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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 05:27:08 字数作文

篇一:you are the only one 2

You are the only one

W:ladies and gentlemen welcome to watch you are the only one .If you are single ,join us .if you want a lover .join us .if you divorced and you want to divorce again.Join us! Ok,let’s show our appreciations for today’s beauties.(music) Daisy:Good evening everyone ,my name id Daisy.I prefer to cry in Rolls-Royce,rather to enjoy myself on the bicycle.

Angle:I love the stage .I love my job.You can never take me somewhere we can be alone,unless you are brave enough.

Helen:Even if my heart should break, you’d be the best mistake I’d ever make.Guys if you are the one I want to merry,try to cheat me forever.

Lisa:Good evening everyone,my name is Lisa.The most precious possession that ever comes to a woman in this world is a man’s heart.Today,i will find my true love.

Sandy:I am waiting for you,and I think you can give me all I want.The most regret error of live is insist on something that shouldn’t be insisted on, give up something that shouldn’t be given up


W:let’s meet with the first gentleman

P:Hello everyone, I am a programmer.I have a dream of choosing a considerate girl for a long time ,when I studied in Harvard .Yesterday I said to the principle “I need three days off .I want to take part in you are the only one.’thank goodness,she agreed.”

D L Turn off light

W: Lisa,why.

Lisa: i don’t like man of this kind.I prefer tall and strong man.

L:what have you done when you stay in Harvard ?

P:This one (picture) This one(picture)and this one.

H:how do you like the love you are chasing?

P:I think it is a programme.I will spend my whole life to edit .And I will pay for it. 丁和王 灭灯

H:in your life,which is more important?

Yang:it’s hard to keep a balance between work and life.

Helen 灭灯

Wu 希望你能早日找到你的真爱。再见,帅小伙(音乐响起)


W:let’s see the next guest

Gatsby:(music)Thank you .Thank you.hello every one.My name is XXX.I’M 28. Nice to meet u.

选心动女生(choose your girl makes your heart beating)

W:4 girls, Can he make a deep impress on u?If so keep the light,if not,turn it off. (全亮)Amazing,it proved that you are so handsome

G:That is true.You know?When I went shopping one day, a group of girls stopped me, saying that I was handsome. But I denied it, and then they hit me and said I am hypocritical. [?h?p??kr?t?k?l] 有一次我上街,一群女孩把我拦住,她们说我帅。我不承认,她们就打我,还说我虚伪。

sandy turns off her light

W:呵呵。Daisy,how do you feel?

D:he so strong that I can not accept.

D: Do you have a car?


D :do you have a house?


D:SO how dare you stand here?


W :someone wants to go with you.Let us see who is she.Oh,Lisa,what do you want to


Lisa; No matter you are poor or rich,no matter you are handsome or mediocre.my love to you is pounding through my veins.

G:Thank you for your preference.I wan to say I don not have a house ,but I have an abbey .I do not have a car,because the road is always crowded .I have a private airplane.

W: Ok,let’s invite the girls left.(音乐)Which one do you prefer? G:Daisy.I love you not because who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.If you like money,I have.if you like romantic character I still have.

D why do you tolerate my words?

G:Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.

每个成功男人的背后, 都有一个女人. 每个不成功男人的背后, 都有两个。


W:There is a secret deeply hidden in my heart.

A:What is it?

W:I do not want to keep it by myself.

A:what is it?

W:I think it is time to tell you the truth.

A:What is it?

W:Ok ,I am Superman .

ASH:wow.superman superman superman.

S:Can you write something here for me ?


D:give me a snap

W: It is me who protect you all the time. Every protection I have done is for you.

I can stop the guided missile.Bury the volcano.and even reverse the Earth..But there is one thing I can not.I need a kimi.That is why I need your help.

A: are you serious?

W :yes

A: Let ‘s go dating. W:fly or walk?


篇二:英语朗读与演讲艺术考查you are the only one!

湖南第一师范学院外语系 英语朗读与演讲艺术 考查卷

(2011--2012学年第 2 学期)

专业班级 09英本2班 学号 09404040211 姓名 洪丁梅 评分等级

Directions: You are required to make a public speech based on one of the following topics for 2 minutes. And then you will be asked an impromptu question according to your prepared speech. Your final result will be graded by the following aspects: standard pronunciation, natural and impressive expression, no breakdown, appropriate speed, proper diction without grammatical mistake, good-mannered and precise timing.

Alternative Topics:

? People have one thing in common: They are different.

? What does being poor mean to you?

? If you were the president of your university, what kind of changes would you like to


? Is English education a waste of resources?


第1页,共 2 页

第2页,共 2 页

篇三:You are the only one who can make you happy

“You are the only one who can make you happy.” We have all heard that so many times in our lives.


There are times it is a pretty tough pill to

swallow. In reality, the people that surround you have a huge impact on your current mood. When your children are grumpy in the morning, you find a nice pile the dog left you over night, you hit the road and the traffic won’t allow you your normal speed, then when you get to work and your co-worker called in sick... these are all things that might contribute to your overall Happiness of the day.


