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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 21:29:16 字数作文



II.情景反应,选择你所听到的正确应答语。 句子听两遍。(5分)

( )6. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.

( )7. A. Nice to see you. C. Good evening. B. Nice to meet you. C. Hello.

C. It′s a bag. ( )8. A. What′s this? B.This is a bed.

( )9. A. What′s your name? B. Hello, I′m Amy. C. Good.

( )10. A. good moning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good evening.



( )11.What are the boys looking for?

A. The football. B.The baseball. C.The basketball.

( )12.What color is it?

A.It's brown B.It's black. C.It's yellow.

( )13.What is on th e ball?

A.Class One. B. Class Three C. Class Two.


( )14.What are they talking about?

A. A book. B. A ruler. C.A notebook.

( )15.Whose notebook is it?

A. It's Tina's. B.It's the teacher's. C. It 's Sophia's

( )16.What is the teacher's name?

A.Li Na. B.Tina. C.Sophia.


( )17.How old is Bill?

A.He is 20. B. He is 26. C.He is 16.

( )18.Where is Linda from?

A. Beijing. B.London. C.New York.

( )19.What is Linda learning?

A.She is learning Chinese. B.She is learning English.

C.She is learning French.

( )20.Does Linda go to lunch with Bill?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't. C.Yes, he does.



( )1. ---_______she ______at six every day?

---No, she doesn′t.

A. Does, get up B. Does, gets up C. Is, get up D. Is, getting up

( )2. --- Look! What is the boy doing?

--- He _______table tennis.

A. playing B. plays C. is playing D. play

( )3. --- You look beautiful today,Miss Wang.


A. No, not at all. B. Yes, I do. C. That’s OK. D. Thanks.

( )4. ---_________is the football match?

---It’s on the playground.

A. Where B. When C. What D. Which

( )5. Mike wants some ________ to eat.

A. cola B. juice C. orange D . tomatoes

( )6. Your parents’ parents are your _________.

A. father and mother B. grandparents C. grandpa D. cousin

( )7. Yi Ran is a girl. ______ is in Class 5, Grade 7.

A. She B. He C. It D. her

( )8. Li Yuanshen and I ________ good friends.

A. be B. is C. am D. are

( )9. ________ like to eat bamboo and live in China.

A. Monkeys B. Camels C. Pandas D. Giraffes

( )10. Fruit and vegetables are _________food.

A. health B. unhealthy C. healthy D. healthily

( )11. Zhang Lan likes English, but she _______ maths.

A. isn’t like B. doesn’t like C. aren’t like D. doesn’t like

( )12. The old man is from _____and he is a_____ teacher.

A. Chinese, China B. Chinese, Chinese

C. China, Chinese D. China, China

( )13. I’d like ______ the park with you. Are you free?

A. going B. to go C. go es D. go

( )14. ---What are you doing at the moment?

--- I am ________big red lanterns.

A. make B. making C. to make D. makes

( )15. Mike’s father often _______ football on television.

A. watches B. watch C. to watch D. watching

( )16. There ______ some milk in the cup.

A. am B. are C. be D. is

( )17. This is _______book. They like it very much.

A. Lucy and Lily’s B. Lucy’s and Lily’s

C. Lucy and Lily D. Lucy’s and Lily

( )18. We can’t see ______ flowers in the picture.

A. some B. a C. an D. any

( )19. He enjoys _____computer games.

A. to play B. play C. playing D. plays

( )20. Can you ________ me an interesting story?

A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak

II. 补全对话(10分)

A: 1 2 lessons do you have a day?

B: Five.

A: 3 your favorite lesson?

B: 4 favorite lesson is history.

A: 5 do you like history?

B: Because 6 interesting.

A: 7 is your history teacher?

B: My history teacher is Mr Zhang .

A: 8 9 is he ?

B: He is forty.

A: 10 does he live?

B: He lives near our school.

1___________2___________3____________4__________5 ___________


III.完形填空(10分) My uncle works in a shop. It’s near an English 1 . Every day the students come to 2 things. In the morning,my uncle gets up 3 six o’clock an d after breakfast he 4 his bike to the shop. He 5 there at about ten to seven. The shop 6 at seven o’clock. The shop sel ls(卖) things 7 food and drink. It has school things, too. So there 8 a lot of people in the shop 9 morning to evening. My uncle is very busy. He is friendly(友好的) to the students and the students like 10 very much.

