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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 01:23:48 字数作文

篇一:Winter fun 教案1



T:I think everyone of us has a favourite season. We have fun in it. Boys and girls, please tell me,what`s your favourite season? why ?

S1: My favourite season is summer

S2: Why?

S3 Because I can swim in the river.


T: Can you guess my favourite season?

Who can?

S1: Summer?

S2: Winter?

T: Yes,my favourite season is winter,because I like to make a snowman.Do you know a snowman?look at the screen.

T: Our old friends, Li Ming and Jenny are in Canada. It’s also winter in Canada. What

do they do? Do they skate, ski, or make snowballs…? Yes, they make a snowman. What does their

snowman like? Listen and draw.


winter fun教学设计



篇二:Lesson15Winter Fun教学设计

篇三:六年级英语上册 Lesson12 Winter Fun教案 冀教版(一起)

Lesson 12: Winter Fun


(1)知识与技能目标:能熟练运用“Why?” “Because?”进行交流; 介绍自己眼中的winter fun; 了解雪人堆积过程,并能用所学英语进行描述。


(3)学习策略目标:培养学生的逻辑思维能力,语言交流能力和用语言“做事”的能力。 教学重点:运用“Why?” “Because?”进行交流;能用英语表达自己的兴趣

教学难点: 能够用“First, then”等对堆雪人的过程作贯穿性、整体性的描述


Step 1: Presentation

1. Listen to an English song: The Seasons Song

T: What season is it?

S: It’s winter!

T; How‘s the weather in winter?

S: The weather is cold and snowy.

T: What do you put on in winter?

S: I put on my hat, scarf, mitts, winter jacket and winter boots.

2. Make a snowman, make snowballs and throw them, slide on the snow.

T: What do you like to do in winter?

S: I like to skate on the ice. I like to ski on the snow.

T: In winter we can skate and ski, what else can we do in winter?

(出示make a snowman, make snowballs and throw it, slide on the snow的课件。) T: (指做雪人图片)What’s this?

S: It’s a snowman.


T: We make a snowman in winter. (齐读make a snowman)

(教授make snowballs and throw them, slide on the snow)

T and S: (借助图片) We can skate/ski/slide/make snowballs/ make snowmen/ throw snowballs/ play in the snow?(板书) They are winter fun. (板书课题) Step 2: Practice

1. Why? Because _________.

T:I like winter. Why? Because I like to ski in winter. Do you like winter? Why? S: I like winter. Because ___________.(板书)

T: We like winter. Because we like to play with ice and snow!


eat ___ hungry drink ___ thirsty laugh ___ happy

cry ___ sad sleep ___ tired put on ___ cold

T: There are some pictures. Can you talk about these pictures with Why? Because _____? (两人一组练习,再展示。)

T: It’s also in winter in Canada. What do Jenny and Li Ming do in winter in Canada? What’s their winter fun? Do you want to know?


T: What do we need for the snowman?

(课件出示carrot, stick, little rocks. 练习句型I have (a) _____ for his _____.) 出示问题:

What are Jenny and Li Ming making?

What do they do first?

How many snowballs does the snowman have?

What are (is) the snowman’s eyes/arms/mouth/nose?

Li Ming wants to go inside. Why?


T: I have some blanks for you, can you do it?

Read the text yourself then fill in the blanks.


1.First, we make a big ball of _____.

2.Then we make another ______. This one is _______ than the first.

3. We put ____ snowball on ____ snowball.

4. Now we make another small snowball. we put it on _____.

5. Let’s make a ____ on the_________.

This carrot is his _____.

I have some little rocks for his ______ and _____.

I have two sticks for his _____.

The snowman is wonderful!


Step 3: Production

T: This is Li Ming and Jenny’s snowman. Do you want to make your own snowman? (小组练习,说说怎样堆雪人。边说边画。)

Step4: Class Closing

媒体播放Little Snowman:再次感受冬季给孩子们带来的乐趣 —— Winter is fun! 在轻松愉悦的氛围中结束本课,让学生体验学习中无尽的快乐.

Step5: Homework: Write some sentences about winter.



篇四:Lesson20 Winter Fun教案

篇五:Winter Fun 教学反思

Winter Fun 教学反思

美国学者波斯纳认为:"没有内反思的经验是狭隘的经验,至多只能成为肤浅的知识。如果教师仅满足于获得的经验而不对经验进行深入的思考,那么他的教学水平的发展将大受限制,甚至有所滑坡。"为此,这句话告诉我们教师成长过程应该是一个总结经验、捕捉问题、反思研讨、把感性认识上升为理性思维的过程。因此每一位老师要想让自己快速的成长,就要不断地对自己的课堂教学进行反思。以下是我对冀教版第11册中的Lesson 12 Winter Fun一课进行的反思。

一、创设情景 激发兴趣


在本课的教学中,抓住题目中的fun 引导学生作了一个造句活动,让学生不仅在上课的第一时间进入状态,而且为学生的下一步学习作了知识的准备。其次,各种季节图片的使用把学生带入较真实的情境,让学生乐于表达,同时一些冬天运动的图片直观地帮助学生理解了词语的意思,避免了冗长的解释语言。

二、体现合作 学以致用



