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篇一:《总体幸福感量表(General Well一Being Schedule,GWB)》Fazio编制


General Well一Being Schedule





本量表单个项目得分与总分的相关在0.48和0.78之间,分量表与总表的相关为0.56-0.88,内部一致性系数在男性为0.91、在女性为0.95。间隔3个月后重新测查了其中的41名学生,发现重测一致性为0.85。GWB总分与专家面谈后对抑郁评估之一致性在0.27-0.47之间;与3种焦虑量表(PEI,PSS和CHQ )的一致性分别为0.41,0.40和0.10;与3种抑郁量表(HQ,Zung和MMPI)的一致性分别为0.35,0.28和0.21;它与PFI抑郁量表的一致性更高一些(0.50)。






1 .你的总体感觉怎样?

A.好极了 B.精神很好 C.精神不错 D.精神时好时坏 E.精神不好


2 .你是否为自己的神经质或“神经病”感到烦恼?

A.极端烦恼 B.相当烦恼 C.有些烦恼 D.很少烦恼 E.一点也不烦恼

3 .你是否一直牢牢地控制着自己的行为、思维、情感或感觉?

A.绝对的 B.大部分是的 C.一般来说是的 D.控制得不太好 E.有些混乱 F.非常混乱 4 .你是否由于悲哀、失去信心、失望或有许多麻烦而怀疑还有任何事情值得去做?

A.极端怀疑 B.非常怀疑 C.相当怀疑 D.有些怀疑 E.略微怀疑 F.一点也不怀疑 5 .你是否正在受到或曾经受到任何约束、刺激或压力?

A.相当多 B.不少 C.有些 D.不多 E.没有

6 .你的生活是否幸福、满足或愉快?

A.非常幸福 B.相当幸福 C.满足 D.略有些不满足 E.非常不满足

7 .你是否有理由怀疑自己曾经失去理智,或对行为、谈话、思维或记忆失去控制?

A.一点也没有 B.只有一点点 C.有些,不严重 D.有些,相当严重 E.是的,非常严重 8 .你是否感到焦虑、担心或不安?

A.极端严重 B.非常严重 C.相当严重 D.有些 E.很少 F.无

9 .你睡醒之后是否感到头脑清晰和精力充沛?

A.天天如此 B.几乎天天 C.相当频繁 D.不多 E.很少 F.无

10 .你是否因为疾病、身体的不适、疼痛或对患病的恐惧而烦恼?


A.所有时间 B.大部分时间 C.很多时间 D.有时 E.偶尔 F.无

11 .每天的生活中是否充满了让你感兴趣的事情?

A.所有时间 B.大部分时间 C.很多时间 D.有时 E.偶尔 F.无

12 .你是否感到沮丧和忧郁?

A.所有时间 B.大部分时间 C.很多时间 D.有时 E.偶尔 F.无

13 .你是否情绪稳定并能把握住自己?

A.所有时间 B.大部分时间 C.很多时间 D.有时 E.偶尔 F.无

14 .你是否感到疲劳、过累、无力或精疲力竭?

A.所有时间 B.大部分时间 C.很多时间 D.有时 E.偶尔 F.无

15 .你对自己健康关心或担忧的程度如何?

不关心 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 非常关心 16 .你感到放松或紧张的程度如何?

松弛 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 紧张

17 .你感觉自己的精力、精神和活力如何?

无精打采 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 精力充沛 18 .你忧郁或快乐的程度如何?

非常忧郁 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 非常快乐 19 .你是否由于严重的性格、情感、行为或精神问题而感到需要帮助?

A.是的,曾经寻求帮助 B.是的,但未寻求帮助 C.有严重的问题 D.几乎没有问题 E.没有问题

20 .你是否感到将要精神崩溃或接近于精神崩溃?

A.是的,在过去的一年里 B.是的,在一年以前 C.无

21 .你是否曾有过精神崩溃?


A.是的,在过去的一年里 B.是的,在一年以前 C.无

22 .你是否曾因为性格、情感、行为或精神问题在精神病院、综合医院精神病科病房或精神卫生诊所治疗?