( ) 1.A. farm B. factory C. school D. shop

( ) 2.A. buy B. sell C. take D. borrow

( ) 3.A. on B. in C. from D. at

( ) 4.A. on B. by C. rides D. riding

( ) 5.A. goes B. gets C. stays D. returns

( ) 6. A. opens B. open C. is opening D. is open

( ) 7. A. with B. like C. for D. about

( ) 8. A. are B. come C. have D. see

( ) 9. A. in B.at C. on D. from

( ) 10. A . his B.he C. him D. it



_____ you _______ a football ____ a basketball?


Too much chocolate isn’t______ ______ you.

3. 你的妈妈好吗?

______ ______your mother?

4. 鲍勃通常在晚上七点钟做作业。

Bob usually _____ his____________ at seven o’clock in the evening.

5. 我每天早晨七点钟去上学,你呢?

I go to school at 7 o’clock every morning. ______ ______ you?

6. The bus station is on the left, and the hospital is on the right.

7. They are learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.




A man has got an old cat and a young cat. He likes them very much. A friend comes to see him and finds two holes(洞) in his door. One is big, the other is small.

“My dear friend”, he says, “why are there two holes in your door?”

“To let the cats in and out, of course.” The man says.

“But why are there two holes? I think one hole is OK.”

“How can the big cat go through(通过) the small hole?” says the man.

“That’s all right, but can’t the small cat go through the big hole?”









Jane is from America. She’s thirty-two. Now she is a high school teacher in Beijing. Mary comes from Australia. She is twenty-two years old. She is a doctor in Beijing.

Huang Bin is from Tianjin. He is twenty-five. He works in a factory(工厂) in Beijing. They come from different countries, but they all work hard for the 2008 Bei jing Olympic Games.

Name Age Country Job



2.______________ teacher

3.________________ 22 Australia


Huang Bin 25

5._______________ worker



People ) 1.The man has got a dog and a cat. ) 2. His friend comes to see the cats. ) 3. The two holes are for the man and the cats. ) 4. The two cats can go through the big hole. ) 5. The two cats are old.

篇二:2014-2015年九年级英语周报文本U1-7 文档


第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大 意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分) that they were thankful (感谢)for. People the holiday with turkey and other , However, Peter drew a kind of picture. He drew a hand. The other studentswere all very interested in the picture. Whose hand could it be? One child thought it was the hand of God … The discussion went on until Mrs. White almost During the break, Mrs. White went to Peter?俯身)down and asked and said, “It?s yours, Mrs. White.” Peter?s his pencil. Peter was very thankful to his teacher. ()36. A. relatives B. students C. volunteers ()37. A. spread B. needed C. celebrated ()38. A. about B. across C. against ()39. A. good B. wrong C. different ()40. A. turkeys B. pigs C. cows ()41. A. catch B. punish C. protect ()42. A. admired B. forgot C. found ()43. A. desk B. house C. school ()44. A. ended up B. looked upC. dressed up ()45. A. reminded B. thought C. stole 第二节摘录要点阅读下面的材料,然后在表 格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。

The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. It’s a time for eating mooncakes and admiring the moon. Mooncakes are traditional food. They are small cakes filled with things such as nuts, sugar and yolk (蛋黄).The round shape of the mooncake is a symbol of family reunion (团聚). Just as Western people go back home at Christmas and Thanksgiving, families also try to get together for the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. They get together and enjoy a big dinner. They sit around a table,talking and eating. Later, they eat mooncakes and fruits and admire the bright and round moon at night. Looking up at the bright moon, they all express (表达)dieir best wishes for their families. In China, there are lots of classics that show writers’ feelings about the Mid-Autumn Festival. For example, Su Shi of the Song Dynasty wrote The Mid-Autumn Festival, Tune: Prelude to Water Melody (《水调歌头?明月几 时

第三节回答问题阅读下面的材料,然后根据 材料内容回答问题。(共5小题,计10分)

It was Mother’ s Day, but Mandy was unhappy, because she was far away from her parents. In the morning, Mandy called hermother to wish her a happy Mother?s Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs (丁 香)in the garden. Later that day, when Mandy told her husband about the lilacs, he said, “I know where we can find some.” So they drove there with their children. On a hill, they saw many beautiful lilacs. Mandy enjoyed them a lot. Carefully, she picked some. On their way home, when they were passing an old people’s home, Mandy saw an old woman sitting in a chair. She had no children with her. They stopped the car. Mandy walked to the old woman, put the flowers in her hands and smiled at her. The old woman thanked her and smiled happily, too. When Mandy came back to the car, her children asked, “Who is that old granny (奶奶)?Why did you give her our flowers?” “I don?t know her,” Mandy replied. “But it’s Mother?s Day, and she has no children. Just think how much those flowers mean to her.” 61.Why was Mandy unhappy on Mother’s Day? 62.How did Mandy?s family go to the place with lilacs? 63.Where did they find many beautiful lilacs? 64.Did they pass an old people?s home on their way home? 65.. Why did Mandy give the flowers to the old woman?

