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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 07:16:08 体裁作文

篇一:空中天使 A Sky Angel

A Sky Angel

In 1978, I became a flight attendant for a major airline. Earning my wings was the culmination of a childhood dream that I had set for myself after my first plane ride at the age of five. Like so many others before me, I fell in love with the romance of airplanes, adventure and helping others.

I have flown hundreds of flights since graduation, but one stands out among the many.

We were flying from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C, when I answered a lavatory call light in the coach cabin. There I found a young mother struggling with her infant. Everything was a mess, to say the least, and the mother, who was near hysterics, told me she had no more diapers or other clothing onboard the aircraft.

Through her tears, she informed me that they had missed their flight the previous night in Los Angeles and because she had very little money, she and her son had spent the night on the airport floor. Since she hadn't expected to miss the flight, she was forced to use up most of her supplies and whatever money she had to feed them.

With the saddest eyes I have ever seen she continued. She told me she was on her way to New Hampshire to deliver her son to the family that was adopting him. She could no longer support the two of them.

As she stood in front of me, crying, holding her beautiful son, I could see the despair and hopelessness on her face. And, as a mother of three beautiful daughters, I could feel her pain.

I immediately rang the flight attendant call button and asked for assistance from the other flight attendants. They brought cloth towels from first class to assist in cleaning up both mom and the infant. I ran and got my suitcase; because this woman and I were about the same size, I gave her a sweater and a pair of pants I had brought for my layover. Then I asked several families if they could spare extra diapers, formula and clothes for the child. After the young mother and her son had changed their clothes and the baby had gone to sleep, I sat with her, holding her hand, trying to provide some support and comfort for the remainder of the flight.

Once we landed, I walked them to their next flight, which would take them to their final destination; separation. I briefed the gate agent and the new flight attendant crew on the situation and asked them to give her special attention.

With tears in my eyes I gave her a hug and told her, You have shown me the true meaning of courage and a mother's love. I will never forget you.

As she thanked me for all I had done she said softly, You're not the flight attendant, you're a sky angel. Touching my flight attendant wings, she continued, And those are your angel wings.

With those words she turned and walked down the jetway, her child in her arms, and boarded the plane for New Hampshire.

Though I am no longer a flight attendant, my angel wings are still on prominent display in my office. And each time I see them, I am reminded of that young woman, her infant son and the gift that she gave me on that special day - that we truly are all spiritual beings traveling in human form.

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篇二:blue angel 蓝色天使

Code of Conduct

On Efficiency of External Power Supplies

This Code of Conduct has been prepared by the European Commission, following the discussions and decisions of the ad-hoc working group composed by independent experts, Member States representatives and representatives of industry.

1. Introduction

Standby losses, including no-load losses, in power supplies contribute substantially to the electricity consumption of households in Europe. The Study on Miscellaneous Standby Power Consumption of Household Equipment (Molinder, 1997) calculated an increase for wall packs and chargers from about 8 TWh in 1996 to about 14 TWh in 2006 (Business as Usual scenario). With actions resulting from this Code of Conduct this increase can be counterbalanced, resulting in savings of a maximum of 5 TWh per year from 2010, this is equivalent to a total saving of 500 Million EURO per year.

Further savings can be expected form the application of efficient power supplies in electronics appliances, such as TVs, VCRs, microwave ovens, etc.

When addressing efficiency of power supplies, also power quality should be taken into account. Although applying electronics in power supplies can increase efficiency and lower no load losses, it should not adversely effect the power quality.

2. Scope

Scope of this Code of Conduct are external power supplies for electronic and electrical appliances, including among others AC adapters, battery chargers for mobile phones, domestic appliances, power tools and IT equipment, in the input power range 0.3W to 75W. In most cases these power supplies are specified by the appliance manufacturer; production can be at the appliance manufacturer or at a dedicated manufacturer.

These external power supplies and chargers (hereinafter defined “external power supplies”) have in common that they mostly do not have an on-off switch and consume electricity in a no-load situation.

3. Aim

To minimise no-load losses of external power supplies in the input power range 0.3W to 75W.

4. Commitment

Signatories of this Code of Conduct commit themselves to:

4.1 Design power supplies or component so as to minimize energy consumption in the

off-mode. Those companies who are not responsible for the production of power supplies shall include the concept of minimization of no load energy consumption in their purchasing procedures of power supplies.

4.2 Achieve the following no-load power consumption targets within the time

schedule for at least 60% for Phase 1, 70 % for Phase 2 and 80 for Phase 3, either for the model range using external power supplies or for the models of external power supplies that are introduced on the market after the indicated date (new model only):

method in the Annex.

4.3 Co-operate with the European Commission and Member States in monitoring the

effectiveness of this external power supplies.