A.是的,在过去的一年里 B.是的,在一年以前 C.无

23 .你是否曾因为性格、情感、行为或精神问题求助于精神科医生、心理学家?

A.是的,在过去的一年里 B.是的,在一年以前 C.无

24 .你是否曾因为性格、情感、行为或精神问题求助于以下人员? (1 代表“是” ,2 代表“否”)

A.普通医生(真正的躯体疾病或常规检查除外) 1 2

B.脑科或神经外科专家 1 2

C.护士(一般内科疾病除外) 1 2

D.律师(常规的法律问题除外) 1 2

E.警察(单纯的交通违章除外) 1 2

F.牧师、神父等各种神职人员 1 2

G.婚姻咨询专家 1 2

H.社会工作者 1 2

J.其他正式的帮助 1 2

25 .你是否曾与家庭成员或朋友谈论自己的问题?

A.是的,很有帮助 B.是的,有些帮助 C.是的,但没有帮助 D.否,没

有人可与之谈论 E.否,没有人愿意与我谈论 F.否,不愿与人谈论 G.没有问题





对生活的满足和兴趣: 6、11









篇二:IELTS General Training Reading Type 7

Read the text below and answer Questions 15-20.

Advice for Employees

Safe computer use

Most people suffer no ill-effects from using VDUs (Visual Display Units) as they don’t give out harmful levels of radiation and rarely cause any kind of skin complaint. If you do suffer ill-effects,it may be because of the way you’re using the computer and this can be avoided by well-designed workstations.When working at a VDU, make sure you keep a good posture and that your eyes are level with the screen.

Under health and safety regulations your employer should look at VDU workstations, and reduce any risks by supplying any equipment considered necessary (e.g. a wrist rest). They should also provide health and safety training. This also applies if you’re working at home as an employee and using a VDU for a long period of time. There is no legal limit to how long you should work at a VDU, but under health and safety regulations you have the right to breaks from work using a VDU. This doesn’t have to be a rest break, just a different type of work. Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests it’s better to take frequent short breaks but if your job means spending long periods at a VDU, for example as in the case of data input, then longer breaks from your workstation should be introduced.

If you’re disabled, your employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments for you may mean that they will provide you with special computer equipment. You can also get advice and maybe help with paying for equipment from the local job centre.

Studies haven’t shown a link between VDU use and damage to eyesight, but if you feel that using a VDU screen is making your eyes tired, tell your employee safety representative. You have the right to a free eyesight test if you use a VDU a lot during work hours. If you’re prescribed glasses your company must pay for them, provided they’re required in your job.

If you have any health problems you think may be caused by your VDU, contact your line manager. He/she has a duty to consult you on health and safety issues that affect you, and should welcome early reporting of any issue.

Questions 15 – 20

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet. 15 It is unusual to get a ………… as a result of using computers.

16 Employers may be required to provide you with items such as a ………… to use while at work.

17 If your job involves tasks such as ………… , the advice from the HSE may not apply.

18 Financial assistance in the case of special requirements may be available from the ………… .

19 The company is obliged to cover the cost of ………… if you need them while working.

20 Any concerns about the effect of using a VDU on your general wellbeing should be reported to ………… .

篇三:2015届贵州省八校联盟高三第三次联考考试 英语




本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,第一卷第1页至第 6页,第二卷第6页至9页。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分120分,考试用时100分钟。



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Eight-year-old Cieran Kelso and Winter the dolphin have more things in common than most people and dolphins. That is because they both have prosthetic (假肢)!

Winter, the star of the movie Dolphin Tale, is Cieran’s idol because they both swim with the help of prosthetic flippers.

Florida’s Clearwater Marine Aquarium(水族馆), where Winter lives, usually only lets visitors swim in the dolphin tank every three weeks or so, but when its chief officer David Yates heard Cieran’s story he said he must make a swim-and-greet happen.

Local tourism officials flew Cieran and his family to the aquarium from England after a year of planning. His parents had a hard time keeping the surprise a secret for so long! They told Cieran that the trip was just going to be a business trip for his father Gary, and it wasn’t until they were halfway there that flight attendants announced that the trip was actually for Cieran to meet Winter!

