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篇一:a vacation plan 校本k口语教案

A vacation plan



2. 能力目标: 围绕“假期计划”这一主题展开听、说、读、写的多种教学活动。

3.情感目标: 激发学习英语的兴趣,热爱生活。



教学难点:一般将来时的表达方法:be going to ,will do ,be doing




一、 warming-up


2.Sing a song “ What are you going to do?”



1.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

T: What are you going to do this vacation?

S1: I’m going to… (看图片说有关假期的活动)

( 设计目的:为讨论假期计划做语言储备。)

三、 practice

呈现各个词组后,以多种朗读方式进行操练: 个人读、 小组读、齐读、问答、问答

接龙 )

6、Pair work : Make dialogs.(自由选择图片进行问答)

A:What are yougoing to do on vacation?

B:I’m going to ….


Show some pictures about vacations. The teacher repots his/her own vacation.


Have Ss talk about their own vacation plans in groups.

五、Report:Choose 2-4 groups to share their vacation plans with the class.

Step 5. Summary

Summarize some phrases and sentences about vacation plans.(be doing/will do)


Step 6. Homework

Make the vacation plan conversations with the partner after class.


六、Blackboard writing

What are you going to do this vacation?

I’m going to read some books/surf the net/ help Dad/ make models / play with friends/take some photos ….

篇二:Unit2 Vacation Plan教案

Book 6 Unit 2 Vacation Plans



小学英语教材《开心学英语》Book 6 Unit2 Vacation Plans 的第一课时。学习句型:How are you going to Guangzhou? Where are you going to stay? 以及八个新单词。教师在教学中,以旧引新,通过创设一些学生熟悉的情景来导入单词和句型。教学中,主要围绕“旅游出行的方式以及住宿”这个话题展开各种活动,所设计的日常交际项目有读单词卡、询问、玩牌、拍牌、阅读等等。


五年级的学生活泼好动,有着极强的求知欲和表现欲,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。他们已经有了一定的学习基础,在四年级下册已经学习了一般将来时态be going to +动词原形。在这个基础上,我们本单元继续学习这个时态,对学生来说,比较容易接受。





(1)能听、说、读、写本课新单词: by ship ,by plane ,by bus, by train,stay in a hotel, stay with my aunt and uncle, go camping, go sightseeing.

(2)能够运用句型:How are you going to Guangzhou? Where are

you going to stay?询问并回答。





教学重点:熟练运用:How are you going to Guangzhou? Where are you going to stay? 与人对话交流。




2.教学准备: 让学生准备单词卡,并预习本课内容。

3.板书准备:在黑板预先写好课题Unit 2 Vacation Plans,根据本课教学内容,在黑板上贴上一幅天安门的图片并在下方贴五架飞机。


Step 1. Warming up

Free talk

Good morning, everybody. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny.

Let’s enjoy some pictures(图片欣赏)I have some vacation plans.(板书:Unit 2 Vacation Plans),I’m going to Hanna. I’m going to Shanghai. I’m going to Guangzhou. And I’m going to Beijing. Do you want to go on vacation with me? Let’s go.


Step 2. Presentation

Part 1

1).Look at the picture. I’m going to Guangzhou. (出示广州和巴士的图片)I’m going by bus.(就划线部分提问)引导出句型:How are you going to Guangzhou?(板书)教单词:by bus(板书),提问学生读单词和句型。


2)以同样的方法教学单词:by ship, by plane, by train.

3). Read and drill the words: by bus, by ship, by plane, by train.

Part 2

1).Next week, I’m going to go sightseeing. I’m going to stay in a hotel.(出示图片)Now answer my question: What are you going to do? Where are you going to stay? 引导出新句型:Where are you going to stay? I’m going to stay in a hotel.(板书)学习

单词go sightseeing and stay in a hotel并反复操练。接着,用相同的句型导出单词:stay with my aunt and uncle and go camping.

2). Read and drill the words: go sightseeing, stay in a hotel, go camping, stay with my aunt and uncle.( Free talk:让学生利用自己手上的单词卡,并结合刚学习的句型来互相询问)。

【设计意图:让学生运用所学知识进行free talk表演,不仅创设了浓厚的英语氛围,还调动了学生进行交流的积极性,更提高了学生口语表达能力。】

Step 3. Game

1). Talk about the new words together.

2).Play cards.用单词卡来打扑克。


Step 4 .Presentation

1).出示图片:Who are they? What are they talking about?让学生回答。

2).Now, Let’s listen.(让学生听Target的录音)。出示第一幅图,呈现句型:How are you going to Guangzhou? We’re going by bus. 带读并操练后,出示第二幅图片:Where are you going to stay? We’re going to stay in a hotel.

