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篇一:2015年上海英语高考真题 阅读A及参考答案 精校版

2015年上海英语高考真题 阅读A及参考答案 精校版

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Look to many of history’s cultural symbols, and there you’ll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen. It appeared on some of the first postcards, starred in some of the earliest silent movies, and was the subject of a couple of the earliest photos, dating all the way back to the 1800s. I discovered even more about one of humanity’s earliest forms of life art during several years of research around the world.

For example, snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages, built with great skill and thought. At a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky. It was a popular activity for couples to leisurely walk through town to view the temporary works of chilly art. Some were created by famous artists, including a 19-year-old Michelangelo, who in 1494 was appointed by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion’s courtyard.

The Miracle of 1511 took place during six freezing weeks called the Winter of Death. The city of Brussels was covered in snowmen—an impressive scene that told stories on every street corner. Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and government. Some were a reflection of people’s imagination. For the people of Brussels, this was a defining moment of artistic freedom. At least until spring arrived, by which time they were dealing with damaging floods.

If you fear the heyday of the snowman has passed, don’t worry: I’ve learned that some explosive snowman history is still being made today. Every year since 1818, the people of Zurich, Switzerland, celebrate the beginning of spring by blowing up a snowman. On the third Monday of April, the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off when a cotton snowman called the Boogg is stuffed with explosive and paraded through town by bakers and other tradesmen who throw bread to the crowds. The parade ends with the Boogg being placed on a 40-foot pile of firewood. After the bells of the Church of St. Peter have rung six times, representing the passing of winter, the pile is lit. When the snowman explodes, winter is considered officially over—the quicker it is burnt down, the longer summer is said to be.

66. According to the passage, why did snowmen become a phenomenon in the Middle Ages?

A. People thought of snow as holy art supplies.

B. People longed to see masterpieces of snow.

C. Building snowmen was a way for people to express themselves.

D. Building snowmen helped people develop their skill and thought.

67. “The heyday of the snowman” (paragraph 4) means the time when___________.

A. snowmen were made mainly by artists

B. snowmen enjoyed great popularity

C. snowmen were politically criticized

D. snowmen caused damaging floods

68. In Zurich, the blowing up of the Boogg symbolizes__________________.

A. the start of the parade

B. the coming of a longer summer

C. the passing of the winter

D. the success of tradesmen

69. What can be concluded about snowmen from the passage?

A. They were appreciated in history

B. They have lost their value

C. They were related to movies

D. They vary in shape and size

参考答案:66. C 67. B 68. C 69. A


14# Unit4 P13

What’s this? What’s? Meadow, miaow. A cat, a cat. A cat, Miaow.

What’s this? What’s this? Woof, woof, woof, woof, A dog, a dog. A dog, Woof, woof.

What’s this? What’s this? Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, A mouse, a mouse A mouse, Squeak, squeak.

What’s this? What’s this? Quack, quack, quack, quack, A duck, a duck. A duck. Quack, quack.

17# Unit5 P17

Listen, Listen; Vroom, vroom vroom;

A car, a car; Vroom, vroom vroom.

Listen, Listen, Shah, Shh, shh;

A train, a train; shh; shh; shh.

A car, a train and there’s a plane.


22# Unit6 P21 Eyes and mouth and nose, Eyes and mouth and nose, This is ma snow-man,

This is my Snow-man, This is my snowman, what a big nose!

31# Unit8 P31

Clap your hands, stamp your feet, clap your hands, stamp your feet.

Clap your hands, turn around, chap your hands, turn around.

Clap your hands, dance and sing, clap your hands, dance and sing.

Dance and sing, dance and sing, Dance and sing, dance and sing.

33# Unit9 P34

A: Pizza, pizza. Yummy, yummy.

B: I like pizza. Mmmmmmmmmmmmh.

A: Cornflakes, cornflakes. Yummy, yummy.

B: I like cornflakes. Mmmmmmmmmmmmh.

A: Apples, apples. Yummy, yummy.

B: I like apples. Mmmmmmmmmmmmh.

p39下半部分歌谣(儿童用书录音带38.Unit10:A cap on a cat)

A cap on a cat. A cap on a dog. A cap on a rabbit. A cap on a frog. Rain, snow or sun. Caps are always fun.

儿童用书p40歌曲(儿童用书录音带40.Unit10:It’s raining)

It’s raining, It’s raining, come out and let’s play, run and jump, oh what a rainy day, run and jump, oh what a rainy day!

