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各种颜色代表什么样的心情? (英文)

浏览次数:502次悬赏分:5 | 解决时间:2011-3-16 20:58 | 提问者:yyylyf


Red red

Red is enthusiastic, impulse, powerful colour, it can make muscle function and blood is accelerated circularly. Because the red catchy, so in various media also widely used, besides having better MingShi effect besides, more are used to convey has the vigor, positive, warm, warm, advance the meanings of enterprise image, etc and spirit, another red also often used as warning, dangerous, prohibited, such as fire prevention labeled coloring, people in some occasions or item, saw red marking, often need not look carefully

content, and can understand a warning of danger of Italy, in industrial safety coloring in, red namely is warning, dangerous, prohibited, fireproof specified color.

Big red is usually used for striking, such as red flags, 10 thousand green congzhong is red, The pale pink general relatively gentle, tender, such as: bridal chamber arrangement, children's clothing, etc; Deep red can generally be foil, there is deep warm feeling.

Red and yellow match most, big red and green, orange and blue (especially in a darker blue) with milk, reactive yellow, gray for neuter collocation.

Orange Orange

Orange is lively and lively bright colour, it is the most warm warm color

department is lubricious, it was reminiscent of golden autumn, rich fruits, is a rich, happy and happy color. Orange slightly intermingled with black or white, will become a kind of sedate, implicative and lively warm color, but

intermingled with more black, become a kind of charred color; Orange adding more white can bring a kind of sweet greasy feeling.

Orange MingShi degree is high, in industrial safety coloring, orange is namely, such as JingJieSe locomotive, mountaineering clothing backpack, jackets, orange can be generally as festival color, also can make riches and honour is lubricious, such as many adornment palace. Orange can make dining-room

decorate color, it is said that in the restaurant multi-purpose orange can increase appetite.

Orange with light green and light blue suitable, can form the loudest, most happy colour. Orange and yellow hue is equipped with a kind of very

comfortable transition feeling. Orange and purple or dark blue generally cannot match, which will give a person a kind of not clean, obscure sense. Because orange very bright and dazzling, sometimes can make the person has negative four-letter imagery, this situation especially prone to dress in utilization, so in use orange, should pay attention to choosing tie-in colour and expression way, can the orange bright lively has the characteristics of taste to emerge.

Yellow Yellow

Yellow bright, brilliant, with sun of brilliance, symbolizing the illuminate dark wisdom light. Yellow with golden light, symbolize wealth and power, it is proud to colour. In industrial on coloring, yellow commonly used to a warning of

danger or drew attention, such as traffic signs on the yellow light, engineering with large machines, the student with a raincoat and galoshes etc., all use yellow. Yellow in black and purple foil can achieve power enlarged unlimitedly, light pink also may like girls as yellow this proud princes conquered. Yellow and green match, appear very youthful and energetic, Yellow and blue match, appear beautiful, pure and fresh; Pale yellow with deep yellow match appear most elegant.

Pale yellow can almost with all the matching color, but if striking, cannot be in the other light color, especially a white, because it will be you could not see anything. Deep yellow generally cannot and deep red and purple suitable, also doesn't fit with black suitable, because it can make the person feels obscure and dustbin feeling.

Green Green

In the commercial design, green had communicated relaxed, ideal, hope, the growth of imagery, accord with services, healthcare, the claims in factories to avoid * make eye fatigue, many working machinery is calculated using the green, general medical establishment place, also often used green to make space color planning namely labeled medical supplies.

The bright green is a very beautiful and elegant color, it's a vibrant, a symbol of life. Green tolerance, magnanimous, almost can accommodate all colors.

Green USES an extremely extensive, whether childhood, young, middle-aged

or old, use green never lost its lively, easy. In all sorts of painting, in adornment is inseparable from the green, green also can serve as a kind of recreational color.

