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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 22:25:19 小学作文



Japan: lovely school make children love to go to school



Japan is a country of super like anime, whether in the street, or the details including specifications can be seen everywhere in life. Japan's kindergarten in order to reduce resistance to school children will be very cute and bright school bus decorated. From hellokitty to PiKaQiu, face so lovely school bus, the children how can withstand the temptation, no longer afraid of kindergarten, but rushed to ride. And Japan all school bus vehicle body have a yellow triangle tip marker, deserve to go up again the car striking body, lovely dress up will certainly attract the attention of most pedestrians, drivers, remind you timely give way, lovely appearance and uphold the principle of safety first.


Germany: I have my own car park


Germany make clear a regulation, the car are not allowed to play in school, children are not allowed to eat, are not allowed to bring more glass bottles to get on the bus, in case of broken hurt. German authorities found that the school bus accident mostly not driving on the way, but during the in and out of the station. This is because children and active, they are waiting for the bus often laughing and game, does not pay attention to in and out of the vehicle.


Germany therefore strict rules, the school bus must set up the station, the station id must be clearly distinguishable. School bus must be within the prescribed parking, parking in the in and out of the station, the bus to make visible light said, the rest of the vehicles shall not go beyond the school bus at this time. In addition, require parents to let their children have enough time and driving on the road, the case for catch the school bus accident.


In Germany the bus most are free, shall have the right to train the students each have a bus card, but also to have certain restriction. The school bus is provided by specialized transportation companies. May be these specialized transportation companies both local bus company, may also be a private shipping company. Generally speaking, a large school bus can pick up a few students of the school. As the German social welfare decrease, a few localities decided the school bus fee, but the amount is not much, and family difficulties can derate.


Whether it is the privilege of the school bus or lovely school bus, in Japan, everyone's purpose is to let the children can have a happy, safe and comfortable learning environment, this is we should give our children's future.



The development history of American school buses can be traced back to the end of the 19th century in rural areas of special transport vehicles of students. By 1910, 30 states have different degree to the implementation of the student transportation plan. In 1927, blue bird bus company created the first founder of the school bus. Since then, the bus get continuous development. Currently, the United States each year, 450000 school bus, carrying about 2500 students, school, travel 4 billion miles a year, formed a large-scale school bus transportation network, the school bus is also one of the safest means of transportation. In the United States, formed by the federal, state and local government level 3 joint management of the school bus service mechanism.


(a) the school bus operation and management has complete legal basis


American primary and secondary school bus operations to a large extent bound by federal and state laws and regulations. On December 2, 1992 the United States enacted the road safety programme, its section 17, the bus was carrying nine or more members of the bus, on purpose is designed to transport students, school, the school does not belong to the school bus for off-campus rental use coach, but also into related management. American school buses are public and private. In the United States has a lot of business school bus rental companies, the company sign a rental contract with the school, and school districts are exactly the same public school bus standard, like public school bus also observe the laws and regulations.


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:长鼻子成校车)


The federal government is responsible for the issue of school bus safety regulations and standards, congress can sometimes be introduced new laws to improve the school bus service. But unlike public transport, the federal government is not responsible for transport funding for the school. Vehicle safety standards in the federal government through the control of the bus manufacturing, ensure they can meet safety standards. And once the school bus on the road, by state laws, rules and standards to management. The local government is responsible for the concrete implementation of policies and regulations, the school bus to the school bus by the school district of unified scheduling and management. Responsible for school bus management institutions mainly has: the national highway traffic safety administration, the national transportation safety management committee, the federal vehicle safety administration and the federal transit administration, etc. The laws and regulations of the government has a clear specification production and operations of the school bus, multi-stakeholder, virtuous school bus management mechanism, ensure the safety of school bus operation. First, the government through legislation on the school bus operation to clear all aspects involved in the specification, the federal government and state governments have issued a corresponding laws and regulations, federal regulators about the bus up to 60 multiple; Second, school districts in the public school and private school bus operations together, in the case of jointly abide by the laws and regulations, the benign competition mechanism; Third, all kinds of non-governmental non-governmental organizations actively participate in the operation and management, the safety of the school bus operation has great promoting effect.


In the United States, the main prescribed by each school district school bus routes and bus stops. Except California public schools, the students whose families are 1 miles from school can be a free ride on the bus. In addition, disabled students can free ride the school bus, there is no limit to the distance.