42# Unit10 P42

Rain, rain, rain. Here comes the rain. Snow, snow, snow. Here comes the snow.

Wind, wind, wind. Here comes the wind. Sun, sun, sun. Here comes the sun.

Rain and snow. Wind and sun. Rain and snow. Wind and sun.

45# Unit11 P45

Listen to the elephant. (Doo doo doo!) Listen to the snake.(Sass!)

Listen to the hippo (Doo do doo!) What a wonderful song, one, tow, three,

Listen to the monkey. (Do doo doo doo) come on, sing and dance with me!




21. — Can you come to a party on Saturday, Peter?

— Oh, ______I'm already going out, I'm afraid.

A. what a pity! B. don't ask! C. how come? D. so what?

22. If you come to visit China, you will ______ a culture of amazing depth and variety.

A. develop B. create C. substitute D. experience

23. ______ scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still don't know.

A. Once B. Since C. Though D. Unless

24. Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I ______ my bank in the cafe.

A. have left B. had left C would leave D. was leaving

25. A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not ______ ships are built for.

A. what B. whom C. why D. when

36. I’m so ______ to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.

A. special B. superior C. grateful D. attractive

27. ______ the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.

A. Ignore B. Ignoring C. Ignored D. Having ignored

28. Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon______ school education depends.

A. it B. that C. whose D. which

29. It is reported that a space station ______ on the moon in years to come.

A. will be building B. will he built C. has been building D. has been built

30. There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some ______ and then let me know.

A. thought B. support C. protection D. authority

31. They gave money to the old people's home either ______ or through their companies.

A. legally B. sincerely C. personally D. deliberately

32. It is lucky we booked a room, or we ______nowhere to stay now.

A. had B. had had C. would have D. would have had

33. They believe that there are transport developments ______ that will bring a lot of changes for the better,

A. out of date B. out of order C. around the clock D. around the comer

34. ______ he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.

A. Where B. As C. In case D. Now that

35. — How is your table tennis these days? Still playing?

—______. I just don't seem to find the time these days.

A. That's right B. No, not much C. That's great D. Don’t worry


In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The is that countries around the world have growing mountains of because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.

How did we a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to an object than to spend time and money to repair it. modern manufacturing (制造业) and technology,

companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and

Another cause is our of disposable (一次性的) products. As people, we are always looking for to save time and make our lives easier. Companies thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and cameras, to name a few.

Our appetite for new products also to the problem. We are buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we useful possessions to make room for new ones.

All around the world, we can see the of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To the amount of rubbish and to protect the more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. 解决) our problem.

Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions throwing them away. We also need to rethink our attitudes about our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.

36. A. key B. reason C. project D. problem

37. A. gifts B. rubbish C. debt D. products

38. A. face B. become C. observe D. change

39. A. hide B. control C. replace D. withdraw

40. A. Thanks to B. As to C. Except for D. Regardless of

41. A. safe B. funny C. cheap D. powerful

42. A. love B. lack C. prevention D. division

43. A. sensitive B. kind C. brave D. busy

44. A. ways B. places C. jobs D. friends

45. A. donate B. receive C. produce D. preserve

46. A. adapts B. returns C. responds D. contributes

47. A. tired of B. addicted to C. worried about D. ashamed for

48. A. newer B. stronger C. higher D. larger

49. A. pick up B. pay for C. hold onto D. throw away

50. A. advantages B. purposes C. functions D. consequences

51. A. show B. record C. decrease D. measure

52. A. technology B.environment C. consumers D. brands

53. A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Meanwhile

54. A. by B. in favour of C. after D. instead of

55. A. spending B. collecting C. repairing D. advertising

四. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


Look to many of history’s cultural symbols, and there you’ll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen. It appeared on some of the first postcards, starred in some of the earliest silent movies, and was the subject of a couple of the earliest photos, dating all the way

back to the 1800s. I discovered even more about one of humanity’s earliest forms of life art during several years of research around the world.

For example, snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages, built with great skill and thought. At a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky. It was a popular activity for couples to leisurely walk through town to view the temporary works of chilly art. Some were created by famous artists, including a 19-year-old Michelangelo, who in 1494 was appointed by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion’s courtyard.