Green in infiltration yellow for yellow-greens, it is pure, young, Green into blue are blue-green, it comely and open-minded. Containing ash green, is still a kind of halcyon, gentle color, like the forests or the morning mist twilight fields. Variegated dark green and reseda match a harmonious, peaceful feeling; Green and white match, appear very young, Light green and black matching, appear beautiful, generous. Green and shallow red match, symbolizing the arrival of spring. But not with dark green, plain dark red and purple suitable, so there will be mixed and disorderly, dirty feeling.

Blue Blue

Blue is broad, the colour of this vast sky and sea scenery is blue. Blue is the symbol of eternity, it is the most cold colors. Pure blue show a kind of beauty, quiet, reason, sedate and clean.

Due to the blue composed characteristics, with reason, accurate images, in business design, emphasizing science and technology, the efficiency of

commodities or enterprise image, chosen mostly blue when standard colour, enterprise color, such as computers, cars, copy machine, photographic equipment, etc, another blue also represented melancholy, this is by the

influence of western culture, the image is used in literary works or perceptual appeal commercial design.

Blue USES is very wide, blue can stable mood, azure used for hospitals,

sanitation adornment, or summer dress, curtains, etc. In general painting and various adorn article also definitely cannot leave blue.

Different blue and white match, show anacreontic, relaxed with unclean. Blue and yellow is suitable, contrast big, more lively; Large blue and green generally does not suitable, they can only mutual infiltration, become glaucous, lake blue or green, this also is intoxicating color, Light green and black matching, appear grave, graying, has the tutelage. Blue can't with a deep red, purple, dark brown and black suitable, because such neither contrast, nor lively degrees, there is only one spoils kissinger-this, messy feeling.

Purple purple

Due to its strong feminine personality, a commercial design coloring, purple was also quite restrictions, besides women and relevant goods or enterprise image, outside of other types of design does not often used to give priority to color.

Purple is the shortest wavelength visible light wavelength. Purple is

consciousness is lubricious, it is beautiful and mysterious, and impressive, it already rich menacingly, rich and encouraging sex. Purple is a symbol of devout hue, when light and understanding lit up the devout of ignorance, exquisite lovely color YunSe will make people memories!

With purple performance of loneliness and dedicated, with purple performance of divine love and spirit of governance field, this is purple brings performance value.

Purple is uncertain state changes in temperature between free, plus its low lightness properties, constitute the colour of psychological negative feeling. And yellow, purple can accommodate many different colour, but it can

accommodate many desalt level, a dark purple, just add a little pure white, he will become a very beautiful, downy colour. With white are added to produce many levels of lavender and each level of lavender, appear so gentle, moving.

Brown time

Brown is usually used to represent the original the simple sense of material, such as hemp, wood, bamboo, cork and so on, or to convey some drinks raw material of colour and lustre namely flavour feeling, such as coffee, tea, barley, or emphasized style classic elegant enterprise or merchandise image.

White white.on

White has a senior, science and technology, the image, usually requires and other colour collocation is used, pure white will bring others, the severe cold feeling, so the use of white, can mix some other colour, like white, rice white, ivory and apple white, the life of the supplies, clothing on coloring, white is always popular main color, can make collocation and any color.

Black Black

Black has noble, sedate, science and technology, the image, many

technological products, such as television, the coloring of the sports car,

camera, acoustics, instrument, the colour of is used mostly black, among other

things, the black solemn imagery, are also used in some special situations of space design, daily necessities and dress design most black to shape the noble image, is forever a popular main colour, make collocation suits and many colors.

Gray Gray

Gray with downy, decorous imagery and belongs to middle character, both men and women can be accepted, so gray is always popular main colour, in many of the high-tech products, especially and metal materials related; almost all by using grey to convey advanced science and technology, using the image of grey, mostly by using different administrative levels change the combination or mixed him other colour, won't have a single, depressing, and have inflexible, stiff feeling.

