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篇一:2012年 ICC rules

ICC Rules of Arbitration are used worldwide to resolve business disputes through arbitration. The current Rules are in force as from 1 January 2012. They define and regulate the conduct of cases submitted to the International Court of Arbitration of ICC. In choosing to follow these rules, parties involved in international business transactions are assured of a neutral framework for the resolution of cross-border disputes.

Commonly known as the ICC Rules, the rules of arbitration govern the conduct of ICC arbitration proceedings from start to finish. They regulate the filing of claims, the constitution of arbitral tribunals, the conduct of proceedings, the rendering of decisions and the determination of costs. While offering security and predictability, the ICC Rules also accommodate any preferences parties in dispute might have with respect to certain aspects of the proceedings, such as the choice of arbitrators, the place, and the language of arbitration. In all matters that are not expressly provided for in the ICC Rules, the Court and Arbitral Tribunal act in the spirit of the Rules and make every effort to have an enforceable Award.

Such balance between flexibility and control has led to the popularity of the ICC Rules in the diverse legal, economic, cultural and linguistic settings of some 180 countries. The ICC International Court of Arbitration is the only body authorized to administer arbitrations under the Rules.


Introductory Provisions Article 1

Article 2

Article 3Intern(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:follow,the,rules)ational Court of Arbitration Definitions Written Notifications or Communications; Time Limits Commencing the Arbitration Article 4

Article 5

Article 6Request for Arbitration Answer to the Request; Counterclaims Effect of the Arbitration Agreement

Multiple Parties, Multiple Contracts and Consolidation Article 7

Article 8

Article 9

Article 10Joinder of Additional Parties Claims Between Multiple Parties Multiple Contracts Consolidation of Arbitrations

The Arbitral Tribunal Article 11

Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15General Provisions Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal Appointment and Confirmation of the Arbitrators Challenge of Arbitrators Replacement of Arbitrators

The Arbitral Proceedings Article 16

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22

Article 23

Article 24

Article 25

Article 26

Article 27

Article 28

Article 29

Awards Article 30

Article 31

Article 32

Article 33

Article 34

Article 35Transmission of the File to the Arbitral Tribunal Proof of Authority Place of the Arbitration Rules Governing the Proceedings Language of the Arbitration Applicable Rules of Law Conduct of the Arbitration Terms of Reference Case Management Conference and Procedural Timetable Establishing the Facts of the Case Hearings Closing of the Proceedings and Date for Submission of Draft Awards Conservatory and Interim Measures Emergency Arbitrator Time Limit for the Final Award Making of the Award Award by Consent Scrutiny of the Award by the Court Notification, Deposit and Enforceability of the Award Correction and Interpretation of the Award; Remission of


Costs Article 36

Article 37Advance to Cover the Costs of the Arbitration Decision as to the Costs of the Arbitration

Miscellaneous Article 38

Article 39Modified Time Limits Waiver

Article 40

Article 41Limitation of Liability General Rule

Appendix I – Statutes of the International Court of Arbitration Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Article 5

Article 6

Article 7Function Composition of the Court Appointment Plenary Session of the Court Committees Confidentiality Modification of the Rules of Arbitration

Appendix II – Internal Rules of the International Court of Arbitration Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Article 5

Article 6Confidential Character of the Work of the International Court of Arbitration Participation of Members of the International Court of Arbitration in ICC Arbitration Relations between the Members of the Court and the ICC National Committees and Groups Committee of the Court Court Secretariat Scrutiny of Arbitral Awards

Appendix III – Arbitration Costs and Fees Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4Advance on Costs Costs and Fees ICC as Appointing Authority Scales of Administrative Expenses and Arbitrator’s Fees Appendix IV – Case Management Techniques

Appendix V – Emergency Arbitrator Rules Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Article 5

Article 6

Article 7

Article 8Application for Emergency Measures Appointment of the Emergency Arbitrator; Transmission of the File Challenge of an Emergency Arbitrator Place of the Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings Proceedings Order Costs of the Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings General Rule



Article 1: International Court of Arbitration


The International Court of Arbitration (the “Court”) of the International Chamber of Commerce (the “ICC”) is the independent arbitration body of the ICC. The statutes of the Court are set forth in Appendix I.


The Court does not itself resolve disputes. It administers the resolution of disputes by arbitral tribunals, in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the ICC (the “Rules”). The Court is the only body authorized to administer arbitrations under the Rules, including the scrutiny and approval of awards rendered in accordance with the Rules. It draws up its own internal rules, which are set forth in Appendix II (the “Internal Rules”). 3)

The President of the Court (the “President”) or, in the President’s absence or otherwise at the President’s request, one of its Vice-Presidents shall have the power to take urgent decisions on behalf of the Court, provided that any such decision is reported to the Court at its next session.


As provided for in the Internal Rules, the Court may delegate to one or more committees composed of its members the power to take certain decisions, provided that any such decision is reported to the Court at its next session.


