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篇一:伦敦 一日游 景点 英文介绍 配套PPT

A Day In London

We would spend a day in travelling in London. At first, we would go to green park by subway, and then, we would go through green park and come to Buckingham Palace.We are going to watch the relieve guard in Buckingham Palace by 11o’clock.

Then, along the st.Jameson park,only 5 minutes later we may arrive at the Big Ben in foot.We would stay to take photos in front of the Big Ben and the House of Parliament and visit Westminster Abbey.

After watching the Big Ben, we would visit the London Eye at the south bank of the river Thames.At the bottom of the London Eye, there is a dock.

We would get off the ship at the dock of the London Bridge, and we could see the famous london Bridge.

The introductions of some of the scenic spots are the followed.

? Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the modern’s present London home,facing St.James’park.It was bought by George III for his wife at price of 28,000 pounds in 1761. Today,of the palace’s 660 rooms you’re permitted to see just 18, and there’s little sign of life,as the Queen decamps to Scotland every summer . You can view a small selection of the Royal

Collection-which is more than three times larger than the National Gallery’s at the Queen’s Picture Gallery,round of the south side of the palace on Buckingham Palace Road. And then you can see the Royal Army of Buckingham Palace hold the relieve guard ceremony at 11:30 from April to September ,which is so wonderful that attract visitors from

all over the world.

? Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Houses of Parliament first named West Minister Palace.The palace was nearly burnt to ground in a big fire in 1834 ,then ,it was rebuilt and destroyed by Charles as what it looks today,splendid and fantastic .And its Clock Tower , also familiar to tourists , named Big Ben,standing by the River Thames ,when there’s a meeting in the Palace ,the surface of Big Ben will be shining and every an hour it will strike once . It’s not only a symbol of the Houses of Parliament but also a symbol of London.

? Westminster Abbey

Kings,queens,statesmen and soldiers,poets,heros and villains---the Abbey is a must-see living pageant of British history.

Westminster Abbey,formally titled the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster,is a large,mainlyGothic,church in the City of Westminster,London ,located just to the west of the Palance of Westminster,It is one of the most motable religious buildings in the United Kingdom and is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English and,later,Britishmonarchs.The Abbey is a Royal Peculiar and between 1540 and 1550 had the status of a cathedral.

According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about

1080,achurch was founded at the site Cthen known as Thorn Ey(Thorn Island).In the 7thcentury,at the time of the present church was begun in 1245,on the orders of Henry Three.

Since 1066,when Harold Godwinson and Willian the Conqueror were crowned,the coronations of English and British monarchs have been held here.Since 1100 there have been at least 16 royal weddings at the Abbey.Two were of reigning monarchs(Henry I and Richard

2),although before 1919 there had been none for some 500 years.

? Double-desk bus

The red double-deck bus comes of England.It is so famous and even becomes the symbol or national treasure in England.Many of us have got a profound impression on the double-deck bus through a famous movie Harry Potter.In this film,the double-deck bus must be driven slowly to ensure the safety of the passengers.Atpresent,the majority of this kind of bus are used for tourism.

? Telephone booth

What is more,a classic romantic scene on a street in London always inside one thing ---the red telephone booth.Although communication technique has been changing with each passing day,the red telephone booth still remain as a symbol of English culture.






1、British Museum 大英博物馆 2、National Gallery 国家美术馆

3、Houses of Parliament 国会大厦 4、Tower of London 伦敦塔

5、St. Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂 6、The London Eye 伦敦眼

7、Changing the Guard 卫兵交接仪式 8、Victoria & Albert Museum 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆

9、Madame Tussauds 杜沙夫人蜡像馆 10、Westminster Abbey 西敏寺










对于热爱福尔摩斯的同学,来伦敦可不容错过两个地方:“贝克街221b”--就是福尔摩斯在伦敦的家,是所有侦探小说迷向往朝圣的地方,也是多年后的另一个被虚构出来人物--名侦探柯南,心心念念要来的地方。另一个不能错过的地方就是伦敦东部的Brick Lane(红砖巷)附近。福尔摩斯常常乔装打扮,到这里来寻找线索。







7-8月是伦敦的观光旅游旺季。日照时间在英格兰的黄金夏季(Golden summer in England)特别长,晚上9点多天还亮着,有效游览时间比冬季要长出数小时。夏季的各项




特别提醒:在欧洲英国仍不属于申根成员国,但英国已经开放个人旅游签证申请。 签证流程:








6,公司的资产和资金证明(英文的资产负债表,或英文公司银行对帐单,或银行证明); 7,申请人户口本原件及复印件;



10,申请人婚姻状况证明,如结婚证、同性伴侣证明、离婚证明等(单身除外); 11,赴英酒店或机票预定信息;