Black and white is to colorific finally abstraction, delegate colour world of anode and cathode. Tai chi pattern is with black, white dichromatic circular form to present the universe eternal motion. Black means void, like the sun of destruction, like the language of eternal silence, no future, lost hope. But the white silence is limitless possibility. Black and white and dichromatic is

opposite extremes of color, they always take the other party's existence shows his strength. They seem to be whole colour the master of the world.

In grey colour system is afraid is the passive colour, it is thoroughly neuter color, rely on neighboring colour to life. Gray mean everything of color contrast disappear, is the most secure visual rest stops. However, eye cannot long, infinite watched with gray, because the endless rest means death.

Black, white, ash in color matching occupies a central position, they are active in all sorts of color matching, utmost ground change each other lightness, brightness and hue, producing a multi-level and many varieties of beautiful colour, they are therefore must not be ignored without color.


在现代很多人置信颜色具有某种魔力,在明天迷信家也以为颜色与人的大脑有着某种联络,差别颜色对人的身材`心情`头脑和举动有着深入影响。由于人们的生存经历、传统习气及年事性情等差别,对颜色可发生的心思 反响也天然差别。



白色: 热烈、高兴、大胆、奋扬。有进步食欲,降低血压作用。易惹起性急`发怒,在白色屋子里,对心脏病症者倒霉。



蓝色: 寂静、深远、冷郁、阴霾。可减慢心律,低落婴儿体内胆红素缓解疾病。 浅蓝色:消弭大脑委顿,使人苏醒,精神茂盛。

绿色: 安康、生动、生机、开展。紫色:奥秘、高尚、脱俗。能消弭告急心情,对孕妇有肯定镇定作用。

白色: 单调、质朴、坦白、纯真。使人发生纯真`灵活`公平`神圣`笼统`飘逸觉得。使人有平安感,给心脏病人以慰藉,对烦燥心情有镇定作用。

黄色: 光芒、严肃、高尚、忠实。

玄色: 缄默、奥秘、恐惧、纯真。

灰色: 调和、淳厚、运动、悲痛。

黑色: 杂驳、纷乱、壮丽、梦想。















你心境好的时分看什么颜色都是优美的 欠好的时分再优美的颜色也欠好看.....

无色水晶:代表纯真、无私。能提拔人的 灵气,驱除邪念。



















A、绿色 B、茶色 C、蓝色 D、紫色 E、白色 F、橘色 G、白色 H、黄色









紫色,是红和蓝两特性格极度的颜色混淆而成,因而,这个颜色充溢着奥秘不行了解的庞大情调。喜好这个颜色的人,可以说艺术家范例的人,心田激烈渴求众人一定你的才干,偶然显得太甚虚荣,装饰过分。面临知心冤家,无妨坦白以待,但是由于平常外向又性格不定,旁人很难了解你真正的想法。别的,偶然你也会怒不可遏,但决不至于歇斯底里。 最初选择白色的人










颜色对人心情的影响 橙红色为暖色,使人感到温暖,热烈`活泼`快乐,能激发人朝气,但过暖则导致紧张`兴奋`烦燥。

红色: 热烈、喜悦、果敢、奋扬。有提高食欲,升高血压作用。易引起性急`发怒,在红色房子里,对心脏病症者不利。



蓝色: 幽静、深远、冷郁、阴郁。可减慢心律,降低婴儿体内胆红素缓解疾病。


绿色: 健康、活泼、生气、发展。紫色:神秘、高贵、脱俗。能消除紧张情绪,对孕妇有一定镇静作用。

黄色: 光辉、庄重、高贵、忠诚。



习惯上人们常把红色或黄色称为暖色,而把蓝色或绿色成为冷色,因为了它们能给人一种暖或冷的感觉.为什么产生这样的感觉呢?也许人的联想在这里起了作用.例如红色的火焰给人以热的感觉,而蓝色的天空或海水给人以冷的感觉. 暖色看上去似乎在邀请我们,而冷色往往令人望而生畏,避而远之.因此前者使我们感到距离拉近了,而后者则产生距离变远的感觉,这和人们日常生活中的行为也很相似,对于一个热心人大家总是愿意接近他.而对于一个冷淡的人总是躲避他.







