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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:21:44 字数作文

篇一:作文How to make new friends in college

How to make new friends in college

When first entering the college chamber, some students may wonder how they can make new friends. Actually, this question may have been asked for many times by freshmen. Here are some tips of mine.

First and foremost, you should initiative. Don’t be so shy and seize every chance to communicate with others; nor be so distant, or your potential new friends may not venture to talk to you. The key is that you should start a conversation with confidence and amity. Friends go to you only if you take the initiative in striving for them.

With you initiative, you should also be sincere. It is known that appearances are will be finally found out one day. to each other. Dishonesty did make the in mind that tfriends.

Friends are precious of life. may have many friends, but only with

篇二:How to make friends的作文

How to make friends

Everyone needs friends, so how to make true friends is of great importance to everybody.

Here are some suggestions. you must be friendly to others. A smile is like a magnet(磁铁) which draws people. If you give a smile to others, you are always sure to get a smile in return.you should do your best to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he happens to be. , think as you are in his position and make him feel welcome. And don't judge a stranger only by his appearance. try to remember others' names, which will make them feel that they have made an impression on you., if you don't agree with others on a certain matter, don't argue but discuss with them.you should think more of others than of yourself. don't believe a friend in need is a friend in deed.

I'm sure you will make true friends of your own.

we should be friendly to others and make others feel your kindness wherever they are. we need to think for others and we mustn’t laugh at them. We should realize that a good person is not based on his appearance. we had better try to remember others’ names. , we should discuss and understand each other. , we can’t believe people who leave friends when their friends are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed.

We shouldn’t laugh at others. we should think for others. we are supposed to manage to remember others’ name and discuss with others if there is disagreement. ,…

People all need friends because nobody wants to be lonely and a friend can help you in good and bad times. However, it takes time and efforts to make friends and keep friendship. So we should try our best to treat others very well. First, we should be kind to others. And it will make them feel warm and

comfortable. So however they are, they will always remember us. Second, if we and our friends are in disagreement with each other, we should discuss with them. What’s more, we should understand others because friendship always needs nursing with understanding. Third, we can’t judge people only by their appearance. An ideal friend must have goodness rather than beautiful appearance. Forth, we should try to remember others’ names. Last but least, we can’t believe the person who never spare time for us when we are in trouble. As we know, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with practice.

篇三:It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends

It is more important to keep your old friends

than it is to make new friends?

When we go into the university, we will make many new

friends. They come from all kinds of places. Everybody is

different and unique. There are new topics to talk about, new activities to do together, and new personality traits to discover... Additionally, you also get to meet the persons who are close to

your new friends. Then we are addicted to communication with

new friends. Therefore, we always forget our old friends.

However, it’s a pity not to keep in touch with our old friends.

No one can deny that old friends take part in the most

beautiful and painful times in your life. They have ever shared

your all mood with you. They more understand you than those

new friends. If you meet frustrating matters, you only seek for

help from your old friends, because they are your true friends.

No matter how bad the situations, only they really know you,

and are willing to help you.

Besides, maybe there are some common secrets among you

and your old friends. These secrets have seen your common

times; no matter they are good or bad. That is a kind of privity

more than words among true friends. It can not be replaced by

anything. New friends can bring you more entertainments, but

they can’t comfort your heart in sad, upset and painful times.

Well, with so much being said, you should understand my idea. If you agree with me, go and contact your old friends. If you forget them, they will be distant from you. And you will lose them.

So, come on! Go for your old friends!

篇四:初中二年级英语作文:我的新朋友菲利普(My New Friend Philip)

初中二年级英语作文:我的新朋友菲利普 My New Friend Philip

Philip comes from New York, America. He is 14 years old and he is in Class Tow, Grade eight. He likes summer very much. Because he can wear shorts and T-shirts. Those are his favourite activity in summer is playing with water in the sea. His favourite subject is physics. He is interested in all experiments. He hopes to make friends with more Chinese children.

篇五:Unit 1 Making New Friends

Unit 1 Making New Friends

Topic 3 What class are you in?

Section A

The main activities are 1, 2a and 4a. 本课重点活动是1, 2a和4a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. (1)Learn some numeral words:

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty (2)Learn other new words and phrases:

year, old, year(s) old, How old …?, class, in, grade, that 2. Master the following special questions: (1)—How old are you? —I’m twelve.

(2)—What class are you in?

—I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven. (3)—What grade are you in? —I’m in Grade Seven.

3. Talk about someone’s age, class and grade. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

数字卡片/教学挂图/录音机/投影仪或小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)

通过做游戏,师生对话,复习上节课的数词及重点句型,并导入新课。 1. (做游戏,复习数词0-10。)

(游戏规则:把学生分成十一人一组,每组第一名学生从zero开始报数,其后面的学生按顺序快速报数。每逢三或三的倍数时,学生不说出该数,只是站起来后迅速坐下,然后下一个学生接着说下一个数。出现失误的学生退出活动,下一位同学从zero开始重新报数。失误最少的小组为优胜组,并给予奖励。) T: Let’s play a game. Example: S1: zero S2: one S3: two

S4: (站起之后迅速坐下) S5: four S6: five

S7: (站起之后迅速坐下) S8: …

2. (教师请一名学生到讲台前配合示范,复习上节课的重点内容,导入新课。) T: What’s your name? S9: My name is S9.

T: Where are you from? S9: I’m from Yangzhou.

T: What’s your telephone number?

S9: My telephone number is (0517)783-1234.

