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(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:a,baby,dinosaur续写)





Name______________ Class______________

Welcome to the unit

1.Hobo is very___________ (luck),because tomorrow’s TV superstar is his friend.(P80)

→Eddie has good l________because he was chosen to be in Hollywood.L____________, the director didn’t know he likes sleeping a lot.

2.你知道那个女孩是谁吗?Do you know _________________________________ ?(P80)

3.Each of us must know we should stop_____________ (daydream), or we will never have success.

4.The elderly are usually more______________ (real) than the young . (P80)

5.This morning he watched TV at home instead of __________ (see) his friend. (P80)

6. ( )Tomorrow is Sunday . Why not _______________ the zoo together ? (P80)

A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. go

7.准备拍摄_____________ 再拍一个镜头_____________ 拍得好______________ (P81)

8. Would you like __________(be) a singer when you grow up ? (P81)

Reading &Vocabulary


Zhou Runfa is __________________________ all-time _______________________.(P82)

2. Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous ____________________ (act) in China.(P82)

3. 那个穿红衣服的女孩不仅是一位歌手,而且还是一位出色的舞蹈演员。

The girl in red is ______________ a singer, ____________ a wonderful dancer. (P82)

4. Not only you but also Mr Green _______________ (be) interested in the film. (P82)

5. We are all sorry for the _________________ (lose) of the great scientist. (P82)

6. You can enjoy the ___________ (beautiful) of the old park in the Summer Palace. (P82)

7. She began __________________(play) the piano when she was four years old. (P82)

8. The scientist taught himself French _________________________(很小的时候). (P82)

9. The boy’s dream is ___________ (be) a popular teacher after he finishes school. (P82)

10. Tom 课后把大部分的努力放在篮球训练上。

After class, Tom puts _______________________________ basketball training. (P82)


The novel ___________ “Autumn” ____________________________ a TV play. (P82)

12. ( ) Lucy began ___________ piano lessons ____________ a very young age . (P82)

A. taking ; in B. to take ; in C. taking ; at D. to take ; on


Mr Wang insisted that Lucy was ________________ girl ______________ the writing club.

14.很幸运,王丽被选中扮演电视剧中主角白雪公主。Luckily, Wang Li was chosen ________ ___________________ “Princess Snow White” in the TV play. (P82)

15. Mr Li wrote a novel ________ (call) “Love” at the ___________ (begin)of last year. (P82)

16. The beautiful view of Mount Emei attracted these __________ (writer) attention. (P82)


17. 路遥一生中还写了几篇著名的小说 。Lu Yao wrote _________________famous novels ________________________ .(P83)

18.格林先生三天前在天安门广场最后一次露面 。(P83)

Mr Green _________________________________ on Tian’anmen Square three days ago .

19.Some people thought that Audrey Hepburn was play_________ (she) because to them, she

________(she) was an angel . (P83)

20.Hepburn wanted to remind us to protect the environment by__________ (show) the beauty

the nature. (P83)

21.Deng Yaping’s achievements ___________________________ (超过了)the table tennis . (P83)

22.Einstein devoted ___________________________ (一生中的大部分时间致力于)science. (P83)

23.Mr Wang spends much time working___________ (close)with Project Hope ___________ (help) poor children in poor areas. (P83)

24.姚明在篮球上的努力给他挣得了许多荣誉 。Yao Ming____________________a number of awards _______________his efforts in basketball. (P83)

25. Last month, Sunshine Secondary School _______________________ (授予西蒙)the Grade 9 Best

Student Award for his great grades . (P83)

26.患癌症 ______________最后一次散步_____________________ 十天后________________


以……为基础____________(P85) 恐怖片_______________科幻片___________________ 武打片________________ 爱情片____________________(P86)


1. Millie is careless, she often _____________________________(把家庭作业忘在家里). (P87)

2. Yesterday, he ______________________(忘了关)the lights, so he had to _________________ (跑回到)the classroom . (P87)

3. 前天当他气喘吁吁地到达学校时,第一节课已经开始了十分钟。

The first class _________________________ for 10 minutes when he arrived at the school

______________________ the day before yesterday. (P87)

4. Tom 是第一个到达的,但他发现他走错了电影院。(P87-88)

Tom was ___________________ arrive, but he found he __________________________ cinema.

5. Mr Zhang _______a famous teacher before he came to Beijing Sunshine Secondary School in 1999.

A. has been

a cartoon . (P88)

7. _____________(lucky ), Lin Tao _______(忘记) his English book in the park this morning . (P88) 2 B. was C. is D. had been (P87) 6. When Jim got into my home, ________________________ (我们所有五个人)were watching

8. I saw __________________(一部动作片)that Jackie Chan ____________________________ (扮演主角)during the summer holiday. (P89)

9. Tomorrow morning you__________________________(最好起床) earlier __________(以便) you will catch the first bus. (P90)

10. ( )You _______________________ at others . It’s impolite . (P90)

A. don’t ought to laugh B. ought not to laugh C. ought to not laugh D. ought not laugh


You __________________________ while ___________ in the reading room.

12.( )You’d better ______________ the cinema early or you will miss the beginning. (P90)

A. to arrive B. arriving at C. to arrive at D. arrive at


You _______ _______ ________ talk with your classmates after the bell rings.

