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篇一:英语口语考试 英语对话 编英语对话

英语口语考试 英语对话 编英语对话


Our earth

1. Are you a lover of nature? Why or why not?

2. Which season do you like best? Why?

3. Describe a park/ garden you often go to.

4. Describe a place in your city that you know well.

A:It is really an lovey day? right?

B:yes, I agree with you! The sky is fair, and the air is sweet.

C:so, I occur to some good advice, should we organize some activities outdoor?

D:oh! That is fantastic! I love nature, I enjoy staying in outdoor, and doing everything in the nature!

B:so do I! the environment in the city is extremely poor, staying in here too long makes me feel uncomfortable, so I prefer nature more.

D:oh! yes, I completely admire your opinion! And you? A,

A:you are right, people spend more time in the nature, then they can live more healthier

C:of course! I am impressed, my grandparents is a nice example, they live in a village near a mountain, and though they are 70s, they all are healthy now . D:how an enviable life! By the way which season you like?

A:I like spring, you know, it is the season that flowers bloom, you can imagine

that beautiful picture, right? The butterfly fly over here and there, and the trees get more and more green! And so on!

D:yes! Obsolutely, it is the most attractive season, I love spring too, in the spring, I always feel I am full of energy, and it is the season neither hot nor cold.

C:wow, maybe you are right, but for me, I prefer winter more!


C:because in the winter, everywhere will be white and the world gets peaceful, and the most important thing is, I Love snow, no matter how cold it is!

B:haha! you are strange, I reject cold, so you know I choose summer, I can enjoy sunshine and cold beverage on the beautiful beach, nice outdoor activities, do not you think so?

A:yes,pretty good experience!

D:oh!so,you must like warmer weather and beach,

B:yes,I like beautiful beach,my house is not far from the beach,there is a nice beach park,whenever you go there,there is always many people,it is really big,and there are many recreational facilities,it is near the sea,so when we are hot,we can swim in the sea,

A:wow,you remind me of my childhood,when I was a child,I often went to a garden, it is the symbol of my city,it is a garden with various floors,everytime the spring comes,all kinds of butterflies will appear,and that is what attractes me most。

D:oh!yes,I always go to a park near the school,it is beautiful too,there is a big lake with a archaistic pavilion,and in the meantime you can see the artificial hill everywhere。

C:nice place, but I think the park near the east lake is more beautiful, it lies near the east lake, it is famous for its natural scenery, beautiful lake, and a number of old trees, and distinctive buildings, also, different Water entertainment facilities.

D:you let me recall my hometown,there is a place called huangjiawan, you can see flowers all over the mountain, and in the spring, all kinds of trees with blooming flowers, when you are tired, you can eat farmhouse meal, it is really delicious, it attracts many people.

B:oh,In my hometown has 挪步 park scenic area, scenic, summer is cool, the air is very good, is a good place to travel.


Our globe is in danger 我们的地球是危险的 2-1 Our globe is in danger

2-2 Rain-forests will soon be only a memory

2-3 What a terrible sandstorm


As we all know, there are many environmental problems in this world, such as deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, sandstorm and so on, our earth is in danger.


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:our,earth,英语对话)

Yes, what we have feeling is the global warming and the greenhouse effect, the summer becomes hotter and winter wetter


Well, recently I listened to a lecture about rain-forests


Oh? Tell me about it!


Most of the world’s rain-forests are in danger of destruction by logger, farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute.

B. 真是灾难啊!世界上的许多植物和动物仅存在于热带雨林

What a tragedy! Many of the world’s plant and animal species exist only in rain-forest.


Yeah, it’s terrible. We human should take some measures to save the rain-forests. Don’t you want to save the rain-forests?


Of course, I want to save it. As we all know, if the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue, the consequences for the earth will be great. (For example, we shall see a massive upsetting of ecosystems, very large increases in soil erosion, increases in flooding and in drought, changes in rainfall patterns and regional, quite possibly global, changes in climate.) But what should we do to save the rain-forests?


