.

The Wu or Wu (Hao) style of t'ai chi ch'uan of Wu Yu-hsiang (1813-1880), is a separate family style from the more popular Wu-style of Wu Chien-ch'üan. Wu Yu-hsiang's style was third among the five t'ai chi ch'uan families in seniority and is fifth in terms of popularity. The Wu family-style t'ai chi ch'uan (taijiquan) of Wu Ch'uan-yu (Wu Quanyou) and Wu Chien-ch'uan (Wu Jianquan) is the second most popular form of t'ai chi ch'uan in the world today, after the Yang style, and fourth in terms of family seniority.

The Sun style t'ai chi ch'uan was developed by Sun Lutang ( 1861-1932), who was considered expert in two other internal martial arts styles: xingyiquan and baguazhang before he came to study t'ai chi ch'uan. Today, Sun style ranks fourth in popularity and fifth in terms of seniority among the five family styles of t'ai chi ch'uan.

Wudang Style:According to various popular oral traditions Taijiquan was created by Zhang Sanfeng at Wudang mountain but there is no evidence in the written historical records to connect Zhang Sanfeng to Taijiquan. However, Wudang style Taijiquan is becoming more widespread in modern China.

New styles:There are now dozens of new styles, hybrid styles, and offshoots are of the main styles, but the five family schools are the groups recognized by the international

community as being the orthodox styles. Other important styles are Zhaobao t'ai chi ch'uan, a close cousin of Chen-style, which has been newly recognized by Western practitioners as a distinct style, and the Fu style, created by Fu Chen Sung, which evolved from Chen, Sun and Yang styles, and also incorporates movements from Baguazhang.

Health benefits

Experts say, the benefits of Taijiquan, on the one hand, can exercise the muscle, collaterals; On the other hand can adjust the breathing, massage, and internal organs to enjoy the fitness function.

In addition to the physiological benefits, the benefits of Taijiquan is also in the spirit of aftercare. The expert points out, tai chi requirements do keep calm, spirit, the spirit of people is very helpful in mental health.

The benefits of Taijiquan covers many aspects of physical and mental, to keep the physical and mental health.

Modern T'ai chi

With purely a health emphasis, t'ai chi classes have become popular in hospitals, clinics, and community and senior centers in the last twenty years or so, as baby boomers age and the art's reputation as a low-stress training for seniors became better known.

T'ai chi ch'uan also plays an important role in many martial arts and fighting action movies, series, novels, especially in those ones which belong to the wuxia genre, as well as in video games, trading cards games, etc. Fictional portrayals often refer to Zhang San Feng, who is reported to be the first one harnessing and operationalising the benefits of the 'internal' and the 'soft', and to the Taoist monasteries of Wudang Mountains, where he lived. .

Nowadays the influence of T'ai chi ch'uan is much larger than all over the world ever before with 400 years of development.I think with the passage of time,T'ai chi ch'uan will gain greater development in the future.



——Twenty-four Style Taijiquan

第一式 起势 Starting Posture

第二式 左右野马分鬃 Part the Wild Horse's Mane on Both Side 第三式 白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads its Wings,

第四式 左右搂膝拗步 Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side , 第五式 手挥琵琶 Hold the Lute

第六式 倒卷肱 Forearm Rollings on Both Sides

第七式 左揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird's Tail-Left Side

第八式 右揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird's Tail-Right Side

第九式 单鞭 Single Whip ,

第十式 云手 Cloud Hands

第十一式 单鞭 Single Whip

第十二式 高探马 High Pat on Horse

第十三式 右蹬脚 Kick with Right Heel ,

第十四式 双峰贯耳 Twin Peaks

第十五式 转身左蹬脚 Turn and Kick with Left Heel,

第十六式 左下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-Left


第十七式 右下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-Right


第十八式 左右穿梭 Work at Shuttles on Both Side

第十九式 海底针 Needle at Sea Bottom

第二十式 闪通臂 Flash the Arms

第二十一式 转身搬拦捶 Turning body, Pulling, Blocking and


第二十二式 如封似闭 Apparent Close up

第二十三式 十字手 Cross Hands

第二十四式 收势 Closing Form


抬头 raise one’s head

挺胸 square one’s shoulders

脚后跟着地 heel touches the floor

脚尖着地 tiptoe touches the floor

不要翘臀 don’t raise the buttock

伸腿 kick the bucket

伸直手臂 straighten your arm

曲肘 bend your elbow

推掌 push palm

曲腿 bend the bucket





《道德经》 英语 “Old Three Volumes” The Illustrated Canon of Chen Style Taijiquan Daode Jing (Tao Te Ching)







《太极拳体用全书》 《太极拳运动》




《杨式太极拳基础教程》 《周身大用论》





掤、捋、挤、按、採、挒、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼、定 不丢不顶












道 Eight Principles of Postures Explanation of Taijiquan On Taijiquan Application Methods of Taijiquan The Revealing of Essential Taijiquan The Art of Taijiquan Essence and Applications of Taijiquan Taijiquan Sports Authentic Taijiquan Explanations of Taiji Diagram Martial Arts Basic Course of Yang Style Taijiquan Using Every Part of the Body Zhouyi;The Book of Changs, Yi or I Ching 28-form Yang Style Taijiquan the power of eight directions a required course Peng (warding off), Lv (rolling back), Ji (pressing), An (pushing), Cai (pulling down), Lie (splitting), Zhou (elbowing), Kao (body stroke), Jin (advancing), Tui (retreating), Gu (shifting left), Pan (shifting right) and Ding (central equilibrium) no releasing and resisting directly mystery impartiality twining lowering the shoulders and elbows heavy and steady unfolding palm Hometown of Chinese Idioms taking out the thread Dantian (pubic region) springy force guidance Tao;Dao


敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌 疲我打,敌退我追














反者道之动,弱者道之用 非圆即弧


根于脚,主宰于腰,行于手指 弓步










呼与吸 Taoism following the nature retreating as the enemy advances, disturbing as the enemy camps, attacking as the enemy fatigues, advancing as the enemy retreats fifth-generation successor suspending the head and relaxing the neck comprehending force motion and stillness stillness with motion action movement/action the unity of opposites contradition and unfication;unity of the opposites whispering into disciples’ ears and talking face to face discharging force self-cultivation with Tao state-governing by Tao The application of Dao is using mildness rather than violence, softness rather than hardness either circle or arc combining hardness with softness rooting with feet, leading with waist, and moving with fingers n.bow stance; v.lunge forward Gongfu; Kungfu;fighting art;fighting skills attack and defense; offense and defense offensive and defensive fighting Yi of permeating National Martial Arts Gyms contracting the chest and lengthening the back closing with opening striking only after being struck breathing out, attacking, extending, advancing, raising, facing upward, going, sending, releasing, hitting,striking, hardness, moving, solidness, opening, lifting, ascending,turning left breathing out and breathing in


































气敛 dispersing force art of attack and defense joints’ coordinating transforming the coming force to attack the opponent integrating force Jingluo (main and collateral channels) Qi (air) in Jingluo mind motion with /in stillness storing and discharging separating the thighs and bending the knees opening and closing opening with closing rapidness and slowness Laozi’s Doctrines morality training building up power mastering techniques smoothing out the frame volution spiral enwinding attacking points (positions) doctrines, regulations and restrictions no internal Yi (mind), no external movements Neijin (inner power) inner power exchanging Neiqi (inner air) internal and external cultivation uniting mind with body eccentric distance gentleness and peace, modesty and generosity, love and sincerity, gratitude and tolerance calming mind Qi Chen Dantian (storing qi in the pubic region) Storing Qi (spirit;air)
