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题一:有一天,一只狐狸走到一个葡萄园外,看见里面水灵灵的葡萄垂涎欲滴。可是外面有栅栏挡着,无法进去。于是它一狠心绝食三日,减肥之后,终于钻进葡萄园内饱餐一顿。当它心满意足地想离开葡萄园时,发觉自己吃得太饱,怎么也钻不出栅栏了。(根据材料,自拟题目(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:2015新概念作文一等奖))





有这样一个故事:联合国准备在全世界搞一次儿童征文比赛。征文题目为:“请以非洲粮食缺乏为题,谈谈自己的看法。” 结果这个题目在全世界不少地方都出了问题。因为西欧儿童不知道什么叫“粮食缺乏”,而非洲儿童则不知道什么叫“粮食” ;美国儿童以为美国就是世界,不知道什么叫“非洲” ,而中国等国家的儿童则不知道什么叫“自己的看法” 。
























以“从这里出发的旅程最远”为题作文(不允许自拟题目,不允许写成诗歌) 题二:



















16.作家杯”第十六届全国新概念作文大赛复赛试题(二题任选一题,文体不限): 1,一个人走向大河边,一条船从对面的芦苇丛中荡出??(据此,或以《水浒传》体,或以《红楼梦》体,或以《西游记》体,或以鲁迅体,或以沈从文体,或以张爱玲体进行创作。)

2,第十三个星座 。







2015-09-18 14:58:38 青华园教育网








篇三:2015年自主招生高校对各权威作文大赛的认可情况统计表(最新) (1) (3)



1、√表示大赛得到高校认可; 2、Y表示虽然大赛没有直接指出,但事实认可; 3、不同高校对同一大赛奖项要求可能不同;4、本表依据2015年高校自主招生简章制定,仅供参考,具体规则以向高校招办咨询为准。作文竞赛获奖同学,选择自主招生高校时,应主动及时和高校联系,要敢报而不乱报;不要都挤到同一所大学,可报的大学多得是。5、.叶圣陶杯复评奖项,有些高校按国家奖认可,6,作文竞赛获奖越多,高校承认力度越大。7.不要简单认为作文竞赛一般对应的是人文学科特长。其实一些高校理科专业也认可,更有一些专业文理兼报。







2015“格伦杯”方洲新概念全国中小学生创意作文大赛获奖名单 专家特别推荐奖:









徐佳怡、吴优乐、代 博、杨雯卉、顾继祥、张馨艺、杨 硕、范其鑫、肖可悦、杨骥远


张书维、王舒砚、吴佳航、王 涵、蒋紫祺、蔡雨轩、郑焱丹、张曦元、杜泽昊、汪 灿


俞思云、贺雨秋、高 欢、李武镯源、岑丰光、许思佳、易妍希、王汝程、李涵霄、谷雅鑫



宋 柳、潘玥彤、胥露文、谢羽桐、何嘉欣、邓禹蛟、王雅如、于凡钦、金思彤、张鑫楠、刘子轩、郑棋雯、赵毅琛、侯朋君、李明坤、张 静、林可培、郭佳琪、吴若源、杨文斌


张琳霞、吴 彤、汪明睿、李纪红、范 磊、唐 婧、朱 珂、向 涵、任怡玲、吕文昊、金明月、吴晓缇、王欣雅、关贺伊、王艺凝、谭颍雯、张瀚月、赵睿琪、刘美含、郑育薇


戴 琳、李若珣、杨隙名、谷星希、蔡星星、方若蕾、周仕超、崔耀方、郭润佳、蔡云旭、上官梦蝶、易籍梁、刘 意、钱伶俐、罗一鸣、张卓然、于 浩、樊荣荣、黄心萌、王一丹



王 静、董涣彤、王明智、魏 来、李金栗、林佳莹、彭 湃、晏 情、任天洋、薛诗涵、姚 娴、黄婧祺、郭炘韵、王弘毅、刘 昕、崇 靖、卢欣宇、卢姿宇、刘正阳、冯欣雨、杨 晗、蔡博娅、钟文宇、肖婷暄、丁子杰、高俊伟、李 阳、段欣怡、张筠楠、张译兮、俞 心、汤瑷嘉、房珂慧、刘艺佳、覃子晏、廖志红、吕陈双、桂雨虹、张婉婷、汤 用、廖山婵、薛钧天、吕 豪、赵浩东、杨凌宇、余依岚、刘 婷、刘浩宇、陈雨萱


