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Phrases and expressions

1. a great/good many 很多

A great many people love music. ·come along 出现 到达 The bus quickly comes along. ·dwell on 谈或想得太多

Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. ·hand in hand 手拉手地

I walk with my father hand in hand. ·have something at heart 对…深切关心 He has her health at heart. ·in contrast 与…形成对比(相反) In contrast to her, I’m happy. ·of one’s choice 中意的

She married Jack, the man of her choice. ·set aside 节约(保留)…

I want to set aside some time to reading. ·be apt to 常会 容易 He was apt to late.

·be prone to 易于(不好的事) He was prone to late. ·cheer up (使)高兴起来 I cheer up at the good news. ·in a… light 从…的角度(观点)

We should see the problem in a new light. ·in the grip of 受…控制 The action is in the grip of law. ·in the meantime 与此同时

He will come here, in the meantime try to relax. ·run for 竞选

He wants to run for president. ·hold someone back 阻止某人 I can’t hold him back for his leave.

·in a… mood 处于…心情 I’m in a sad mood. ·in part 部分地

I’m late, in part because of a traffic jam. ·keep track of 了解…的情况 He will keep track of the mistakes. ·reach out for 急切地寻求 I’m reaching out for help. ·take credit 接受荣誉 I can’t take any credit.

2.at the (very) thought 一想到某事

She was sad at the thought. ·choose to 情愿 决定 I choose to go shopping.

·escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的注意 Nothing important can escape her notice. ·jump to one’s feet 突然站起 He jumped to his feet. ·now and again 时而 偶尔 He would be late now and again. ·rest assured (that) 请放心

You should rest assured that everything will be ok. ·set off 出发 启程

We will set off the next morning. ·slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地

We are slowly but surely preparing the meeting. ·be consumed with/by 不断受折磨 He was consumed with guilt. ·cast a spell on/over 施魔法 She’ll cast a spell on you. ·in place of 代替

I want a red one in place of the blue. ·put an end to something 结束(某事)

The solution could put an end to the agreement. ·adept at 擅长于… She’s adept at swimming. ·at will 随心所欲

We can do everything at will. ·be greeted with/by 受到…对待 The news was greeted with cheering. ·behave oneself 表现得体 We should behave ourselves.

·condemn someone to death 判处某人死刑 The prisoner was condemned to death. ·conform to 遵守

We must to conform to school rules. ·hand(something/someone) over 交出 移交 You can hand your answer over. ·of one’s own accord 出于自愿地 They give the choice of their own accord. ·take revenge on someone 报复 She took her revenge on social. ·with certainty 确定无疑地

I know with certainty that he will come back.

3. after all 毕竟

I can’t know everything after all. ·all too often 屡次三番 He was late all too often. ·cope with 对付 处理

She could cope with the trouble well. ·doze off 打瞌睡

I often doze off at my desk. ·in case of… 在…情况下 In case of fire, open the door.

·in the long run 从长远来看 In the long run, this is a good way. ·look (up) on… as… 看待 看作 I look on you as a good friend. ·on a daily basis 以每天计算 They will be here on a daily basis. ·take… into consideration 考虑某事 We can’t take everything into consideration. ·work out 想出

Jack worked out a new plan. ·come on 得了吧 来吧 Come on, you can do it. ·let go of 松开 放开 Don’t let go of your hands. ·all at once 突然

He appears all at once. ·catch sight of

I didn’t catch sight of the mistake. ·hang on to 紧紧抓住 保留

It’s meaningful to hang on to old photos. ·in place 在适合的位置 到位 I have got all lights in place. ·in the presence of 当着某人 She cried in the presence of us. ·kill time 消磨时间 It’s kill time to stay at here. ·rip off 偷

Someone ripped off my bike. ·trip (someone) up 绊倒 He was tripped up by stone.