The Court is assisted in its work by the Secretariat of the Court (the “Secretariat”) under the direction of its Secretary General (the “Secretary General”). [Return to top]

Article 2: Definitions

In the Rules:

(i) “arbitral tribunal” includes one or more arbitrators;

(ii) “claimant” includes one or more claimants, “respondent” includes one or more respondents, and “additional party” includes one or more additional parties;

(iii) “party” or “parties” include claimants, respondents or additional parties; (iv) “claim” or “claims” include any claim by any party against any other party; (v) “award” includes, inter alia, an interim, partial or final award. [Return to top]

Article 3: Written Notifications or Communications; Time Limits


All pleadings and other written communications submitted by any party, as well as all

documents annexed thereto, shall be supplied in a number of copies sufficient to provide one copy for each party, plus one for each arbitrator, and one for the Secretariat. A copy of any notification or communication from the arbitral tribunal to the parties shall be sent to the Secretariat.


All notifications or communications from the Secretariat and the arbitral tribunal shall be made to the last address of the party or its representative for whom the same are intended, as notified either by the party in question or by the other party. Such notification or communication may be made by delivery against receipt, registered post, courier, email, or any other means of telecommunication that provides a record of the sending thereof. 3)

A notification or communication shall be deemed to have been made on the day it was received by the party itself or by its representative, or would have been received if made in accordance with Article 3(2).


Periods of time specified in or fixed under the Rules shall start to run on the day following the date a notification or communication is deemed to have been made in accordance with Article 3(3). When the day next following such date is an official holiday, or a non-business day in the country where the notification or communication is deemed to have been made, the period of time shall commence on the first following business day. Official holidays and non-business days are included in the calculation of the period of time. If the last day of the relevant period of time granted is an official holiday or a non-business day in the country where the notification or communication is deemed to have been made, the period of time shall expire at the end of the first following business day. [Return to top]


Article 4: Request for Arbitration


A party wishing to have recourse to arbitration under the Rules shall submit its Request for Arbitration (the “Request”) to the Secretariat at any of the offices specified in the Internal Rules. The Secretariat shall notify the claimant and respondent of the receipt of the Request and the date of such receipt.


The date on which the Request is received by the Secretariat shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be the date of the commencement of the arbitration.


The Request shall contain the following information:

a) the name in full, description, address and other contact details of each of the parties; b) the name in full, address and other contact details of any person(s) representing the claimant in the arbitration;

c) a description of the nature and circumstances of the dispute giving rise to the claims and of the basis upon which the claims are made;

篇二:深圳版 五年级下10册 UNIT 1 remember the rules(基础部分加语法部分)

Remember the rules



1. remember the rules 记住规则 2. talk quietly 轻声地交谈 3. line up 排队

4. look and listen carefully 认真看,仔细听 5. be ready 准备;准备好 6. be quiet 安静的 7. a fire drill 消防演习

8. traffic lights 交通指挥灯,红绿灯 9. zebra crossing 人行横道线 10. cross the road 过马路


1. where are we going? 2. Then we’re going to go to...... 3. We usually talk quietly at.... 4. Where will we go next? 5. No, you mustn’t play there. We must look and listen carefully. 一、


首先 去图书馆 talk quietly at the library line up walk quickly slowly

talk loudly at the cimema listen carefully 二、


1. Tim is a good swimmer . He swims very ________.(quick, quickly ) 2. We always listen to the teacher ____in the calss .(carful.carefully )


3. We never talk _____at the library .( loud, loudly )

4. My mother is sleeping . You should play ________.( quiet, quietly ) 5. We always walk _______at the swimming pool. ( slowly ,slow) 三、


1.First , the children are going to the library . They usually ______ ______ at the library . Some times they need to ________ _______but they never _________. 2._______they are going to the swimming pool . They ______walk quickly . They _____walk slowly .

3.________ ______ ,they are going to the cinema. They never ______ _______. They always ____ ________when they watch a film.

B1 完成对话

David : ______are we going ?

Tim : We’re _____ _____the museum. David: Can I ____at the museum ?

Tim : No, you ______play there . We’re going to learn ____ ______things . We must ______ and _______carefully .

Tim : Then we’re going to ____ _________ ________. David : _____ ?

Tim : Because Grandma is there . She ____ a fever . David : Can we _____ _____ Grandma ? Tim : Yes, but we must _____ ______.

Tim : Let’s get some_____. We’ll ____it ____the hospital . Hey…the door won’t_______!

David: You must ____it ,Tim. Tim: Woops ! You’re right . 读一读,选一选。

( )1 Where ____we going ?

A. are B. is C. be

( )2 We’re going to learn ____of things

.A.some B. lots C. many

( )3 When we talk at the hospital .We _____talk quietly .

A. may B.must

( )4 We must look and listen ___at the museum.