第一节翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将划线部 分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分)

节曰 之一 How do people celebrate it? Let’Zongzi is rice dumplings. There are usually different things inside zongzi. In the north, zongzi with jujube (枣)or mashed red bean (红豆沙)’今,粽子已经发生了很大的变化。They are filled with things like to rectangle (长方形).And although some people still cook zongzi at home, many others buy them at the supermarket. Dragon boat races are, of course, an important part of the festival. These boats 66.




70 .IV.写作技能 (三部分,共11小题,计30分) 第二节完成对话通读下面的对话,根据上下 文补全对话内容。(共5小


A: Good morning! Can I help you? B: (71)_____________________________. I?d like to buy something for ray father. It?s Father's Day tomorrow. A: Well, you?re a good boy. (72) ___________________________________? B: I don ?t know what to buy. A: (73) _____________________________________? B: He likes reading books. A: What kind of books does he like? B: (74) ___________________________________. A: OK. Here are books about sports. You can choose some for your father. (Ten minutes later) B: I?ll take these two books. (75) _____________________________? A: Forty yuan. B: Here's the money. Thanks a lot. A: You?re welcome. 第三节作文(计10分)

76.假如你是宋斌,你的美国笔友Kevin在信中 讲述了他们国家圣诞节的情况,并询问中国春 节的情况。请你给他写一封回信,告诉他中国 人是如何过春节的。

要求:60-80词,信的格式和开头巳给出,不计 入总词数。

参考词汇:bow糊躬;lucky money压岁钱 Dear Kevin,

I?m glad to get your letter. You told me something about your Christmas. Now let me tell you about the Chinese Spring Festival.

Unit 3

第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大 意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分) Mr. Green is a blind man and he likes traveling alone. However, as a blind Once Mr. Green traveled to Texas. On the plane,The woman told him everything was and better in When Mr. Green After dinner, Mr. Green went to a wine bar (酒吧)and ordered a glass of wine. When the waiter (服务员)“Wow! How big!” he said. Mr. Green doesn?often, so he was drunk (喝醉)after drinking the wine. He “Turn right and it’s the second door,” said the waiter. When Mr. Green passed by the first door, he fell down. He missed (错过)“Don冲洗)!” he shouted

()36. A. visitors B. animals C. troubles

()37. A. under B. beside C. between

()38. A. newer B. bigger C. cheaper

()39. A. hotel B. museum C. bookstore

()40. A. polite B. nervous C. surprised

()41. A. drink B. rush C. request

()42. A. orders B. directions C. addresses

()43. A. second B. third C. fourth

()44. A. got B.fell C.turned

()45. A. mailed B. Discovered C.remembered

第二节摘录要点阅读下面的材料,然后在表 格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。 (共5小题,计10分)

Nowadays, the self-driving tour has become a good choice to celebrate festivals. In the past, most people chose to go on a trip with a travel agency (旅行社).It was convenient for tourists to enjoy the trip, because the travel agency had organized everything for them, including booking (预定)hotels and tickets. There was a bus and it could take them everywhere during the trip. But recently, people have discovered that they spent more time in malls than in tourist places because of the travel agency?s plans. And they only visited a few tourist places. So more and more people choose to have their self-driving tours. They can go where they like and stay longer. But they must pay more because they can?t book the cheapest hotels or tickets by themselves. And there are many kinds of charges (收费)on the road. When they meet difficulties, they must solve them by themselves. So if you have enough money and have a good car, choose the self-driving tour.

第三节回答问题阅读下面的材料,然后根据 材料内容回答问题。(共5小题,计10分)

24 Hours in the Desert is an unusual book. In the beginning, this book describes what a desert is, and then it explains the different kinds of deserts. This book mainly talks about the Sahara, because it is the world?s largest desert. It has an area of about

3.5 million square miles in North Africa.

Morning life in a desert is described next. In this part, wind, sand, water, and plants relative (有关的)to the desert are discussed. Afternoon life, evening life, and nightlife in a desert are also described. Did you know that the Sahara holds the record for the highest air temperature? Did you know that sand from the Sahara can reach a beach in Florida, the USA?

Near the end of the book, one page gives some facts about the Sahara. In the rest of the book, you can find a glossary (术语汇编),a“find out more? part and an index (索引).The “find out more” part gives some books and websites to find out more information about the Sahara.

This book is full of interesting pieces of information. It would be perfect for middle school students.

61.What does the book 24 Hours in the Desert describe first?

62.Why does the book mainly talk about the Sahara?

63.Does the book talk about plants relative to the desert?

64.What is the “find out more” part about?

65.Whom would the book be perfect for?