4.4 External power supplies exempted from the agreement:

1) AC Adapter with more than one output terminal using switching power circuit

2) Contact-less charger using switching power circuit

5. Monitoring

Signatories will report on a yearly basis in a confidential manner to the European Commission how many models using external power supplies out of the total number of models a manufacturer produces reach the target in that year. For each model using external power supply the associated no-load power consumption shall be reported. The reporting shall be completed by the end of February of the following year. The reporting shall start with the year 2000 (baseline year, reporting due by the end of February 2001). The monitoring results will be discussed in an anonymous manner with parties involved and can be published by the European Commission.


Measurement method

(based upon prEN50301)

Measuring conditions

Input power conditions Measurements shall be carried out at the rated input voltage (in case of

multiple voltage it shall be carried out at the highest rated value) and the

rated frequency of the power supply.

The fluctuation of the input voltage during the tests shall not exceed ±2 % .

The frequency fluctuation of the input voltage and the harmonic components

sky angel blue系列

of the input current shall not exceed ±2 % and 5 % respectively.

No-load conditions The power supply is connected to a power source (fulfilling the above

mentioned input power conditions) and the load (e.g. the appliance) is not

connected to the power supply. If the load cannot be disconnected, the load

should be off .

Environmental Ambient temperature 15 oC to 35 oC, preferably 20 oC


Measurement procedure

Measure the input power consumption of the power supply 15 minutes after it has been put into the no-load condition.

The measurement should be carried out directly by means of a watt meter.

The maximum permitted error is 5 %.

The measuring time shall be sufficiently long to measure the correct value.

The results shall be given in watts, with a number of relevant digits in accordance with the accuracy of the measurement.

Remark 1 It should be ascertained that the watt meter is suitable to measure the power

consumption of power supplies working in a burst mode with a low duty

cycle and the low power consumption levels in the no-load mode.

篇三:Angel in Blue Jeans歌词中文翻译

Angel in Blue Jeans - Train

And though I never got her name 尽管我从未知晓她的名字 Or time to find out anything

也没有时间发现什么有关她的故事 I loved her just the same 我仍爱她

And though I rode a different road 尽管我选择了一条不同的道路 And sang a different song 唱了首不同的歌

I'll love her till my last breaths gone 但我仍爱她直至我逝去我的生命 Like a river made of silver 如同银河闪现

Everyone came running to the scene 每个人都奔赴观赏

I was shot down in cold blood

我被一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的天使击中 By an angel in blue jeans 在寒冷中鲜血直流 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

Late that night she got away 那天晚上她逃掉了

I chased her to the turnpike


Then lost her where the music never plays 然后在没有音乐的地方丢失了她的踪迹 And though I rolled upon the stones 尽管我翻开了所有的滚石去找寻 and fell into the water

尽管我跳进了所有的河流去寻找 I'll love her till my judgment day 我会永远爱她,直到我的末日 Like a sunrise made of white lies 像是善意的谎言

Everything was nothing as it seems 看起来一切都没有什么不同 I was shot down in cold blood

我被一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的天使击中 By an angel in blue jeans 在寒冷中鲜血直流

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

I hear voices calling all around 我听到呼声

I keep falling down 我不停下坠

I think my heart could pound right out of me 似乎我的心都要蹦出

I see a million different ways 我看到成千上万种不同的手段 To never leave this maze alive 却从来没有活着离开这个迷宫 I woke up in somebody's arms 我在你的怀里醒来 Strange and so familiar

那么的陌生却又是那么的熟悉 Where nothing could go wrong 那里一切都是那么的完美 Barely alive or nearly dead 好像勉强过活着

Somehow awake in my own bed 突然在自己的床上惊醒 And there you are 还有你

Like a highway headed my way 向前行的高速公路 Life is but a dream 生活不过是一场梦

I was shot down by your love 我被你的爱击落

My angel in blue jeans

我的穿着蓝色牛仔裤的天使 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊

篇四:Blue sky thinking

Blue sky thinking

Pilot Zhao Wei has realized his childhood dream of flying. Now he's setting his sights on the World Advanced Aerobatic Championships, He Na and Wu Yong write in Shenyang. Against a clear blue sky, several jet fighters painted in bright colors roll, flip and twist

above a multitude of spectators. They might dive sharply like hawks swooping for prey or pose mid-air, but in the next second they dash across the sky In the eyes of Zhao Wei, these breathtaking aerobatic maneuvers are still too easy. He can do better with a greater degree of difficulty. For normal aerobatic performance, the plane can only roll once or twice each time, but Zhao can make his aircraft roll a dozen times.

He can even pose with a vertical or leaning gesture in mid-air without moving.

What Zhao Wei performs is called Unlimited Aerobatics, which is the highest level for aerobatics, one of the world's most thrilling competitive sports.

Only about 100 people in the world are qualified for the sport, and Zhao is the only person who has grasped the skills in China.

As a professional aerobatic pilot, Zhao is also team leader of the Red Bull Aerobatic Team of China, China's first unlimited aerobatics team.