(2) the school bus operation safety guarantee measures



America was promulgated on December 2, 1992 "highway safety program" regulation on the implementation of the minimum safety standards, on the school bus specification. Including logo, painting, emergency evacuation equipment, stop sign arm and school bus operation management standards of the related personnel. That states for school bus operating personnel shall be established a set of selection, training and supervision program, to ensure its ability, professional knowledge and sense of responsibility can be up to standard; Specification for the management of part of the way. States should set a standard, for the publicity, make sure the public fully understand the meaning of school bus safety and compliance. In recent years, the U.S. department of transportation has also promulgated the federal motor vehicle safety standards, including 37 items is suitable for the school bus. Such as, unified regulation school bus yellow color; States government financial subsidies for the school bus industry, every student of the school bus subsidies for more than 400 dollars a year; Will the bus as the focus of the urban security, etc. Recently, through legislation, also will the school bus into government protection range of the counter-terrorism security monitoring system. Any attack on the school bus will be a federal crime, sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.


States also has the special provisions on the school bus driver, to ensure the safety of school bus operation. Baltimore, Maryland, for example, Richmond public school district department of transportation regulations, school bus drivers must be specially trained, with business license of the professional driver. Bus driver employed by school districts directly or indirectly employed by school districts through car companies, have detailed provisions on its responsibility. In addition, the responsibility for parents of children take the school bus rules. Because the relevant legislation and regulations, the management of the school bus, the bus design and production to strictly regulate, school bus safety coefficient is higher. According to statistics, the safety of school buses than normal bus high about 40% ~ 60%, the United States each year about 600 children were killed in a car crash, and elementary school students in the school bus accident deaths only 30 ~

40. In order to ensure that students ride the school bus on time, every student will get a copy at the start of the year notice for riding the school bus, which has information about the walking school

bus routes and school bus arrival time, etc. At the same time, the school also travelling by conducting safety education to improve students' awareness of safety bus, organizes the student to study the school bus on code of conduct, causes the student to comply with the necessary actions when riding the school bus rules, ensure the driver without interference and safeguard the personal safety of students, to cultivate students habits of civilization and social responsibility in public places. When the teacher asked the students in the bus to pay attention to your behavior, like in the classroom and school environment is defined as "an extension of the classroom environment.


(3) the school bus operation and management of the detail


From the federal government, state government in the United States, to specific departments or institutions for the school bus, are very concerned about the school bus operation and management of each process, did not miss a real link. In New York city school bus development, for example, New York city school bus for more than half a century of development, the school bus has become the main New York city school system is an important part of infrastructure construction; On more than 135000 students take the school bus every day, at school, there are more than 50 companies provide school bus service for students. New York city school bus belongs to the private sector operations, but the city still exert some control on the school bus operation.


New York city is the fundamental way to solve the problem of students, school students will be transportation problem into the city's public transportation system; At the same time, the opening of the school bus for specific services shall be the responsibility of the ministry of communications of the ministry of education students in New York city. Since 1994, New York city transit MRT card, issued by the card can take New York city subway and bus. There are

students to specialise in the MRT card, one kind is half price of the MRT card, one kind is full free MRT card, students apply for what kind of card is according to the students home address and the distance to school. Set by the city student traffic office responsible for specific rules, eligible students can apply for a school bus service. , New York city public school students to apply for the school bus service must satisfy the following conditions: (1) school students must have a school bus service; (2) students belong to the kindergarten to grade 6 students (K - 6); (3) the student's home address must be with the school in the same area, the charter school or public school students, school and his home address must be in the same block; (4) if you meet the above requirements, the specified distance students to apply for the school bus service to the home address recent school bus stop waiting for the bus. Charter school and public school students in the transportation policy and public school students in different transport policy. Transport policy according to law, charter schools, students must be the same with the public schools of transport policy.



常熟市练塘中心小学五(5) 季晴



我想:我们学校老师的这一举措,不就是体现了陶行知先生的“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。”的廉洁从教的思想吗?尽管近年来,由于社会腐败现象和拜金主义思想的存在,教育行业这块净土也随之受到了影响,出现了为师不廉的现象。但是,我们学校的老师以自己的行动展示了他们这种高尚的人格魅力,为我们学子所敬重,为我们学子所效仿,让我们“学会做人”。 指导老师:黄铃


宇通长鼻子校车驶入晋城 改写0校车的历史



为民办实事 校车招标属山西首次



地处三山交界 校车采购因地制宜





一切为了安全 宇通校车全面呵护

