第一节翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将划线部 分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分) Last month we planned a European vacation for this winter.

.It?s easy to do as long as we know how to search information on the Internet. We decided to visit the UK, France, Italy On the Internet, it is also easy to find the hotel price and address. That helps us save money and time. But we should do enough research on the Internet before we make a decision.

制定旅行计划了吗? If not, try to plan a trip with your family and have a good time.

第二节完成对话通读下面的对话,根据上下 文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分)

A: Excuse me, I? m new here. Would you like to help me?

B: (71)_______________________________.:

A: Thanks. (72)___________________________________?

B: Yes, there are two bookstores. One is on New Street, and the other is on Green Street. A: (73)_______________________________________ ?

B: I think the one on New Street is better. It has the newest books.

A: How can I get there?

B: (74)____________________________________ .

A: By bus? (75)_______________________________?

B: It only takes ten minutes.

A: Thank you.

B: You?re welcome.


Ⅰ. 单项选择(10分)

( ) 1. —What’s the time? —It’s _______ three-thirty. A. of

( ) 2. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock. A. in B. around C. at B. after C. on ( ) 3. Please write and tell me _______ your school lday. A. about C. with B. for

( ) 4. We often do _______ homework at home. A. we

( ) 5. _______ interesting movie it is! A. What B. us C. our B. How C. What an

B. /; to home ( ) 6. Please come _______ here. Don’t go _______ now. A. to; home C. /; home

( ) 7. I usually watch TV _______ Saturday evenings. A. on B. in C. at

( ) 8. Sorry, I can’t go with you. I have _______ homework to do. A. little B. many C. lots of

( ) 9. —_______ do you eat breakfast? —At seven-thirty. A. What C. Where

( )10. —Do you know ________? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. what is his name B. what his name is C. what name is his

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

My brother works in a store. It’s near(在……附近) a 11 . The students come to 12 pens or food every day. My brother 13 at 6:00 in the morning. He 14 a bus to the store. He gets 15 the store at 6:50. His work 16 at 7:00. 17 things are on sale, 18 lots of students come to the store. My brother is very happy to meet 19 and the students 20 to see my brother very much.

( )11. A. hotel B. park C. school

( )12. A. sell B. see C. buy

B. gets up C. goes to bed B. What time ( )13. A. eats lunch

( )14. A. takes B. brings C. has

( )15. A. in B. to C. at

( )16. A. starts B. goes C. comes

( )17. A. A lot B. A little C. Many

( )18. A. also B. but C. and

( )19. A. it

( )20. A. listen

B. them C. him B. love C. write

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)A

My name is Dennis. I’m a worker(工人) of a big store. I don’t work in the morning. I work at night. Every morning I come home at around 6:30. I have break-fast at 7:00. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at around 2:30. I have lunch at 2:45 and dinner at 7:40.

Then I go to work at 8:30. My work starts at 9:00. I look after(照看) the store every night. I like my work very much.


( )21. When does Dennis get up?

A. At 6:15 in the morning. B. At 6:30 in the morning. C. At 2:30 in the afternoon.

A. In a school. B. In a store. C. In a ( )22. Where does Dennis work?


( )23. When does Dennis work? afternoon. A. In the morning. B. At night. C. In the

( )24. What time does Dennis start his work?

A. At 8:30 in the morning. B. At 2:30 in the afternoon. C. At 9:00 at night. ( )25. When does he go to bed? A. After breakfast. B. After lunch. C. After dinner.


Mr and Mrs Jones live(居住) in Paris. Mr Jones takes a bus to the bank(银行) every day. He is a clerk. He often goes out in the morning and comes back in the evening. Mrs Jones works in a school. She usually goes to work at eight in the morning and gets home at about five-thirty in the afternoon. So they have no time to look after their little son, Jerry. Who looks after Jerry? His aunt, Mary. She is Mr Jones’ sister.


26. Where do the Jones live? _________________________________

27. What’s Mr Jones’s job? _________________________________

28. What time does Mrs Jones come home? _________________________________

29. How many kids do they have? _________________________________

30. Who looks after Jerry?_________________________________

Ⅳ. 词汇训练(15分)

A) 根据汉语提示填入所缺的单词。(5分)

31. Are there _________(旅馆) in that little town(镇)?

32. She ________(刷) her teeth every morning and evening.

33. His father often works all _______(夜).

34. The boy does his _________(家庭作业) after dinner.

35. I _________(通常) go to the guitar club with Jim and Tom.

B) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)

36. Mary is a clerk. Her work s_________ at 8:00 every morning. 37. I’m the last one to t________ a shower.

38. Can you t_______ me about your family?

go to work.

40. —What’s her uncle’s j________? —He is an actor.

