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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 13:19:09 字数作文

篇一:lengend of the fall影评英文

Legends of the Fall is a good film about bloud ties, love and human nature. In my opinion, it expresses the yearning for freedom and heart.

The father and four sons enjoy the quiet life until the youngest son Samuel's fiancee Suzanne's arrival.The Eldest son loses his heart to Susanna at the first sight.And

Suzanne is attracted by the second son Tristan who is obsessed with bold and uninhibited disposition. Feelings between those three have been suppressed in the subtle, until Samuel’s death. It is gradually released.Tristan and Susan fall in love. But A hates him since then He even blame Samuel's death on T.Tristan has been struggling in the conflict, and finally choose to leave home. Susan married Ai Furui in despair. Yet fate make merciless fun of them.A few years later, when t come back, he knew that the woman who swear whould wait for him has married his brother. And Susan is struggling in regret and remorse. Later, T have their own families and things seem to become calm. But his wife's death excite the

legend of the fall


The film give me great touch. I feel symphty with T’s tortuous fate. he listened to the voice of the soul.And he has a wild nature. He is a spiritual warrior, a legend.I wonder if T come back early, and Susan married someone else later, then everything will be different, this would be a satisfactory final.However, on the other hand, itis twists and turns that make this film does not fall into the stereotypes, it is interesting.

Every warrior hopes a good death will find him.He died in battle and bear.it was a good death.his grave is unmarked,but it does not matter. Because he had always lived in the borderland anyway somewhere between this world and the other.



The < legend of fall > is told by an very old Indian after so many years. It was the time of love; it was the time of being loved. it was the era of conquer; it was the era of being conquered.

The Indian loves Tristan best, for Tristan was the only white man he

treated like his own son. The colonel loves Tristan best, for Tristan is carved by nature itself and marbled by humanity. So did I, but not only for his passion to the living but also for his painful love in his heart. I think there’re two persons loved by Tristan and exactly these two person brought him impressions and changes to him.

Tristan loves Samuel

Samuel is the youngest boy in his family who is loved most by his other brothers. No harms has done to Samuel after all these years due to the protection of his elder brothers, but it also makes Samuel a young man with great naivety and ignorance, which kinds of character shouldn’t have had in an adult age. Tristan was surprised when Alfred and Samuel came up with an idea that they were going to fight with the Germany army to defend their beloved mother land---Great Britain, as patriots. What is much more ironic is that they wish to go to England by horsing. Tristan perceives how barbaric the war is from his father and the old Indian’s story. He tried to persuade them but failed. In order to keep them safe, especially Samuel, He calms down quickly and decided to go

with his brothers.

The battle has already began when they arrived. Tristan didn’t worry about Alfred so much because he know that Alfred is capable to look after himself while Samuel always has no idea about danger until it is too late. At that day, Tristan stays with Alfred because Alfred gets wounds in his leg when Samuel is out of his sight. Tristan goes into crazy and greatly concerned when he knew Samuel is on the front line. Tristan has great strength that he can change lots of things. However he is not with prophecy. He cannot predict what is Samuel thinking or where is he going to leave. Samuel was too close to his enemy and spotted. Trapped, struggle randomly will only makes him getting more and more close to death inch by inch. Tristan find him and he find there are two Germany taking their aim----Samuel, with their guns. He shouted and yelled loudly to attract the attention from Samuel to him. Willing to put his own life in danger, he needs Samuel to be safe. But it won’t work. Bullets crashes into Samuel’s body and then lots of blood comes out. And now there’s only a dead body lying in Tristan’s bosom. To set Samuel’s soul free, Tristan had to dig the heart out. At this time some part of Tristan died

with Samuel. And I think this is why he break up with Susanna at last. Tristan loves Susanna

I believe that they have good feelings to each other at the first sight

already. At that night they have decided to leave for the world war I.

Tristan hold Susanna in his breast to comfort her that he would bring Samuel back peacefully. He assumes that he would be fine as well if she marry to his brother Samuel, which can makes her happy. He sees to it that Susanna loves Samuel with all her heart and she is really worries about his life security. What he can do is to hold her tightly and promise that they can be together once more. At that time, did Tristan feels touched and hopes that Susanna were his wife not his brothers. He began to loved Susanna little by little.

After Samuel’s death, Tristan believe that only himself can bring Susanna happiness. what is more important that now he makes sure that he loves Susanna. People dies and people moves on. So they get married soon. It seems nothing bad had happened, during that piece of time. Until one day the memory comes back when he sees a young bull lying in the fence of wire. He tried to save its life but what he have done only makes the wire become more intensified. Tristan have to kill this bull and put a end to its agony and it remind him of Samuel’s death.