4. at stake 濒于险境

The sharks will be at stake. ·every so often 有时 偶尔

He will be late every so often. ·in case 以防万一

Bring the clothes, in case clod. ·resort to 求助于某事物

We can resort to police when in trouble. ·seize (up) on 把握 抓住

He always can seize up on the opportunity. ·take inventory of 对…进行评估

It’s time to take inventory of the situation. ·take stock of 对…进行评估(鉴定) It’s time to take stock of the situation. ·wishful thinking 痴心妄想 It’s just wishful thinking.

·meet with 会见 We will meet with. ·on the spot 立即 当场 He left on the spot.

·weigh… against… 比较 权衡

We have to weigh the costs against the benefits. ·come into being 开始形成 成立 The company will come into being. ·figure out 弄明白 I can’t figure out it. ·in nature 在本质上 It’s false in nature. ·straighten out 解决某问题 You can straighten out the problem. ·try out 尝试 试用

You can try out a new dress style. ·work on 致力于 She’s working on education.

5. at the first/earliest opportunity 尽快

He will come here at the first opportunity. ·give birth to 使出现(诞生)

The film gave birth to a TV show. ·in time 迟早 最终

You will leave in time. ·live over 回味 重温

I like to live over my childhood.

·long (for someone)to do something 渴望 盼望 She longed to see him again. ·prey (up) on 折磨 使苦恼 The problem preyed up on my mind. ·shut someone/something in 将…关在里面 We always shut the hens in at night. ·sweep away 清除掉 A smile swept all his anger away. ·the close of 结束 末尾

She will go home at the close of the day. ·to and fro 来来往往

Someone was walking to and fro outside. ·get in the way of 妨碍 阻碍

The trouble gets in the way of my studies. ·offend the/one’s eye/ear 刺眼 刺耳 This music offends my ears. ·sort… into… 将…分类 整理 Let’s sort all the clothes.

·sort out 整理

Let’s sort out all the clothes. ·take… for… 把…误认为… He is often taken for a foreigner.

·there is no point (in)doing something 没意义 There is no point in arguing for money. ·amount to 等于 相当于

The place amounts to two playgrounds. ·compete for 为…而竞争 We compete for the success. ·in honour of 为纪念…

The dinner was held in honour of you. ·in the course of 在...过程中

They were happy in the course of the conversation. ·leave... behind 超过 将...抛在脑后 She was leaving some runners behind. ·as it is 事实上 As it is they are right. ·care for 关心

I don’t care for the argument.

·find expression(in something) 在..中表达出来 His wisdom found expression in words. ·in itself 本身 The talk was right in itself. ·turn to 求助于

We can turn to friends for help. ·warn off 告诫...离开 He warned me off yesterday. ·armed with... 配备

The room is armed with air conditioning. ·stand by 坚持 遵守 I stand by what I said. ·take... to court 把...告上法庭 She will take her husband to court. ·adapt to 适应

We should adapt to the change. ·based on 以...为基础

The figures are based on market prices. ·head up 领导 带领

He was asked to head up the team.

·in response to 作为对...的回应 She smiled in response to his help.

·lend/give/offer... a (helping)hand 提供帮助 I’d be glad to lend a helping hand. ·on the job 作为工作的一部分 Today’s my first day on the job. ·seek out 找出

I can’t seek out the mistake.

·sniff out 嗅出 闻出

A dog sniffed out the explosives. ·speaking of 说到...

I promise that don’t speaking of secret. ·take... in 接纳 吸收 She will take in the change. ·track down 找到 捕获

I try to track down my old friends.


Sentence- making

U1 In-class reading

a great/good many a fairly large number of 很多

Stop complaining! A great many people would be happy to have work.

come along

1) appear or arrive 出现

Take any job opportunity that comes along.

2) arrive together with someone else 与别人一起来到

Come along with us, if you like.

dwell on 谈或想得很多

Let’s not dwell on your past mistakes.

hand in hand

1) accompanying each other, closely connected 相伴,形影相随地

Dirt and disease go hand in hand.