C) 用适当的词组填空,补全下面的短文。(5分)

I usually 41___________(起床) at 6:00. I have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I 42____________(上学) by bus. I get to school at 7:30. I have four classes in the morning. Then I have lunch at school. In the afternoon I have two classes. I 43___________(回家) at 4:00 and get home at 5:00. I eat dinner at about 6:30. After dinner, I 44____________(做作业). I 45__________(上床睡觉) at 9:00. That’s my day.

Ⅴ. 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的句子补全下面的对话。(5分)

A: Excuse me, Wei Fang. 46

coming. You can ask him.

A: 48___ ____ What’s the time, please?

A: Thank you, Tony.

B: Is it black? C: 50_______

B: Let me have a look. Oh, it’s my watch. C: Here you are.

B: Thanks a lot.

Ⅵ. 根据要求改写句子,每空一词。(5分)

51. Kate takes a shower at 5:00. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ does Kate take a shower?

52. I often play the guitar. (改为否定句) C: It’s around 3:30. C: You’re welcome. Oh, 49__ _ __ _ _ ___ Look! B: Sorry, I don’t know. 47_______ Tony is 39. At a_________ eight o’clock, I

I _______ often _______ the guitar.

53. It’s seven-fifty. (对画线部分提问)

_______ the _______ now?

54. He does homework at 7:00 every evening. (对画线部分提问)

______ does he ______ at 7:00 every evening?

55. A bus takes them there. (改为同义句)

They ______ a bus ______ get there.

Ⅶ. 根据汉语将句子翻译完整,每空一词。(5分)

56. 请写信告诉我你的学习情况。

Please _______ _______ tell me about your study.

57. 通常他大约十点半睡觉。

He usually goes to bed _______ _______ ten-thirty.

58. 你想知道他的学习与工作吗?

Do you want to _______ _______ his study and work?

59. 我总是早上最后一个到达学校的人。

I’m always the last one _______ _______ to school in the morning.

60. 汤姆家有两个淋浴器。

Tom’s _______ _______ two showers.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(10分)

以My School day为题写一篇短文,描述一下自己一天的生活和学习情况。要求:中心明确、语句通顺。60词左右。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Ⅰ. 1-5 BBACC 6-10 CACBB

Ⅱ. 11-15 CCBAB 16-20 ACCBB

Ⅲ. A) 21-25 CBBCA

B) 26. They live in Paris. 27. He is a bank clerk.

28. She comes home at about five-thirty in the afternoon.

29. They have only one kid.

30. Jerry’s aunt, Mary.

Ⅳ. A) 31. hotels 32. brushes 33. night

34. homework 35. usually

B) 36. starts 37. take 38. tell

39. around / about 40. job

C) 41. get up 42. go to school 43. go home

44. do homework 45. go to bed

Ⅴ. 46-50 CDBAE

Ⅵ. 51. What time 52. don’t; play 53. What’s; time

54. What; do 55. take; to

Ⅶ. 56. write and 57. at around / about

58. know about 59. to get 60. family has

Ⅷ. One possible version:

My School day

I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I have breakfast at six-thirty, and then I go to school. I get to school at about seven-forty. Classes begin at eight. I have eight classes every day. At 12:15 I have lunch at school.

School is over at about five-thirty in the afternoon. I have dinner at around seven. After dinner I do my homework. At nine, I take a shower and go to bed.



A. 听下面的对话,选择正确的图片。(共5小题,每题1分)





) 4.What’s this ? A. B. C. ) 5. Amy, what’s in the picture? A. B. C. )1.What's this? A. B. C. ) 2. What is Jim’s uncle? A. B. ) 3. What are the boys doing? A. B. C. C.

B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。






) 6. Is Millie swimming? B. No, she isn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know. C. 83561958 ) 7. What’s her telephone number? ) 8. What colour is Lily’s blouse? A. White. B. 43. B. Red. C. Black. C. 42. ) 9. How many students are there in Class One? ) 10.Who has a yellow ruler? A. Tom. B. Mike. C. David. A. Yes, she is. A. 84351978 B. 84561968 A. 35.

C. 听对话,选择正确答案.


( )11. Where does Dan live now?

B. In Shanghai. C. In Yancheng. A. In Beijing.

( )12. What does Dan like doing after school?

B. Swimming C. Singing. A. Reading.

听第一篇短文,回答13-15题。根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。听两遍。 Miss Wu

Job(工作) 13

Way to go home She goes home 14

Hobby She likes 15__and swimming.