The Miracle of 1511 took place during six freezing works called the Winter of Death. The city of Brussels was covered in snowmen—an impressive scene that told stories on every street corner. Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and government. Some were a reflection of people’s imagination. For the people of Brussels, this was a defining moment of defining freedom. At least until spring arrived, by which time they were dealing with damaging floods.

If you fear the heyday of the snowman has passed, don’t worry: I’ve learned that some explosive snowman history is still being made today. Every year since 1818, the people of Zurich, Switzerland, celebrate the beginning of spring by blowing up a snowman. On the third Monday of April, the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off when a cotton snowman called the Boogg is stuffed with explosive and paraded through town by bakers and other tradesmen who throw bread to the crowds. The parade ends with the Boogg being placed on a 40-foot pile of firewood. After the bells of the Church of St. Peter have rung six times, representing the passing of winter, the pile is lit. When the snowman explodes, winter is considered officially over—the quicker it is burnt down, the longer summer is said to be.

56. According to the passage, why did snowmen become a phenomenon in the Middle Ages?

A. People thought of snow as holy art supplies.

B. People longed to see masterpieces of snow.

C. Building snowmen was a way for people to express themselves.

D. Building snowmen helped people develop their skill and thought.

57. “The heyday of the snowman” (paragraph 4) means the time when___________.

A. snowmen were made mainly by artists

B. snowmen enjoyed great popularity

C. snowmen were politically criticized

D. snowmen caused damaging floods

58. In Zurich, the blowing up of the Boogg symbolizes__________________.

A. the start of the parade

B. the coming of a longer summer

C. the passing of the winter

D. the success of tradesmen B

59. In the film review, what is paragraph A mainly about?

A. The introduction to the leading roles B. The writer’s opinion of acting

C. The writer’s comments on the story D. The background information

60. According to the film review, “monster” (paragraph B) refers to ______.

A. a gun-crazy hunter B. a brainy dog

C. a scary rabbit D. a giant vegetable

61. Which of the following is a reason why the writer recommends the film?

A. It’s full of wit and humour.

B. Its characters show feelings without words.

C. It is an adventure film directed by Peter Sallis.

D. It is about the harmony between man and animals.


One of the executives gathered at the Aspen Institute for a day-long leadership workshop using the works of Shakespeare was discussing the role of Brutus in the death of Julius Caesar. “Brutus was not an honorable man,” he said. “He was a traitor(叛徒). And he murdered someone in cold blood.” The agreement was that Brutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him. He made a bad decision, they said—at least as it was presented by Shakespeare—to take the lead in murdering Julius Caesar. And though one of the executives acknowledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind, Caesar was nevertheless his superior. “You have to endeavor,” the executives said, “our policy is to obey the chain of command.”

During the last few years, business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare’s wisdom for profitable ends. None more so than husband and wife team Kenneth and Carol Adelman, well-known advisers to the




1、Mr. Black has two cats. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much. One day his friend Mr. Green comes to see him. Mr. Green is very surprised (惊奇的).He finds there are two holes (洞)in the door: a big hole and a small one. He says,” Why are there two holes in your door?”

“To let my cats in or out,” Mr. Black answers.

“Why not one?” asks his friend.

“Can the big cat go through (通过) the small hole?” Mr. Black says.

(1)、Mr. Black has ____________ cats.

(2)、There are two _____________ in the door.

(3)、Mr. Green is Mr. Black’s ________________.

(4)、The small cat can go _____________ the big hole.

(5)、Mr. Green is very ___________ when he comes to see Mr. Black.

2、Joe is my little brother. He is six years old now. He has big eyes and a small mouth. He is short. He wants to be a writer. He often borrows books from me.

One day, he is ill(病了). My mother takes him to the hospital(医院). The doctor asks the nurse to give him an injection(打针). Joe cries(哭)for a long time. “Dear son, don’t cry. You will feel better after a while.” My mother says. When my mother gives money to the nurse, Joe says angrily,“No, she hurt me. She made me cry. She should give me some money!”

(1)、How old is Joe? ____________________________________________

(2)、Is Joe tall? ____________________________________________

(3)、What does Joe want to be? ____________________________________________

(4)、Who takes Joe to the hospital?_____________________________________________

(5)、Does Joe cry when he has the injection?____________________________________

3、Today is Sunday. It’s nine thirty in the morning. Michael, Funny, Sally and Jessica are in Sally’s house. Sally is cooking a meal in the kitchen. Michael is watching TV. Jessica and Mike are playing chess. What is Funny doing? She is listening to the radio. They are very happy.