杨城香、罗 清、王清清、李 楠、牛黎明、李 豫、陈宇扬、任 浩、陶 蕊、黄远华、罗玥琪、欧海梅、李思睿、袁子晗、陈星余、徐乙木、杨金泽、曹博阳、刘思璇、廖艺璇、贺 垚、张雨萌、李培洋、温雨凡


任雪茹、吕雪梅、单丹丹、刘佳麗、徐静贤、顾念雯、张婉婉、陈鹏森、郝雨婷、陆 李、吴艺闻、胡明杰、张颖怡、丁宇轩、龚子钰、陈 超、罗文辉、王 俣、杨欣月、高 山、党 蕊、曾 瑶、王英俊、杨 超、梁静宣、王若君、徐俊杰、杨晓雨、孙红娟、李 想、张芮芹、成真乐、冀亚东、邢芙蓉、柴燕燕


The new concept of writing the first prize, God

Before I was not playing Warcraft, since the understanding of the old summer.

Know the old summer is the first day of the University report, he and I in the same bedroom. I am a native, the long summer vacation early so that I am bored, day just bright, I rushed out of the family home, carry a big box installed I need in the school all of his possessions. Originally, I thought that I would definitely is first to bedroom, in a moment I opened the door, the old summer gave me University in the era of the first shock.

In fact, four years later, when I look back on my college days, I suddenly realize that all the shock has come from the old.

It was in mid September, summer heat has disappeared, Akiryo Mikotoko, warm sunshine, leaves also Ann peacefully hanging on the branches, reveals a restrained mature flavor. Sitting in the window of the old summer, moving also does not move, the first glance, trance feel that he is just like a sculpture! Old summer small eyes, thick eyebrows, collapsed bridge of the nose, lips are thick, beam radiated from the window fell on his hair, see the past as a picture in the ancient painting, I can even see faint traces of facial pigment chapped, because of the vicissitudes of looks blue.

The old Xia found me in the door, and gave me a smile: "so early ah!"

"Aren't you earlier?" I have some vaguely said.

The answer in the old summer at that time I was very touched. He said: "I was the last one in the school, and maybe."

I started to collect belongings. Because it is just into the school, it took me two hours to finish, the period of the old summer to just that position to sit on the chair, or moving or not moving, even facial expressions have not changed. He can't even blink his eyes. I really want to know if this is not the way, every time I look at his face just stay a little longer, he turned his head and smiled at me.

This is the second time in my college. His smile had a magic power that could not be explained. As if that smile is the face of something, stick on his face like.

Third shock, is in the other two roommates to qi. "Tell me about age!" I propose, "I was born in August, eight eight."."

"I was eight or nine years in May."

"I was eight eight years in November."

Finally, it is the turn of the old summer, we have three people's eyes on him.

He was embarrassed. "Don't say it. I'm a lot bigger than you, and you don't believe me."

The bedroom with the oldest boss itself, the university has always been the same. The two roommates listening to the old Xia said, I thought he was going to be the boss, Chi Chi laughs, they don't care. Only me, speak in old summer of that moment, clearly feel he the and we equally young face, others do not see mature, and even old.

Is it my eye? Or Zhuangxie?

I just know later, not my vertigo, nor my Zhuangxie, really old Xia he gifted.

Only two months into the University, almost everyone has a computer.