2) holding hands 手拉手地

They walked away hand in hand.

have something at heart be deeply concerned about 对……深切关心

He has the welfare of the poor at heart.

in contrast与……形成对比,与……截然相反

In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate.

of one’s choice chosen by oneself, not by someone else 中意的,自己选中的

She married the man of her choice.

set aside (为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间等)

I’ll set a piece of cake aside for you.

Passage 1

be apt to likely or having a tendency to do something 常会,容易(有某种倾向) He is apt to lose his temper in difficult situations.

be prone to易于(做某事,常指不好的事)

Some plants are prone to a particular disease.

cheer up improve one’s mood 高兴起来

I cheered up at the good news.

in a…light in the way of looking at or considering a matter 从…的角度, 从…的观点 Try to see the problem in a new light.

in the grip of in the power or control of 受…控制

The local economy is in the grip of a recession (萧条).

in the meantime 在此期间, 与此同时

The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime try to relax.

run for try to get elected 竞选

He did not want to run for president in that year.

Passage 2

hold somebody back阻碍某人,阻止某人

You shouldn’t let other people’s opinions hold you back.

in a … mood the way you feel at a particular time 处于……心情

I’m in a good mood today.

in part to some degree, but not completely 部分地

The accident was due in part to my carelessness, but mainly to bad luck.

keep track of keep informed of 了解…的情况

It’s difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education.

take credit receive the praise, approval, or honor 接受荣誉

Her boss took all the credit instead.

U2 In-class reading

at the (very) thought (…) 一想到某事

At the very thought that he would be cast into prison, he shook with fear.

choose to 情愿,决定

I chose to ignore his advice.

escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的注意

Nothing important escapes her notice.

jump to one’s feet rise up suddenly 突然站起,一跃而起

He suddenly jumped to his feet and left.

now and again sometimes but not very often or regularly 时而,偶尔

Now and again he’d join in when we were playing video games.

rest assured (that) used to tell someone not to worry or be certain 请放心

You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone.

set off 1) start to go somewhere 出发,启程

We set off early the next morning.

2) 激起,引起(尤指意外事件)

Smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces.

slowly but surely carefully in order to avoid problems 稳扎稳打地

We are slowly but surely gaining the support of the public.

Passage 1

be consumed with/by 而不断受折磨

He was consumed with guilt after the accident.

cast a spell on/over

1) do a piece of magic to change someone or something 用符咒镇住

The witch will cast a spell on you if she sees you here!

2) attract someone very strongly and keep their attention completely 使迷住,使着迷 The beautiful island seemed to have cast a spell on him.

in place of instead of 代替

I changed my mind. I want a red one in place of the blue one.

put an end to something end something 结束

Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.

Passage 2

adept at good at something that needs care and skill 擅长于

She’s very adept at making people feel at their ease.

at will whenever you want and in whatever way you want 随心所欲地

As an actor, he has to be able to cry at will.

be greeted with/by 受到……的对待、接待

The news was greeted with/by cheering.

behave oneself表现得体,守规矩

Did Peter behave himself while I was away?

condemn one to death give someone a death punishment 判……死刑

The prisoner was condemned to death.

conform to obey 遵守

You must conform to the rules or leave the school.

hand (somebody/something) over交出; 交付; 交给

You must hand over your passport before you leave.

of one’s own accord自动地,出于自愿地

They gave generously of their own accord.

take revenge 报复

She took her revenge on him for leaving her by smashing up his car.

with certainty for sure 确定无疑地

I am unable to answer that question with certainty.

U3 In class reading

after all 毕竟,终究

She shouldn’t be working so hard—she is 70, after all.

all too often 屡次三番,过于频繁

All too often doctors are too busy to explain the treatment to their patients.

cope with 对付,善于处理(棘手之事)

Young as she was, she could cope with the difficulties well.

doze off fall into a light sleep, especially during the daytime 打瞌睡, 打盹

I was just dozing off when the phone rang.

in case of… in a particular situation 在……情况下

In case of fire, break the glass.

in the long run later in the future, not immediately, eventually 从长远来看

In the long run, I think you’re better off without him.

look (up)on… as … think of … as … 看待,看作

I look on him as a good friend.

on a daily (weekly, yearly…) basis every day (week, year) 以每天(周,年…)计算 All rooms are cleaned on a daily basis.

take … into consideration 考虑某事物

The candidate’s experience must be taken into consideration.

work out 1)想出,制定出

The general worked out a new plan of attack.

