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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:17:53 作文素材





EU urges governments to raise retirement age

(BRUSSELS) - European governments need to raise the retirement age becauseworkers are living longer and their pension systems could implode, the EuropeanCommission said on Wednesday.

The European Union's executive arm formally launched a debate alreadyraging in several EU countries that are planning unpopular measures to bringdown huge public deficits and keep their pension systems afloat.

&qu(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:延迟退休政策英语作文)ot;The number of retired people in Europe compared to those financing theirpensions is forecast to double by 2060 -- the current situation is simply notsustainable," said EU social affairs commissioner Laszlo Andor.

"The choice we face is poorer pensioners, higher pension contributions ormore people working more and longer," Andor said at the official presentation ofa "green paper" on pensions.

Weak growth, ballooning national debt and higher unemployment "have made itharder" to make good on pension promises and "more urgent" to reform them, thecommission paper says.

In the past 50 years, life expectancy in the European Union has risen byabout five years and could increase by another seven years by 2060, thecommission says. At the moment there are four working-age people for every person over 65 inthe 27-nation EU. That ratio will drop to two for every person over 65 by 2060,the commission says.

On average, Europeans retired at the age of 61.4 in 2008.

This compares to 65 years for workers in the United States and 70 years inJapan. In the 31-nation Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,the average retirement age for men is 63.5.

Andor denied "unfounded rumours" that he was calling for the retirement ageto be raised to 70 in Europe.

John Monks, general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation,said the commission's proposal was "unrealistic".

"Where is the evidence that employers want to keep older workers in work?"Monks said in a statement.

"We know the life expectation is rising but see no evidence that a higherage of retirement would be matched by employers developing workplaces whichencourage older workers to remain at work," he said.




Should Retirement Age Be Postponed?

1. 近年来,推迟退休年龄引发人们热议

2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊

3. 我的看法外语学习网

Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of individuals admit that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life. Along with the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.

Some people favor postponing the retirement age. In their eyes, it is this policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force. As a matter of fact, people in mounting number shave come to realize this problem in an aging society. Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement age carries some risks. This policy can bring old people stress, but cannot arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement pension.

I am convinced that we should balance old people’ interest and this aging society. Thus, if those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should educate, advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks. If we try our utmost to do so, the future of old people’ life will be promising,hopeful and rosy.










早在1983年,时任美国总统的里根签署《社会保障法案》,规定从当年至2017年,美国退休年龄将由65岁逐步提高到67岁。去年6月,为了减轻沉重的社会保障支出压力,美国国会?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我樵翰普被嶂飨窭估ㄒ椋拦说耐诵菽炅涮岣叩?9岁。今年4月1日,日本《高龄者雇佣安定法》开始施行,它将保证有工作意愿与能力的人员被雇佣到65岁,而按照原来的规定,他们要在60岁就退休。日本厚生劳动相川崎二郎5月28日说:“要让80%的 70岁的老年人参加工作。”









2044年逐步提高至男女均68岁退休。 德国





EU urges governments to raise retirement age

(BRUSSELS) - European governments need to raise the retirement age

becauseworkers are living longer and their pension systems could implode, the

EuropeanCommission said on Wednesday。

The European Union"s executive arm formally launched a debate alreadyraging in several EU countries that are planning unpopular measures to bringdown huge public deficits and keep their pension systems afloat。

"The number of retired people in Europe compared to those financing theirpensions is forecast to double by 2060 -- the current situation is simply notsustainable," said EU social affairs commissioner Laszlo Andor。

"The choice we face is poorer pensioners, higher pension contributions ormore people working more and longer," Andor said at the official presentation ofa "green paper" on pensions。

Weak growth, ballooning national debt and higher unemployment "have made itharder" to make good on pension promises and "more urgent" to reform them, thecommission paper says。

In the past 50 years, life expectancy in the European Union has risen byabout five years and could increase by another seven years by 2060, thecommission says。

At the moment there are four working-age people for every person over 65 inthe

27-nation EU. That ratio will drop to two for every person over 65 by 2060,the commission says。

On average, Europeans retired at the age of 61.4 in 2008.

This compares to 65 years for workers in the United States and 70 years inJapan. In the 31-nation Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,the average retirement age for men is 63.5.

Andor denied "unfounded rumours" that he was calling for the retirement ageto be raised to 70 in Europe。

John Monks, general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation,said the commission"s proposal was "unrealistic"。

"Where is the evidence that employers want to keep older workers in work?"Monks said in a statement。

"We know the life expectation is rising but see no evidence that a higherage of

retirement would be matched by employers developing workplaces whichencourage older workers to remain at work," he said。


Govt denies immediate plan for retirement age rise

BEIJING - China"s human resources authorities are seeking to relievegrowing public concerns over the government"s reported consideration to lift theretirement age in response to a financial shortage facing the country"s pensionfund。

"China has no immediate plan to adjust the retirement age," an unidentifiedofficial of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) wasquoted as saying on Thursday by People"s Daily。

France retirement age protests turn violent

(PARIS) Protests against a proposed hike in retirement age by the Frenchgovernment took an increasingly radical turn with masked youths setting fires incities across France yesterday。

UK retirement age challenge fails

In the UK, a worker can see their employment end at the age of 65 withoutany redundancy payment - even if they do not want to retire。

However the judge in the case said there was a compelling case for thecompulsory retirement age to rise。




EU urges governments to raise retirement age

(BRUSSELS) - European governments need to raise the retirement age because workers are living longer and their pension systems could implode, the European Commission said on Wednesday。

The European Union's executive arm formally launched a debate already raging in several EU countries that are planning unpopular measures to bring down huge public deficits and keep their pension systems afloat。

"The number of retired people in Europe compared to those financing their pensions is forecast to double by 2060 -- the current situation is simply not sustainable," said EU social affairs commissioner Laszlo Andor。

"The choice we face is poorer pensioners, higher pension contributions or more people working more and longer," Andor said at the official presentation of a "green paper" on pensions。

Weak growth, ballooning national debt and higher unemployment "have made it harder" to make good on pension promises and "more urgent" to reform them, the commission paper says。

In the past 50 years, life expectancy in the European Union has risen by about five years and could increase by another seven years by 2060, the commission says。 At the moment there are four working-age people for every person over 65 in the

27-nation EU. That ratio will drop to two for every person over 65 by 2060, the commission says。

On average, Europeans retired at the age of 61.4 in 2008.

This compares to 65 years for workers in the United States and 70 years in Japan. In the 31-nation Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the average retirement age for men is 63.5.

Andor denied "unfounded rumours" that he was calling for the retirement age to be raised to 70 in Europe。

John Monks, general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said the commission's proposal was "unrealistic"。

"Where is the evidence that employers want to keep older workers in work?" Monks said in a statement。

"We know the life expectation is rising but see no evidence that a higher age of retirement would be matched by employers developing workplaces which encourage older workers to remain at work," he said。


Govt denies immediate plan for retirement age rise

BEIJING - China's human resources authorities are seeking to relieve growing public concerns over the government's reported consideration to lift the retirement age in response to a financial shortage facing the country's pension fund。

"China has no immediate plan to adjust the retirement age," an unidentified official of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) was quoted as saying on Thursday by People's Daily。

France retirement age protests turn violent

(PARIS) Protests against a proposed hike in retirement age by the French

government took an increasingly radical turn with masked youths setting fires in cities across France yesterday。

UK retirement age challenge fails

In the UK, a worker can see their employment end at the age of 65 without any redundancy payment - even if they do not want to retire。

However the judge in the case said there was a compelling case for the compulsory retirement age to rise。