需要报关的物品:电脑、高级相机、摄像机。如果入境时未报关,出境时可能被课税。 禁止携带入境物品:武器、管制药品、淫秽物品,以及危害健康或环境的物品。



不管您是只去英国旅游还是要遍览欧洲各国,推荐您使用英镑的T/C(即旅行支票,用它兑换现金最为方便,而且在大多数饭店和B&B中都可以代替现金用于支付(可找零钱)。 在城市中,常可以见到“兑换处”(Burea ne cnange)。在这些兑换处及一部分银行中,若将£20的T/C兑成现金,对方会收取相应的手续费。不过整个英国没有一个城市不设有银行或兑换处的,您一分现金不拿,只带T/C保管没有问题。




电源电压:电压:220V到230V 之间 50Hz。插头:分为两项圆孔、三项圆孔。





(2)国内拨打英国手机号: 0044-手机号










? 1、大英博物馆









? 2、英国国家美术馆 3、伦敦国会大厦广场 4、伦敦塔 5、圣保罗大教堂 6、伦敦眼

7、白金汉宫 8、维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆 9、伦敦杜沙夫人蜡像馆 10、威斯敏斯特教堂



大英博物馆(British Museum),又名不列颠博物馆,位于英国伦敦新牛津大街北面的大罗素广场。大英博物馆成立于1753年,1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最着名的博物馆之一。大英博物馆和纽约的大都会艺术博物馆、巴黎的卢浮宫同列为世界三大博物馆。博物馆收藏了世界各地的许多文物和图书珍品,藏品之丰富、种类之繁多,为全世界博物馆所罕见。目前博物馆拥有藏品1300多万件,由于空间的限制,目前还有大批藏品未能公开展出。




London is a cosmopolitan mixture of the Third and First worlds, of chauffeurs and beggars, of the establishment, the avowedly working class and the avant-garde. Unlike comparable European cities, much of London looks unplanned and grubby, but that is part of its appeal. Visiting London is like being let loose on a giant-sized Monopoly board clogged with traffic. Even though you probably won't know where the hell you are, at least the names will look reassuringly familiar. The city is so enormous, visitors will need to make maximum use of the underground train system: unfortunately, this dislocates the city's geography and makes it hard to get your bearings.

When to Go

London is a year-round tourist center, with few of its attractions closing or significantly reducing their opening hours in winter. Your best chance of good weather is, of course, at the height of summer in July and August, but there's certainly no guarantee of sun even in those months and that is when you can expect the biggest crowds and highest prices.

Great churches:

Westminster Abbey

A resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. It's a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. The roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.


St Paul's Cathedral

Half the world saw the inside of St Paul's Cathedral when Charles tied the knot here in 1981. The venerable building was constructed by

Christopher Wren between 1675 and 1710, but stands on the site of two previous cathedrals dating back to 604. Its famous dome, the biggest in the world after St Peter's in Rome, no longer dominates London as it did for centuries - a fact which irritates the bonnie prince's sense of architectural harmony. Visitors should talk low and sweetly near the whispering gallery, which reputedly carries words spoken close to its walls to the other side of the dome.

Westminster Cathedral is the headquarters of Britain's Catholic Church, and the only prime example of neo-Byzantine architecture in the city. The interior is part splendid marble and part bare brick - the money ran out. The 14 Stations of the Cross sculptures by Eric Gill and the marvelously somber atmosphere make this a great escape from coach tourists and traffic alike.

Kings & Queens

he Queen opened Buckingham Palace to the public for the first time in 1993 to raise money for repairs to Windsor Castle. The palace rates poorly compared to Britain's other stately homes. The interiors range from kitsch to tasteless opulence and reveal nothing of the domestic life of the Royal Family apart from a gammy eye when it comes to interior décor.

The Tower of London, once a castle and palace, is now a beautifully preserved monument to cruelty. According to Shakespeare, their wicked uncle, Richard III, slaughtered the young princes and heirs of Edward IV here. The cells have played host to an illustrious crew which includes Thomas More, Anne Boleyn, Walter Raleigh, Rudolf Hess and Wham!

Bloodcurdling attractions include torture implements displayed in Martin Tower. Don't overdose on suits of armor, coats of arms or Beefeaters and you'll have a fun time. Check out the ravens on the green: legend says that the day they desert the Tower, London shall fall to its enemies. Parliament

The awesome neo-Gothic brilliance of the Houses of Parliament has been restored thanks to a recent spring clean of the fa?ade. The building includes the House of Commons and the House of Lords, so the grandeur of the exterior is let down only by the level of debate in the interior. There's restricted access to the chambers when they're in session, but a visit around 6 pm will avoid the worst of the crowds. Check the time on the most recognizable face in the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben.