T: Now we want to know more personal information about our classmates, such as age, how should we ask? S9S10S11(教师帮助学生回答。)

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:make,new,friends作文)

T: How old are you? S12: 13.(汉语)

T: You can answer like this: I’教师教学数词十三。) S12: I’m thirteen.

T: What class are you in?

S13: 11班/I’

教师帮助学生回答,教学数词十一。) T: What grade are you in? S14: I’m in Grade 7.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)


1. (教师出示11-20的数字卡片,正面是英语单词,反面是阿拉伯数字。依次示范每个数词的读音。然后播放1录音,让学生跟着录音模仿数词11到20的读音,完成1。)

2. (让学生翻开书,朗读数词11-20,并找出这些数词的拼写规律。特殊记忆11、12、13、15、20这五个数词。通过相似联想,巩固数词13-19的记忆。)

T: Now turn to Page 17. Read 1 by yourselves and find out the rules of spelling. 3. (做数字加减游戏,练习数词0-20。) T: Now let’s play a number game.


T: Take a number. S1: Two. T: And ten. S2: Twelve.

T: Plus eight. (可用手势帮助学生理解。) S3: Twenty.

T: Minus fifteen. (可用手势帮助学生理解。) S4: Five.


4. (将数词与句型结合起来,创设情景,链式操练本课新句型,巩固新知识。) (1)T: Li Lei is 13 years old. How old are you? S5: I am 14 years old. How old are you? S6: I am 14 years old, too. How old are you? S7: I’m 13 years old. … …

(2)T: Li Lei is in Class 5. What class are you in?

S8: I am in Class 6, Grade 7. What class are you in? S9: I am in Class 7, Grade 7. What class are you in? S10: …


5. (1)(教师出示2a挂图,展示Li Ming和Sally两人正在对话的情景,听2a录音,回答问题。)

T: Look at the picture. Do you want to know what class Li Ming and Sally are in? Let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions.



T: Listen to the tape and repeat. (3)(教师找两名学生示范对话。) T: Excuse me, what’s your name? S11: My name is ... T: How old are you? S11: I’m twelve.

T: What class are you in?

S11: I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven.

T: Are you in Class Four, too?(教师转身问另一名学生。) S12: No, I’m not. I’m in Class Five. (4) (学生两人一组操练。完成2a。) T: Practice the dialog in pairs.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)

通过读对话、听录音和连线等形式,巩固本课的重点知识。 1. (让学生自读2a,完成2b。)

T: Now read 2a by yourselves, then work in pairs and help Li Ming complete Sally’s name card. Finish


2. (播放3录音,完成3的听力训练。) T: Listen to 3 and match. (再放录音,核对答案。) 3. (根据3的连线,两人一组操练How old …? What class … in? What grade … in?这三个句型,同时巩固练习数词11-20。)

T: Please practice the sentence patterns: How old…? What class/grade…in? according to 3 in pairs.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)

运用教学挂图和图片,通过师生、生生互动交流等形式,使学生熟练运用本课的重点句型。 1. (1)(教师用教学挂图出示4a第二小段对话情景,请一名学生和教师示范对话。) T: Hello! Who’教师解释此句含义。) S1: That’s Nancy.(教师帮助回答。) T: How old is she? S1: She is fourteen.

T: What class is she in?

S1: She is in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.


(2)(学生之间互动操练,增强学生的口语表达能力。) T: Practice the dialog in pairs.

(3)(播放4a录音,让学生听并跟读,模仿语音语调。然后让学生两人一组操练。完成4a。) T: Now listen to the tape and repeat. I’ll ask some students to act out the dialogs.

2. (出示写有姓名、年龄、班级、年级的人物图片。教师带领学生操练第三人称单数的重点句型。) T: Look at this picture. Excuse me, who is that? Name: Sally Ss: That’s Sally. Age: 12 T: How old is she? Class: Four Ss: She’s twelve. Grade: Seven T: What class is she in?

Ss: She’s in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too? T: No, I

’m not. I’m in Class Five.

3. (让学生根据自己的真实情况表演对话,互动操练。) (1) S2: Hi, S3! What grade are you in?

S3: I’m in Grade Seven. Are you in Grade Seven, too? S2: No, I’m not. I’m in Grade Eight. (2) S4: Hello, S5! What class are you in?

S5: I’m in Class 4, Grade 7. Are you in Class 4, too? S4: No, I’m not. I’m in Class 7.

(3) S6: Who’s that? S7: That’s Li Ming. S6: How old is he? S7: He’s thirteen.

S6: What class is he in?

S7: He’s in Class Nine, Grade Eight.


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)

通过做游戏,调查填表格和写作文等形式,培养学生听、说和写的技能。 1. (做宾戈游戏。完成5。)

T: Now let’s play a BINGO game.


T: Choose nine numbers from 1-20 and put them into your form like this:

(2)(听教师读数字,每次九个一组,当学生听到教师读到的数字在自己表格中出现的时候, 就在数字上打“×”,表格上没有的不打“×”。) T: Listen to me and cross out (×) the numbers you hear.

(3)(告诉学生,当他们打叉的数字横、竖或斜成一条直线时,就大声说“BINGO”,意思 是他/她赢了。)

T: Say“BINGO”, when you finish any three numbers in a line, like those in the picture. 2. (用投影仪出示下列表格,让学生互相调查,然后完成这个表格。)


T: Have you finished, boys and girls? S1, what’s your friend’s English name? S1: His/Her English name is … T: How old is he/she? S1: He/She is …

T: Where is he/she from? S1: He/She is from …

T: What is his/her telephone number? S1: His/Her telephone number is … T: What class is he/she in?

S1: He/She is in Class …, Grade …