In my opinions, first, we should strengthen environmental education and enhance citizens’ awareness of environmental protection. Second, we should establish an international fund, letting the local benefit from the management and protection. Third, we could establish nature reserves. Fourth, we should encourage the development of protective. Finally, as for us, we should reduce the use of wood products and we can donate for the international fund.


Well, I believe those measures would be helpful in reducing the rate of deforestation. The government should do a lot , as the four measures you have said. But how can we reduce the use of wood products? Can you give me some examples?


Yeah, first, we should not use disposable chopsticks and cups . Second, we should try to improve the efficiency of using paper. Third, we should try to avoid the frequent replacement of wooden furniture. These are all I know, but I believe we will find more way as long as we observe

carefully in life.


That’s right! Let’s put these measures into action!



篇三:高中英语作文拯救地球(Saving Our Earth)

高中英语作文拯救地球(Saving Our Earth)


It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. For one thing, rubbish may cause a lot of pollution. It may pollute the air, the water and the places we live in. For another, it may do harm to people's health.So in our city, rubbish is well dealt with. First, it is sorted. Then old newspapers and glass are recycled. The harmful wastes are buried and the waste water is cleaned before it goes into the river. The government has already made laws against pollution caused by rubbish.

But that's not enough. We must all try our. best to prevent rubbish from polluting the environment so as to. save our city and our living place

篇四:Protecting Our Earth

Protecting Our Earth

Good morning ladies and gentlemen ,

I am very glad to stand here to share something about our earth with you , and thanks for that you took time from your busy schedule to sit here and listen to me .

As we all know , we have only one earth to live . Everyday , we take various kinds of resources from it . On the contrary , what we return to it are house refuse , air pollution and destroying the biosphere . what’s more , with the increasing of population , people have no idea to control the using of the natural resources , most people just think about themselves and do not consider the next generation’s need . On the other hand , there is a big problem for our earth , that is global warming , which makes most of glacier thaw . In addition , the global warming also changes the climate , which destroys some plants’ and animals’ living environment and makes them die out in the end . Why there are so many problems with our earth ? Who made those problems ? And what can we do for our earth ?

I want to say : It all depends on our human beings . All those problems are made by human being , so , it is our responsibility to solve all problems and protect our earth . Ladies and gentlemen , we just have only one earth ,and the

resources on our earth are limited . So we can not only consider ourselves , we should not waste ! What’s more , we should not crazily kill animals and fell trees any more, because they and human beings belong to the same family , if they all die out , haw can we continue to survive ? So ,as far as I am concerned , protecting animals and plants means protecting ourselves !

Protect our earth ! No water pollution ! No air pollution ! No wasting and destroying ! I hope that everyone could be self-disciplined , then contribute ourselves to protect the earth ! Let’s do it together now ! I believe that our earth would be more beautiful in the future !

That’s all , thanks for your listening again !

篇五:Unit5 Our Earth looks like this in space

Unit5 Our Earth looks like this in space.

Period 2 (Part A)

一. 教学目标

1. 能听懂﹑会说﹑会写新单词the Earth,land and river,Space Museum,the sun,stars,the moon.

2. 能够听懂﹑会说﹑理解A部分课文。

二. 教学重难点

1. 重点:能够理解A部分当中的一些词组,并能用他们描绘Peter两天的活动情况。

2. 难点:动词过去式变化的规则,尤其是部分单词的不规则变化。

三. 教学过程

Step1 Revision 复习

1. Greeting问候

2. 根据黑板上单词的首字母猜单词,并朗读。

Step2 Presentation新授

1. 找出文中的过去式,写出其原形

2.细读A部分,小组内讨论下列词或词组的意思,并朗读。 3.听录音,仔细阅读课文,在小组合作下完成填空



Step3. Practice 练习


1.see you sea can the (.)

2.looks Earth in like this our space (.)

3.library went she for look to space on the to books (.)
