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篇一:How are you怎么回答?再说Fine你就out了

关于How are you的回答


很多人都把 I'm fine thank you and you 的回答来嘲笑国内的英语教育. 可是在英国很多本土英国人就是这样回答的。

但是国外很少有人问你How are you。一般都是How are you doing,澳洲还有How are you going。据在澳洲生活的人的经验,当老外问How are u时,老外的回答是Good thank you。

美国人说 Good, I'm fine, I'm good, I'm doing good, I'm doing well, 再加 Thank you! 或者 and you?





I am well.

I am good.

I am fine.

not bad.

very good.

not too bad.

not really good.

just so-so.





Couldn't be better/worse!

Good,I'm on the top of the world!

Can't complain, I'm still alive.



1). Just fine. Thanks.


2). All right,and you?


3). Can’t complain./ OK.


4). Same as ever./ Oh,the usual round.


5). So-so,thanks.



1). Pretty good,thank you.


2). Very well. How about you?


3). I’m extremely well,thank you.


4). I’m very well indeed/Great! Fantastic! thank you.



1).Pretty bad!




如果回答bad,一般人家会问你what happened?

你就不得不回答一大堆,所以为了节省大家的时间,礼貌性的回答一下即可,别忘了说thank you!


篇二:关于How are you的回答

How are you怎么回答?再说Fine你就out了

关于How are you的回答


很多人都把 I'm fine thank you and you 的回答来嘲笑国内的英语教育. 可是在英国很多本土英国人就是这样回答的。

但是国外很少有人问你How are you。一般都是How are you doing,澳洲还有How are you going。据在澳洲生活的人的经验,当老外问How are u时,老外的回答是Good thank you。 美国人说 Good, I'm fine, I'm good, I'm doing good, I'm doing well, 再加 Thank you! 或者 and you?





I am well.

I am good.

I am fine.

not bad.

very good.

not too bad.

not really good.

just so-so.





Couldn't be better/worse!

Good,I'm on the top of the world!

Can't complain, I'm still alive.



1). Just fine. Thanks.


2). All right,and you?


3). Can’t complain./ OK.


4). Same as ever./ Oh,the usual round.


5). So-so,thanks.



1). Pretty good,thank you.


2). Very well. How about you?


3). I’m extremely well,thank you.


4). I’m very well indeed/Great! Fantastic! thank you.



1).Pretty bad!




如果回答bad,一般人家会问你what happened?

你就不得不回答一大堆,所以为了节省大家的时间,礼貌性的回答一下即可,别忘了说thank you! 更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网

篇三:How do you do与How are you和How are you doing的区别

请问"How do you do?"与"How are you?"和"How are you doing?"的区别,

都是问候语,不同的是相互问候的人之间的熟稔程度,以及答话方式 How do you do? 你好吗?说话的两人初次相识,而且在是在比较正式的场合下。答:How do you do.

How are you? 你好吗?说话的人相互认识。答:I'm fine, thank you. And you?

How are you doing? 你最近怎样?说话的人不仅认识,还比较熟。回答的时候可以具体一点,如:Not too bad, I just moved to a new place.

篇四:How are you doing

How are you doing

we are used to more caring about others than ourselves in the society filled with all kinds of desires. we care about who has a good work ,who finds a good husband or wife , who has both good work and good wife or husband. who now bought a big house ,who got married and even born a baby. who now can afford a car. who earns a large amount of money in work ,who gets promoted in work. who traveled a lot. who changed the most. who we can depend on for a good work, who we can develop more intimacy relationship to get more benefits. whose life are the most favorable for you , and all of the things make you exhausted. you want to catch up with them even surpass them. your mind is stuffed with work , envy, jealousy , restless ,cruelty, meanness .... you know the saying :man always go to upper place no matter in work or other aspects. you carve for more and more , you want to have a big house , an excellent car , a big circle of friends with high positions in all walks of life. you are so stubborn to think if you can not achieve these goals , your life is not happy enough. in fact, for some people ,you are living a life in the heaven , you have a stable work with not really a small amount of money , you have lovely girl who are experiencing hardships with you in your hardest time. you don't

worry about your food ,your marriage. cos she made up her mind to share pains and sorrows with you in the rest of your life. but you also can not be satisfied with all you have possessed. your ambition isn't confined to these ,but become bigger and bigger. cos you always compare yourself with others.you want to be a wealth man. you think other always live a more happier life than you. With targets and ambition, you do live a more positive life than those don’t, but if you attach much attention to external gains over internal accruing you won’t keep inner peace, you will hit down by reality finally. you can hardly get happy and be satisfied with life. So please remember, just live your own life with you distinctive way. If you slow down and ponder yourself over the passed years and make an conclusion about your life these years, you must harvest sth in this or that aspect. Now we are old enough and we are all high educated for so many years, we must pay more attention to our spiritual life in the wealth and power dominant society.

