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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:41:10 小学作文



Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.That is why it is called the present.





All the past things become history, which cannot be changed. However, in daily life, people always say that if they did this or that, they would be better off now. Does this make any sense? No. It’s widely acknowledged that you cannot change the past whatever you do. Then why should we have regrets for what happened in the past? Similarly, we should not attach too much importance to the future, for it is really something uncertain unless you make it come true. Therefore, the present, which is what we are sure about, is very important, because by making full use of it we can find a way to success. Please seize the hour seize the day and treasure every moment that you have!



A lot of kids and adults think that sports out of class in campus have become too intense. Injuries and burnout are on the rise among young people. Schools, especially parents are anxious about the kids’ safety. What do you think?







Yes, some injuries have indeed taken place in the campus recently. I still remember once had my arm broken while playing basketball. Since then, my parents have forbidden me to take part in any PE class. Some schools have even withdrawn from sports activities out of class. They require kids just to stay in classroom. Those who violate the “rules” would be scolded.

As far as I am concerned, sports should not be cancelled for the students’ sake. We can take some measures to avoid such injuries. Sports can build up your bodies, and enable us to grow up in good health. Though sports require a big investment of time, money and energy, the physical and emotional benefits coming from playing sports are worth it.


“Good health is the foundation of a fulfilling life." said Chairman Mao.“Health is wealth (财富)!” goes an old saying. And it is often heard that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing.



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④词数为1 20左右。

Which is more important, health or wealth? Not until I witnessed my uncle’s real life did I realize that health is of more importance.

Devoted to his business, my uncle, a successful businessman, workded from morning till night every day, with no spare time to relax himself. He often said: “I must earn much money so that I can get whatever I want.”As a consequence, he was seriously ill. Rich as he was, he could do nothing but lie in the hospital bed.

So I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone live happily. Whether we are rich or not, we cannot ignore the importance of health. (123 words)



Gaokao, China's college entry test, is considered to be the most difficult academic test in the world. Only a lucky few are able to cross the "single-log bridge", standing out from thousands of candidates. It is gaokao that largely determines Chinese students’ future success.



① 无须写标题,不得照抄英文提示语

② 除诗歌外,文体不限

③ 开头和结尾已给出,不得再抄写,不计入总词数

④ 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称


Dear Sir or Madam,

I appreciate your interest in China’s gaokao. However, as a young man from China, I’m afraid I don’t quite agree with the definition given.


Thanks for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua

one possible version

It is widely known that with China’s economic booming, not only are college graduates in great demand, but also those with working experience and practical ability. In my personal opinion, the latter is what most Chinese college graduates are lacking in. On the contrary, if one doesn’t go to college, probably he will try to learn a trade and apply for whatever job he is offered. He is more likely to be committed to his career, thus making him competitive in the fierce job market. Besides, interpersonal

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skills, which one can hardly gain at college, also play an important role.

In a word, nowadays gaokao is not likely to be the only way out for a student. After all, life is what you make it.



Classmate conflicts among senior middle school students are often heard on campus over recent years. These conflicts make the excitement of campus life grow grey and have bad effects on both their living and learning.

Classmate conflicts often rise from daily tiny things such as space where to store books or notes. When personalities don’t mix, the specifics can tear classmates apart and sometimes even lead to serious conflicts. Besides, the fact that classmates hold different attitudes towards certain issue is another factor causing these conflicts.

Classmate conflicts are harmful and need to be settled. Though many people think that school discipline can soften the conflicts, I believe learning to be tolerant with each other can play a more constructive role because it teaches students flexibility and the art of compromise. Meanwhile, communication contributes to the solution to this problem since many of these conflicts result from misunderstanding.



Without friends, life is not worth living.But what kind of person can be accepted as friend?

Lots of people are classmates and aren't friends.Lots of people are lovers but aren't friends.You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doe

come to store作文

sn't make them a friend.If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, that's when you can tell it's friendship.



The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother,etc.

As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties.

With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends. I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share. I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.

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