2) calculate an answer, amount, price, etc. 算出

I was born in 1993: you work out my age.

Passage 1

come on (spoken) 1) 得了吧,别逗了,算了吧

Oh come on, don’t lie to me.

2) used to tell someone to hurry up 快点儿

Come on, we’ll be late.

3) used to encourage someone to do something 加把劲,来吧

Come on, you can do it!

let go of stop holding someone or something 松开,放开

She wouldn’t let go of the rope.

Passage 2

all at once suddenly 突然

I feel terribly sleepy all at once.

catch sight of see or notice something for a moment 瞧见,注意到

She suddenly caught sight of the look on her mother’s face.

hang on to 1) hold something tightly 紧紧抓住

Hang on to the rail or you’ll fall.

2) keep something 保留,保存

Hang on to those old photographs—they may be valuable.

in place 1) in the correct or usual position 在合适(通常)的位置

Have you got all the lights in place yet?

2) existing and ready to be used or to work, established 已就绪,到位,建成

It is expected that the new system could be in place next year.

in the presence of 当着某人,有某人在场

The talk took place in the presence of a reporter.

kill time 消磨时间

Shopping can be a good way to kill time.

rip off steal 偷

Somebody ripped off my bike yesterday.

trip (somebody) up 1) 绊倒,(用脚)绊某人

He chased the thief, tripped him up, and grabbed the camera.

2) make a mistake, or force someone to make a mistake by tricking them(使)犯错误 The tests are designed to trip you up.

U4 In class reading

at stake 濒于险境,处于成败关头

The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.

every so often sometimes but not often 有时,偶尔

Every so often he would turn and look at her.

in case because of the possibility of something happening(以防)万一

Bring a map in case you get lost.

resort to 求助于或诉诸于某事物

David resorted to jogging as a way to lose weight.

seize (up)on 抓住,把握

Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn’t really happening. take inventory of (对能力、想法、财产、物品等)进行评价,清查,列详细目录

New Year’s Eve is a time of reflection, in which one may take inventory of the year past. take stock of(对情况、某人的能力等)进行细查、评估和鉴定

It was time to take stock of the situation.

wishful thinking如意算盘,痴心妄想

He is poor, so his plan to buy a new car is just wishful thinking.

Passage 1

meet with 1) meet somebody especially for discussion会见,会晤

I’ll meet with all of them on Monday.

2) experience (especially something unpleasant) by chance 偶然遭遇,碰到(不愉快的事) They met with an accident on their way back.

on the spot at once 立即, 当场

I) She was caught without a ticket and fined thirty pounds on the spot.

II) Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.


We have to weigh the costs of the new system against the benefits it will bring.

Passage 2

come into being begin existence 开始形成,成立

The idea came into being during the last decade.

figure out 弄明白

Have you figured out what’s wrong with your car?

in nature the inherent character or basic makeup of a thing; its essence 在本质上 The experiment was theoretical in nature.

straighten out 解决某事物,排除某事物存在的困难

Can you straighten out this problem with my bill?

There are a few things that need straightening out between us.

try out test, use or do experimentally 试验,试用,尝试

John hopes to try out his new running shoes this weekend.

work on try very hard to improve or achieve something致力于

He’s working on a new novel.

U5 In class reading

at the first/earliest opportunity as soon as possible 尽快

They will contact us at the first opportunity.

I’ll come over to your place at the first opportunity.

You will be informed of any changes at the earliest opportunity.

give birth to make something new start to exist(新事物)诞生,出现

The film gave birth to a TV show of the same name.

The extraordinary experience gave birth to his latest novel.


