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篇一:三年级牛津英语Module 2 Me, my family and friends课文

Module 2 Me, my family and friends

Unit 1 My friends.

Look and learn

fat---thin big---small tall---short Look and say Who are you?

I’m a girl. I’m nine. I’m tall. I’m fat. I’m big.

I’m a boy. I’m eight. I’m short. I’m thin. I’m small. Play a game Who are you? ---Who are you?

---I’m a girl. I’m eight. I’m tall. ---You’re Kitty. ---No, I’m big. ---You’re Mary. ---Yes.

Look and say Who is my friend?

---He’s eight. He’s short. He’s fat. ---He’s Eddie. ---No!

---He’s Danny. ---Yes.

---She’s eight. She’sthin. He’s small. --- She’s Kitty. ---Yes.

Now listen!

1: She’s tall. She’s eight. She’s happy. She’s Mary 2: She’s big. She’s tall. She’s Miss Fang.

?3: He’s short. He’s fat. He’s eight. He’s Danny.

4: He’s short. He’s thin. He’s happy. He’s eight. He’s Eddie. 5: She’s small. She’s thin. She’s hapy. She’s eight. She’s Kitty. Learn the letters

Nn---nine Oo---orange Pp---pencil Qq---queen Say and act

Two fat boys in the rain

Two fat boys in the rain, Two thin girls in the rain,… Bow and bow and bow again. Two tall teachers in the rain, … How are you? How are you? Two short mothers in the rain, …

How are you again? Two small babies in the rain, … babies是baby的复数

small babies short mothers tall teachers thin girls fat boys

Unit 2 Feelings

Look and read The party

Mr Li is happy. Ben is happy. Peter is sad. Kitty is hungry. Alice is thirsty.

Ask and answer Say Yes or No. 1) Is Sam sad? 2) Is Sam happy? 3) Is Sam hungry?

Look and learn

a balloon an ice-cream a cake an apple

Look and say

---A cake, Ben? ---An apple, Alice? ---An ice-cream, Grandma? ---Yes, please. ---Yes, please. ---No, thank you. ---Here you are. ---Here you are. ---Thank you. ---Thank you.

Ask and answer

Kitty: A cake, Ben? Ben: An apple, Kitty?

Ben: Yes, ________. Kitty: No, ________ ________. Kitty: Here ______ _______. Ben: ________ ________.

Ask and answer What is it?

---What is it? is it a bag? ---No!

---Is it a book? ---Yes!

a ruler a rubber a dog a pencil

Learn the letters

Rr---ruler Ss---sun Tt---table Uu---umbrella

my friend family

---A balloon, Mr Li? ---No, thank you.

Unit 3 Families families是family的复数

Look and learn My family

mother father little brother(小弟弟)big sister(大姐姐) grandmother grandfather me and cat

Ask and answer

---Who’s she? ---She’s my mother. ---Who’s he?

---He’s my little brother.

S1: Who’s she/ he? S2: She’s / He’s my…

Say a poem

Hello. I’m Susi. I am a cat. I am small and very fat. My tail is long. My ears are small. I like to play with my yellow ball. Who’s she?

She’s Susie. She’s my ________.

Look and say

1. I’m a rabbit. My ears are long. My tail is short. tail(尾巴) 2. I’m a dog. My ears are long. My tail is short. 3. I’m a mouse. My ears are big. My tail is long. 4. I’m a cat. My ears are small. My tail is long.

Read a story

Are you my mother?

1. ---Hello. Are you my mother?

---No. My ears are_________. My tail is _______. I’m a rabbit 2. ---Hello. Are you my mother?

---No. My ears are_________. My tail is _______. I’m a dog. 3. ---Hello. Are you my mother?

---No. My ears are_________. My tail is _______. I’m a mouse. 4. ---Hello. Are you my mother?

---Yes. My ears are_________. My tail is _______. I’m your mother.

Learn the letters

Vv---van Ww---window Xx---x-ray Yy---yellow Zz---zebra

Say and act Good friends 1. ---Who’s he? ---He’s my father.

2. ---Hello, dad.

---Hello, Mr Wang.

3. ---Hello. Are you Mary? ---No. I’m Kitty.

4. ---Dad, Kitty is my good friend. ---Yes. We are good friends.

Read and tick
