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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:16:08 体裁作文




The Tortoise And The Hare

The classic tale of the tortoise and the hare reminds us that different people take life at different speeds and that one way is not necessarily superior to another.

In fact, in the story it is the slower animal that ends up arriving at the destination first. In the same way, some of us seem to move very quickly through the issues and obstacles we all face in our lives.

Others need long periods of time to process their feelings and move into new states of awareness.

For those of us who perceive ourselves as moving quickly, it can be painful and exasperating to deal with someone else’s slower pace. Yet, just like the tortoise and the hare, we all arrive at the same destination, together, eventually.

People who take their time with things are probably in the minority in most of the world today. We live in a time when speed and productivity are valued above almost anything else. herefore, people who flow at a slower pace are out of sync with the world and are often pestered and prodded to go faster and do more.

This can be not only frustrating but also counterproductive because the stress of being pushed to move faster than one is able to move actually slows progress.

On the other hand, if a person’s style is honored and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line.

It’s important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether one person has made more progress than another.

Whether you count yourself among the fast movers or as one of the slower folks, we can all benefit from respecting the pace that those around us choose for themselves.

This way, we can keep our eyes on our own journey, knowing that we will all end up together in the end.



早上,在森林里,大老虎正在给上一次龟兔赛跑的获胜者小乌龟发奖杯,而在一旁的小白兔却难过地哭了。它很不服气,心想:“为什么走得慢的小乌龟胜利了呢?不行,我下次再不得第一,就打自己100下。”此时,小乌龟想:“我胜利了也不能骄傲,如果骄傲也会像兔子一样失败的。”过了几天,新的龟兔赛跑又开始了。小白兔和小乌龟来到了比赛现场。大老虎手里拿着发令枪一放,只听“砰”的一声,小白兔像离弦的箭一样飞奔了出去。而小乌龟则慢慢地跑着。不一会儿,小白兔就把小乌龟拉下了好远。小白兔边跑边想:“这次我可一定不能再失败了。”小乌龟也想:“我不能骄傲、我不能骄傲。”小白兔跑啊跑,突然它发现前面有一个小东西一边动,一边叫,跑近一看,原来是一只受伤的小鸟。小白兔心想:“比赛要紧,还是快跑吧。”可是它转念又一想:“友谊第一,比赛第二,不管小鸟,它会有危险的。”于是,小白兔又跑了回去。它把小鸟抱起来,拿出身上带的药水和纱布,给小鸟上药、包扎伤口。经过小白兔的努力,小鸟又能飞起来了,小鸟边飞边喊:“谢谢你,小白兔。”小白兔此时已发现小乌龟超过了自己,它立即飞快地向终点跑去。这时,先飞到终点的小鸟已把小白兔救自己的经过,一五一十,一点也不差地告诉了大家,大家都喊:“小白兔,加油!”可是小乌龟还是抢先一步到达了终点。小白兔此时又有些失望了,可大家都说小白兔乐于助人的精神值得称赞。于是大家都议论应该给小白兔发什么奖。终于,大家做出一个决定:给小白兔发精神文明奖。小白兔一听,脸红到了脖子根。 指导教师:尹老师


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:龟兔赛跑看图说话)









One day, a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other. They agreed that the one who first got to the big tree in the distance was the winner. So they started at the same time. The hare thought, "My legs ave much longer than the tortoise's, I'm sure to be the winner. Of course the tortoise was much slower than the hare, but he was never discouraged and kept on moving forward as fast as he could.

As the hare ran round a corner, he found the tortoise far behind him. So the hare decided to take a rest under a tree. When he woke up, the tortoise had already got to the tree and won the race. The hare was filled with regret.


From the picture we can see a head out over the phone.

Where you can see that cell phones are a way of life depend on it.

Using cell phones to surf the Internet has become quite common in our daily lives. Cell phone has exceeded its original function such as making phones calls or sending message. Its multi-functions have make people’s tedious lives more colorful. Many people, especially the young generation, have found that they can not live without their cell phones. Many people feel uncomfortable in absence of their cell phones. This may become a symptom called cell phone dependency.

There is no denying that cell phones have brought us considerable convenient. However, we should be aware of the negative effects that cell phones have brought to us. Just put down your cell phone for a while, and you will find that without your phone life can still be wonderful, too.


From used cooking oil, melamine, dyeing buns, plasticisers, the fast-growing chicken affair, food safety has become a focus topic of most concern in the community. "The masses of relatively wealthy at the same time, concern about food is growing, from ' eat well ' have been developed to ' what can be eaten ' from the original ' can't afford ' became ' scared to

eat '. ”

Focus on food safety problems at the grassroots level, weaknesses in the grass. Food regulator's focus should shift to grass-roots and strengthen regulatory checks the source of agricultural products, and to strictly control the pollution.


"MOM! The red light! "Son shouted.

I glanced up, Yes, a red light!

"The green light before dawn! Can't leave! "Sons said carefully.

"Yes, we'll wait, MOM just didn't notice it. "Holding his son's hand, standing quietly in the Zebra, but his heart is very calm.

As you know,the rules of the traffic is very imporTant. But recently there are some pedesteians always run red lights who didn"t realize the bad results becamse of their behaves. For example, disturbing the normal turns of the traffic, causing a series of accidents danger for people's lifies and bad spirit in society .

Of cause if you broken the rule you would be punished like warning and paying the money for your behave.

In my opinion,obey the rules of traffic is the responsibility of evevryone but not the thing we have to do under other people's asking.

love life,refuse running red lights!


Picture tells the story of a spider to invite a bee on the Internet.

Explain society exists something bad temptation tempting bait, become its prisoners. To remain on high alert, which is the premise of avoiding infringement (to care for one's own consciousness and courage). To learn how to use wisdom to protect themselves. Faced unlawful infringement, will rely on their wisdom to quickly and accurately make judgement, resourceful and flexible approach to be taken and their struggles. When rights are being infringed upon, take up the weapon of the law to protect their legitimate rights and interests.



1、学会ai ei ui三个复韵母和它们的四声,读准音,认清形。

2、观察ai ei ui在四线格中的位置。 教学目标:

教学重点:读准ai ei ui三个复韵母的音、记住字形。 教学难点:ai ei ui的标调。













(4)引出ai ei ui三个新朋友,让学生想一想,这三个新朋友是由哪两个字母组成的?它们的共同名字叫什么?(指名回答)


















七、指导书写ai ei ui。