一、 生字掌握正确读音(给生字注拼音,再记一记) 带in的字:荫拼禽


带an 的字:烦衔喧悍歼款诞宛婉溅潋滟燃陷羡撼炫罐绊舔砖馋涎砍斩眶








二、 生词正确书写






三、 比较组词(注意形近字的区别)















ABAC:若隐若现大摇大摆一模一样不紧不慢又白又嫩又圆又大又累又渴各种各样蹑手蹑脚大吵大闹不知不觉自言自语 AABB:歪歪扭扭恍恍惚惚平平常常详详细细来来往往摇摇摆摆家家户户浓浓烈烈许许多多郁郁葱葱匆匆忙忙端端正正结结巴巴

ABCC:烈日炎炎(天气)白发苍苍、衣冠楚楚、相貌堂堂、风度翩翩、文质彬彬、威风凛凛(描写人物外貌的AABC式词语)神采奕奕(神态)果实累累波光粼粼(写景) 可怜巴巴(样子) 逃之夭夭






含有反义词的成语:东奔西跑里应外合轻重倒置前俯后仰 表示时间短暂的有:立刻马上、瞬间、立马、刹那、顷刻、霎




(1) 历史故事:闻鸡起舞(项羽)画龙点睛(张僧繇)百


(2) 神话故事:夸父逐日(夸父)精卫填海愚公移山 女娲补天

(3) 寓言故事:水滴石穿亡羊补牢守株待兔揠苗助长 重叠的数量词:一缕缕一道道一条条一棵棵一只只 事物名称+颜色表示颜色的词语有:葡萄灰梨黄茄子紫 草绿雪白湖蓝火红玫瑰红高粱红瓦蓝

