Cieran caught a disease that cost both of his legs and most of his fingertips. He still love to play sports like soccer and gymnastics with his friends, but it’s taken him a little longer to learn how to swim.

To help him catch up with his friends, Cieran’s father Gary, with the help of a prosthetic specialist, created prosthetic flippers so that Cieran could move like his idol, Winter.

“His first words when he saw the film was” Winter’s disabled, just like me. It’s just been a dolphin in a film for a long time and now it’s real… It’s just a dream come true,” said Cary. Once in the tank he fed Winter fish and played with her for more than an hour. Cieran’s sister Layla and Winter’s “sister” Hope also joined them for a while. He said he could have swam “ for a million hours” if he was allowed to!

After the swim Cieran announced he wants to work at the aquarium so that he can always look after Winter, his new best friend. “ The feeling was great and emotional to be swimming with a dolphin. I love dolphins. But the best dolphin I’ve ever loved is Winter, he said.

1. From the text, we know Winter________.

A.played a leading role in Dolphin Tale

B.was an idol for most kids in England

C.swam with visitors three times a week

D.performed a swim-and –great in the tank

2. What didn’t Cieran know at first?

A. He could have a business trip with his dad.

B. He could swim with Winter together

C. He would act in the movie Dolphin Tale

D. He would get a new pair of prosthetic flippers

3. From what Gary said, we know_________.

A. Cieran showed pity for Winter

B. Cieran had a dream to see a film.

C. Cieran was glad to meet Winter

D. Cieran found Winter a real disabled dolphin

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A disabled boy met a dolphin with disability

B. A boy is swimming with a dolphin alone.

C. A dream of meeting a dolphin comes true.

D. A boy becomes a friend of a dolphin.


Canyon Country Youth Corps

Join the Canyon Country Youth Corps for an experience of a lifetime!

A job with purpose and adventure! Work and play in the Canyon Country of the Four Corners Region!

As a CCYC crewmember you will work and live outdoors with your fellow crewmembers in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the American Southwest while strengthening yourself both physically and mentally. If you are looking for a job with purpose that will leave a lasting impact on the lives of others as well as the environment, look no further! By joining CCYC as a crewmember you will make a lasting difference to the environment, you crew, and yourself. Apply now and start the adventure!

CCYC 2014 Crew Schedules

Crew leader Training: March 12 Crewmember Start Day: March 19

Training Weeks: March 20-31 Orientation River Trip: March 29-31

Sleep and Eat

While one crew, employees will camp in tents. If tents are provided to them by CCYC, the participant will have to share with one or two more people of the same gender. Members have the choice of bringing their own tents and will not have to share. There is a $ 30 per workweek food deduction(扣除)while in the field( includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).

Please be aware that CCYC tents are used tents have been donated and not always in excellent working condition.(i.e. zipper (拉链)doesn’t work well, hole in fly, etc.)

Other Perks (额外收入)

Crew Leaders: $ 400--$ 500 per week during sessions, depending on experience and postion. Crewmembers : Pay: $300 per week

How to Apply

Complete the appropriate application and mail, fax, or email it.

5. The text is written for those who want to____________.

A.do an adventurous travel in America

B. find a job to protect the environment

C work for their further college education

D. get the experience of living outdoors

6. If you join in CCYC, you will _______.

A.have to donate a tent to it

B. share you own tent with others

C be supplied with a tent to sleep in

D. be required to bring your own tent

7. How much will a crewmember earn per week at last?

A.$550 B. $400 C. $ 300 D.$270


Children told to go play outdoors in new nature campaign

The Wild Network aims to get schoolchildren off their computers and outdoors to experience the wonders of the wilderness day to head for the great outdoors.

The newly formed Wild Network – a collaboration of nearly 400 organizations - is attempting to attract youngsters away from television and computer screen and into fields, woods and parks.

Organizers say it is the UK's biggest ever campaign to reconnect children with nature and outdoor play, and claim it could help improve fitness, mental alertness and general wellbeing.