The pain in the heart never faded, Tristan has nightmares day by day. Cannot distinguish the reality to the misery past times, he nearly killed Susanna with a sharp knife by accident. Before they get married, Tristan have considered that there would be no conflicts to love both Samuel and Susanna. Now he find out he guilt himself for letting Samuel get killed and then he also married his brother’s fiancée. Tristan and Susanna

would have lived a much more happy and long life if Samuel’s death had forgotten. Obviously, they can’t. And Tristan, especially. Tristan plans to leave his home and he is going to explore the world so that Susanna will be unharmed by him and Alfred will come back home probably. Leaving far away among the ocean is the best way to love Susanna. Only connected with letters. At last Tristan writes to her that marry another, you deserve the happiness. He doesn’t come back with much astonishment when he heard that Susanna is married to Alfred. Alfred is a good man, he thinks, so he just brought a gift to his ex-wife and say I wish you to be happy with him, and we knew he loves her still, they just cannot be together. Too tired and exhausted, what now Tristan need is only a peaceful life.

I believe that Tristan is a true hero. A hero once loved and being loved. When it is fall again he shall be the last legend of his family.

篇三:legends of the fall燃情岁月

To be frank, I have been planning to watch this high-review movie. First, I have to say that it’s absolutely a successfully movie, because it’s able to make me totally absorbed in the story. For several times, my eyes were brimming with tears. And for several times, I couldn’t bear to see the cruel sceneries. Some people hear their own inner voice, with great clearness, and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends. This sentence read at the very beginning echoes in the whole movie. Tristan is that impressive legend. Due to the discontentment[?d?sk?n'tentm?nt] towards the United States government, Colonel [?k?:nl ] William Ludlow retires to a remote region with his family and One Stab, a Cree friend. They hired hand Decker, who's an outlaw. The Colonel hoped to keep away from killing and violence, but some people are destined to be extraordinary. World war I broke out, the Colonel’s beloved youngest son, Samuel determined to serve in the war, regardless of his father and fiancee’s opposition. The other brother came along with him to protect him. However, in one battle, Samuel was killed in the front of Tristan, with nothing could help. Since then, Tristan madly killed the enemies. Maybe it’s Samuel’s death that aroused Tristan’s inner mildness. After coming home, Tristan fell in love with Susannah, but due to his guilt and pain for failing to protect Samuel, he soon left home for traveling. When he was back, he married Isabel Two and then had a son named after Samuel and a daughter. Isabel Two‘s death, he left his children to his brother and went travelling again. Tristan lived long and eventually died in the fight with a bear. as One Stab said, It was a good death.


注意:答题不要超过密封线,本套题共1页,此页是第 1页

篇五:The Fall of the House of Usher(中文译文)

The Fall of The House of Usher(中文译文)





那年秋天,一个阴沉、昏暗、岑寂的日子,乌云低垂,厚重地笼罩着大地。整整一天,我孤零零地骑着马,驰过乡间一片无比萧索的旷野。暮色四合之际,令人忧伤的厄榭府终于遥遥在望。我也说不清是怎么回事,一瞥见那座建筑,心灵就充满难以忍受的忧伤。说难以忍受,是因为往常即便到了荒蛮之所或可怕的惨境,遇到那种无比严苛的自然景象,也难免有几分诗意,甚而生出几分喜悦;如今,这股忧伤的感觉却总是挥之不去。我愁肠百结地望着眼前的景物。我望着孤单的府邸和庄园里单一的山水风貌,望着荒凉的垣墙、空洞的眼睛一样的窗子、三五枝气味难闻的芦苇、几株枯木白花花的树干——心里真是愁苦至极,愁苦得俗世的情感已无法比拟,只有与染阿芙蓉癖者梦回以后的感觉作比,才足够贴切——苦痛流为日常,丑恶的面纱也摘除而去。我的心直翻腾,还冷冰冰地往下沉,凄凉得无可救赎,任是再有刺激人的想像力,也难说这是心灵的升华。究竟的怎么了?我思忖起来。到底是什么原因,使得我在注目厄谢府时如此不能自控?这是个破解不了的谜。沉思间,模糊的幻想涌满心头,却又无从捉摸。我只得退而求其次,自圆其说罢了——简单的自然景物凑在一起,确实有左右人情绪的力量,但要剖析这种感染力,即便费尽心机,也是无迹可寻。我思量道,这片景物中的一草一木,一山一水只消在细微处布置得稍有不同,带给人的那种悲伤的感觉,可能就会减轻,或许会归于消泯。这种念头一起,我策马奔至山中小湖的险岸边。小湖就傍着宅第,湖面泛着光泽,却一丝涟漪都没有,黑黢黢,阴森森,倒映出变形的灰色芦苇、惨白树干、空洞眼睛一样的窗子。我俯视着湖面,浑身颤抖,比刚才的感觉还要奇怪。 然而,目前我还是打算在这阴沉的府邸作几个星期的逗留。这座府邸的主人罗德里克?厄谢是我儿时的好朋友。我们有好多年没见过面了。可最近,我收到了一封从本国一个遥远的地方发来的信——是他写来的,信写得很急切,还非要我亲自去一趟。在他的亲笔信里,显然透着股的神经不安的味道。他提到自己患有严重的疾病——是让他备受折磨的精神错乱,还说,真的很想见到我这个最好的朋友、惟一的知己,能跟我快活地呆上一阵子,病情便会减轻云云。全信如此这般说了很多。他的请求显然出于一片真心,让人片刻都不能犹豫。于是,我马上就应邀动身了。来是来了,我却依然认为,他的召唤真是蹊跷得紧。