He is the only Chinese in the team. The other three team members are all from South Africa and rank in the Top 10 of world aerobatics.

"Zhao is very talented. He has strength and good reaction capacity, which are all suitable for aerobatics," says team member Scott Ternent.

Although only coming together as a team in April 2013, within a year they have

participated in several world-class competitions and air shows, achieving very good results, and have gained a worldwide reputation.

Zhao often jokes that he's better-known out of China as the only oriental face on the world aerobatics stage and has attracted a lot of attention.

Though Zhao didn't obtain his pilot's license until the age of 35, his dream of being a pilot began as a child.

Zhao was born in a rural family. He loved model planes, but the family couldn't afford to buy them for him, so his father made one for him out of a corn stalk.

"I learned all my general aviation knowledge from reading aviation magazines and books. I am not a good student in academics, but I have read all the books I could get about aviation," Zhao, 39, says at Shenyang Faku General Aviation Base in Liaoning province, where his team is based.

After graduating from Shenyang University of Technology in 2000, Zhao entered into a Stated-owned electrical equipment enterprise. Several years' working experience helped him hone mechanical skills. He established his own enterprise in 2008 and began practicing parachuting and flying gliders in his spare time.

Zhao got his private pilot's license in 2011 and then went to Germany three times to learn aerobatics.

Through assiduous training and natural talent, Zhao made progress and passed the exam after only receiving 200 hours' training and became the first Chinese to fly an Unlimited aerobatic plane.

As a rising star in the aerobatics field, Zhao has a very busy schedule this year. Besides being invited to perform in several air shows, his focus is on preparing for the World

Advanced Aerobatic Championships to be held in South Africa in November. Zhao got the qualification for competition through a qualifier match.

"This will be the first time a Chinese pilot participates in such a top-level competition. My dream is to be the world champion," Zhao says.

The nature of unlimited aerobatics is to explore the limits of the human body and the harmony between the pilot and plane.

As an aerial feat, aerobatics requires great skill and daring.

"The selection of pilots is almost as strict as selecting astronauts," Zhao says. "Aerobatics not only requires a pilot with good physical qualities and good reaction capacity, but also it requires a broader set of piloting skills and exposes the aircraft to greater structural stress than normal flights."

Zhao owns four XA42 planes. These are top-level aerobatic planes that allow the pilot to fly at a much lower altitude and comparatively slow speed. The XA42's performance has a much stronger visual impact for spectators.

"The best plane also puts high demands on the pilot. Aerobatics is a dangerous sport that dances with death. In some countries, pilots must wear a parachute when performing aerobatics," Zhao says.

Though his wife has worried about his safety, she knows it's impossible to persuade him to give up. To fully support Zhao's career, his wife Jiang Lin also joined the pilot club and helps him deal with daily affairs.

"Even if I got the world champion, it's still a personal action and achievement. Honestly speaking, I felt a little lonely when competing with foreign players. My next plan is to select and train more Chinese aerobatic pilots," he says.

Liu Ce contributed to this story.


飞行员赵伟终于实现了儿时翱翔天空的梦想。 现在他又把目光定在了世界特技飞行锦标赛。何娜、吴咏记于沈阳。





赵伟总是开玩笑称他是世界特技飞行舞台上唯一的东方面孔,因此获得关注的目光。 尽管赵伟在35岁才获得飞行执照,但他从小就梦想成为飞行员。






无限制级特技飞行的本质是探索人类身体极限,并且达到飞行员与飞机融为一体。 作为一项空中表演,特技飞行需要娴熟的技能和胆量。



赵伟说:“最好的飞机也给飞行员带来更高的要求。特技飞行是一项与死亡共舞的危险运动,在一些国家,飞行员必须穿戴降落伞参加比赛。” 尽管赵伟的妻子担心他的安全,但她知道不可能劝他放弃。为了全力支持赵伟的事业,妻子江林也加入了飞行俱乐部来帮他处理日常事务。



篇五:For the blue sky

For The Blue Sky


Is there anyone out there who still doubts that our home planet is a place where all pollution would disappear, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is still alive in our time, who still questions the power of the nature, today is your answer!

It’s the answer told by lines that waited outside the hospital respiration in this nation has never seen,by people who coughed many times in one day,even many for the first time in their lives.

It’s the answer spoken by men and women,young and old,rich and poor,people who send the message to all human beings that it’s high time that we realized our faults that we pollute the air desperately.

It’s the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of controlling air pollution and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

So effective measures must be taken to save the sky right away.As for our college students,would you like to walk or ride to school?Would you like to save electricity?Would you like to give up smoking?Would you like to advocate the notion of air protection to the public?

Please raise your head and have a look at the sky.I just want to ask you a question,how long haven’t you seen the blue sky?I believe that

nobody would like to live in the airpocalypse.Act at once,just for our blue sky!If the blue sky is the mirror for you to make up, I'd prefer to a cangue of the mirror, knead you face into a missing letter in wind.