Laoliu lived next door to the bedroom, brought from home laptop, the lower left corner of the plating black is grinding to, exposed metal color, dirty and old, two button mouse also faded paint. Asked him, he said lightly, this is a qualified player should have a computer.

The old words, people lazy, long hair but neglect to take care of clothes do not change, make people feel depressed. According to his own words, is to give all the energy to the world of warcraft! But the old world of Warcraft technology is indeed a first-class. As soon as he sat in front of the computer, the right hand grasp the mouse, although it looks or the manner, you look carefully, will find his pupil focused through a murderous look. The old love Dota. He had threatened to be more than Dota, I think the Department of second, no one dare to recognize the first. The words are arrogant, the truth is also true. When you see he left hand fingers quickly keyboard, right hand amplitude is very small sliding the mouse point card, mouse click sound intensive as in power generation, the newspapers, you will understand why being worse than Laoliu -- because you than he was missing something, called gifts.

But that time, Laoliu stumbled.

The man named Yan Ke, Dota is a famous master of medicine. He wrote an article dota experience, widely circulated on the Internet, which has a word said: "in a good doctor's eyes, this world is not complete, only pieces of muscle and a root bones. And in a good player's eyes, dota where more than 90 hero, every are flesh and blood, the slightest Bi now, so living station in front of him. They are not digital code, but the projection of another world, he will to the absolute height overlooking them, like a God that manipulate them, always decide their sorrow and joy, sickness and death. " Medical school people continue to challenge him, can start in less than ten minutes into his defeated opponent. They say, Yan Ke is not to beat you, but to beat you, like...... When you just a pupil, and just learn one plus one, suddenly and a college student quitting that kind of feeling, is my defeat after the mood.

The same as Yan Ke is Laoliu, their school Dota legend. Finally, that time, the two legends to a


Yan Ke is looking for the old. Was still a lunch break, who was carrying a notebook, standing in the Laoliu bedroom doorway, face expressionless say their errand, the tone is not asked for the fight, but the command. To temper is absolutely not the old land, it can be an exception, because Cai Shixuan.

Two computer boot music just sounded, old roommates would all round. The old set mute, Yan Ke has the sound to maximum, he hopes to have as many people as possible to match! He did not disappoint, the war was three minutes, the room was crowded.

Two games three wins system. First, the old land lost.

No one speaks. Laoliu drink a slobber, murderous pupil in condensed. He was like a pride of the Phoenix, enemy grasp a handful of feathers, despite the pain, but not like every bird vocalization, but hold your breath, waiting for an opportunity to give each other a mortal blow.

Second, the old won.

Still no one spoke, Yan Ke shook the arm, smiled, was full of excitement. I found him like a gallop dragon, touched by the enemy Nilin, activated on every militant cell.

Third, the old land lost.

Yan Ke smiled: "you are the strongest opponent I have ever met. But it's a pity that you lost." Laoliu call a few tone, plainly said: "Cai Shixuan, you have another first."

Yan Ke is chasing Cai Shixuan, he is in order to Cai Shixuan to challenge, which we all know. And Cai Shixuan, is the flower of our department.

I glanced at the old summer, I do not know what the response would be to him now.

The old Xia told me that he and Cai Shixuan knew when they were young. He began to chase Cai Shixuan from junior high school, from junior middle school to high school, from high school to university, or not to.

Yan Ke began to clean up the computer. At this moment, a hand on his shoulder.

Is the old summer.

The old summer wore a long hair tangled like grass, staring at the eyes of Yan Ke said: "I tell you a game. Bet five hundred. Dare?"

This is the two semester, the top of the pile humilis "old summer with a year ago panruoliangren.

A year ago he said to Cai Shixuan: "do not catch up with you, I will not go to hair cut." A year has passed, he really did not cut once. Because there is no other, has become the most eye-catching styling, old summer go, someone will look askance at.

One Leng Yan ke. The old summer is his biggest rival, he would have heard all the details of the old summer. Old Xia never play Warcraft, even the operation will not. We want to persuade the old barbarians do not impulsive, but when Yan Ke's face, can not open the mouth.