A documentary film, Project Wild Thing, will be shown at more than 50 cinemas across the UK from Friday. It looks at the increasingly fragile(脆弱的) link between children and nature.

Members of the network include the National Trust, RSPB, Play England and the NHS sustainable development unit.

Andy Simpson, chairman of the Wild Network, said: "The tragic truth is that kids have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation.

"Time spent outdoors is down, roaming ranges have fallen drastically, activity levels are declining and the ability to identify common species has been lost."

Suggestions of how to get more time in nature include collecting conkers, camping or snail racing, and observing autumn color on trees.

From January, the network will aim to make suggestions to politicians on how government can do more to get children muddy and bright-eyed.

This is not the first time the message of less screen, more play has been brought up. Children in the 1980s were entreated to do the same by the BBC TV series Why Don't You, which somewhat confusingly called on its viewers to "switch off your TV set, and go do something less boring instead".

8. The Wild Network was set up in order to ________.

A.monitor students’ behavior at school

B.help students know more about science

C.reduce students’ time spent in classrooms

D.encourage students to play outdoor games

9. What does the word “surrender” in paragraph two mean?

A.give in B. give back C. give up D. give out

10. According to Andy Simpson, nowadays kids_________.

A. have little connection with nature

B. live farther away from the country

C. know the name of common species

D. prefer going camping to staying at home

11. Which of the activities would NOT be encouraged by the Wild Network?

A. Playing on the beach B. Exercising in the gym

C. Going fishing D. Bird-watching


London isn't for everyone. Some promising students ignore it as an option. However, others jump at the chance without proper consideration; student life in London is very different to campus life elsewhere.

The main issue for most students in deciding whether to study in the city is their sense of how much it will cost to live in the capital. It must be acknowledged that rental prices are the highest in the country, and students should be prepared for this even with the extra loan on offer. If you do your homework, then that is where the extra costs end.

If you keep your eye open, students discounts are everywhere and many nightclubs run students night during the week, with students unions ensuring expensive nightlife is never an issue. And if you feel like earning a bit of extra money, generally part-time work is pretty easy to come by.

The transport network is good and generally affordable, especially with the Student Oyster photocard, but the density of London means most journeys are possible by foot, and 24-hours buses ensure a night out rarely requires a taxi.

A final benefit of the city for students, which is seldom considered by most until they actually arrive, is the power of London to connect people. London’s status as a world city means employers, including banks such as HSBS, media companies like BSkyB, publisher such as Penguin and every kind of business in-between, choose to locate their headquarters in London. Many of these employers provide opportunities such as networking events and interview training, which are often advertised through London universities themselves, while internships, work experience and graduate schemes are all available within the city.

Of course when it comes down to personal preference, London is just one city on a long list of options, but before deciding, prospective students should try hard to find out the true reality in terms of the costs and benefits to them personally.

12. Some students don’t choose London because ________.

A. London is the capital of the UK B. they have no way to get the extra loan

C. they dislike doing their homework D. London witnesses the higher rents

13. To help out with your expense in London, you can _________.

A. find a flat with lower rental B. join a lot of students unions

C. do part-time jobs in your spare time D. stop yourself going to nightclubs

14. Before getting to London, most students usually fail to notice_________

A. the transport network is generally the most affordable

B. so many large companies are located in London

C. 24-hours buses can provide great convenience for them

D. there live too many world-famous men and women

15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Benefits of Studying in London

B. Disadvantages of studying in London

C.High Rental Prices in London

D. Choices to be Avoided by students


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 选项中有两处为多余选项。

How to Relieve Exam Stress

Exam time is here and you are under stress. You’re stuck indoors hitting the books, writing papers, preparing projects. With exams to come, you will sure feel stressed. Faced with something stressful, your body reacts. .

Yes You Can

Believe in yourself that you can pass the exam. Don’t focus on how bad it will be for you if you perform poorly. Instead, focus on how good it will be when you do well.

Don’t get into a panic though. Just close your eyes and take long slow breaths. Doing so will calm your nerves and help you get back your focus.


