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沉默并不总是金 Silence Is Not Always Gold

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a co?ttposition on the topic Silence Is Not Always Gold. You should write at least 120 outline given below in Chinese:




沉默并不总是金(Silence Is Not Always Gold)

"Silence is gold" is a popular saying in which many people have belief To these people speaking too much is not a merit.

However, if you always keep silent, you will probably miss many golden opportunities instead of obtaining the gold of silence-Last week I read an article written by an office lady. The company where she worked had two kinds of offices: cubicle office and window office. As a new employee she worked in a cubicle office together with twenty colleagues. Two years later she still worked there but some colleagues who came later than her had moved into the window office. She felt confused. One day one colleague told her that window office wasn't obtained without request. But believing that she certainly gained one if she did a good job the woman had never asked for it.

From the woman's experience we not always gold. In the modern society one needs to speak his mind and speak for his own interests



















爱因斯坦说过:“如果把学生的热情激发出来,那么学校所规定的功课就会被当作一种礼物来接受。”在课堂中,我注意营造轻松和谐的教学氛围,激发潜质生主动学习的欲望。如,在学PEP三年级第一单元时,教完“What’s your name?I’m...”这个句型后,开展了“我们都是好朋友”的游戏,让全年级的学生把自己的姓名写在小纸条上,然后把所有的纸条收上来后打乱班级再发给各班的学生。这样每个学生拿到的纸条都不是自己班级的同学,要求学生拿着纸条去寻找各自的新朋友,要求用到新学句式“What’s your name?I’m...”询问别人。这是一个很简单的句型,学生很乐意开口交流。


只有正确引导才能使学生的口语交际能力长期持续地进步。首先,要针对学生的年级特点采取适当的措施。如,在三年级的课堂中,我经常采用“Let’s do”“Let’s point”等形式激发学生的兴趣。在四、五年级的课堂中,我常常组织一些game,competition,chant等活动。而六年级的课堂中,我较多的采用story time和一些小组合作形式的课堂活动让学生组队参与,使潜质生在同组同学的帮助下,选择自己力所能及的任务来完成。通过这些方法让潜质生积极参与学习,让他们在展示中体会胜利的喜悦,建立学习的自信。








形象记忆法经常以游戏、广告等形式出现在我们的日常生活中。如,中央电视有一个family的公益广告,广告中出现的人物是父亲、母亲和我,最后以I Love You结尾。其实这里就已经出现了这个词:father and mother I Love You,因为这句话里每个单词的第一个字母连起来就组成family这个单词。通过这种方法,很容易把一个单词记牢。






(作者单位 浙江省余姚市丰北小学)

?誗编辑 董慧红

篇三:沉默是金 英语作文

Silence is golden

As the saying goes silence is golden.

I have seen such a story: once upon the time, a king got three golden portraits from another country. The suspicious king wanted to know which of them is the most expensive, but the result turned out that all of them have the same quality, texture and weight. Finally a minister put up with a method: he put one stick in each golden portrait’s ear, the first came out from its another ear, the second came out from its mouth, and the last one dropped into its stomach without any sound. The test indicated that the last golden portrait was the most expensive one, and it sure was.

To be a man, we should listen to other people’s opinions and suggestions more, speak and act cautiously, do not casually make a comment. Neither do not listen to others nor speak freely can become a leader. Silence is golden means silently thinking made one succeed.




















篇五:Silence Is Not Gold 沉默不是金 翻译




姓 名 殷美玲

学 号 12115100

专 业 班 级 英语11-2班

指 导 教 师 徐文东

2013年 12月 徐州

Silence Is Not Gold

There is a popular notion that silence is gold. The words have been written in fine Chinese characters, inlaid in frames and affixed to a lot of walls. People use it to caution: least said soonest mended; disasters emanate from careless talk and empty talks would lead the country astray but hard work can rejuvenate the nation. In short, when it is time to shut up, just shut up.

But Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “we will have to remember in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.”

Numerous tragedies in history rooted in collective silence. During WWII, most of the ordinary German loomed the fate of those Jews who were pushed to the train, but they were indifferent to it, shopping for bread and milk, going to work then returning home and saying “morning” to their neighbors gently as usual.

Nowadays in China, lobsters, shark’s fins and bird’s nests are always ordered when several friends have a dinner together. After the meal, at the checkout counter, one of the officials among them say to the waiter, “A receipt, please!” Later, we have no idea who would pay tens of thousands of Yuan for their meal and no one would make a further inquiry into it.

“The elephant in the room” is an English idiom for obvious and alarming realities or feelings that are brazenly ignored or even denied. As the author Eviatar Zerubavel puts, “It is the truth that we know but we understand that we should not have known.” In a dating program, the guests rushed to conclude that the unsuccessful man had just said something wrong or worn some improper facial expression instead of connecting his failure with career as a cook or shoemaker. At this time, an elephant stood in the television screen.

Sometimes, we keep silent out of pure benevolence and politeness. For example, we would be reluctant to talk before dying relatives and friends about their illness; when we chat with an anarthrous person, we intend to ignore his stammer. But sometimes, silence comes out of the inner cowardice. We live in fear of authority, coercion and

loss of our houses and cars. Thus, silence turns to be a way of self-protection. Nobility is the epitaph of the noble while silence is the pass of the silent.

Besides, what we are afraid of is not the loss of interest or even injury of body but the isolation from our congener. Out of the attachment to belonging, we keep silent for the sake of being gregarious.

As a result, the more the oysters exist, the more difficult it would be to break the silence. With a growing number of people getting involved in the vortex of silence, it is harder to get rid of it. The seers in history led miserable lives more often than not. Confronting the first one to point out, “there is an elephant in the room.” We would rather fulminate him why he ruins our sleep than find out whether there is an elephant or not. Indeed, we would drive him in a miff for our recreancy severs as a foil to his courage. “Why do you shout? To camp up? To cut a figure? You are swimming against the tide! You poor psycho!” Silence veils all over the place at the same rate of merisis of cancer cells. The elephant in the room swells to be bigger and bigger among hugs of the gregarious”

The author indicated that as the elephant grows larger and larger, it is more likely for it to be pricked on account of the higher cost to conceal and more traitors among the increasing witnesses. Finally, the mumble of a little child, “But the Emperor has nothing at all on.” would set the inflatable elephant on the path to be shriveled quickly. After WWII, Germans opened their eyes one after another. Unfortunately, countless Jews had become sacrifice of the silence between their winks.

It is not strange to refuse to voice since speaking out not only means courage but also responsibility. Talking about global warming means finding out ways to solve it and indicates that we should say no to cars, economize on heating, air conditioner and save water. Therefore, silence is gold. However, the elephant would never disappear for no discussion about it. We may choose not to talk about it, or even avoid the topic about the refusal to talk but in fact, global warming still proceeds steadily.

Facing the silence in our daily life, we tend to defend for ourselves with the political and social suppression while in most cases it is our silence adds up to this kind of coercion. We can plug our ears and zip our mouths as we like but when there is an

elephant in the room our illusion of a peaceful and tranquil world would be ruined into fragments with a casual stamp of it.