( ) 13. A. A teacher ) 14. A. in her car ) 15. A. dancing B. A policeman B. by bus B. cooking C. A doctor C. on foot C. singing






( ) 16. What are they good at? A. English B. Math A. Play ping-pong and run. C. Swim and play basketball. ) 18. Where do they fly kites? A. Near the lake. A. Jack B. In the park. C. At school. ) 19.Who likes playing football? B. John C. Jack and John ) 20. Do they often help each other?

B. No, they don’t. C. I don’t know C. Chinese B. Swim and ride bikes. ) 17. What do they like to do in their holidays? A. Yes, they do.

二.单项选择 同学们,仔细思考并回忆老师是怎样跟我们说的,从每题A B C D 四个选项中选出一个正确的答案。(本题共15分,每题1分)

( )21. —_____! I’m Susan. —Good morning! I’m Sandy.

A. Good morning B. Hi C. Goodbye D. Hello

( )22.There is ______ art room in my school.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )23. This is a photo ______my family.

A. for B. that C. of D. on

( )24. —_____? —My name’s Kitty.

A. How old are you C. What’s your name B. Who are you D. How are you

( )25. _____your sister sad?

A. Are B. Is A. Yes, I am C. Am D. Be D. Yes, it is ( )26. —Is your name Daniel? —_____. What about yours? B. No, it is C. No, I’m not

( )27. Millie, do you enjoy in the sea?

A. to swim B. swims C. swimming D. to swimming

( )28.He can’t__________ in the library.

A .shouts B. to shout C. shouting D. shout

---No, she is from__________.

B. England; America ( )29---Is Lucy______________? A. an English; English

C. England; American D. American; England

( )30.比较划线部分的读音,选出一个与其他三个发音不同的单词.

A. fly B. rice C. child D. children

( )31.This isn’t your bag. It’s ____. Yours is at home.

A. my B. mine C. me D. I

( )32. Amy ______after school every day.

A. walks to home B. walks home

( )33. It’s time supper now.

A. for have B. have C. to D. for C. walk home D. walk to home

( )34.There _______a big tree and some birds in the garden.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

( )35.We can ___________newspapers.

A. look B. see C. read D. watch

三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) Mr. Smith 36 from London. Now he is in China. He is 37 .He teaches 38 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 39 very much. He can 40 a little Chinese. His students often teaches him Chinese 41 Sundays. Mr. Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 42 his students. Mr Smith 43 a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 44 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 45 TV in the evening.

( )36.A. come B. comes C. are D. coming









( )37.A. a teacher )38.A. on )39.A. he )40.A. say )41.A. at )42A. for )43.A. has )44A. on B. a worker C. a driver D. from C. she D. her C. talk D. tell D. a farmer B. in C. to B. him B. speak B. on C. of D. in B. to C. with D. at B. have B. by C. there is D. there are C. in D. of )45.A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. looking at



A Hi, I’m Liu Ying. This is my school. It’s big and beautiful. There are twenty classes. There are nine hundred students in my school. There are four beautiful gardens in it. There is a building in my school. On the first floor, there are two offices and a hall. There are six classrooms on the first floor, too. On the second floor, there are fourteen classrooms. There are two toilets on the second floor. There is a big library and some reading rooms in my school, too.

( ) 46. How many classes are there in the school?

A. Ten B. Fifteen C. Twenty D. fifty

D. No, there aren’t. ( ) 47. Is there a building in the school? A. No, there isn’t B. Yes, there is C. Yes, there are

( ) 48 Are there any classrooms on the first floor?

A. Yes, there are B. There is one C. No, there aren’t D. Only two

( ) 49. How many gardens are there in it?

A. Three B. Four C. One D. Five

D. two hundred ( ) 50. There are _________ students in the school. A. one hundred B. nine hundred C. eight hundred

B Kate lives in London with her parents. She is a schoolgirl. Today is Kate’s birthday and she’s fifteen years old. Her father’s name is Smith. He works in a hospital. People think he is a good doctor. Kate’s mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has two brothers and a sister, and they study in China. Her elder(大) brother speaks Chinese very well and has many friends there. He is a college (大学) student. But her younger brother

and sister are middle-school students. Both of them are studying Chinese very hard and want to be teachers of Chinese in their country(国家).

( ) 51. Today Kate is _________________.

A. fifteen B. sixteen C. seventeen D. eighteen

( ) 52. What is her father? ___________ .

A. A teacher B. A nurse C. A doctor D. A worker

( ) 53. What do her younger brother and sister want to be?