篇五:How are you doing

How are you doing?

How are you getting along?

How are you?

How have you been? 最近怎么样?

回答 Ok/ I am fine./ not so well


Austria 奥地利

Australia 澳大利亚s

waltz 华尔兹


fantastic/wonderful/great/ awesome/terrific

he who work hard will be successful. Everyone work hard will be successful.



Mencius , he is the second sage of Confucianism. His ideal is expand for Confucius ideal , also it’s the development of Confucianism.

The united kingdom is most important country , it is consist of four part, England , Wales , northern Ireland ,Scotland. The west of the British is Atlantic . this is a country situated in the British isles. The national flag is the union jack. There are many famous cities, London , Edinburgh, Cardiff ,Belfast. Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham. But I want to introduce London scenery far you guys. There are many famous places , burking ham palace is a place which the king lived in. and the douming street is a place which the prime minister lived in. and some other place, here I want not introduced one by one. The palace of Westminster ,st . Paul cathedral , tower bridge , the Covent garden opera house and so on.


Pumpkin process produce programmer principal primary Pyramid poisonous parrot

Motorcycle medal medium


1 sb or sth is more a than b

he is more an artist than an philosopher


2 sb or sth is less a than b

I’m less thirsty than hungry


3 not so much …. as …..

he go to French not so much sightseeing as inspection 你去法国,与其说他去旅游不如说他去考察


州名(州名缩写) 首府名

亚拉巴马 Alabama -- AL 蒙哥马利 Montgomery

阿拉斯加 Alaska -- AK 朱诺 Juneau

亚利桑那 Arizona --AZ 菲尼克斯 Phoenix

阿肯色 Arkansas -- AR 小石城 Little rock

加利福尼亚 California -- CA 萨克拉门托 Sacramento

科罗拉多 Colorado -- CO 丹佛 Denver

康涅狄格 Connecticut -- CT 哈特福德 Hartford

特拉华 Delaware -- DE 多佛 Dover

how are you doing

佛罗里达 Florida -- FL 塔拉哈西 Tallahassee

佐治亚 Georgia -- GA 亚特兰大 Atlanta

夏威夷 Hawaii -- HI 檀香山 Honolulu

爱达荷 Idaho -- ID 博伊西 Boise

伊利诺伊 Illinois -- IL 斯普林菲尔德 Springfield

印第安纳 Indiana -- IN 印第安纳波利斯 Indianapolis

艾奥瓦 Iowa --IA 得梅因 Des Moines

堪萨斯 Kansas -- KS 托皮卡 Topeka

肯塔基 Kentucky -- KY 法兰克福 Frankfort

路易斯安那 Louisiana -- LA 巴吞鲁日 Baton Rouge

缅因 Maine -- ME 奥古斯塔 Augusta

马里兰 Maryland -- MD 安纳波利斯 Annapolis

马萨诸塞 Massachusetts -- MA 波士顿 Boston

密歇根 Michigan -- MI 兰辛 Lansing

明尼苏达 Minnesota -- MN 圣保罗 St. Paul

密西西比 Mississippi -- MS 杰克逊 Jackson

密苏里 Missouri -- MO 杰斐逊城 Jefferson City

蒙大拿 Montana -- MT 海伦娜 Helena

内布拉斯加 Nebraska -- NE 林肯 Lincoln

内华达 Nevada -- NV 卡森城

1. Be composed of

2. Be made up of

3. Consist of

consist和of搭配,表示一个事物由几个部分组成,它的主语应该是事物的整体,宾语为部分,它只能用主动语态。例如;The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.compose是“组成”的意思,相当于"make up',它的主浯为部分,宾语为整体。但它常用过去分词作表语,跟of引起的短语。例如:Men and women evenly composed the committee.也可以说:The committee was evenly composed of men and women.consist of常用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分组成”,引申为“包含有”,不能用于被动语态。make up用部分作主语,表示“部分构成整体”,用于主动语态;如果用整体作主语,必须用被动结构be made up of,这时可以和consist of互换。另外,make up还可以表示“化装;编造”。
