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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 19:25:12 体裁作文



篇二:Butterfly fairy

There was once a little girl.She had no family,and no one loved her.One day,when she was walking through a field,she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thorn bush(荆棘丛).The more the butterfly tried to free itself,the deeper the thorns cut into its

body.The little girl carefully let go the butterfly.Instead of

flying away,the butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy(仙


“For your kindness,”the butterfly fairy said to the girl,

“I will grant you any wish you would like to have.”

The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,“I

want to be happy!”Butterfly fairy

The fairy said,“Very good.”Then she leaned toward the

girl and whispered in her ear.

As the little girl grewup,there was no one in her village

so happy as she.Everyone asked her the secret of her

happiness.She would only smile and answer,“The secret of

my happiness is that I listened to a butterfly fairy when I was a little girl.”

When she was very old,the neighbors all came to visit her.They were afraid that her secret of happiness would die with her.“Tell us,please,”they begged,“tell us what the fairy said.”

The old woman smiled and said,“She told me that everyone,no matter howold or young,no matter howrich or poor,needs me.She says that always helping others would make my dream come ture.”

篇三:康妮的蝴蝶(Connie’s Butterfly)

康妮的蝴蝶(Connie’s Butterfly)

超好听的一首歌,中文名为《康妮的蝴蝶》或《康尼的蝴蝶》。这首轻盈恬静的钢琴曲出自美国著名的电影作曲家兼交响乐的音乐总监及指挥Shardad Rohani(夏德.罗哈尼)的专辑《Beauty of Love》。

《Connie''s butterfly》在Shardad Rohani的琴键上是那样自在轻盈,即使在最婉转处也一样能点缀出旷性,特别在即兴的乐段部份表现得尤为杰出,透过精致迷离幻境的弹奏,蝶被妆点得栩栩如生,俘虏每位听众的心神意念。在音符飘荡的空间中弥漫起薄薄的轻雾,时光变得无足轻重起来,缓慢,恬美的情调渐渐沁入心脾,感动非凡,因为那旋律的优美,搭配的丰富层次。

篇四:Fly fly the butterfly 歌词

Fly Fly the Butterfly歌词:

Fly fly fly the Butterfly ,

In the meadow(草原) it's flying high(高) , In the gardern it is flying low(低) , Fly fly fly the Butterfly .

Fly fly fly the Butterfly ,

In the meadow it's flying high ,

In the gardern it is flying low ,

Fly fly fly the Butterfly .


篇五:the butterfly effect(人生中的蝴蝶效应)

“Thank you for your application. We would like to congratulate you” the letter read. Those words can beat your heart and bring tears to your eyes. It is a day you will never


forget, the day you opened that envelope and your future began. Would you have received that letter if you hadn’t attended the college fair at your school? What if you had spelled a word worry in the exam, would you have been rejected?

There is an interesting theory, butterfly effect, Edward lorenz put forward it in 1963, which a small charge at one palce can result in large differences in a large state. Just like, the flap of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a hurricane halfway around the world. Insurance companies would have you believe the effect works something like this:(mv)

There is an old saying that, For the want of a nail the shoe was lost, For the want of a shoe the horse was lost, For the want of a horse the rider was lost, For the want of a rider the battle was lost, For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost. It comes from a real battle, the Richard III lost his country finally.

It seems that the butterfly effect is always linked with disaster. What about the truth? Butterflies make it so we have no idea what is going to happen. There might be a hurricane coming, there might not. In Edward lorenz’s own words, “ if the flap of a butterfly’s wings

can be helpful in causing a tornado, it can equally well be helpful in preventing a tornado.”

There is nothing in life that does not matter. Each day is of equal importance. No matter how good or bad. Each choice, each idea, is the birth of the next. And you never know what is at the end. Going back in time and change one of the moments that create your life, could change what come next. Every person you meet, every things, every success, and even every failure, would make you to be a unique individual. If I’ve learned anything from butterfly effect, it is that everything matters. You can struggle through life, flap your own wings, to create the perfect ending!
