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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:19:14 体裁作文

篇一:Waiting for Love原创关于薰衣草英文故事

Waiting for Love

“Mom, mom, all of you have abandoned me, where should I go?” Jasmine cried. She had no place to go. She thought of her life with her parents. A long time ago, in a small village, a girl often sitting in the street, dazing and looking at the moving pedestrians innocently, said silently to herself: “ If there is an angel, I wish he can make me as normal as others." As everyone in the palm-sized village believed that people with purple hair were doomed to be cursed and would bring them tragedies. Therefore, villages all looked down upon her as well as her parents. However, she did have a happy time when she were very young, for her mother loved her so much at that time. Much to her despair, one day a high-profile prophet in the village told the villagers that if the girl did not leave the village, all the villagers would be involved in a big catastrophe. Being afraid of the coming disaster, her parents had no way but to abandon the girl.

That girl was her, Jasmine. When she thought about her hometown, her heart was bleeding.

Nevertheless, she had to live on herself since there could be nobody for her to turn to for help. Hungry and tired, she finally found a way to make her living. She discovered a forest where small white flowers are all over the forest. By virtue of the fragrance of the flowers, people can sense the fragrant smell even ten miles away. Then she started her job as a flower girl. Things did not go as she had thought. People in this far village were attracted by her flowers but they still never looked at her face to face whenever they met her because of her purple hair. Jasmine was so kind a girl that she just ignored it because she found that she could help others in the village. She always helped the blind woman wash clothes and sent the beautiful flowers to sick people and poor people who could not afford it but wanted for it. Bad luck came to her again this

time. The granddaughter of the prophet insulted her and robbed her of all the flowers. Then the prophet said she was a monster with purple hair. She was so sad and felt she was deserted again.

She ran and ran, tears dropping down continuously. What she felt sad was that there was not anyone who really liked her without feeling horrible about her purple hair. But, she believed that one day there would be somewhere suitable for her and people would make friends with her. Ignorant of where she was, she stopped, founding a forest with all kinds of flowers blossoming profusely. She was surprised at the wonderful sight that she almost forgot to take a breath. “What did she see? What happened? Is this true? Is she in the heaven?” She said to herself. Colored spirits were flying all over her, birds were singing happily on the trees, everything there was just like a fairy land. Suddenly, a group of squirrels seemed to come to her. Surrounded by these cute animals, she felt really relaxed and delighted from the inner heart.

“??,” the squirrels seemed to tell her about something. Jasmine then stooped and came near to these squirrels, trying to catch what they were saying. After a few words, Jasmine knew that these squirrels wanted her to came to a nearby house. Without hesitation, she set out under the guidance of the squirrels at once. What a handsome boy he was! Unfortunately, she found that the boy was totally blind.

The boy asked, “Who is that? Have you brought some flowers? ” “Yes, I am Jasmine. I am brought here by these cute squirrels. Here you are,” Jasmine said nervously. There were never once a person who spoke to her so gently.

“Thanks for your so beautiful flowers, I am Jim.”

Jasmine was so glad that Jim liked her flowers that she sent a bunch of flowers to him every day in the morning. And the boy stood in the same place waiting for her every day. Day after day, she still stayed in the

forest, accompanied by these squirrels and everything in the forest.

One day she said to Jim, “Why did the flowers wither today? They were so beautiful yesterday. How pitiful! Do you know why they appeared like this? ”

Jim answered ,“They went to find you last night, for they all knew that I could see nothing. So they took the responsibility of taking care of you for me. And they went to protect you from the mosquitoes and little insects every night. Now they are so tired that they all fall asleep. ”

“Why did not I know? Why do not you ask them to awaken me? ” “You are in so good sleep that they feel difficult to wake you up.” Jasmine was so deeply moved that she swore to herself that she would try her best to cure his blindness. Every time she thought of that Jim could see nothing about the beautiful world, she could not help crying. She asked the squirrels about the boy’s blindness. Luckily, she knew that Jim was cursed by the God and the flying colored spirits she saw the first day could help Jim. But one thing that was very tough was that there was nobody who got help from the spirits. However, nothing could stop her from seeking the spirits for help. She left for the top of the mountain in the early morning. After 12 hours’ climbing, she finally arrived at the small castle where the spirits lived in. Tired out and hungry, she fell into coma at the sight of the castle. With the belief that she would attained her desire in the end, she slept with smile on her face all the time. When she woke up, it was late night. Then in the following days, she picked fresh flowers for the spirits and put them at the door of the castle every day, wishing to see the spirits.

