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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 20:32:51 作文素材

篇一:飞机餐难吃 不怪厨师怪噪音太大-

飞机餐难吃 不怪厨师怪噪音太大?

Scientists have worked out why airline meals taste so bad - and the chef isn't to blame.Research shows that the sort of noise we are subjected to inside aircraft cabin affects our taste buds, reducing our sense of saltiness and sweetness - and increasing crunchiness.


The finding could explain why even the most tempting-smelling in-flight meals taste bland and have the texture of cardboard.


'There's a general opinion that aeroplane foods aren't fantastic,' said Andy Woods, a researcher from Unilever's laboratories and the University of Manchester. 'I'm sure airlines do their best - and given that, we wondered if there are other reasons why the food would not be so good. One thought was perhaps the background noise has some impact. 研究者说,关于飞机餐难吃的事实已经得到了广泛的认同,一方面,我的确相信机务人员已经尽力了,他们尽可能得满足乘客味觉上的需要。但是为什么飞机餐还是这么难吃呢?我们进行了一项实验后才认定其实是飞机上的噪音影响了我们的食欲。

'There was no previous research on this, so we went about seeing if the hunch was correct.' To test the theory, 48 diners were blindfolded and fed sweet foods such as biscuits or salty ones such as crisps, while listening to silence or noise through headphones.


Each volunteer rated the foods for flavour and said how much they liked them. Background noise led to the foods being rated less salty or sweet. They were also perceived as more crunchy, the journal Food Quality and Preference reports.



chef n. 厨师,大师傅

篇二:飞机餐难吃 不怪厨师怪噪音太大-

飞机餐难吃 不怪厨师怪噪音太大?

Scientists have worked out why airline meals taste so bad - and the chef isn't to blame.Research shows that the sort of noise we are subjected to inside aircraft cabin affects our taste buds, reducing our sense of saltiness and sweetness - and increasing crunchiness.


The finding could explain why even the most tempting-smelling in-flight meals taste bland and have the texture of cardboard.


'There's a general opinion that aeroplane foods aren't fantastic,' said Andy Woods, a researcher from Unilever's laboratories and the University of Manchester. 'I'm sure airlines do their best - and given that, we wondered if there are other reasons why the food would not be so good. One thought was perhaps the background noise has some impact. 研究者说,关于飞机餐难吃的事实已经得到了广泛的认同,一方面,我的确相信机务人员已经尽力了,他们尽可能得满足乘客味觉上的需要。但是为什么飞机餐还是这么难吃呢?我们进行了一项实验后才认定其实是飞机上的噪音影响了我们的食欲。

'There was no previous research on this, so we went about seeing if the hunch was correct.' To test the theory, 48 diners were blindfolded and fed sweet foods such as biscuits or salty ones such as crisps, while listening to silence or noise through headphones.


Each volunteer rated the foods for flavour and said how much they liked them. Background noise led to the foods being rated less salty or sweet. They were also perceived as more crunchy, the journal Food Quality and Preference reports.



chef n. 厨师,大师傅



Scientists have worked out why airline meals taste so bad - and the chef isn't to blame.Research shows that the sort of noise we are subjected to inside aircraft cabin affects our taste buds, reducing our sense of saltiness and sweetness - and increasing crunchiness。


The finding could explain why even the most tempting-smelling in-flight meals taste bland and have the texture of cardboard。


'There's a general opinion that aeroplane foods aren't fantastic,' said Andy Woods, a researcher from Unilever's laboratories and the University of Manchester. 'I'm sure airlines do their best - and given that, we wondered if there are other reasons why the food would not be so good. One thought was perhaps the background noise has some impact。 研究者说,关于飞机餐难吃的事实已经得到了广泛的认同,一方面,我的确相信机务人员已经尽力了,他们尽可能得满足乘客味觉上的需要。但是为什么飞机餐还是这么难吃呢?我们进行了一项实验后才认定其实是飞机上的噪音影响了我们的食欲。

'There was no previous research on this, so we went about seeing if the hunch was correct.' To test the theory, 48 diners were blindfolded and fed sweet foods such as biscuits or salty ones such as crisps, while listening to silence or noise through



Each volunteer rated the foods for flavour and said how much they liked them. Background noise led to the foods being rated less salty or sweet. They were also perceived as more crunchy, the journal Food Quality and Preference reports。

资料来源:教育优选 /retype/zoom/436c07c1f01dc281e43af043?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=630&rawh=42&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=32&md5sum=fab726ff579931807da8c72678212957&sign=0357122539&zoom=&png=0-8159&jpg=0-1156" target="_blank">点此查看



chef n. 厨师,大师傅

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/


From rubbery scrambled eggs to lukewarm mashed potato, airplane meals can be dire.


Now scientists think they know why food tastes so strange in the air – it’s down to sound.


American researchers have discovered that deserts don’t taste as sweet on board a noisy airplane, while the taste of savoury food is intensified in the loud environment. 美国研究人员发现甜点在嘈杂的飞机上并不美味,在嘈杂的环境下即使是开胃类食物的口感也感觉有些重。

Experts hope this knowledge could be used to elevate airplane food to new heights and banish bad meals.


‘Our study confirmed that in an environment of loud noise, our sense of taste is compromised,’said Robin Dando, assistant professor of food science at Cornell University.


‘Interestingly, this was specific to sweet and umami tastes, with sweet taste inhibited and umami taste significantly enhanced.’


‘Airline cabins are an unusual environment, in which food is consumed routinely under extreme noise conditions, often over 85 dB, and in which the perceived quality of food is often criticised,’ the study says.


Professor Dando added: ‘The multisensory properties of the environment where we consume our food can alter our perception of the foods we eat.’


The study, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and performance, could help experts make airplane food taste better, by selecting foods that suit the noisy environment.





课题组成员: 九年级八班

指导老师: 张利芳 毛娟

人群拥挤,交通繁忙,商品交易,吵闹的娱乐和各种应酬宴会造成了城市生活的喧哗景象。早在古罗马时,因货运马车铁轮压在铺石路上发出的铿锵声而破坏睡眠以至惹怒的人们制定法律以控制车轮的运行。另外,中世纪欧洲的一些城市也限制马匹和马车的行走,以保障居民的睡眠。 过去的噪声问题是无法与现代社会因噪声带来的困扰相比拟的。现今的噪声负荷和机械的嘈杂声困扰着我们的生活,它们不仅造成人们的烦恼,而且也危害到人们的健康。这一问题随着经济的发展而加重。 认定噪声作为严重危害健康的公害是在近代。接触有害噪声带来的健康影响现今已被看作十分重要的公共卫生问题。



(2)工业机械噪声,这也是室内噪声污染的主要来源。由于各种动力机、工作机 做功时产生的撞击、摩擦、喷射以及振动,可产生七八十分贝以上的声响。像纺织车间、锻压车间、粉碎车间和钢厂、水泥厂、气泵房、水泵房,这些声响都比较严重,虽然都做了一定程度的降噪处理,但仍然不能从根本上消除机器本体上所产生的噪声。 初中政治,尽在 nd88.com








1999年3月在伦敦召开WHO专家工作组会议,发表了社区噪声问题指导文件,其中包括社区噪声的指导性限值,并列出因噪声导致的烦恼和听力受损伤的健康影响: 户外生活区,50~55dB,16小时可致烦恼;


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:飞机餐难吃怪噪音)


