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篇一:北师大unit15 lesson1《Life-long Learning》教案

Module 5 Unit 15

Lesson 1 Life-long Learning Teaching Plan








Teaching Objectives:

By the end of this period, the Ss will be able to:

1. Grasp the structure of the passage.

2. Retell the learning experiences of the three life-long learners,

using the information and vocabulary acquired from the texts.

3. Realize the importance of life-long learning and make their

own plans for continuous study.

Teaching Important Points:

1. To get familiar with some words and phrases related to the

life-long learning.

2. To understand the main idea of the passage and more detailed

information as well.

3. To improve Ss’ listening and reading strategies.

Teaching Difficulties:

1. How to help Ss achieve a better understanding of the

importance of life-long learning and encourage them to make their

own plans for continuous study.

2. Guide Ss to use the information and vocabulary acquired from

the texts.

Teaching Methods:

1. Task-based learning method

2. Discovering learning method

3. Student-centered method (individual work; pair work and

group work)

Teaching Aids:


Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠ Lead-in

1. T (teacher) invites Ss to do a mini survey and fill in some

blanks to make Ss think about the age which they think is no

longer suitable for learning.

2. T introduces some proverbs about life-long learning and

takes Yao Ming as an example.

3. T presents several pictures representing people of different

ages and backgrounds to lead in the topic: life-long learning and

make Ss clear that we have entered a world of life-long learning,

more and more people are continuing to study to improve

themselves nowadays.

StepⅡ Pre-reading

1. Ss look at and talk about the photos and then work in groups

discussing how important is it for people to continue their studies

after formal education.

2. Some of the Ss report their ideas with the class.

3. Ss work in small groups of four talking about the rapid

changes the world is undergoing and how these changes make it

necessary for people to continue learning.

4. Some of the Ss share their ideas with the class and then

complete the table as a whole class.

5. T asks Ss to review the new words of this lesson and read in


StepⅢ Fast-reading

1. Ss listen to the cassette and find out the basic information of

the three learners (names and ages) the passage refers to.

2. Ss work individually skimming the passage to make clear of

the main idea and the writer’s purpose of writing.

3. Ss choose right answers to the three questions and fill in the

blanks. Check answers as a class by having some Ss read out the


StepⅣ Careful-reading

1. Ss scan the passage silently again to get detailed information

life-long learning

and decide whether the sentences are true or false.

2. Ss read the passage paragraph by paragraph and fill in the table

with the correct information. Give Ss time to think about and

discuss the answers if they wish before writing.

3. Some of the Ss share their ideas with the whole class.

4. Based on the table, Ss practice retelling the passage and do a

summary. StepⅤ Post-reading

Draw a conclusion to make Ss achieve a better understanding of

the importance of life-long learning.

T: In Sun Wen and Ms Tang’s cases, learning helps them in their

career and brings them sense of achievement. As for Grandpa Chen,

he enjoys learning for his family life. People from all ages and

backgrounds benefit from life-long learning.

StepⅥ Homework

1. Write a short passage to state the importance of life-long

learning. Give at least one example.

2. Preview the grammar point ----third conditional.

篇二:Life-long Learning教学设计

M5 Unit 15 learning

Life-long learning

篇三:Life-Long Learning 教案

Lesson 1 Life-Long Learning


1.To develop and practise the strategies for prediction,

working out meanings and making inferences.

2.To learn to use the expressions correctly.

3.To realize the importance of life-long learning.

4.To practise using third conditional sentences.

Teaching key & Difficult Points

1.Improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Master some important expressions.

Expressions:be about to,lay off, swell with,aside

from,have no chance of doing,go blank,set up.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion 2.Reading 3.Asking and Answering


Teaching Process:

StepⅠ Lead-in

Ask the students the following questions:

1.If you failed in the college entrance exam,will you

continue to study?

2.If you would be laid off,what should you do?

The ask students about life-long learning,what famous sayings can you think of?

(for example:It’s never too late to learn)

StepⅡ Pre-reading

1.Ask students look at the Picture and title of text and


①Are they all students?

②Hou old are they?

③What are they doing?

One more question:

What have your parents or other relatives learned after formal education?

2.Match the new phrases with the explanations:

①Lay off A(心中)溢满

②Swell with B除??之外

③be about to do C 下岗,解雇

④aside from D 专心于??

⑤set up E 建立、成立

⑥be buried in F 好像

⑦as if G 正要做某事

Answers:① C ② A ③ G ④ D ⑤ E ⑥ D ⑦ F

Step Ⅲ Fast-reading

Let students skim the text to check their guesses and find out what each Paragraph is about.

StepⅣ Careful-reading

Students read the passage more carefully and find

Language Points:

1.be about to do sth 正在做某事

be about to do sth?when?正要做某事,突然??

eg:We were about to set out when it began to rain.我们正要启程这时突然下起雨来。

?when? 正在做某事突然??