Downing Street, the official residence of the prime minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has been guarded by an imposing iron gate since the security forces realized that the lone iconic bobby outside Maggie's door was not sufficient to stop the IRA mortar bomb attack in 1989.

Museums & Their Booty

The British Museum is the oldest, most august museum in the world. It is so big and so full of 'stuff' collected by Victorian travelers and

explorers that visitors often make the mistake of overdosing on the antiquities. See as much as you want to see, not as much as you believe you should. Highlights include the weird Assyrian treasures and Egyptian mummies; the exquisite pre-Christian Portland Vase and the 2000-year-old corpse found in a Cheshire bog.

The Victoria & Albert Museum has an eclectic mix of booty gathered together under its brief as a museum of decorative art and design. It sometimes feels like an enormous Victorian junk shop, with nearly four million artifacts on display. It's best to browse through the collection

whimsically, checking out the Chinese ceramics, Japanese swords, cartoons by Raphael, sculpture by Rodin, the Frank Lloyd Wright study and the pair of Doc Martens.

The Natural History Museum is one of London's finest Gothic-revival buildings, but even its grand cathedral-like main entrance can seem squashed when you're confronted with hordes of screaming schoolkids. Keep away from the dinosaur exhibit while the kids are around and check out the mammal balcony at the Blue Whale exhibit or the spooky, moonlit rainforest in the ecology gallery.

Those Famous Galleries

The cash-strapped National Gallery, located on the edge of Trafalgar Square, has one of the world's most impressive art collections. Famous paintings include Cezanne's The Bathers and van Eyck's Arnolfini Wedding. Entry to the gallery is free, which means if you feel like dropping in and looking at just one or two pictures, you can do so at your leisure without feeling obliged to cover extensive territory.

The Tate Gallery is the keeper of an impressive historical archive of British art. The adjoining Clore Gallery has a wonderful collection of JMW Turner paintings, and tries not to miss the pre-Raphaelite room. Housed in the former Bankside Power Station, the brand-spanking new Tate Modern displays the Tate's collection of international modern art, including major works by Bacon, Dal? Picasso, Matisse, Rothko and Warhol, as well as work by more contemporary artists. The building is as exciting as the art: gorgeous industrial-strength red brick with a 325-foot-high chimney. The former turbine hall, below street level and running the length of the vast building, now forms the awe-inspiring entrance to the gallery.

Cultural Centers

Several of London's large cultural centers are bleak, concrete

monstrosities, but the events held inside are world class. The South Bank, on the 'wrong side' of the Thames, looks spectacular at night, and includes the Hayward Gallery, the brilliant Festival Hall, the National Theatre and the National Film Theatre. The Barbican is a brutal architectural nightmare, saved only by the fact that it's the home of the Royal Shakespeare Company, the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Classical Orchestra. The restored Globe Theatre is a faithful

reproduction of the original (complete with thatched roof and ash and nutshell floors), which featured Shakespeare's plays and was closed by Puritans in 1642. The Institute for Contemporary Art is a great place to relax, hang out and see some cutting-edge film, dance, photography, theatre and art.

Green Bits

Huge Hyde Park used to be a royal hunting ground, was once a venue for duels, executions and horse racing, and even became a giant potato field during WWII. It is now a place of fresh air, spring color, lazy sunbathers and boaters on Serpentine Lake. Features of the park include sculptures by Jacob Epstein and Henry Moore, the contemporary Serpentine Gallery and Speaker's Corner. Regents Park is the home of London Zoo, a mosque, and an open-air theatre. The Queen Mary Rose Gardens in the center of the park are particularly spectacular. Nearby Primrose Hill has a great view of London.

Kew Gardens, in Richmond, Surrey, is both a beautiful park and an important botanical research center. There's a vast expanse of lawn and formal gardens and two soaring Victorian conservatories - the Palm House and the Temperate House - which are home to exotic plant life. Hampstead Heath is one of the few places in London where you can actually forget that you're in the middle of an 800-sq-mile (1300 sq km) city. There are woods, meadows, hills and bathing ponds and, most importantly of all, lots of space.

Plant your feet in two different time meridians at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich Park. Nearby is the world's biggest, emptiest and most expensive bouncy castle, the Millennium Dome, which is now closed as a tourist attraction.


The huge Camden Markets could be the closest England gets to free-form chaos outside the terraces of football stadium. They stretch between Camden and Chalk Farm tube stations, incorporating Camden Lock on the Grand Union Canal, and get so crowded on the weekends that you'll think you're in the Third World. The markets include the Camden Canal Market (bric-a-brac, furniture and designer clothes), Camden Market (leather goods and army surplus gear) and the Electric Market (records and 1960s clothing).