The old Xia said: "you rest assured."

Yan Ke wanted to laugh. He most wanted to torture, in addition to the old summer, no one else.

But the old Xia won, and it was.

Before the old summer Tuiping Yan Ke Ke Yan home, a total of thirty-seven killed.

March 7th, Cai Shixuan's birthday.

Old?Sac emblem carpenter at?

I don't know how to describe Yan Ke after his shock and distress. He was silent, tidy up the computer gray walked in a hurry, also put the mouse down. Laoliu looked at the mouse said: "this is a qualified game player should have the mouse."

The second day, Yan Ke trustee sent five hundred block. The old summer carefully folded, put into the corner of the drawer. There has been a lot of money, he worked for a year the results.

Old summer to earn money is really hard. He a week do five job of tutor, up time on weekends and seven in the evening; tutor has ended nine more, ten to twelve and a late night delivery guy job waiting for him; he also has a restaurant waiter work, accounting for seven lunch time to go. He put all the free time to make money, earn money never flowers, is to be folded and locked in the drawer, we persuaded him to give us a treat. He never.

Can let me think not its solution is, the old summer so desperately, even see a trace of the signs of exhaustion. He did not leave leisure, from morning to evening, his face still red, energy is still abundant, rather than the sleep lazy spirit to day and night even more full. When I was in class, I was able to take a nap while he was in a position to keep a class.

What I can't understand is, normally he very busy trying to earn money, neglect their homework and exam scores are low, more than half of the subjects than I even higher! University examination basic by cramming at the last minute, before the exam two weeks library, lounges are overcrowded, old summer in the exam the day before evening to turn the pages. This is occasionally, even more when he is not reading the book, to battle, so easy.

Students said that the old summer is a genius, earn money, homework, games, what things to his hands are able to get, and surprisingly good. Even some people assert that Cai Shixuan sooner or later one day is the old summer.

But I know, the old summer is just ordinary people, not a genius. Before the exam him turn the pages, a page of a page turn soon, in reading the book and motionless, like a sculpture blocked in time. As well as to overcome Yan Ke that, before the old summer after every kill, the enemy of life value always flash Yaner suddenly turned to a minimum, there seems to be a time lag, we from the side of the gap jump directly to the the other side.

These are the only things that I notice, and no one else is aware of. Only the sequence of events, antecedents and consequences, I like all of us, not clear.

There is, I do not say at the beginning of the old Xia young face hidden vicissitudes of life? More than a year down, the vicissitudes of life is becoming more and more sharp, more and more inconsistent, it is a kind of old and not old, a kind of helpless tired.

After the defeat of Yan Ke, there are people looking for the Old Summer Challenge, as long as a sweepstakes, regardless of how much the old summer not refuse. Those people before the game and Yan Ke, scoff at the operation of the old summer such as shit, after the game and Yan Ke like, can not believe the expression of almost to fall down from the face. To the big two next semester, has no one dare to find the old summer challenge. Old Xia all kinds of channels to earn money has not put the drawer. Too much money, he opened an account, there is a bank.

I don't miss every stop in the old summer. I found that every time the old Xia kill, there will be a time gap". I also found that Dota in 90 hero, the old summer is the most commonly used "void". The characters in the game said:

Faceless Void. It is said that he once was a member of the human race, but his past has been deep in darkness, even his own have been unable to recall. We only know that he was thrown into the space of the gap, when he came back, he has mastered the ability to manipulate time. He was able to freeze the enemy's time, and he was able to escape from the attack by briefly back in time. He can tear space-time structure around, in which I can not fight ---- ---- move, of course, except him. Rumors that he can instantly on any one of the enemy attack, but no one really see him close to.

That's a hero who can manipulate time.

I finally got Dota from the void play. A month later, I am looking for the challenge of the old summer.

This is a secret game, the students have to go to class, and the other two roommates are not in. We skipped class all afternoon.