绿色:和蔼悠闲. 和平娴雅

黄色:温暖 高贵 显赫 豪华

蓝色:和平 善良 冷静 深沉

白色:轻快 纯洁 真挚

黑色:沉重 悲哀 神秘



Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of __5__. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in __6__. People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people __7__ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and __8__. Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be __9__. Those who like to be with __10 _ like red. The cool colors are __11_ and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to __12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good __13_ for a living room or a __14_ . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. __15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

1. A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile

2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places

3. A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains

4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening

5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars

6. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter

7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell

8. A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray

9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful

10. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others

11. A. black B. green C. golden D. yellow

12. A. go round B. go by C. go off D. go along

13. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter

14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital

15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All



1.B。根据上文的strong feeling可知anger最合乎文意。

2.C。下文所列举的例子STOP signs和 fire engines都属于危险信号,故选择danger。





7.C。speak后面往往接某种语言作宾语;say后面常接说话的内容;tell的宾语一般是人;talk about sth.意为谈论某事物。故C为正确选项。

8.B。根据上文对yellow的解释。说明yellow也属于warm color。


10.D。others相当于other people意为“别的人”。another指“另一个”。other one不可单独使用,the other one指“另外的一个”。


12.B。go around意为“到处走动”;go off 意为“离开,爆炸”;go along意为“前进,进行”;go by意为“走过,流逝”。根据文意,应选go by。




















常常会遇到新鲜的东西,好奇的时候,天空似乎是紫色的,充满着难以满足 的神秘,让人去努力探索。当得知自己一个暑假的努力没有白费,钢琴得过了六级高兴的时候,天空似乎是绿色的,像春天的树叶般活跃。 被父母同学冤枉,伤心的时候,天空似乎是蓝色的,染着淡淡的忧郁。 对生活憧憬,乐观的时候,天空是无色的,心情的颜色由自己描绘。

是啊,心情也是有颜色的,它藏在我们身边:天空,树间,甚至我们自己的心里,细心的人便很容易发现。五彩缤纷的心情便有了五彩缤纷生活,五彩缤纷的生活便造就了我们更加绚丽的人生。 登录作文网,你也可投稿。

抬起头,第一次发现,生活是如此多姿多彩,心情也第一次如此爽朗。蓝色的天,白云朵朵;明媚的光,挥洒四方;柔和的风,轻轻地吹;独自惶恐在不久的将来,一缕温暖如春的阳光缓缓地射入我的心间;一阵温情清柔的夏风栩栩地渗入我的心灵,似乎什么都是快乐的源泉,原来心情的颜色对我们如此重要。 登录作文网,你也可投稿。




偶尔望了一下天空,才知道自己已经很久没有抬起过头了。天好蓝啊,好美,让我露出了久违的微笑。我知道我喜欢蓝色,因为我有些忧郁;我知道自己略显寂寞,所以不能算做快乐。在这天空下我讲述过多少故事,走了多少人生之路,记忆似乎已经模糊不清了。 微笑代表了什么,对我只不过是点点的悲伤罢了。似乎在这个情结中我太显的从容了,掩示过多的伤感。感情的季节逐渐变的苍老,但这最末余下的韵味又怎么去诠释呢?背负着自己走了多久了,为什么找不到驻足的地方?人已不需再流浪了,心却不知飘泊到了哪个方向?沉沦了多入才觉的自己空无了,这么多年背负的自己已不知在何时变的调零了,早已不在有泪水为自己忧伤,能做的只能是抬抬头看年这片蓝天,想那与泪水一样咸涩的大海。也许生命最后的归宿就是这浩翰的空无吧!细细的思索,曾经所谓的感动是谁的收获,遥远的尽头又是谁在执着呢?当然一切与我都已不相关了,因为我不再聆听你的声音,不再期盼你的颜容。让这尘事随了风,虽然不会完全飘散,但必竟会轻淡。