和蔼可亲—— 性情温和,态度亲切

唉声叹气—— 因伤感、烦闷或痛苦而发出叹息的声音。

按兵不动—— 指挥官止住军队,暂不行动,等待战机;比喻接受任务后暂不执行,以观望形势的发展

黯然失色—— 黯然:暗淡的样子。指事物失去了原有的色泽、光彩

慷慨激昂—— 形容语调高亢有力,情绪激奋昂扬

安步当车—— 安步:慢步行走。以慢步行走当作坐车

安之若素—— 素:平常。指身处逆境遇到困难或遭受挫折时能泰然处之跟平常一样 飞扬跋扈—— 鸷鸟飞扬,大鱼跋扈。喻指意气举动骄横放肆

纵横捭阖—— 指在政治、外交上运用手段进行联合或分化

略见一斑—— 喻指大致看到了事物的某个方面,斑:斑纹

有口皆碑—— 所有人的嘴都是活的纪功

碑。比喻对突出的好人好事一致颂扬。 碑:纪功碑。

并行不悖—— 彼此同时进行,不相妨碍

白璧微瑕—— 洁白的玉上有小斑点。比喻很好的人或事物还有小缺点,含有美中不足表示惋惜的意思

筚路蓝缕—— 驾着柴车,穿着破衣去开辟山林。形容创业的艰辛。 筚路:柴车,蓝缕:破衣服。

刚愎自用—— 固执己见,对阻止、劝告或建议不耐烦

鞭长莫及—— 本意为马鞭虽长,但打不到马肚子上。喻虽有力,力量亦达不到

明辨是非—— 明确地分辨是与非。形容判断力强

按部就班—— “按”本作“案”。部:门类。班:次序。原意是写文章时篇章结构安排得体,用字造句合乎规范。后来引申为照章办事,依次进行,不越轨,不逾格

不寒而栗—— 不冷而发抖。指恐惧心理引起的惊抖

不孚众望—— 不能使群众信服。孚:令人


不负众望—— 不辜负群众的期望。负:辜负

不三不四—— 不想这个不像那个。形容不伦不类,不像样子。形容品行不端,不正派 不遗余力—— 遗:留下。不留下剩余的力量。指毫无保留地使出一切力量

不落窠臼—— 窠臼:老套子。比喻有独创性,不落俗套

不耻下问—— 不以向学问比自己差或地位、辈分比自己低的人请教为可耻

不可开交—— 开交:结束,解决。形容无法摆脱或不能了结不刊之论—— 刊:修改。不可改动或不可


不胫而走—— 胫:小腿。走:跑。没有腿而能够跑。比喻事物用不着推行就能到处流传

斑驳陆离—— 斑驳:多种颜色夹杂在一起


别出心裁—— 独出巧思,不同流俗

别具一格—— 格:风格。另有一种与众不同的风格

包罗万象—— 包:包括。罗:网罗。万象:各种景象。形容内容非常丰富,应有尽有,无所不包

博闻强识—— 见闻广博,记忆力强层出不穷—— 一次又一次地出现,没有穷尽

瞠目结舌—— 眼睛瞪得大大的,一时语塞。形容惊骇的样子

纵横驰骋—— 纵:南北方向;横:东西方向;驰骋:放开马快跑。 形容往来奔驰,没有阻挡,也指英勇战斗,所向无敌

相形见绌xiāng xíng jiàn chù —— 互相比较之下,一方显得很逊色

川流不息—— [行人、车马等] 像水流一样连续不断地行进

穷奢极侈—— 极端奢侈,也说“穷奢极欲” 鞠躬尽瘁—— 不辞劳苦地贡献出自己的一切

措手不及—— 来不及处理

处心积虑—— 存在着某种想法早已有了打算。形容用尽心思的谋划

痴心妄想—— 根本办不到的空想。比喻不切实际的希望

蠢蠢欲动—— 蠢蠢:虫子爬动的样子。形容像虫子一样缓慢行动。也比喻敌人或坏分子准备进行活动

车水马龙—— 车像流水,马如游龙。形容车马来来往往的热闹景象

差强人意—— 差:尚,稍微。强:振奋。还能振奋人们的意志。大致上还能够令人满意

错综复杂—— 错综:纵横交错。形容头绪很多,情况复杂

当仁不让—— 当:面对。仁:正义之事。《论语?卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”后以“当仁不让”表示应做之事,就应积极主动去做,不能推托

出尔反尔—— 原指你怎么对人行事,人也怎么还报你。现多指反复无常,言行前后自相矛盾

触类旁通—— 触:接触。通:通晓。掌握



出( )入( ) ( )入( )出 口( )心( )

( )始( )终 眼( )手( ) ( )奉( )违

头( )脚( ) ( )南( )北


桃( )柳( ) 唇( )齿( ) ( )天( )日

( )( )不接 姹( )嫣( ) ( )纸( )字


布衣( )食 发愤( )食 废( )忘食 丰衣( )食

咽( )( )食 自食( )( ) 自食( )( ) 食不( )( )


龙( )( )( ) ( )龙( )( ) ( )( )龙( ) ( )( )( )龙

虎( )( )( ) ( )虎( )( ) ( )( )虎( ) ( )( )( )虎

5、照例子,在横线上填相同的字,各组一个不同意思的词。 例:门前-----前门

风 风 泪 泪 树 树 锅 锅

算 算 菜 菜 办 办
















鱼儿在小河里( )。 鸟儿在细雨中( )。

雪花在天空中( )。 树叶在枝头上( )。

彩虹在山谷里( )。 小草在阳光下( )。


最大的嘴( ) 最长的腿( ) 最难做的饭( )

最小的针( ) 最大的容量( )






起舞的莲蓬,却又像一盘盘碧绿的珍珠。 ( )( )

2、霎时间,四面八方,电灯明亮,就像万千颗珍珠飞上了天! ( )

3、无边的田野,一片蛙声,如沸如腾,如鼓角齐鸣,如风迸涌。( )( )

4、蟋蟀在平台上弹琴。 ( )

5、危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。 ( )

6、青枫江上秋帆远,白帝城边古木疏。 ( )

7、雨声里,山中的每一块岩石,每一片树叶,每一丛绿草,都变成了奇妙无比的琴键。 ( )


1、金银铜铁----( ) 2、倾盆大雨----( )