(1)、What day is today?

(2)、Is Sally doing her homework?

(3)、What are Jessica and Mike doing?

(4)、Is Funny listening to the radio?

(5)、Are they happy?


My school is big and nice. There are about one thousand students and fifty teachers in our school.

Miss Wang is our headmaster. She is a beautiful lady. She’s forty years old, but she looks young.

In our school, there are three P.E. teachers and three music teachers. We all love P.E. and music classes. And we all love our school.

(1)、There are about 1,000 students and 50 teachers in our school.( )

(2)、Mr. Wang is our headmaster. ( )

(3)、Our headmaster is fourteen years old. ( )

(4)、Our headmaster looks young. ( )

(5)、All of us like P.E. and music classes. ( )

5、Hello, everyone! My name is Linda. I have my own bedroom. It is small, but it is very neat and clean. In my bedroom, you can see a small nice bed. Near the small bed, there is a small desk. By the small desk there is a small chair. On the small desk there is a small light. They are for me .I rest and study here. But how many books can you see in my small bedroom? You can’t see them. They are in the small desk .I like it very much.

(1)、My name is .

(2)、I have my bedroom.

(3)、There is a small on the desk.

(4)、I have many in the desk.

(5)、I rest and in my bedroom.

6、Mary is a lovely girl. She has a robot named Jiajia. Jiajia is 1.50 meters tall. He’s very cute. He can talk and sing. He can do the housework and play chess. He also can cook the meal. But Jiajia can’t eat and sleep. Mary likes Jiajia very much. They’re good friends.

(1). Mary is a lovely . A. girl B. boy C. robot

(2). Jiajia is Mary’s . A. cat B. dog C. robot

(3). Jiajia is 1.5 meters . A. long B. tall C. big

(4). Jiajia can do . A. nothing B. everything C. many things

(5). Jiajia can’t . A. eat and sleep B. eat C. sleep


Amy is a good girl. She has a good habit. Look! This is her list.

(1)、Amy’s jeans are blue.( )

(2)、Amy goes to school at 7 o’clock.( )

(3)、Amy reads books in the library at 10 o’clock.( )


(4)、Amy eats lunch at home.( )

(5)、Amy has P.E. class at 2 o’clock.( )

8、I have a new pen pal. Her name is Lisa. She lives in Australia. She likes swimming, drawing and singing. Her father is a policeman. He is forty years old. He likes diving. Her mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. Lisa loves her mum and dad very much.

(1)、My pen pal’s name is .

(2)、She lives in .

(3)、She likes , drawing and singing.

(4)、Her father is a years old.

(5)、Her mother works in a .

9、There are four seasons in a year. They’re spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring is in March, April and May. It’s warm. There are many flowers. People can fly kites in the park. Summer is sunny and hot. It’s in June, July and August. People can swim in the sea. Girls can wear their beautiful dresses. Boys can wear their cool shorts.

Autumn is cool. It’s in September, October and November. We go to school on September 1st.

Winter is very cold. It’s in December, January and February. It has snow. We can make snowmen. It’s funny in winter.

(1)、How many seasons are there in a year?

(2)、What are the seasons?

(3)、Can we fly kites in spring?

(4)、What can girls wear in summer? (5)、Which month is autumn in?

10、Today is Sunday, It’s Kelly’s birthday, too. She is having a big birthday party in her house. She invites (邀请) all her friends: David, Danny, Alive, Sally and Rose. On the table there is a big cake and many presents: flowers, birthday cards, toys and some new pencils. They are from Kelly’s friends. Danny and Alice are playing party games. Sally and Rose are singing a birthday song. What about Kelly and David? They’re eating the birthday cake. They’re all excited and happy.

(1). Today is birthday.

(2). Kelly a birthday party in her .

(3). There is a big on the table.

(4). These presents are from .

(5). Sally and Rose are .


Hello, everyone! My name is Linda. I have my own bedroom. It is small, but it is very neat and clean. In my bedroom, you can see a small nice bed. Near the small bed, there is a small desk. By the small desk there is a small chair. On the small desk there is a small light. They are for me. I rest and study here. But how many books can you see in my small bedroom? You can’t see them. They are in the

small desk. I like it very much.

1、My name is 2、I have my bedroom.

3、There is a small on the desk.

4、I have many in the desk.

5、I rest and in my bedroom.