Research has shown that cramming (临时抱佛脚) at the last minute for exams is not efficient. It only adds more stress to your body and mind by lack of sleep and poor nutrition.

Review your notes and read your books. You may have already mastered all the knowledge you need. So try to get a good night’s sleep. A rested body and a sharp mind will put you in a good state.

Maintain a Normal Life

One of the best ways you can relieve the stress of exams is to maintain a normal life. After studying you should reward yourself. It will do wonders to relieve your stress, but be sure to get back in time and get a good night’s sleep.

Food is energy for the brain, so be sure to eat well. Try brain foods such as bananas, other fruits and foods high in carbon.

Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress. Playing basketball with friends or working out at the gym will help reduce stress.

Research has also shown that it requires sleep to memorize what you learn. If you cram all night and get little sleep, you are not likely to member much because your brain has not had the sleep you need to file away the knowledge.

A. Don’t Work Too Hard.

B. Don’t Cram for Exams

C. Eat well. Exercise and Sleep

D. There are various ways to solve our problems.

E. It is normal to feel nervous before and during an exam.

F. Go out with friends or get a good meal and enjoy yourself.




Glossary of CAS (for reference only)

一、理念与战略 Vision & Strategy

1. 两个面向1

Addressing the strategic needs of the nation,

while working at the frontiers of science & technology

2. 战略制高点

Strategic commanding height

3. 同质化竞争

Homogenization-induced competition

4. 核心竞争力

Core competitive competences

5. 国际化战略

International strategy

Internationalization strategy

International development strategy

6. 创新型国家

An innovative nation

An innovation-driven economy

7. 创新驱动发展

Innovation-driven development

8. 国家创新体系

National innovation system

9. “三性贡献”2

Important innovative contributions of fundamental, strategic and 1

2 面向国家战略需求,面向世界科技前沿 基础性、战略性、前瞻性的重大创新贡献

forward-looking nature

10. “三位一体”3

The “3-in-1”portfolio of CAS: cutting-edge research, strategic consultation and higher education, backed by its research

institutes, academic divisions and educational institutions

11. “三个着力突破”4

Three major R&D breakthroughs CAS is committed to make: in the addressing of frontier science and cutting-edge technologies leading to technological revolution, industrial structure

adjustment and strategic emerging industries; in the addressing of major science and technologies for the good and benefits of the public, such as improving the health and general wellbeing of the people, protecting our ecosystem and the environment, etc.; and in the addressing of strategic high technologies safeguarding national & public security and enhancing China’s international competitiveness.

12. “一三五”发展规划5

“One-Three-Five” Strategic Planning, an agenda to strengthen the core competitive competences of CAS institutes: focusing on one clearly-defined development strategy, three major goals/

breakthroughs and around five top priorities, which should be built on the traditional strengths and comparative advantages of the institute and adapt to the new trends of scientific


13. “三个基地、四个一流”6

By 2020, CAS will build itself into a base of scientific research at advanced international standards, a base for training high-caliber scientific talents, and a base for incubating high-tech industries in China; and build itself into an academy of highly productive

performances, high-impact benefits, high-class management and high-caliber talent.

14. “创新2020”跨越发展体系 3 研究所、学部、教育机构“三位一体”的发展架构,“出成果、出人才、出思想”三位一体的战略使命 4 即着力突破带动技术革命、促进产业结构调整和战略性新兴产业发展的前沿科学问题和关键核心技术;着力突破提高人民健康水平、保障改善民生以及生态和环境保护等重大公益性科技问题;着力突破增强国际竞争力、维护国家和公共安全的战略高技术问题。

5 “一个定位、三个重大突破、五个重点培育方向”的战略规划。重大突破主要包括六类:解决重大科学问题,开辟新方向,突破关键核心技术,形成系统解决方案,形成重大社会经济效益,提出有重大影响咨询建议。重点培育方向主要包括两类:老树新芽型、有望形成新方向。

6 系指到二○二○年,把中国科学院建设成为具有国际先进水平的科学研究基地、培养造就高级科技人才的基地、促进中国高技术产业发展的基地,成为具有“一流的成果、一流的效益、一流的管理、一流的人才”的中科院