Finally, things went on smoothly in a hard-to-believe way. The spirits were deeply touched by her sincerity and removed the curse on the boy. Furthermore, they changed the girl’s appearance to a very ugly one and forced her to be a maid in the castle.

The boy regained his eyesight and asked about Jasmine all the time. The squirrels finally told the boy that the girl was caught by the spirits in the castle. The boy started out with no stop, for he wanted to save Jasmine, the angel in his heart. When he saw the ugly maid in the castle, he took the maid by hand with no hatred or disgust. Then at that moment, all the spirits flied around them. Miracle happened .The maid he seized turned to be a very beautiful girl with purple hair. Miracle happened again. The girl became a blonde girl. And they were surrounded by a sea of flowers.

“I love you, I know you are the one who send flowers to me all the time,” said Jim. Jasmine was moved into tears and just looked at Jim silently. They came back with the blessing of the spirits. Everyone in the forest was happy for their coming back.

Jasmine finally waited until the one who loved her from the inner heart regardless of her appearance and her misfortune. She knew she would live a happy life?






于是少女便将他请到家中,也不管家人的反对,坚持要照顾他直到痊愈,而过了几天后,青年旅人的伤也已经康复,但两人的恋情却急速蔓延,已经到了难分难舍的地步。 不久后的某日,青年旅人向少女告别离去,而正处于热恋中的少女却坚持要随青年离去,虽然亲人们极力挽留,但她还是坚持要和青年一起到开满玫瑰花的故乡!




























lavender ;


醒目薰衣草 Lavandin ; Lavandula burnatii ; Lavandula hybrida Rev ; Lavendin Abrialis 羽叶薰衣草 Lavandula pinnata ; fern leaf Lavender ; Pinnata Lavender ; lvndul pinnt 高地薰衣草 Lavender highland ; High Altitude

穗状薰衣草 LAVANDULA SPICA ; Lavender Spike ; Spike Lavender

薰衣草面膜 Lavender Mask ; Provence Lavender Mask

药用薰衣草 Lavandula officinalis

薰衣草山丘 Lavender Hills

薰衣草茶香 Lavander Tea

咆哮薰衣草 Let it be and love it

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:薰衣草的英文传说)


Aromatic herbs like lavender that could be placed in aromatherapy diffusers 把像薰衣草那样的香草放到芳香扩散器中

Research has shown that the lavender scent increases alertness.


Drop the mothballs and reach for lavender or cedar instead.


The plantation is one of the largest lavender farms in the world. 这里的农场是世界上最大的薰衣草农场之一。

Women in bright headscarves queue for bags of dried lavender. 戴着明亮头巾的妇女们排队购买成袋的干薰衣草。

原文来自 必克英语/englishword-detail/englishword/49242595.html








薰衣草的花语为“等待爱情”。薰衣草是一种馥郁紫蓝色的小花,它就像它所在的地区一样,具有浪漫的情怀,这种生于法国普罗旺斯的花,有一个美丽的爱情传说! 相传很久以前,天使与一名叫薰衣的女子相恋,为她留下了第一滴眼泪,翅膀为她而脱落,虽然天使每天都要忍受痛苦,但他们依然很快乐,可快乐很短暂,天使被抓回了天国,删除了他与薰衣的快乐时光,被贬下之前,他又流了一滴眼泪,泪化作一只蝴蝶去陪伴他心爱的女孩,而薰衣还在傻傻地等着他回来,陪伴他的只有那只蝴蝶。日日夜夜的在天使离开的园地里等待,最后,化作一株小草。每年都会开出淡紫色的花,它们飞向各地,寻找那个被贬下凡的天使,人们叫那株植物为“薰衣草”。