?when? 刚做完某事突然??

lay off 下岗,解雇

eg:If your boss laid you off,what would you do?



lay down one’s arms 放下武器

lay the table 摆桌子(准备吃饭)

3.aside from

①除了??之外(还有)=apart from/besides=in addition to eg:Aside from being too large,the color of the skirt doesn’t suit me . 除了太太之外,这个裙子的颜色也不适合我。


eg:All of the children in that class like the game,aside from Peter.除了Peter外,那个班里的所有学生都喜欢这个游戏。

4.Frankly speaking,the last four years have been hard work,but it’s worth it!


1)Frankly speaking:常用作插入语,意为:坦白地说。

eg:Frankly speaking,I bought the house for only l0,000 yuan.

2)Worth 表语形容词,意为:值,其后接表“价值”的名语或接动词-ing形式。

eg:①This book is worth 100 yuan.

②This book is worth reading.

5.I decided that it was time I became an Internet user.我觉得是成为互联网用户的时候了。

It’s time that sb did sth 是某人该做某事的时候。

eg:It’s time we went home. ’s time (for sb)to do sth 某人该做??

It’s time for sth 某人该做??

It /This is the first /second time that sb has done sth.

StepⅤ Discussion

Read through the example sentences,then ask students to discuss the ways they can take part in life-long learning when they finish school or university.

StepⅥ Homework

Do Exercise 5 in Page37 and exercises of lesson 1 in the language Power.

篇四:Life-long Learning

Life-long Learning

As the saying goes ,leaning like boating upstream ,if you

aren`t moving ahead ,you are falling behind . Especially, we are living in the era where science and technology is developing in such a high speed , so life-long learning becomes necessary.

Life-long learning isn`t a meaningless slogan, and it is based on our good and willing habit.

Essentially, it needs that we donate a voluntary heart ,and we should treat it as our carrying needs and earnest wishes.

Life-long learning can overcome the difficulties which we faced in work and life ,and solve the corresponding problems,.Surely, it helps us.

Usually, we ought to evaluate our learning timely and

effectively. Although the learning is life-long ,it also is

periodical .We must make sure that our learning is effective and the direction is right.

Of course, it still requires us to have strong perseverance. No matter what difficulties we faced, we must keep going.

March the sixth, Twenty Twelve

篇五:Lesson1 Life-long Learning

Lesson1 Life-long Learning

The Importance of Life-long Learning

Nowadays, more and more people of various ages and backgrounds are continuing to study to improve themselves. Here's what they have to say about their life-long learning experience.

Sun Wen—28 years old

“It's never too late to learn.” That was the advice I got after I failed my college entrance exam. Now I'm about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning. Because of my new qualification, I'm getting promoted at work.

In the past, if someone like me had failed to get into university through the college exam, he would have had no chance of getting a degree. But it's different now. I

decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends while keeping a secure full-time job. Frankly speaking, the last four years have been hard work, but it's been worth it!

Ms Tang—45 years old

Three months ago, when my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart swelled with anger. In the past, if someone had worked for a company for over 20 years, they would have stayed there until retirement!I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump to my throat and made me want to cry. I felt as if I had done something wrong!I know this isn't true though. It's just the status of the job market at the moment.

At first, I enjoyed being a full-time housewife and called myself “CHO” or “chief home officer”.But soon I got bored and decided to do a business course. I have always dreamed of starting my own company.

I have nearly finished the course now and it has been very helpful. I have learnt so many new skills and have already prepared a business plan for setting up my own export company!I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

Grandpa Chen—75 years old

I'm sure you all know the saying,“You can't teach an old dog new tricks.” Well, it's certainly not true! I'm an old dog, and I'm teaching myself new tricks every day!

It all started a few months ago when postage went up. I'd been sending letters by airmail to my daughter in the US once a week, but, suddenly, it was too expensive. I decided that it was time I

became an Internet user. I got my grandson to instruct me on how to email and

use the Internet and I really enjoy the speed at which my messages get sent and

answered. And aside from emailing, it's fun to see and talk to my grandchildren in the US on the i-Cam. In the past, if I'd wanted to see them, I would have had to visit them in person. So many people think that after you retire, all you can do is switch off your brain and bury everything you've ever learnt. This is so wrong!

Anyway, it's time for me to go now. I have to practice the alphabet!I'm doing an English course on the Internet.

1. secure 稳定的,无忧无虑的

2. frankly 坦率地,真诚地

3. blank 空白的

4. swell 膨胀,肿胀

5. suspect 怀疑

6. lump 团,块

7. throat 咽喉,喉咙

8. status 现状,社会地位

9. chief 最高级别的

10. saying 格言,谚语

11. postage 邮费

12. airmail 航空邮政

13. user 使用者

14. instruct 指导,教导

15. bury 埋葬

16. alphabet 字母表