However, moods and temporary emotions are not the

same as happiness. Happiness exists when you look at the overall picture of your life and you smile, that is happiness. You know those times when you can’t wait for your children to go to bed, then later you check on the kids and you almost cry because they look exactly like angels... YOUR ANGELS, sleeping so sweetly and soundly. You can hardly remember a time of irritation with them. That is Happiness.


As life progresses and changes, we realize that who we are, (what makes us, us)... that is what we are responsible for. We know that immediate gratification or irritation only pacifies or deteriorates our

emotional stimuli short term. Our global view of how we see ourselves determines our state of mind. Our state of mind determines our Happiness.


So, how do we take control of our emotions and find the path of Happiness? This seems to be the million dollar question. There are tons of books on or related to the subject. You could read and practice until you are completely confused. Or, we could spend the rest of our life introspectively evaluating what makes us happy. Which might take more time and energy and actually frustrate us more.


How about this? What if we looked at ourselves and decided what we liked and didn’t like and set about making changes. It doesn’t have to be major alterations. Maybe you are tired of your house but can’t afford to move. Try painting the living room or buying flowers to set on the kitchen table. If you haven’t had a vacation for awhile and just can’t afford to take that cruise, go camping instead.


Maybe the issues are more personal or internal. Do you get mad too easily? Learn yoga or meditation. Are you having marital problems? Visit a counselor. Are the kids having discipline issues? Determine the major issues, establish guidelines on how you are going to

correct the problem and stick to it.


You may be saying, ’Sure, that sounds so easy but...’ Of course it sounds easy. Problems are always easier to talk about than to take the obvious actions to fix them. But, for the most part, things are as difficult or as easy as we determine them to be.

Sometimes we just make things harder than necessary. 你可能会说,“是的,这些听起来很简单,但是??”这听起来当然简单。谈论问题总是比付诸行动去解决问题要简单的多。然而,问题是困难的还是简单的全凭我们解决的决心的大小。有时我们可能把问题复杂化了。

If your unHappiness stems from a situation


[2013-12-2] 主题阅读 | 7 Ways to Find Out What You Really Want in Life 七种方法带你找到人生真谛

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:you,are,the,only,one)

Be selfish


You can’t pinpoint exactly what you want in life if you’re constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people. You have to put yourself first. Ask yourself: If you weren’t tied down by your job, family, friends, or anything else, then what would you be doing right now? Always remember that it’s okay to put yourself first, because if you don’t, then no one else will.


Regret nothing


Don’t feel bad for being selfish. It’s your life. It’s time for you to live it exactly the way you want to. If you constantly regret things you did or didn’t do in the past, then you won’t be able to move forward. Don’t live in the past. Live in the present?and the future!


Figure out what you need


Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you need. Sit down and think about what you need the most. Is it your family? The freedom to express yourself? Love? Financial security? Something else? If it helps, you can

make a list of priorities. Also think about the kind of legacy you want to leave behind.


Determine what really bothers you


You can soar only by pushing back against something you don’t want. Figure out what upsets you, and be specific about it. Don’t just say that you hate your office job. Pinpoint exactly why you hate it. Could it be your micromanaging boss? Your workload? Your meaningless job title? Or all of the above? What bothers you, and how can you fix it? How much do you want to fix it?

只有在推走那些你不想要的东西后,你才能高飞。想想有什么事物在困扰着你,一定要想具体点。不要单纯地说你讨厌你的办公室工作。准确地讲讲你为什么讨厌它。是因为你管得太细太严的上司?你的工作量?你那没有意义的职称?还是以上的全部?到底是什么在困扰着你?你将会怎样去解决它们?你想解决多少? Determine what makes you truly happy


There’s no waste to life if you’re happy living it. Your happiness is the root of your desires. So take a few moments and really think about what makes you happy. Is it traveling? Being around children? Owning a successful business? Your significant other? Financial freedom? Once you pinpoint the one thing that makes you happy the most, you’ll have a pretty clear idea of what you should strive for in your life.


Let people around you know what you’re trying to achieve


Don’t keep your goals and desires to yourself. Voice it all out! If you tell people what you’re trying to accomplish, they will most likely support you and give you new ideas. Sometimes mother does know best! 不要只把你的目标和愿望藏在心里。大声说出来!如果你告诉了人们你想要完成的东西,他们将很可能支持你,并且给你新的想法。有时候妈妈知道的最多!

Stay positive


Life doesn’t always go how you want it. Don’t feel dismay as your plans stray. Take control. Instead of freaking out, try your best to roll with the changes. You will get there someday. You’re just taking a little detour. Sometimes a positive attitude is all you need to keep going.



pinpoint ['p?np??nt] n. 针尖;精确位置;极小之物 vt. 查明;精确地找到

legacy ['leg?s?] n. 遗赠,遗产

freak [fri?k] n. 怪人,怪事;畸形人;反复无常 adj. 奇异的,反常的

[2013-12-2] 情感 | 8 Reasons to Stop Waiting for Approval 8个理由提醒你别再期待别人的认可

One of the greatest freedoms is simply not caring what everyone else thinks of you. Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be. The best thing you can do is follow your heart. Take risks. Don’t just accept the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what others will think, or afraid of what might happen. If you do, nothing will ever happen. Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. They aren’t.