A. care B.careful C. carefully

本周德育处开展“安全文明周”活动,请你协助德育处把各项活动 用英语表示出来。

1. 星期一,“共乐文明之星”代表Linda发言。

请用“always, usually, never, often, sometimes”补充她的发言稿。 1) I __________talk quietly at the library. __________ I need to line up. 2) But I __________push or run in the corridors.

3) After class, I __________ help my teachers and my classmates.

4) After school, I __________ close all the windows and doors before I go home.

2. 星期二,德育处号召各班向Linda学习,争当文明学生,并利用班会时间制定班规。

3. 星期三,消防演习开始前,班主任给大家讲了相关的规则,请你根据所听到的内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。 ( )1. There will be a fire drill this morning. ( )2. We must line up in the classroom. ( )3. We must be quiet and never push.

( )4. We must take our schoolbag and walk quickly down the stairs. ( )5. It’s a fire drill. It’s not a real fire.

4. 星期四,学校组织观看电影《雷锋》。请根据文字提示,完成德育处发给同

5.星期五,学校组织课外实践活动。请根据图片提示,协助德育处写一份通知给家长, 提醒孩子们必需带什么,不能做什么。

notebook and pen food and drink cap put rubbish in the bin swim


1. must “必须,应该,一定,准是”, 表示说话人认为有必要做某事, 命令,

要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。其结构是:主语+must+动词原形。否定形式是在must后加not, 其结构是:主语 + must not +动词原形。


情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。

We can be there on time tomorrow. 我们明天能按时去那儿。 一、 位置:

情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中, 情态动词则在主语之前。

I can see you. Come here. 我能看见你,过来吧。 How dare you treat us like that!你怎能那样对待我们! 二、 特点:

情态动词无人称和数的变化, 情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 "not"。 个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式, 过去式用来表达更加客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强, 可用于过去,现在或将来。 三、种类:


1. 表示能够或不能做某事用can 或 can’t A bird can fly .

Fish can’t live without water.

2. 告诉人们必须或禁止做某事用must或mustn’t

篇三:儿歌 rules rap

Rules Rap

Reader 1: Rules can be helpful, Reader 2: Rules can be good. Reader 3: They help us behave, Reader 4: The way we should. Reader 1: We follow the rules, Reader 2: And we don't do wrong. Reader 3: The world's a happier place Reader 4: When we all get along





2012年10月12日北美托福独立写作题目 为:

The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict. (这个社会要求年轻人遵守的规则太严格吗?)针对这样的写作题目考生该如何撰写文章呢?以下是范文参考,希望对托福考生有所帮助。

2012.10.12NA The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.

When it comes to various rules that young people have to follow, some people claim that those rules are too stringent[A1] , therefore stifling individuality[A2] . But others argue that rules are vital[A3] for the youngsters[A4] , and I am one of them.

In the family, young people must follow some rules made by parents. For example, many children are required to go back home immediately after school. Despite[A5] the strictness of the rule, it is not unnecessary considering the fact that children may encounter[A6] various unexpected dangers wandering in the street. Besides, I heard some of my friend complain that their parents ask them to save money. This complaint is even more unreasonable because all too often[A7] young people are impulsive buyers[A8] and family rules about saving money cannot be ignored[A9] . Family rules do not end up here. Probably some of us are asked to respect the old and cherish the young.[A10] This rule is also of vital importance for a harmonious[A11] family.

Schools and companies are also places where rules are miscellaneous[A12] . Take my school rules as an example. The first rule, and probably the most controversial rule, is that students must wear school uniforms. Some students hate this rule, for they believe the rule stifles their individuality. Nevertheless, there are good reasons for the rule: students in our school coming from different f

amily backgrounds, which means we have students who are well-off[A13] and students who have to rely on school loans[A14] to finish schooling. Under this circumstance, it is not unreasonable that students are forced to wear school uniform. The abolition [A15] of the rule will lead to comparison among students, which may cause declining test scores [A16] and degradation of morality[A17] .

Last but not least, there are laws that young people have to obey for the sake of [A18] their well-being[A19] . Laws about legal drinking age are advantageous to young adults’ physical health. It is a common knowledge that drinking at an early age is detrimental: it may cause mental incapacity and excessive reliance on alcohol. Worse, some crimes are triggered[A20] by drinking excessively, for drunken people always lack rational thinking and are easily irritated.

From the above discussion I firmly believe that rules, no matter in family, schools or society, are necessary and should be obeyed by young people. Only rule-abiding[A21] citizens are capable of living a secure and prosperous life. 相关词汇:

A1 严格的

A2 Stifle individuality压抑个性

A3 重要的

A4 年轻人

A5 尽管

A6 遇到

A7 常常

A8 冲动型购买者

A9 忽略

A10 尊老爱幼


A12 各种各样的

A13 富裕的

A14 贷款

A15 废除

A16 成绩下降

A17 道德滑坡

A18 为了

A19 幸福 A20 引起

A21 遵守规则的