A. Teachers of English

C. Teachers of maths

A. In his country

A. English

B. Teachers of Chinese D. Teachers of art D. In the USA. ( ) 54. Where does her elder brother have many friends? ____________. B. In the hospital C. In China ( ) 55. Her younger brother and sister want to teach _______ people Chinese. B. American C. Chinese D. China 第Ⅱ卷(共55分)


I have many friends, and they have different favourite subjects(科目). John’s favourite subject is Computer because he thinks the computer can help him a lot in his study. He is a computer fan (迷). He likes playing computer games very much, and he is good at playing it. Jack likes Art best because he likes drawing (画)pictures very much. Mary likes Chinese best because her father is Chinese. Her father teaches her Chinese at home. She loves China very much, and she wants to know more about China. Bob thinks Maths is very interesting, so he likes Maths best. David likes PE best because he likes doing sports, he is good at playing basketball and football.

Name Favourite subject Why

John Computer Because he thinks the computer can help him a lot in his 56 . 57 Art Because he likes drawing pictures a lot..

Mary Chinese Because her 58 is Chinese.

Bob Maths Because he thinks Maths is very interesting. David 59 Because he likes doing sports. He does 60 in playing basketball and football.

56. _______ 57. _______ 58. _______ 59. _______

五、词汇 (共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)

A.根据句意和提示写出单词完成句子。 60. _______





Unit 1(全)




1. M: Cindy, which is more difficult, grammar or pronunciation?

W: Oh, I usually make mistakes in listening.

2. M: I usually read English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

W: Oh. I read it every day.

3. M: Mary, I want to improve my spoken English, but I don’t like watching English movies. What

should I do?

W: Tom, you could improve it by joining an English club.

4. M: Ann, you look upset. What’s the matter with you?

W: I don’t know how to increase my writing speed.

5. M: I study for a test by working with a group. What about you? W: I think the best way is by asking the teacher for help.





M: Sue, I’d like to talk with you about your school report.

W: Yes, Dad.

M: I’m not happy about it. You got a C in the chemistry exam. What will you say about that?

W: I’m sorry.

M: That’s not good enough. Your teacher says you are clever but lazy. Don’t you think it’s

important to work hard?

W: Yes, but I spent a lot of time swimming last term.


W: Hello! This is English-help Center. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I have some trouble with English.

W: And what is your trouble?

M: First, I can’t speak English well.

W: Don’t worry. Why not join an English club to practice English?

M: OK, I’ll try it. Also I can’t understand the teacher when she talks to the class.

W: Listening to more tapes will help a lot.

M: Thank you very much. I’ll do that as much as possible.

W: You’re welcome. Wish you good luck.


M: Lily, I started to learn English four years ago.

W: Wow! Li Lei, that’s not a short time.

M: But I can’t always improve my grades.

W: What’s difficult for you?

M: Grammar. I don’t know how to make up sentences.

W: I think you should have some right ways to learn grammar.

M: Oh? Could you give me some advice?

W: Sure. First, learn some grammar rules.

M: Next?

W: Next, take grammar notes in class. You can also ask the teacher for help after class.

M: Hmm. I’ll try to do that.

W: And you could do grammar exercises.

M: Thanks, Lily! Our English class begins at 8:30. We have only 5 minutes left. Let’s hurry up.

W: OK.


(M) As a teacher for many years, I want to say something about good reader. A good reader

is very much like a driver. He must change his reading speed to fit what he is reading, just as a

driver does fit the road situation. A good reader may be able to read 1,000 words per minute, but

he won’t use that speed for everything he reads. A good reader may read at the speed of 1,000

words per minute as he looks for something for his report in the library. But once he finds what is

useful to him, he may need to slow down to 100 words per minute. A good reader may read

newspaper and magazine articles at 600 words per minute. But it may take him 150 words per

minute to read his science or math texts.

Unit 2




1. M: Did you get any “lucky money” during the festival?

W: Sure. Also, I ate lots of delicious dumplings.

2. M: I went to Singapore this Spring Festival and Lin Tao visited Macao. What about you, Helen?

W: Li Dong, I traveled to Thailand.

3. M: I’m going to Australia in July.

W: To Australia? I believe that July is the coldest month of the year there.

4. M: Do you like Halloween and Thanksgiving?

W: Yes. But my favorite festival is Christmas.

5. M: Wow! How nice the zongzi and the dumplings look! What will we buy? W: I think we should buy the mooncakes instead of them.





M: Good evening, Mary. I’m glad you can come.

W: Thanks for inviting me, Wu Dong.

M: You ’re welcome. Here are mooncakes. Would you like to have one?

W: Yes, thank you. Look! It has fruits in it. Wow! How delicious!

M: Would you like another one?

W: May I ...? Thanks. Oh, this is more delicious. What’s in it?

M: Something yellow inside is an egg.

W: Oh! Is it? Could I have one more?


M: Linda, May Day is coming. Are you going back to your hometown?

W: Probably not. We only have three days off and it takes me almost a day to get back.

M: That’s a pity. Do you miss your family?