他就那样谈着请我来的目的,说他如何诚心诚意地盼着我,希望我给他以慰藉。他还相当详尽地谈到自以为得了什么病。他说,这是种先天性的疾病,是家族遗传,他已经绝望了,不想再治疗了。他马上又补充一句,这只是神经上的毛病,一准不久就过去了。这种病的症状,从他诸多反常的情绪中可以看得出。他一五一十全地告诉我了。尽管他的措辞和叙述方式或许很有分量,但有些话我听了后,还是既感兴趣,又觉迷惑。神经过敏把他折磨得不轻。只吃得下寡淡无味的饭菜;只能穿某种质地的料子做的衣服;所有鲜花的香味都难以忍受;即便是微弱的光线,也会刺痛眼睛;惟有特殊的声音——弦乐,才不至于使他惊骇。 看得出,反常的恐惧已把他牢牢攫住。“我要死了,”他说,“我肯定是死在这可悲的蠢病上。是的,就是这样死去,没有别的选择。我害怕将要发生的一切,怕是不是事情本身,而是结果。一想到要出什么事儿,哪怕这事儿再微乎其微,也会使我精神不安,难以承受,免不了就会瑟瑟发抖。说真的,我对危险并不憎恨,除了置身于它的绝对影响——恐怖之中。在这精神不安的情况下——在这可怜的境地中,我觉得那样的时刻早晚都会到来,到时候,我定会在与恐惧的卡怕幻觉中,丧失生命和理智。”




接下来的几日里,我和厄榭都绝口不提她的名字。那段时间,我满怀热诚,想方设法减轻朋友的哀愁。我们一起画画,一起看书,或者我听他如泣如诉地即兴弹奏六弦琴,恍若身在梦中。于是,我们愈来愈亲密了。越是亲密,我对他的内心世界了解得越发深刻,也就越发痛苦地察觉到,所有想博取他高兴的努力,都是枉费心机。他心底的哀愁?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路鹩肷憷矗?/p>


我和厄榭府的主人度过了不少单独相处的庄严时刻。这将成为我一生的记忆。但要让我说他让我沉陷其中、或者说他引领我研读的究竟是什么,我还真说不出个子丑寅卯来。活跃而极端紊乱的心绪,使得一切都蒙上了一层硫磺样的淡淡光泽。他大段大段即兴演奏的挽歌,终将长在耳畔。在别的曲调之外,我痛苦地记得,他对那首激越的《冯?韦伯最后的华尔兹》进行的奇异变奏与夸张。 他凭借着精巧的幻想,构思出一幅幅画面,他一下一下地刷,画面渐至模糊,令我一看就周身战栗,还因为不明白为何战栗而愈加惊悚。这些画至今仍活灵活现、历历在目,可我却无法用文字形象地描摹出来。他的画构图极为朴素,裸着容颜,真正是天然去雕饰,既吸引人,又令人感到震慑。如果世间有谁的画自有真意,那人只能是罗德里克?厄榭。至少对我来说——处在当时环境中——看到这忧郁症患者设法在画布上泼洒的纯然抽象的概念,心里就会生出浓重的畏惧,让人受不了。凝视福塞利那色彩强烈但幻象具体的画时,我则从不曾有过丝毫畏惧。





























成群结队的回音女神 ,










(呜呼!叹君王凄凄赴黄泉) 昔日王家繁华落尽,