The colourful Portobello Market is London's most famous street market, best seen on a Saturday morning before the gridlock sets in. It's full of antiques, jewelery, ethnic knick-knacks, second-hand clothes and fruit and vegetable stalls. Petticoat Lane is East London's celebrated Sunday morning market, but it's overrated, overpriced, and appeals only to those so bleary-eyed from the night before that they think they need broken chocolate bars, ugly trinkets and cut-price cans of Ajax. Brixton Market is a cosmopolitan treat made up of a rainbow coalition of reggae music, slick Muslim preachers, halal meat and fruit and vegetables. Its inventory includes wigs, homeopathic root cures, goat meat and rare records.

No other area of Britain is as rich in history, tradition, and cultural associations as London. Throughout the capital there are great mansions, venerable old buildings, quaint houses, unrivalled collections of art treasures, tremendous sweeps of glorious parkland and colorful ceremonies to suit every possible taste and mood. History is from there and ,of course, it is worthwhile visiting London.


The London Eye and The Big Ben

As we all know, Britain is a developed country. It's a charming country with its history, culture and tourism resort.But what I want to introduce for you is its outstanding landmarks building in London.

London is not only the capital city of Britain,but also the important political and financial center in Britain. It's a place full of art and beauty.And London is working hard to reform urban landscape and the environment, with a new look to welcome tourists from all over the world.

Now,let me briefly introduce some famous landmarks for you,such as the London Eye and the Big Ben.

The London Eye

The British Airways London Eye, also known as the Millennium Wheel, was build in 1999 and was one of the most popular Tourism resort in the British.The London Eye have 32 cars which could accept 25 people.What a huge data shown that

3.5 million visitors from all over the world were attracted to London Eye. The mainly reason is London Eye is the best view to enjoy the most scenery in London,such as Jubilee Gardens,the River Thames,London's County Hall,the offices of the Ministry of Defence,Windsor Castle and more. It is not only a landmark , but also huge pride for London. The London Eye is as famous as the statue of liberty in the United States and the Eiffel Tower in France.It is worthy of the name --British Landmark Building.

The Big Ben

A famous antique clock in London,England is called Big Ben,which is the clock of Westminster palace.It's the traditional London landmark. In June 2012, Britain announced that the "Big Ben" clock tower would been renamed to "Elizabeth tower" The Big Ben is located in the north of the river Thames on the tall tower.In another way to say it's a building studded with a clock, which called the "Big Ben". Every hour, the clock make a sound of a heavy clang according to Greenwich time, and through a long way to tell people what time is it now. Thought Big Ben have worked for London for 154 years,it still bells clear and beautiful.

As some detail, the Big Ben was build by minister Benjamin Franklin hall jazz in 1859, which weigh 21 tons, and casting cost 27000 pounds. Big Ben is regarded as a symbol of London.Whoever go to London for sightseeing, the Big Ben is the first choice,Think of it,all around the clock tower, standing on parliament bridge, looking the different people,enjoying your time,listening a beautiful ring ring by Big Ben,That is awesome.What a unique and charming architecture in London!

That is all.Thanks.




1、某地 + has a long history of ... years. 某地有?年的历史。

2 、某地 + is a ... place/ country with... history. 某地是具有?年历史的地方/国家。

3、某地 + date back to / date from... 从?时就有的, 回溯到?, 远在?年代。



①某地 + be covered with + ....某地为??所覆盖。

②某地 + be made up of /consists of?某地由?组成。如:

(二)常用词语:continent大陆, mainland大陆,mountain山脉, plain 平原,grassland草原, desert沙漠,forest 森林,valley山谷地,island 岛,ocean大洋,peak山顶, 巅,slope山坡,hill小山,rock 岩石,bank河岸,stream小溪,source源头,spring泉水,canal运河,lake 湖泊,pond池塘,basin盆地,coast 海岸,gulf 海湾,beach 海滩,shore海滩,tide潮,wave 浪,shore海岸,strait 海峡,waterfall瀑布。



①There are many places of interest, such as... 有许多名胜,比如?。

②某地 +has many places of interest, among which is...某地有许多名胜,其中就有?。


①某地 + is famous / well-known for...。某地因?而闻名。

②某地 + is famous /well-known as ...。某地作为?而闻名。



① 某地+is / lies + 地点状语。某地位于?。如:

② 某地+be located/situated地点状语。某地坐落于?。如: (二)表示“海拔”的句型:

某地+ lies + 数词 + metres above sea-level。某地海拔?米。