W: I surely miss them. I haven’t been back for five months.

M: That’s a long time. It means you didn’t go home for the Spring Festival either! Why?

W: I went to the UK on business.

M: Oh, I see.


W: Have you heard that there would be a Dragon Boat race this afternoon?

M: Yes, Sarah, it is a part of the Dragon Boat Festival, right?

W: Yes.

M: By the way, will you take part in it?

W: Yes, seven girls and eight boys in my class will take part in the race.

M: Sounds great!

W: Yeah, after the race, we will go to the restaurant nearby to have a big dinner.

M: Huh. You must eat zongzi.

W: Yes. You really know a lot about the Dragon Boat Festival. How do you know?

M: From the radio this morning! All the news is about it!


(W) Dear Sophie,

I’ve got your letter last Friday. I’m very happy to hear that you’re doing well.

It’s been about two months since you left. I’m very glad to hear that your new job is

interesting, but I’m sorry to hear that you don’t like Washington. I think you’ll like it better once

you make more friends there. Good luck to you!

Thank you very much for your invitation, but I’m very sorry that I can’t go to your Christmas

party on December 24th because my grandfather will come and visit my family that day. I’m very

sorry about that! I hope you can come to New York and spend the New Year holiday with us.



Unit 3



1. W: Oh, I don’t want to try the ride. It looks pretty scary.

M: Cindy, I promise it’ll be fun and exciting.

2. W: Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the Sun Hotel?

M: Sure. Turn right and then you can see a supermarket. The hotel is just on its left.

3. W: Let’s go there, OK? It serves delicious hot dogs.

M: That sounds great.

4. W: Bob, I think the amusement park is small but uncrowded.

M: But it’s not clean. I don’t want to go there again.

5. W: I wonder if the bookstore closes at 5:00 p.m. M: On weekdays it does, but it closes two hours later on weekends.




M: Excuse me, I wonder where I can get a toy.

W: Go to the second floor and then turn left.

M: Is it just there?

W: No. There, you can see a bookstore. Go past it, and you will see a toy store.

M: Thanks. Could you tell me where the restroom is?

W: Pardon?

M: I wonder where I can find a toilet.

W: Go to the third floor and then turn right.


M: Mom, how can I get to the nearest post office?

W: Go along Jianshe road; take the second turning on your left. The post office is just next to the


M: How long does it take me to get there on foot?

W: About 20 minutes. It’s 4:30 now. I remember the post office closes at 5 o’clock. You’d better

hurry up.

M: Well, then I will go there by bike.

W: OK. Take care of yourself on your way!


M: Could you please tell me where you live, Gina?

W: It’s between a police station and a supermarket.

M: In an apartment or a house?

W: In an apartment. Houses are too expensive.

M: What’s your apartment like?

W: It’s small and old, but it’s convenient. It’s very near my office.

M: Which floor do you live on?

W: The second floor.

M: Quite good.


Last Sunday, while I was waiting in line to buy some magazines in the post office, a thin old man in a dirty coat, came up to me. I could see easily that he was a countryman working in the city. He asked me, “Excuse me, could you tell me what I should write on the money order?” He wanted to send some money home but didn’t know how to send it. Hearing his words, I said nothing and left the post office quickly.

I’ve been sad about this these days. I want to say sorry to him. I hope to feel better by doing this.

Units 1-3



1. M: Cindy, do you learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival by watching TV or using the Internet? W: Neither. I get some information about it from my Chinese friends’ emails.

2. M: Mary, do you think Christmas and Easter are both interesting?

W: Of course. But I don’t think they’re funnier than April Fool’s Day.

3. M: Helen, what about going to Space World or WaterWorld?

W: Let’s go to Animal World instead.

4. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get some magazines?

W: Sure. Go straight and turn left. You can see newspapers in the first store, magazines in the

second store and novels in the third store.

5. M: Alice, what do you think of your English teacher? W: He speaks too quickly and I can’t understand what he says.




W: Gary, where did you go during the Spring Festival?

M: I went to Taiwan.

W: Really, is it beautiful? You know, I’ve never been there before.

M: Yes! The people there are very friendly and the food is very delicious. I eat six meals a day! I

wonder if I will go there again.

W: Actually, I’m planning to go there this summer holiday. Why don’t we go there together?


M: Hi, Sandra. I’m calling to say hello to you.

W: Hi, Peter. Is everything going well with you?

M: Yes. I’m having a good time in Paris.

W: How is the weather there?

M: It’s very warm.

W: Oh, it’s quite cold in Beijing.

M: Would you like to come here for a vacation?

W: I’d love to. My father is going there on business next month. Maybe I can go with him. M: Great. I hope to see you soon.
