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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 20:21:26 体裁作文










英文里有句话叫做“Truth hurts.” 说实话、说真话有时候真的会很伤人。可是在必要的时候,我们还是需要直言不讳的。今天,我们就来看看英文里那些表达“直言不讳”的习惯用语。

1. straight from the shoulder 直截了当,一针见血

大约一百年前straight from the shoulder成为习惯用语,用来指直截了当、开诚布公的说话方式,而且这样说话是不顾虑是否会伤害对方感情的。例如: Boy, Nancy is sure mad at me! I told her straight from the shoulder this man she wants to marry is no good and she'd be making a terrible mistake. Now she won't even speak to me.


2. pull no punches 直言相告

有时拳击手会因为手骨受伤之类的原因不用力击拳,这就叫做pull the punches,但是通常拳击手在比赛时出拳一定会竭尽全力,那就是pull no punches。逐渐人们用pull no punches来比喻尽管忠言逆耳也毫无保留地说出实情。例如: When I saw my brother Joe turning into an alcoholic, I pulled no punches -- I told him to think of his wife and kids, stop drinking and go out and find a job.


3. lay it on the line 把话放到桌面上

Lay it on the line可能是这样,把一大笔赌注放在赌台上,孤注一掷,尽其所有地做最后较量,就叫做lay it on the line,现在也可以当作“最后通牒、摊派”的意思来用。例如:

I'm fed up with George -- he doesn't do half as much work as the others. So I called him in and laid it on the line -- either he starts doing his work like anybody else or we fire him at the end of the month.


4. let it all hang out 开诚布公,挑明

Hang是挂的意思,let it all hang out如果直译就是“把什么都挂出来。” 换句话说就是“把什么都挑明了。例如:

We agreed to forget our feelings and let it all hang out. Susan told me everything she didn't like about me and I told her what annoyed me about her. You know, it really cleared the air for both of us.




英文里有句话叫做“Truth hurts.” 说实话、说真话有时候真的会很伤人。可是在必要的时候,我们还是需要直言不讳的。今天,我们就来看看英文里那些表达“直言不讳”的习惯用语。

1. straight from the shoulder 直截了当,一针见血

大约一百年前straight from the shoulder成为习惯用语,用来指直截了当、开诚布公的说话方式,而且这样说话是不顾虑是否会伤害对方感情的。例如: Boy, Nancy is sure mad at me! I told her straight from the shoulder this man she wants to marry is no good and she'd be making a terrible mistake. Now she won't even speak to me.


2. pull no punches 直言相告

有时拳击手会因为手骨受伤之类的原因不用力击拳,这就叫做pull the punches,但是通常拳击手在比赛时出拳一定会竭尽全力,那就是pull


no punches。逐渐人们用pull no punches来比喻尽管忠言逆耳也毫无保留地说出实情。例如: When I saw my brother Joe turning into an alcoholic, I pulled no punches -- I told him to think of his wife and kids, stop drinking and go out and find a job.


3. lay it on the line 把话放到桌面上

Lay it on the line可能是这样,把一大笔赌注放在赌台上,孤注一掷,尽其所有地做最后较量,就叫做lay it on the line,现在也可以当作“最后通牒、摊派”的意思来用。例如:

I'm fed up with George -- he doesn't do half as much work as the others. So I called him in and laid it on the line -- either he starts doing his work like anybody else or we fire him at the end of the month.


4. let it all hang out 开诚布公,挑明

Hang是挂的意思,let it all hang out如果直译就是“把什么都挂出来。” 换句话说就是“把什么都挑明了。例如:

We agreed to forget our feelings and let it all hang out. Susan told me everything she didn't like about me and I told her what annoyed me about her. You know, it really cleared the air for both of us.




英文里有句话叫做“Truth hurts.” 说实话、说真话有时候真的会很伤人。可是在必要的时候,我们还是需要直言不讳的。今天,我们就来看看英文里那些表达“直言不讳”的习惯用语。

1. straight from the shoulder 直截了当,一针见血

大约一百年前straight from the shoulder成为习惯用语,用来指直截了当、开诚布公的说话方式,而且这样说话是不顾虑是否会伤害对方感情的。例如: Boy, Nancy is sure mad at me! I told her straight from the shoulder this man she wants to marry is no good and she'd be making a terrible mistake. Now she won't even speak to me.


2. pull no punches 直言相告

有时拳击手会因为手骨受伤之类的原因不用力击拳,这就叫做pull the punches,但是通常拳击手在比赛时出拳一定会竭尽全力,那就是pull no punches。逐渐人们用pull no punches来比喻尽管忠言逆耳也毫无保留地说出实情。例如: When I saw my brother Joe turning into an alcoholic, I pulled no punches -- I told him to think of his wife and kids, stop drinking and go out and find a job.


3. lay it on the line 把话放到桌面上

Lay it on the line可能是这样,把一大笔赌注放在赌台上,孤注一掷,尽其所有地做最后较量,就叫做lay it on the line,现在也可以当作“最后通牒、摊派”的意思来用。例如:

I'm fed up with George -- he doesn't do half as much work as the others. So I called him in and laid it on the line -- either he starts doing his work like anybody else or we fire him at the end of the month.


4. let it all hang out 开诚布公,挑明

Hang是挂的意思,let it all hang out如果直译就是“把什么都挂出来。” 换句话说就是“把什么都挑明了。例如:

We agreed to forget our feelings and let it all hang out. Susan told me everything she didn't like about me and I told her what annoyed me about her. You know, it really cleared the air for both of us.




英文里有句话叫做“Truth hurts.” 说实话、说真话有时候真的会很伤人。可是在必要的时候,我们还是需要直言不讳的。今天,我们就来看看英文里那些表达“直言不讳”的习惯用语。

1. straight from the shoulder 直截了当,一针见血

大约一百年前straight from the shoulder成为习惯用语,用来指直截了当、开诚布公的说话方式,而且这样说话是不顾虑是否会伤害对方感情的。例如: Boy, Nancy is sure mad at me! I told her straight from the shoulder this man she wants to marry is no good and she'd be making a terrible mistake. Now she won't even speak to me.


2. pull no punches 直言相告

有时拳击手会因为手骨受伤之类的原因不用力击拳,这就叫做pull the punches,但是通常拳击手在比赛时出拳一定会竭尽全力,那就是pull no punches。逐渐人们用pull no punches来比喻尽管忠言逆耳也毫无保留地说出实情。例如: When I saw my brother Joe turning into an alcoholic, I pulled no punches -- I told him to think of his wife and kids, stop drinking and go out and find a job.


3. lay it on the line 把话放到桌面上

Lay it on the line可能是这样,把一大笔赌注放在赌台上,孤注一掷,尽其所有地做最后较量,就叫做lay it on the line,现在也可以当作“最后通牒、摊派”的意思来用。例如:

I'm fed up with George -- he doesn't do half as much work as the others. So I called him in and laid it on the line -- either he starts doing his work like anybody else or we fire him at the end of the month.


4. let it all hang out 开诚布公,挑明

Hang是挂的意思,let it all hang out如果直译就是“把什么都挂出来。” 换句话说就是“把什么都挑明了。例如:

We agreed to forget our feelings and let it all hang out. Susan told me everything she didn't like about me and I told her what annoyed me about her. You know, it really cleared the air for both of us.

