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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 11:20:35 字数作文

篇一:老外吐槽 最难懂的8个中国特色

老外吐槽 最难懂的8个中国特色


After giving birth

I heard recently that after giving birth, women aren't allowed to take a bath or shower. They shouldn't wash their hair for over a month. They shouldn't return to work for nearly 3 months. Very different in the West. I really don't know or understand the rationale or if it's just some kind of tradition.

我最近听说,女性在生完孩子之后不可以洗澡淋浴,一个月不能洗头,近三个月内不能工作。这和西方完全不一样。我真的不明白为什么要有这些规矩,或者这是某种传统。 Boiled water

In China, all water has to be boiled before you can drink it. I am not sure why the Chinese do it, but I have heard that it is very good for your digestive system.



Drinking is a part of Chinese culture that I find weird. If you want to create or enhance your network, you have to drink as much as you can.


Red envelope

A far more pervasive feature is the red envelope.


If you are married to a Chinese you will be surprised by the sheer number of events that give people an automatic right to obtain red money-filled envelopes:

你要是嫁了或是娶了一个中国人,那你就会遇到各种各样人们可以收红包的场合: - A house-warming party;

- 乔迁喜宴;

- the marriage;

- 婚礼;

- death of someone;

- 葬礼;

- promotion (of a civil servant);

- (官员)升迁;

- birth of a child;

- 孩子出生;

- birthday;

- 生日;

Raised by grandparents

In China, children were raised primarily by the grandparents because of the parents needing to work. My husband was raised by his grandparents, and my in-laws were raised by their grandparents. Should children's primary caretakers be their parents?



I'm studying for the driving exam. The laws are similar to the West. What's amazing is, NO ONE FOLLOWS THESE LAWS IN CHINA! Seriously. The licensing process in China is far more difficult than in the West. However, it seems that in China, as soon as you do get the license, you forget everything that you learned and do whatever you want, whenever you, wherver you want, however you want. Parking on sidewalks, driving on the wrong side of the road, constantly honking the horn and many others. Most of the laws are exactly the opposite of what more than 50% of the drivers do in China. In the West, we have driving laws that are enforced. It is rare to see someone breaking the driving laws in the West.



My wife tells me I'll have good luck when I sneeze.


I like this much, much more than hearing the tired, old "God bless you" common in the West. 西方人打喷嚏时人们老说“上天保佑你”,我都听腻了,比起这个,中国这个说法我简直太喜欢了。

Cupping therapy

Cupping therapy. My wife does dry Cupping Therapy and I understand it is an ancient practice but I don't see any benefits or results to it. I believe it is to draw bad blood to the surface of one's skin.




徐家汇中心: 上海市徐汇区广元西路45号505室(慧谷大厦/上海交通大学旁) TEL:0086-21-52300141

虹桥/古北中心: 上海市长宁区荣华东道96号508室(维多利亚高级商务楼) TEL:0086-21-52570106

HP:HP: /mandarin/index.asp

篇二:外国人惊叹中文难学的七大原因 双语

















In some foreigners eyes', the learning of Chinese has become the most difficult thing for them. The tones of Chinese and Chinese characters all seem to be a difficulty. Then what has made the learning of Chinese difficult?

Top 1 Because the writing system is ridiculous

The beauty of the characters is indisputable, but these ideograms weren't too practical for daily use. It is absolutely true that Chinese is hard because of the huge number of characters one has to learn. And Chinese is not very phonetic, which means that often you just completely forget how to write a character, if there is no obvious semantic clue in the radical, and no helpful phonetic component somewhere in the character.

Top 2 Because the language doesn't have the common sense to use an alphabet

The English is so easy because of the skills needed to master the writing system are 26 letters and they are written from left to right ,horizontally, across the page, with spaces to indicate word boundaries. In comparison, Chinese has nothing that corresponds to an alphabet, though there are recurring components that make up the characters. It can be said that the components of Chinese characters are arrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensional rows of alphabetic writing.

Top 3 Because even looking up a word in the dictionary is complicated

One of the most unreasonably difficult things about learning Chinese is that merely learning how to look up a word in the dictionary is about the equivalent of an entire semester of secretarial school. Chinese must also be one of the most dictionary-intensive languages on earth for there are various dictionaries.

Top 4 Because there's classical Chinese (wenyanwen)

Whereas modern Mandarin is merely perversely hard, classical Chinese is deliberately impossible. Classical Chinese really consists of several centuries of esoteric anecdotes and in-jokes written in a kind of terse, miserly code for dissemination among a small, elite group of intellectually-inbred bookworms who already knew the whole literature backwards and forwards.

Top 5 Because there are too many romanization methods and they all suck

Perhaps that's too harsh, but it is true that there are too many of them, and most of them were designed either by committee or by linguists, or -- even worse -- by a committee of linguists. It is, of course, a very tricky task to devise a romanization method; some are better than others, but all involve plenty of counterintuitive spellings.

Top 6 Because tonal languages are weird

It's one of the most common complaints about learning Chinese, and it's also one of the aspects of the language that westerners are notoriously bad at. As non-native speakers, you must memorize along with the vowels and consonants. The real difficulty comes in when you start to really use Chinese to express yourself. Intonation and stress habits are incredibly ingrained and second-nature.