14. ( ) It's very far from here . Why ______________ by bus? (P91)

A. not going B. not go C. don't go D. not to go

15. 明天去划船怎么样 ?________________ going boating tomorrow ? (P91)

16. ── 我决定不了看哪一部电影 。── 为什么不先看一下电影评论呢 ?(P91)

──I can’t decide ____________________________ .

──Why ________________________________________________ first ?

Integrated skills and Study skills

1.昨天我们看了一部两小时的记录片。这部片子记录了上海20年前的样子 。(P92)

Yesterday, we saw ________________ documentary that shows you what ___________________ twenty years ago .

2.( )Last week , the Greens made ________trip to Beijing , and they enjoyed ________ . (P92)

A. three-day ; them B. 3-day ; themselves C. a three-day ; themselves D. 3-days ; themselves

3.Here is some information about a film now_____________(show) at Sunshine Cinema.(P93)

4.《老北京的故事》适合各个年龄层次的人看 。(P93)

Tales of Old Beijing is ______________________________________________ .

5.ABC Cinema is now showing a film________ (call) Love Ship. The ending is disturbing. (P93)

6.《恐龙世界》讲述了小恐龙被选为恐龙家族未来国王的故事 。(P93)

The World of Dinosaurs ________________________ that a baby dinosaur ____________

_____________ the future king of the dinosaur family .

7. Happy Sheep brings sheep and wolves_________(live) on screen. It is very interesting. (P93)

8.二十八岁的翁帆爱上了八十二岁的杨振宁,真是不可思议 。 (P93)

Weng Fan , a 28-year –old girl _________________________ Yang Zhenning , a 60-year-old man . It’s _________________________ .

9.── 大都数人认为武打片对青少年影响不好 。── 是的 ,你说得对。(P93-94)


── Most people think action films _____________________________ teenagers .

── Yes , _________________________________.

10. The film ________ (it) is very interesting, but Zhao Fei didn’t play his part very well. (P94)

11.我不能肯定你是否正确 。I’m not sure ___________________________ . (P94)

12. I want to go to the Summmer Palace, but Tom ______________ (agree) with me. (P94)

Main task and Checkout

1. 李磊最喜欢的篮球选手是姚明 ,姚明现在闻名全球 。(P95)

Li Lei’s _______________________ is Yao Ming . Yao Ming is _______________________ .

2. Gong Li ________________ (know) as a famous actress all over the world . (P95)

3. Zhao Benshan is good at speaking and he is _____________ (experience) in acting too . (P95)

4. 从那时起, 巩俐主演过许多成功的电影 。(P96)

From then on , Gong Li _________________________ many successful films .

5. Tom like many kinds of sports ,_______________ (include) basketball , football , pingpong ,

swimming , skating and so on . (P96)

6. Tom is very bright and he is a____________(talent) little actor. We all like him. (P96)

7. Zhang Ziyi ________________(consider) as a clever ____________(act). I believe her acting skills will become even ____________(good) in the future . (P96)

8. I ______ never _______(read) such a wonderful novel before I became a secondary school student .

9. I’m very busy these days , so I forgot __________________ (phone) you . (P96)

10.Eddie was very excited about____________(watch) the two-hour film because he_____________ (not watch) a film before. (P96)

11.Adam 课后把所有的努力都放在篮球训练上。(P96)

After class, Adam puts ___________________________________ basketball training.

12. At last, Eddie _________________(honour) with the Award for Best Actor .


Writr an article about your favourite film star like this:

My favourite actor/ actress is________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4


篇五:新版牛津英语初二上Unit1 Speaking & writing 研学案

番禺区洛溪新城中学2013-2014学年第一学期初二年级英语学科(模块)研学案 编号:201301005

第1单元 第 5 课时 Speaking & Writing

课型:阅读课 主备人: 曾文忠 审核人: 授课时间:2013(年)9(月) (日)


1、了解名词、动词、形容词、副词和数词在句子朗读中的重读规则。 2、通过对话练习,提高会话能力的同时拓展对百科全书内容更多的了解。

3、通过看图补全句子的练习,进一步提高书面表达能力,复习动词过去式的用法。 【研学重点】


2、通过看图补全故事的练习,进一步提高书面表达能力,复习动词过去式的用法。 【研学难点】

1、书面表达能力的提高。 2、动词过去式的正确使用。 【研学过程】



1.attend_________ 2.call__________ 3.jump____________ 4.stay__________ 5.hope____________6.like ___________ 7.move____________ 8.use___________ 9.carry __________10. cry____________11.hurry __________12.study _______ 13.travel_____________14.stop___________15.plan____________16.rob___________ 17.buy_________18.catch___________19.write_____________20.leave__________


Task 1: Speaking

1.Try to find out the stress rule

2. Talk time

What are you interested in? Look it up in an encyclopaedia.

In pairs, talk about it. And then come to the blackboard and present themselves

Task 2: Writing

1.Brainstorming: work in pairs , think about and answer the Qs:

Do you like a dinosaur? What about a baby dinosaur?

Do you think it is possible for you to keep a dinosaur as a pet? 2.Talk about each picture on P11-12.

What can you see in the picture? What is the boy doing? What will happen then?

3. Fill in the blanks with the given words, then check them in groups and show

the work in class.

4. Complete the ending of the story and read it aloud in groups.