Innovation 2020 , a leap development framework of CAS

15. “民主办院、开放兴院、人才强院”战略

Democratic Management, Open Innovation and Talent-based Development Strategy: to manage CAS in a democratic approach, to build up CAS by opening to the outside world, and to develop CAS based on innovative talent

16. 国家队、火车头、先行者、思想库、大学校

(the multiple roles of CAS as) a “national team” representing China in the international science community, an “engine”

driving the nation toward an innovative society, a “pioneer” leading the reform of China’s R&D system, a “think-tank”

providing science-based advice to the Government on major development issues, and a “super university” training

next-generation of scientists, engineers and innovators

17. 发挥中国科学院“三位一体”的建制化优势

Putting into play the advantages of CAS as a “3 in 1”integrated system consisting of research institutes, academic divisions and educational institutions

18. 发挥国家科研机构骨干引领和示范带动作用

Putting into play the pilot role of a national research institution leading the nation in cutting-edge research and innovation

二、科学与创新 Science & Innovation

19. 前沿科学

Frontier science(s)

20. 交叉科学

Interdisciplinary science(s)

21. 原始创新

Original innovation

22. 集成创新

Integral innovation

23. 自主创新

Indigenous innovation

24. 管理创新

Managerial innovation

25. 变革性创新

Transformative innovation

26. 大科学计划

Major/mega/big science initiative/programme

27. 大科学装置

Major/mega/big science facilities

28. 大科学工程

Major/mega/big science project

29. 战略高技术

Strategic high technologies

30. 关键核心技术

Key/kernel/critical/crucial/core technologies

31. 战略新兴产业

Strategic emerging industry

32. 战略性先导科技专项7

Strategic Priority Research Programme

Strategic Leading Science & Technology Programme

Strategic Pioneer Research & Development Programme

33. “一三五”专家诊断评估

Diagnostic review and assessment by a panel of experts in

compliance with the CAS “One-Three-Five” Strategic Planning principles

34. 重大产出导向的评价体系

A major output-oriented review system

35. 研究所关键指标年度监测

Annual monitoring of key indicators for institutes

36. 产业关键核心共性技术创新

Innovation of industry-wide key and kernel technologies

37. 中国科学院支撑服务国家战略性新兴产业科技行动计划 CAS Agenda to Provide S&T Support and Services for National Strategic Emerging Industries

三、院士与咨询 Membership & Consultation

38. 院士增选

CAS Membership Election

39. 咨询评议

Consultation & review

40. 科学教育

Science education

41. 科学文化 7 战略性先导科技专项是中国科学院在中国至2050年科技发展路线图战略研究基础上,瞄准事关我国全局和长远发展的重大科技问题提出的,集科技攻关、队伍和平台建设于一体,能够形成重大创新突破和集群优势的战略行动计划。是“创新2020”的重要组成部分,分为前瞻战略科技专项(A类)和基础与交叉前沿方向布局(B类)两类。

Science culture

42. 科学传播

Science communication

43. 科技伦理

Scientific ethics

44. 学术活动

Academic functions/events/activities

45. 专门委员会

Ad hoc committee

46. 常务委员会

Standing committee

47. 《中国科学》

China Science

48. 《科学通报》

Science Bulletin

49. 科学道德建设

The culture of scientific ethics

50. 中国科学院院士

CAS Member(s)

CAS Membership

51. 中国科学院学部

CAS Academic Divisions

52. 国家科学思想库

National science think-tank

53. 中国科学院化学部

CAS Chemistry Division

54. 中国科学院地学部

CAS Earth Sciences Division

55. 中国科学院外籍院士

CAS Foreign Member(s)

CAS Foreign Membership

56. 中国科学院资深院士

CAS Senior Member(s)

57. 中国科学院院士大会

The Assembly of CAS Members

The General Meeting of CAS Members The General Conference of CAS Members

58. 陈嘉庚科学奖基金会

Tan Kah Kee Science Award Foundation