Starting today, stop waiting for approval. Here’s why:


1.You only get one life to pursue the dreams that make you come alive. – It is better to be failing (and learning) at doing something you love, rather than succeeding at doing something you hate. So take chances on behalf of what you believe in. Fail until you succeed. Make sacrifices and step out beyond the safety of your comfort zone over and over again. Face your fears with courage and passion. Keep your word and hold true to your vision until it comes to life.


2.Someone else’s approval is just another opinion. – Never let someone’s opinion become your reality. Never sacrifice who you are, or who you aspire to be, because someone else has a problem with it. Love who you are inside and out, and keep pushing forward. No one else has the power to make you feel small unless you give them that power. You are the only one who can create your dreams and happiness.


3.The only opinion of you that really matters is your own. – In life, the thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on the desire to be perfect in the eyes of others, and beginning the journey of becoming your true self. So let your love flow freely. Because what you love determines your dreams, your dreams determine your actions, and your actions determine your destiny.


4.Some people will never give you their approval anyway. – Do not let the negative opinions of others destroy your inner peace. There are two kinds of people – those who are a drain on your energy and creative force, and those who give you energy and support your creativity, even with the simplest gesture, like a smile. Avoid the first kind. Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don’t like it, let them be. Happiness is a choice – your choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everyone.


5.Everyone’s journey and perspective on life is totally different. – Who you are is what makes you extraordinary. Do not change your unique foundation for anyone. What lies ahead will always be a bit of a mystery. Do not be afraid to explore, learn and grow. Why some things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward. When life pushes you over, stand up and push back even harder. Where there is a fork in the road and choices to make, make the one your future self will thank you for.


6.Firsthand experience is often necessary for personal growth. – Some life lessons can only be understood by going through them on your own. Doing so allows you to form your own conclusions based on firsthand experience, rather than someone else’s subjective opinion. This experience gives you the ability to think more logically and take educated steps in a positive direction.


7.Your intuition requires no approval. – When it comes to exercising your inner genius, you must try what you want to try, go where you want to go, and follow your own intuition. Don’t accept false choices. Don’t let others put a cage around your ideas. If it feels right, take a chance. Because you never know how absolutely perfect it could turn out to be. As Steve Jobs once said, “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”


8.Life is too short to wait any longer. – If you knew for certain you had a terminal illness – if you had a very limited time left to live – you wouldn’t waste a minute of it. Well wake up! You do have a terminal illness; it’s called ‘life.’ In the grand scheme of things, you don’t have much time left – no one does. So look around at this gift you’ve been given, as its miracles unfold before your eyes. And choose to be happy, without approval – or you will never be at all.


And I will leave you with a quote to think about: “As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you truly own yourself.”



approval [?'pru?v(?)l] n. 批准;认可;赞成

destiny ['dest?n?] n. 命运,定数,天命

drain [dre?n] n. 排水;下水道 vt. 喝光,耗尽

gesture ['d?est??] n. 姿态;手势 vt. 用动作表示

firsthand ['f??st'h?nd] adj. 直接的;直接采购的 adv. 直接地

intuition [?ntj?'??(?)n] n. 直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识

篇五:only one歌词

Even though you’ve never loved me ,you’re the only one Even though you’ve really hurt me, you’re the only one How could ever get over, a love I never knew

I guess I’m still just a fool

You’re the only one ,the only one

I don’t know how you make me feel this way

Never knew my heart could feel, such pain

Why wont you , just gimme a chance to show I love you Every time we try to talk

But every time I try to let you go ,my heart holds onto you No matter what I say or what I do

I feel like such a fool

Even when you lie right to my face

I wish that they were all true

I guess you just really wanna leave

So I’ll let you go

How can I get you out my head ,you’re the only one You will always be my baby ,you’re the only one

Even though you’re never loved me ,you are still my queen I’m just a fool who’s in love

You’re the only one ,the only one

I haven’t felt you touch in so long

And the image of your smile ,is long gone

Did all the memories that we had shared

Mean nothing to you

You lead me on

You broke my heart

So why cant I get over you

Oh every time I try to let you go my heart holds onto you My heart holds onto you

No matter what I say or what I do

I feel like such a fool

Even when you lie right to my face

I wish that they were all true

I guess you were never mine

So why do I care

Even though you’ve never loved me ,you’re the only one Even though you’ve really hurt me ,you’re the only one How could I ever get over , a love I never knew

I guess I’m still just a fool

You’re the only one , the only one

How can I get you out my head ,you’re the only one You will always be my baby ,you’re the only one

Even though you’ve never loved me ,you are still my queen

I’m just a fool who’s in love

You’re the only one , the only one