3). 结合图片,给图片配音。

4). 表演Target 的对话。


Step 5. 扩展活动:My vacation plan

出示一篇短文,My vacation plan,根据短文,回答问题。

Step 6. 巩固活动:完成下面的对话。

Look! This is Kitty. She likes to go sightseeing. Let’s look at the picture. 出示Kitty’s一些旅游的照片。看完后,让学生完成对话。


Step 7.Let’s go sightseeing.(让我们一起去观光吧)。

Step 8. Sum up

一般将来时:How are you going to Guangzhou? I’m going by bus.

Where are you going to stay? I’m going to stay in a hotel. 并总结be going to +动词原形。

Step 9 .Homework

1).Copy the new words and sentences. (抄单词和句型。)

2).Talk about your vacation plans with your friend’s .(与你的朋友谈谈你的假期计划。)



Unit 2 Vacation Plans

How are you going to Guangzhou??

We’re going by bus.

Where are you going to stay?

We’re going to stay in a hotel.

篇三:My Vacation Plan

陈乐妍Yen My Vacation Plan

The summer vacation is coming, I want to make a plan for it. At first, I am going to a cram school to study the new lessons for about a month. I will do my best to learn more things there. When I finished my lessons, I will back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. They are over than seventy-five years old. I miss them so much because I will be busy to study the next term and I can't visit them for a long time. In addition, I will go to the cinema to see The Dark Knight Rises with my friends in August. It’s a great movie, my brothers and I like it so much. And I want to do my homework in the library with my classmates.

I think I will have a full summer vacation.

A boring Vacation

As for this vacation, I thought it was boring.

I was busy to have my lessons and do my homework. I want to complain that homework was too much so I always get bored with it. I didn’t go out to play with my friends or my family often. I just stayed at home to watch TV, do some reading and do some cleaning. Maybe I could find something interesting to do an I had not.

So, this was a boring vacation for me.

My Hobby

I have my hobbies.

When I at home, I like listening to music while I am reading. Reading is a nice and meaningful thing. It’s good for me to learn more things and enrich my life. And why I playing music when I am reading books? Because it can make me relax and enjoy. My favorite books are To Live and The Kite Runner.

In addition, I pretty like going to the movies. But I’ve never been to do that alone before. I want to have a try. I will go to the cinema to see The Dark Knight Rises in August. I am excited about that!

Maybe my hobbies won’t be different from someone. Well,what is your hobby?




"You don't need to spend a lot of money to have a vacation....enjoy the simple things in life."

Catherine Pulsifer

"What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace."

Ellen Goodman

"Those who continue to work at a job they hate for the money alone are more likely to be stressed, and very unhappy. They live for their vacations and weekends."

Catherine Pulsifer

Laughter is an instant vacation."

Milton Berle

Reading a good book can be like being on vacation!"

Catherine Pulsifer

"Vacations often go too fast! Enjoy every minute!"

Catherine Pulsifer

资料来源:教育优选 /retype/zoo

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篇五:雅思口语话题范例:Future plan

雅思口语话题范例:Future plan Question

Describe your future plan.

Sample answer

Everybody has a plan for future. Though future is uncertain and many times unpredictable, I believe that to some extend our future depends on our actions on past and present. In the future I want to run a Mega-shopping mall business where my involvement would not be mandatory to run the daily business and I would enjoy my time by visiting different places of the world.

After I finished my graduation, I started working for a small company. Now I am working for a large multinational company I have planned to work till I become 36 and then I will take early retirement. The money I will inherit and the amount I am currently saving per month should allow me to start a business. I have planned to start a big shopping mall. I will have my close relatives as the employees and authorities of the business and initially I will work in this shopping mall for 2-3 years to make it run smoothly. When the business would go on with its own path, I will enjoy my vacation and would visit different renowned and beautiful cities of the world. I will visit Asia, Europe, Russia and many more places.

Hopefully I will enjoy the retirement and the trips. Though I am not sure about the future but I have already planned for it. Because I believe proper planning and initiation is the half of the total task and fulfilling dream. I have already taken some steps towards achieving my future plan.

Tips for answering this Cue Card Questions:

You can mention what you want to do anytime in the future. This topic has not asked that what you would do after you get 50 or so. For this, you can even talk about things you are planning to do in the near future. A very good answer to this topic can be "I want to go to a foreign country to finish my Masters and PhD from a reputed university and then return to my country and start a business/ to do a job.

Following are some of the ideas for you to pick from to answer this topic: I will migrate to a foreign country and start my career there.

I will run a small business in my hometown.

I will establish a school in my hometown.

I will take my early retirement and visit different places.

I will fully spend my time with my family members and would do the farming I will start a job and would work as an executive.

I will purchase a house at my hometown and would start living there.

If you prepare for this cue card topic you should be able to answer the following cue card also:

1. Describe your future plan.

2. Describe what you will do after your retirement.

3. Describe a thing that you want to do in the future.

4. Talk about your plan for a business.

5. Describe what you want to do in the future.

6. Describe one of your dreams.

7. Describe a plan you have.