3、四季温暖----( ) 4、双喜临门----( )

5、风平浪静----( ) 6、盼天明----( )















我们热爱河流, 。

我们热爱 , 。









时间好比 , 。

书籍好比 , 。
















人生路上, 。

人生路上, 。

23、从 ,我是 。


德高望重( ) 波光明灭( ) 津津乐道( ) 百折不回( )

流连忘返( ) 不解之缘( ) 窃窃私语( ) 响遏行云( )

引人入胜( ) 抑扬顿挫( ) 威风凛凛( ) 炯炯有神( )

横遭不幸( ) 三番五次( ) 竭泽而渔( )( ) 排山倒海( )( )

返璞归真( )( ) 难以言状( )( ) 魂牵梦萦( )( )

一如既往( )( ) 兴味盎然( )( ) 盛气凌人( )( )

兴高采烈( )( ) 苟延残喘( )( ) 囫囵吞枣( )( )

漫不经心( )( ) 同归于尽( )( ) 脍炙人口( )( )

不落窠臼( )( ) 热泪滂沱( )( ) 心旷神怡( )( )


( ) ( ) ( )

溜 巷 丧

( ) (

( ) (

咽 殷

( ) (

( ) (

纤 作

( ) (

( ) (

没 载

( ) (

( ) (

角 降

( ) (

( ) (

供 号

( ) (

( ) (

似 恶

( ) (

( ) (

撮 旋

( ) (

( ) (

冠 肖

( ) (

( ) (

累 落

( ) (




一直……直到…… ) ) 劲 ) ) 唉 ) ) ) ) 正 ) ) 更 ) ) 呱 ) ) 劈 ) ) 绷 ) ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )嘎( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )







晖( ) 嗥( ) 姗( ) 冢( ) 膨( ) 镌( )

辉( ) 翱( ) 珊( ) 家( ) 澎( ) 携( )

箔( ) 箐( ) 寇( ) 躁( ) 拽( ) 惦( )

泊( ) 菁( ) 冠( ) 燥( ) 曳( ) 踮( )

黯( ) 跋( ) 蹿( ) 宠( ) 窠( ) 臼( )

暗( ) 拔( ) 窜( ) 庞( ) 巢( ) 白( )

韵( ) 寢( ) 挚( ) 挲( ) 频( ) 魁( )

均( ) 寐( ) 势( ) 娑( ) 濒( ) 魅( )

徜( ) 筹( ) 萤( ) 滇( ) 贮( ) 凛( )

淌( ) 畴( ) 荧( ) 颠( ) 储( ) 檩( )

敞( ) 踌( ) 莹( ) 慎( ) 伫( ) 廪( )

亢( ) 槟( ) 椋( ) 恬( ) 矜( ) 璀( )

杭( ) 滨( ) 凉( ) 聒( ) 吟( ) 催( )

吭( ) 宾( ) 晾( ) 刮( ) 岑( ) 摧( )

柞( ) 抿( ) 胯( ) 碑( ) 撕( ) 霉( )

作( ) 眠( ) 垮( ) 脾( ) 嘶( ) 毒( )

怎( ) 岷( ) 跨( ) 啤( )

昨( ) 泯( ) 翱( ) 婢( )

遏( ) 歇( ) 喝( ) 竭( ) 蔼( )

盎( ) 泱( ) 鞅( ) 殃( ) 鸯( )


一所小学用了五个读音为jìng的字作校训,激励师生努力创造良好校风:环境整洁突出一个“ ”字;秩序安定突出一个“ ”字;文明礼貌突出一个

“ ”字;力争上游突出一个“ ”字;强身健体突出一个“ ”字。


例:(狼)心狗肺+十( 室 )九空→引狼入室

1、兔死( )悲+养( )为患→

2、( )足无措+( )肠小道→

3、( )仗人势+铜( )铁壁→

4、( )飞凤舞+谈( )色变→

5、( )死谁手+( )不停啼→

6、( )木皆兵+画( )添足→