12 One day Tom tells his friends, “ I’m going to have holidays in Beijing. But I can’t speak Chinese, so I’m going to have evening classes and have Chinese lessons there for a month.” Soon his holidays come and he goes to China happily. After he comes back, his friends ask him, “ Do you have any trouble with your Chinese ,Tom?” “ No, I don’t.” answers Tom, “ But the Chinese do!”

( )1. Tom( ) Beijing.

A. lives in B. is going to C. stays in D. comes to

( )2. Tom ( )Chinese for a month.

A. studies B. is a C. meets D. looks for

( )3. Tom( ) China very happily.

A. lives in B. is in C. goes to D. comes back from

( )4. Tom( ) trouble with his Chinese in China.

A. has some B. does have any

C. has no D. can understand

( )5. “But the Chinese do.” Means .

A. the Chinese people have trouble with my Chinese.

B. the Chinese people don’t understand Chinese.

C. Tom’s Chinese good. People can understand him easily.

D. the Chinese know themselves

13 I often get up at 6:00 in the morning. I have breakfast at 6:30. I usually go to school at 7:00. Our classes begin at 8:20 a.m..

I often have Chinese, Maths, English in the morning. I have lunch at 12:00. I have other three lessons in the afternoon. I’m very happy at school. At about 4:30 , I go home. I have dinner at 6:00 p.m.. I often watch TV at 7:00. I like “Animal World” very much. I go to bed at 8:30.

14 I have a good friend in my home. It’s a cat. Its name is Mimi. It’s white and yellow. And it’s very beautiful. I play with it after school. It often plays with a ball or lines. My friends, Mary and Alice come to see it, but it is behind sofas or in a box. Our families sit in a sofa and it can go there with us. In the evening, I must study at my desk, but it is on the desk, too. At that time, I put it down. Is it my good friend? Guess, please.

1. Mimi is the name of a( ) .

A. boy B. girl C. cat D. bird

2. Who is my friend in my home?( )

A. Mary B. Alice C. Mimi D. My brother

3. Can my friends see my cat in my home?( )

A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t.

C. Yes, they can’t. D. No, they can.

4. I often play with ( )after school.

A. a ball B. the cat C. books D. lines

5. why do I put the cat onto the floor.

A. The cat isn’t my good friend.

B. I don’t play with the cat.

C. I want to go to bed.

D. I must study in the evening.


测试卷 1

Research has shown that two-thirds of human conversation is taken up not with discussion of the cultural or political problems of the day, not heated debates about films we've just watched or books we've just finished reading, but plain and simple __51__.

Language is our greatest treasure as a species, and what do we __52__ do with it? We gossip. About others' behaviour and private lives, such as who's doing what with whom, who's in and who's out-and why; how to deal with difficult __53__ situations involving children, lovers, and colleagues.

So why are we keen on gossiping? Are we just natural __54__, of both time and words? Or do we talk a lot about nothing in particular simply to avoid facing up to the really important issues of life? It's not the case according to Professor Robin Dunbar. In fact, in his latest book, Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language, the psychologist says gossip is one of these really__55__issues.

Dunbar __56__ the traditional view that language was developed by the men at the early stage of social development in order to organize their manly hunting activities more effectively, or even to promote the exchange of poetic stories about their origins and the supernatural. Instead he suggests that language evolved among women. We don't spend two-thirds of our time gossiping just because we can talk, argues Dunbar—__57__, he goes on to say, language evolved specifically to allow us to gossip.

Dunbar arrived at his cheery theory by studying the __58__ of the higher primates(灵长类动物)like monkeys. By means of grooming--cleaning the fur by brushing it, monkeys form groups with other individuals on whom they can rely for support in the event of some kind of conflict within the group or__59__ from outside it.

As we human beings evolve from a particular branch of the primate family, Dunbar __60__ that at one time in our history we did much the same. Grouping together made sense because the bigger the group, the greater the __61__ it provided; on the other hand, the bigger the group, the greater the stresses of living close to others. Grooming helped to __62__ the pressure and calm everybody down.

But as the groups got bigger and bigger, the amount of time spent in grooming activities also had to be __63__ to maintain its effectiveness. Clearly, a more __64__ kind of grooming was needed, and thus language evolved as a kind of vocal(有声的)grooming which allowed humans to develop relationship with ever-larger groups by exchanging information over a wider network of individuals than would be possible by one-to-one __65__ contact.