Top 7 Because there is culture difference

One of the main reasons Chinese is so difficult for westerners is that the culture between the East and the West has been isolated for so long. China has had extensive contact with the West in the last few decades, but there is still a vast sea of knowledge and ideas that is not shared

by both cultures. When westerners and Chinese get together, there is often not just a language barrier, but an immense cultural barrier as well.




老外如何学汉语会相对轻松一点呢?其实外国人觉得中文难离不开以下几点,原因一:书写方法简直是天方夜谭 。汉字的拼写方式不是很规则,也就是说,如果从一个汉字的组合方式中得不到任何显而易见的语义提示,或者其中没有包含什么有用的偏旁部首,就会把一个汉字的写法忘得干干净净;原因二:汉语是不能用通俗意义上的字母排列来表意的。英语之所以好学,就是因为掌握英语书写方法所需要的技能也就是26个字母而已,而且只要沿水平方向、从左到右、从页面的一边写到另一边就可以了;原因三:即使在字典中查汉字也是非常复杂;原因四:中文里面还有古汉语(文言文);原因五:(罗马式)拼音方案太多且都让人精疲力尽;原因六:汉语语调稀奇古怪;原因七:存在文化差异。东方、西方相互之间文化分隔的时间太长,这也是汉语对于西方人来说为何那么难学的主要原因。



外国人惊叹中文难学的七大原因 在一些外国人看来,学习中文已成为他们最为头疼的事情。汉语的语调和汉字好像都是个难题。

In some foreigners eyes', the learning of Chinese has become the most difficult thing for them. T he tones of Chinese and Chinese characters all seem to be a difficulty. 那么到底是什么原因使中文这么难学的呢?

Then what has made the learning of Chinese difficult?


Top 1 Because the writing system is ridiculous


It is absolutely true that Chinese is hard because of the huge number of characters one has to learn.


And Chinese is not very phonetic, which means that often you just completely forget how to write a character, if there is no obvious semantic clue in the radical, and no helpful phonetic component somewhere in the character.


Top 2 Because the language doesn't have the common sense to use an alphabet


The English is so easy because of the skills needed to master the writing system are 26 letters and they are written from left to right ,horizontally, across the page, with spaces to indicate word boundaries.

相比之下,尽管中文也有组成汉字的那些共用的偏旁部首,却没有相应的字母。 In comparison, Chinese has nothing that corresponds to an alphabet, though there are recurring components that make up the characters.


It can be said that the components of Chinese characters are arrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensional rows of alphabetic writing.


Top 3 Because even looking up a word in the dictionary is complicated


One of the most unreasonably difficult things about learning Chinese is that merely learning how to look up a word in the dictionary is about the equivalent of an entire semester of secretarial school


Chinese must also be one of the most dictionary-intensive languages on earth for there are various dictionaries.


Top 4 Because there's classical Chinese (wenyanwen)


Classical Chinese really consists of several centuries of esoteric anecdotes and in-jokes written in a kind of terse, miserly code for dissemination among a small, elite group of

intellectually-inbred bookworms who already knew the whole literature backwards and forwards. 原因五:(罗马式)拼音方案太多且都让人精疲力尽

Top 5 Because there are too many romanization methods and they all suck




Perhaps that's too harsh, but it is true that there are too many of them, and most of them were designed either by committee or by linguists, or -- even worse -- by a committee of linguists. 原因六:汉语语调稀奇古怪

Top 6 Because tonal languages are weird


It's one of the most common complaints about learning Chinese, and it's also one of the aspects of the language that westerners are notoriously bad at.


As non-native speakers, you must memorize along with the vowels and consonants. 汉语的那些语调和强调习惯简直是与生俱来的,根深蒂固的,简直不可思议。 Intonation and stress habits are incredibly ingrained and second-nature.


Top 7 Because there is culture difference


One of the main reasons Chinese is so difficult for westerners is that the culture between the East and the West has been isolated for so long.


China has had extensive contact with the West in the last few decades, but there is still a vast sea of knowledge and ideas that is not shared by both cultures.


When westerners and Chinese get together, there is often not just a language barrier, but an immense cultural barrier as well.




外国人学习中文之所以觉得困难离不开以下几点,原因一:书写方法简直是天方夜谭 。汉语之所以难学,就是因为要学的汉字实在太多,这也是绝对的事实。还有,汉字的拼写方式也不是很规则,也就是说,如果从一个汉字的组合方式中得不到任何显而易见的语义提示,或者其中没有包含什么有用的偏旁部首,就会把一个汉字的写法忘得干干净净;原因二:汉语是不能用通俗意义上的字母排列来表意的。英语之所以好学,就是因为掌握英语书写方法所需要的技能也就是26个字母而已,而且只要沿水平方向、从左到右、从页面的一边写到另一边就可以了;原因三:即使在字典中查汉字也是非常复杂;原因四:中文里面还有古汉语(文言文);原因五:(罗马式)拼音方案太多且都让人精疲力尽;原因六:汉语语调稀奇古怪;原因七:存在文化差异。东方、西方相互之间文化分隔的时间太长,这也是汉语对于西方人来说为何那么难学的主要原因。