51. A. claim B. description C. gossip D. language 52. A. occasionally

B. habitually C. independently D. originally

D. cultural

53. A. social B. political C. historical

54. A. admirers B. masters C. users D. wasters 55. A. vital B. sensitive C. ideal D. difficult 56. A. confirms B. rejects C. outlines 57. A. for instance B. in addition

58. A. motivation B. appearance C. emotion

D. broadens D. behaviour

C. on the contrary D. as a result

59. A. attack B. contact C. inspection D. assistance

60. A. recalls B. denies C. concludes 61. A. prospect B. responsibility 62. A. measure B. show

C. leadership

D. confesses D. protection

C. maintain D. ease

D. Thoughtful D. secret

63. A. saved B. extended C. consumed D. gained 64. A. common B. efficient C. scientific 65. A. indirect B. daily C. physical


The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.

All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her in with us? There had to be a .

One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) copy.

I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had . “Why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough . Could you help me, Suzy?”

On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different.

“And finally,” said Mr Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n)

award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students them.”

I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw well?”

Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “ this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a 神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!”

Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried.

I any- thing in her whole life.

Everyone started to their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right. 36. A. joked 38. A. rich

B. cared B. proud B fall

B. pattern B. taken B. talk

C. trains C. tiny

D. worried

D. questioned D. popular

D. way

37. A. reported 39. A. come 40. A. manner 41. A. read 42. A. free 43. A. art 45. A. at

B. decided

C. complained

D. tie

D. put D. extra D. talent D. drawn D. around

C. fit

C. choice

C. opened C. final C. quiz C. for

C. carved

B. perfect B. written B. after

44. A. colored

46. A. room 47. A. gifts

B. time B. books B. found B. that

B. Though B. rank B. realized B. valued B. wave

C. paper C. photos C. national C. printed C. quite C. Unless C. rest

D. interest D. posters D. royal D. collected D. too D. Since D. place D. regretted D. controlled D. shake

48. A. special 49. A. painted 50. A. very 51. A. If 52. A. prize

B. academic

53. A. replied 54. A. offered 55. A. clap 3

C. remembered C. owned C. raise

Look to many of history’s cultural symbols, and there you’ll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen. It appeared on some of the first postcards, starred in some of the earliest silent movies, and was the subject of a couple of the earliest photos, dating all the way back to the 1800s. I discovered even more about one of humanity’s earliest forms of life art during several years of research around the world.

For example, snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages, built with great skill and thought. At a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky. It was a popular activity for couples to leisurely walk through town to view the temporary works of chilly art. Some were created by famous artists, including a 19-year-old Michelangelo, who in 1494 was appointed by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion’s courtyard.

The Miracle of 1511 took place during six freezing works called the Winter of Death. The city of Brussels was covered in snowmen—an impressive scene that told stories on every street corner. Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and government. Some were a reflection of people’s imagination. For the people of Brussels, this was a defining moment of defining freedom. At least until spring arrived, by which time they were dealing with damaging floods.

If you fear the heyday of the snowman has passed, don’t worry: I’ve learned that some explosive snowman history is still being made today. Every year since 1818, the people of Zurich, Switzerland, celebrate the beginning of spring by blowing up a snowman. On the third Monday of April, the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off when a cotton snowman called the Boogg is stuffed with explosive and paraded through town by bakers and other tradesmen who throw bread to the crowds. The parade ends with the Boogg being placed on a 40-foot pile of firewood. After the bells of the Church of St. Peter have rung six times, representing the passing of winter, the pile is lit. When the snowman explodes, winter is considered officially over—the quicker it is burnt down, the longer summer is said to be.

66. According to the passage, why did snowmen become a phenomenon in the Middle Ages? A. People thought of snow as holy art supplies. B. People longed to see masterpieces of snow.

C. Building snowmen was a way for people to express themselves.

D. Building snowmen helped people develop their skill and thought.

67. “The heyday of the snowman” (paragraph 4) means the time when___________. A. snowmen were made mainly by artists B. snowmen enjoyed great popularity C. snowmen were politically criticized D. snowmen caused damaging floods

68. In Zurich, the blowing up of the Boogg symbolizes__________________. A. the start of the parade B. the coming of a longer summer C. the passing of the winter D. the success of tradesmen

69. What can be concluded about snowmen from the passage? A. They were appreciated in history B. They have lost their value C. They were related to movies D. They vary in shape and size
